Finish Bloodsport

>finish Bloodsport
>find out this motion picture is based upon true events in the life of Frank W. Dux


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Other urls found in this thread:

>look him up
>no video proof of any of this
>or anything for that matter
>search reasults littered with forums posts asking if he ever even competed

color me suprised
shit like this just convinces me more and more that these faggots who surround themselves with mysticism and try to link it to martial arts are ALWAYS full of shit

if bruce lee got into a fight with a fighter trained in wrestling and bjj he’d get double legged and have his chink face pounded until he died

who cares

Bruce Lee wasn't just an actor, he was developing his own system of martial arts and could hit hard as fuck

wasnt frank dux outed as a fraud for most of his kumite achievements?

MMA dorks always make this retarded argument. If Bruce Lee or Iron Mike lived in a sport where ground game was allowed then maybe he would have good ground game but they didn't. Sharpshooters don't say, "If me and that MMA fighter got in a fight I'd kill him from 3 miles off with a high powered rifle so he's a pussy" Fighters are as good as they can be within the rules, that's what they train for.

Bruce Lee literally had to slow down his punches because they were too fast for the camera. I don't completely disagree with you but you've picked a bad exemple

Do UFC retards not understand that Bruce Lee was the first high profile fighter that advocated for mixing styles and de-politicizing martial arts not sticking doggedly to one discipline which is literally the definition of what people now call MMA?

Attached: bruce lee.jpg (300x427, 32K)

No one legit makes that argument anymore, it's all bait now. There was a brief period of time where UFC was more interesting and then people were actually arguing about who would win since you could actually see a boxer go up against a judo guy or whatever. Nowadays it's all the junior high rolling around shit because they weren't making any money because it was too rough and state sporting conventions wouldn't sanction fights. That's why UFC and MMA is so chicken shit these days.

>not watching Bellator

Look at these retards. They think that Bruce Lee was some type of super human.

Bruce Lee was never in a recorded real fight so we don't know if he was a good fighter or not. Period. And for much that he created a new type of martial art that combined many other martial arts, that he was veyr fast and all of that, I would put my money into that any elite boxer or kick boxer/muay thai of his time would have annihilated him.

Everything you need to know about Frank Dux and Bloodsport.

shut up ching chong

>Bellator MMA follows the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts, which were first established in April 2000. The Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts have been adopted by every state athletic commission that holds mixed martial arts events throughout the United States.

It's shit.

He lived in a time where televised MMA wasn't a thing, but there's plenty of evidence to show he was an exceptional striker and could probably knock out an average kickboxer

Growing up playing Mortal Kombat and then seeing these movies was mindblowing

>Enter the Dragon
>Big Trouble in Little China

Literally the entire series in four movies

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Pinkman god

Well, Liu Kang is essentially Wang in BTiLC in the movie anyway.

The 80's was full of this fake martial arts shit, like American Ninja masters etc. etc.


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welcome back

In the beginning the rules were more loose so you could see a sumo wrestler against a boxer. And all sorts of crazy shit like hit to the joints.

Now they are just a regular wrestling sport with some punching allowed.


>an average kickboxer
I didn't say an average kickboxer. I said a good or elite boxer, kickboxer/muay thai fighter. Dude a good muay thai fighter would had annihilated that actor. Just because you have watched Bruce Lee hitting the that bag in his house of Los Angeles doesn't mean he was a good fighter. Just because he hit hard doesn't mean he was a good fighter. With that logic, Arnold Schwarzenegger sure was a great fighter because he was very strong... You have to show in a real fight with a real opponent punching you that you are a good fighter.

If you read his wiki page, he sounds like a real life Don Quixote. A movie about this guy and his delusions of granduer would be pretty interesting.

being able to JAB faster than slow ass 60s era cameras is not hard.
and having a fast jab doesn't mean anything if you are a 130lbs manlet. He admitted Muhammad Ali would destroy him.

Isn't that a girl's name?


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It's non-gendered in french-speaking countries. My best friend when I was in elementary school was named Jean-Camille.


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Of course "he" was your best friend.

He sure was. What's your problem, idiot?

but jcvd is b&r

Bruce Lee was pretty damn legit but he was tiny and even some people his size could beat his ass.

Dux was a certified badass too but his numbers are extremely pumped.

MMA fans love Bruce Lee. He's in the UFC3 video game.

>Bruce Lee literally had to slow down his punches because they were too fast for the camera

This meme needs to stop. Hes a legend but be real.

based oki did a video on this

there are a lot of french men named Camille because the 14th of july is St Camille's day. Look it up you imbecile

If he learned grappling, and fought in his weight class, Bruce Lee would probably have been a pretty good fighter.

He was a pretty good fighter, full stop. You put him in a kickboxing ring and he'd have been Top 5.

>t. butthurt camille

>Now they are just a regular wrestling sport with some punching allowed.

You realize why this is the case, right?

In his weight class.

That's implied.

This isn't the case. Go watch Vicente Luque vs Bryan Barberena from a UFC event 2 weeks ago. They fucked each other up and took years off each other's lives.

except frank dux was a known liar and none of this can be proven true

you are the butthurt Arnold Schwanzenlicker from yesterday's thread, lol.

your roided fatass Goblina fucking tardface monkey would still lose against lee

just like your virginity

Beat me to posting it, but OKI is YouTube kino.

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