Pic related draws power from the sun
>Is white skinned
Oh no no no hahahahaha
This makes sense, since the pigment in the skin prevents the radiation from the sun from penetrating body deeper than at the epidermis level
>Alien with superpowers needs extremely high doses of vitamin D to thrive.
>Huurrrr he should be black since he's in the sun all the time.
Yeah he should be black. Let's just forget the facts that he can:
Lift 100x his weight
Impervious to every known object or material that came from Earth.
Can shoot lasers out of eyes
Powerful lungs similar to the strength of tornados
Fastest being in the known universe (might give that one to you since niggers are fast).
But best of all is that he's not human you stupid fuck. He's an alien. Tell me, what color is the skin of the Tall WHITES, aka Pleiadians, that supposedly were the catalyst to modern civilization?
Are you seriously getting this mad at a bait this lazy?
It's hilarious to see literal retards not understand how this works.
Yes, and?
god, DC heroes are so fucking lame.
>"muh strength comes from the sun, red sun bad, blah blah blah"
That's even gayer than Green Lantern having no effect against the color yellow. DC is for children. It's literally Disney at this point.
This isn't bait. Those days are long gone. There are actual morons posting here daily that believe this stupid shit. There's no effort to the post which proves it isn't bait. It's just another 56%, discord tranny, insane liberal or all the above trying to push their stupid agendas here.
Holy shit
>god, DC heroes are so fucking lame.
Superman and Batman are the only relevant ones lmao.
How fucking big are this dude's shoulders shit
You're obviously new here so go ahead and keep being data mined and post more Captain Cuck threads.
Henry is not for bullying.
You mean the two that quit and left DC? Haha!
>from 106 to 0 days without accident.
That's a nice detail
Can someone explain the mentality of a person who goes onto Yea Forums just to make a bait thread about white people? Why can't you just be a regular loser like the rest of us and post about Television & Film.
God damn, he looks like a Space Marine.
Don't think Cavill has quit but I wonder who will be the new Batman.
Some people are just addicted to the (You)s.
He has the jawline for it, but is the world ready for yet another British Batman after Bale?
Isn't Dean Cain part gook?
Burton's superman was ahead of its time
I am not even an sneed poster but I had to do it
I believe so, yes.
half japanese I think
So alpha
being handsome must be fucking awesome
it's pretty cool, yeah
Dean kane is a shitty actor
Excellent dubs.
>not even Superman is impervious to the evil of male pattern baldness
Our god is a cruel one.
white people are able to produce more vitamin d from sunlight retard