Any good movies about the Bohemian Grove?
Any good movies about the Bohemian Grove?
Close enough theme I guess.
True Detective s1 has some bohemian grove-esque cult
based alex jones
I'd have shit myself trying to get away with that
Not about it but certainly inspired by it
It's just a place where rich closeted gay men go to have butt sex and LARP
The part where they actually infiltrate the compound was so fucking intense.
Great movie. I hate found footage movies but this was kino.
i see images like this posted now and again.
is there an quick rundown of it?
they literally spend tax money on this shit.
This was good for the budget but could've been so much better.
It's an exclusive private club in the redwoods outside of San Francisco that the elites, 1%, and politicians attend every year. Weird whit goes on like pagan rituals, fake human sacrifices, a bunch of gay prostitutes attending
Not exactly, but watch "A Dark Song" (2016).
>outside of San Francisco
i've seen the shit that goes on IN san fran.
sounds like this place has nothing on it.
ty for the QRD.
its a LARP session for autistic elite boomers
the full clip is better
what about that meeting where all the elites show up in some unmarked building planning out the rest of the year
Reminder that Nixon did nothing wrong.
Based red blooded Nixon calling out the rich queers
Check out the actual Bohemian Club in SF. There is one outside decoration and it's a plaque that says something like "weaving spiders come not here". One of the original Toynbee Tiles was in the pavement out front, too.
That's the Bilderberg Group.
My parents just bought a Vineyard like 15 minutes away from the Bohemian Grove. I kinda want to sneak onto the property and scope it out, but it's like 3,000 acres of forest.
alex needs to get in there
just take water maybe a few beef jerkies.
use google earth, take pics. god speed.
They hire ex military personnel as security with all sorts of operator equipment
>Bohemian Grove
Full of worthless old money autists, useless with no goals or ambitions, flamboyant and degenerate; truly paganism at its pitiful best
God fearing, working towards bettering their area, normal people with power
The ones that really control everything behind the scenes.
What THE FUCK i was literally watching the Alex Jones doc two minuted ago
Easily the best found footage movie
What are some conspiracy kinomentaries?
>normal people with power
lol the last freemason i saw was a flip with a beat up early 2000s xterra with sun damage. totally worth sucking a dick and paying dues to join that club.
Can I work at the vineyard please? Being serious.
No you will steal all the grapes.
If your parents own a vineyard you're probably rich enough to join normally
it's almost like he's topical
Eyes wide shut obviously, but very few movies covering the occult and satanists. It’s kept that way cause the news and satanists control Hollywood.
It's weird how different he used to be. Alex in the 90s and 00s was kinda entertaining. He still is, but for a different reason
totally no homo but he was actually quite handsome when he was younger ... bet he crushed a lot of pussy
it's ok amigo u can mow the lawn with me and my padre. meet us at home Depot tomorrow at 6:00am. the gringos dont know what to pay and give us lunch so we just talk and bullshitnin espanol and still make rent and cerveza
what you guys think of this?
I would literally work for free as long as I have a place to sleep. Working on a vineyard would save my life.
Just hire him user
>fake human sacrifices
he doesn't know
I walked past it once and the front door was open. Some creepy guy in a suit (doorman?) was staring at me and there was a 5 foot tall black owl statue behind him.
Ivy all over the outside of the building too.
Just read up on it. Seems like it's just an old summercamp for super wealthy faggots. What am I missing?
>not realizing he did that shit intentionally just to keep the plebs from joining his secret club
Nothing. If you're into occultism though, you can claim that by worshipping Adonai/YHWH/Yaldabaoth they are therefore worshipping evil, and therefore they are on the side of "evil jews".
Then you can start rambling about the perfection of Elohim/Jesus/Thoth/Lucifer or whatever and how the purity of reason is in an eternal struggle to save humanity, and you follow the Black Sun and the perfection of transcendence.
Petition to hire this user ?
o e d i h
The twist was actually really good. One of the few times I didn't see it coming.
Where could someone go to get obviously fake occult imagery engraved onto not expensive jewelry, asking hypothetically
Renaissance festival.
any goldsmith, it's their job
What are some other good culty docs or movies? I've been meaning to watch Wild Country or whatever it's called.
Based Nixon
>fake human sacrifices
>ex military
Should be easy then. The operator shit would make it hard as fuck though, even basic trail cams are hard to spot, let alone spot before (You) get spotted. Probably laser grids on the perimeter too, though you could probably get past that by calling Chuck Testa and pretending to be a deer or some such, I'm sure wildlife crossings are fairly regular. Once inside, just don homemade anti-thermal garb similar to what sandniggers use to hide from drones and throw a ghillie suit around it. If you bring your own thermal optic to scout camera positions and move slowly and only at night, you might have a shot. It goes on for at least a week, so you have time.
There's sure to be plants in every nearby town though, including law enforcement who can id your license plate. A convincing cover story for why you're there would be necessary
All you need.
Just sneak in through the woods in this and you're golden.