
Comf and Coze II: Editional Boogaloo

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck holosuites and fuck Cardassia.

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the last one wasn't comfe or coze it was a panicked white knuckle scramble through the horrors of hell

make this one better, fren

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War never changes.

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>Trusted subordinate becomes Maquis Terrorist
>Maquis Terrorist becomes trusted subordinate
Also Chakotay's ship was named "The Val Jean." Isn't that neat?

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chakotay looks like an old biker lesbian in that pic

DS9 was edgy boomer shit and - Bashir and Dax cuddling notwithdstanding - was generally neither comfy nor cozy.

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Test to see if I'm banned.

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Let's all thank the Borg for never transwarping directly to Earth. Let's all thank the Borg for never assimilating any planets on their way to Earth, thus creating an unbeatable army of shipyard building drones. Let's all thank the Borg for only beaming a few drones onto the Enterprise to abduct Picard when they could've beamed over enough drones to take every crew member. Let's all thank the Borg for equipping less drones with ranged weapons than the Soviet Union did during WWII. Let's all thank the Borg for opting out of using communications probes to drive Picard and 7/9 crazy with constant visions or communiques. Let's all thank the Borg for failing to properly weaponize nano-machines. Let's all thank the Borg for only ever sending the one ship, which was never a tactical cube. And let's not forget to thank the Borg for never using time travel before or after any such conquests.

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Just rewatched Police Story 3. I can't believe Michelle Yeoh is being wasted on Discovery's poor writing. They should get rid of Discovery's production crew and just let her call the shots.

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Cute /trek/ floofers


rank the following things by how often captain jean luc picard probably says them in TNG:

- engage
- number one
- make it so

1. engage
2. make it so
3. number one
x. "shedule"
x. gobbledygook

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1. Number one
2. Engage
3. Make it so

Yikes, newfag: Yea Forums.org/banned

1. Shut up Wesley!

I just looked up the frequency on script search, here's what I got
>Number one: 457
>Engage: 78
>Make it so: 80
Looks like I was almost 100% correct.

I'm glad U R not banned.

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wow i was way off... which site do you use? look up my "schedule" and "gobbledygook"


>ah bloo bloo
>gimmick is posting links
>can't even do that right


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post your lego enterprises

I'm experiencing dub fever right now, I should have used it for Dubsminion posting

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I've just gotten done crunching all the data I collected at last years trek conventions I attended, and have the Official trek rankings

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thx user.
>schedule: 7
>gobbledygook: 1
I was correct, but not by much. Can't believe Picard only said "shedule" 7 times.

>Discovery uses the same bland and boring "Teal & Orange" grading like EVERY SINGLE goddamn bad Hollywood product in the first decade of the 21st century
even the Bad Reboot films had better sound design than this large budget dumpster fire

>Can't believe Picard only said "shedule" 7 times.
That's exactly the number of times he says "Tanagra".

How did they make the phaser sounds for TOS and then later TNG? Specifically the ship mounted Banks/Emitters/Arrays

yeah, but i mean... c'mon... this ain't your grandpa's star trek. you have to admit that rollercoaster turbolift shot through the cool looking starship interior was amaze-balls.


i figured number one would be the big winner, but i'm surprised how close engage and make it so are

Each episode of STD costs about $10 mil.
It is the most well produced Trek EVAR.

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The Cloud Minders turns 50 years old today. Say something nice about this episode of TOS.

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Nobody better mine be these fat clouds I'll be blowing tonight.

>time travel
they probably tried and got cucked because muh future federation time travel

are these action dolls unholy?

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>‘The Cloud Minders’ & The Tale of American Oppression, Racism, and Classism


The Troglytes were good people they dindu nuffin ;_;

>biggest budget
>worst series

are all bajoran girls cute? or is it a coincidence

The spoonheads exterminated all Bajoran females below a 6 before the events of ds9

Any Treks where the passage of time is a good thing?

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so thicc i wan give dicc

We really are no better than reddit now...

Chase will always be a top tier waifu

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deceptive bitch

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Was it all lies?

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You were going to let this thread die, weren't you? Pathetic.

Im not sure what you are talking about

*spits in your face*

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Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Too bad Kim couldn't make it back to Earth with us

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The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after Captain Goodboy gets his first command.

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my man rick berman knows how to cast women

Spam is bad.

repetitive, annoying

>tfw no 90skino or Y2Kino about bi-curious sisters played by Chase Masterson and Hudson Leick

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O'Brien is the key to all this.


i like how they kill off obrien and replace him with an alternate version then just never even bring it up again

then he gets driven to near suicide because he spends decades in mind prison and has nothing but a bitch wife and mutt family to come home too

t. Bajoran worker

do not try to see what she looks like with her shirt off

that was a really ugly thing you said just now

STD needs to be bigger to depict the space hog.

It's just so deep, there are so many things going on.

I like how they don't end up fixing or removing the mind-prison memories, even after previous Trek episodes involving memory removal or similar, they just say fuck it, he's an enlisted shit, let him live with it.

>its a Phlox episode

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some of the pics are great but damn some of them are pretty rough

>he's an enlisted shit, let him live with it.
lel i never thought of it like that before

O'Brien doesn't even feel like a real Federation citizen. He likes to eat eggs and sausage in the morning. He's racist. He's old timey. He's got a stable family. He's not a Shakespeare reciting twink. He's proud of his heritage. What the fuck century did he come from?

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oh no not natural breasts anything but that

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Remember the time they made a character who literally has the words "running from rape gangs" in her spoken backstory, and killed her off as easily as a redshirt, so they brought back another version of her from a fucked up timeline in a later episode and had her die again there but actually doing something huge and important that time, but then later decided this version of her didn't actually die and wound up getting raped anyway?

What were they thinking?

naturally fucking tiny pathetic floppers

He’s Irish.

commentary on inescapable destiny

truly a paragon of masculinity, aside from being cucked into throwing away his heritage for a one off Data episode

the one time berman failed us with female casting

What role did she play?

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discovery catchup stream starting soon at brettygood if any of yall hate yourselves

When's the next Midnight's Edge video come out guys?

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>one of them was literally [AUTISTIC SCREECHING] on the "season 3 announced" stream

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>posting at all
it's so reddit, when you think about it...

Someone do one of these for the Orville.

>no friends
>no family
>haven't had a girlfriend in six years
>always pretend I'm hanging out with friends or cuddling with a girlfriend when I watch Trek
>always imagine she has short hair and a tiny nose and laughs at everything I say
>come to /trek/
>one tripfag is happily married
>another goes through pussy like Riker
>will die alone but at least Trek makes me happy
/trek/ is the closest I'll ever come to sharing my life with someone

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>>haven't had a girlfriend in six years
Stopped reading there. Want a pity party normie?

So much this. Some of us have never had sex.

i hope you kill yourself now that your faggot friends have been banished from the thread

Some of us have never been kissed, some of us have never held hands. It's very rude and inconsiderate of , who is obviously just Valley Forge fellating himself.

>another [tripfag] goes through pussy like Riker
Not a fucking chance.

>another goes through pussy like Riker

always kino

jesus christ that was perhaps the most embarrassing thing ive seen on /trek/

just when you think the tripfags couldn't sink any lower

Seriously kys

What was the post?

I am continuously disgusted by these generals. Just when I think it can't get worse /trek/ proves me wrong.

one of the tripfags jerking themselves off

Some perpetual virgin whining

you never know it could have been the beta orbiter

The jannies are trying to save us. It won't be long until Valley Forge is permabanned. Based jannies.

yes it was hella the orbiter pretty rad shaka brah

>implying jannies are on our side
>implying ValleyFaggot isn't a jannie
>implying tripfags aren't spineless ban-evading phoneposting faggots

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lonely tripfag posting for attention

I love /trek/!

i feel like this planet would make for a good spoopy episode, its like the great link link but in the form of a forest or giant web instead of an ocean

also why are spooky/surreal episodes always the best? i dont even watch horror or anything these days but for some reason i love when sci fi makes me uncomfortable

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Sorry to interrupt..

The Orville begins in 15 minutes

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>that time Kirk was invisible and kept peeking on his crew

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invisible crew member episodes are always fun

sing it with me /trek/

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>You think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man.

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you're a logical guy

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Give me your hands
Show me the door
I cannot stand
To wait anymore
Somebody said
Be what you'll be
We could be old and cold and dead on the sea
But I love you more than words can say
I can't count the reasons I should stay
Give me some rope
Tie me to dream
Give me the hope to run out of steam
Somebody said it can be here
We could be roped up, tied up, dead in a year
I can't count the reasons I should stay
One by one they all just fade away
Iʼm tied to the wait and sees
Iʼm tired of that part of me
That makes up a perfect lie
To keep us between
But hours turn into days
So watch what you throw away
And be here to recognize
Thereʼs another way
Give me some rope
Tie me to dream
Give me the hope to run out of steam
Somebody said it can be here
We could be roped up, tied up, dead in a year
But I love you more than words can say
I can't count the reasons I should stay
One by one they all just fade away
But I love you more than words can say

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Was Our man Dukat the zombie in this clip?? Really looks like Marc Alimo


This clip


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the character himself was great fun and all but god was it ever awful when they spent like 3 minutes of the episode with just him singing

Why is /trek/ so sad today?

This is the end, we all feel it. /trek/ is dying, we're only now beginning to accept it. We're all grieving in our own way. Some are sad, some are angry, some just don't give a shit anymore.

Mods and jannies are watching us closely now.

Highly improbable.

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Does megaanon ever come here anymore to post STD mega links?

whos sad? tripfags have been driven out again, today is a day to celebrate

the rage of the incel

This is what literally every general on Yea Forums says about themselves
Whenever they go back to what they consider the good old days people would be saying the exact same thing

Trying to watch Deep Snore 9 again. Remind me again why people actually like this garbage

BF was taken

a lot of it is terribly boring but it has some pretty high highs

Taken where?

hell, where xe belongs

BF and VF are having their first internet date tonight and everyone else is watching Orville and Disco

Shhhhh shhhh, it's ok, it's ok. We hurt too user. It's not fair, and it will never be ok. But it really is for the best to let /trek/ go. Focus on the good times, the fond memories of Star Trek discussion.

Over under on BF being the man when they have sex?


VF will put up a tough and resistant front but instantly drops it at BF's touch, then VF quickly melts in BF's hands


If you didn't watch THE ORVILLE tonight, then you're a fucking idiot

because i watched the latest episode of discovery.

>impling this is bad thing

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VF willingly bends over, his pale, naked ass quivering, asshole puckered in anticipation. He cringes slightly at the cold kiss of petroleum jelly as BF liberally applies it, the tip of her finger poking his chocolate starfish. His infantile penis becomes painfully stiff as he hears the squeak of leather on leather. BF takes her time adjusting the enormous black strap-on, savoring the nervous fidgeting before her. She's going to enjoy this, every second.
Also something something star trek I guess.

I cringed slightly at ur post fagget

more like this

>VF becomes BF's star trek gf

if the mods were actually based they would just start auto-deleting /trek/

jesus christ

wtf is an internet date

You both pick the same movie to watch and talk on the phone the whole time then you start putting stuff in your butt and jerking off.

VF grips the comforter as BF begins. He catches his enormous collection of incorrectly painted minatures out of the corner of his eye. 'It doesn't matter the characters are in their First Contact uniforms, you were right to paint them in their show-accurate colors,' he thinks to himself before the pressure of the giant black dildo diverts his attention. The pressure is immense, the muscles of his rectum putting up a valiant resistance before surrendering. BF grunts in effort, she had taken VF at his word when he assured her he'd been practicing. VF groans in an odd delight. Thankfully it doesn't hurt, just feels oddly overfull. A wet *SCHLUPP SCHLUPP* sound can be heard as BF finds her rhythm. She begins to finger her clit, her total domination of the pale fleshy weakling bringing her intense arousal.

This is repulsive but I need to know how it ends.

Don't worry I'm here to save the general

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It's the little personal touches that make this so wonderful. Deepest lore.

>BF will never ass rape you with her strap-on

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Thank you, based janitor.

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Thank you. Shame it only lasted a moment.

I will repost it when the time is right

>post about BF absolutely humiliating VF gets deleted
Valley Faggot confirmed janny?

All but confirmed at this point.

Nah I took screenshots, fham

perhaps it was deleted because this thread is about startrek not a couple of literally who faggots

>bro you got some 4 loco?
>I want to get crunk

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is spock autistic then

Bless you dark brother

where should someone who's never watched Star Trek start?

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The Cage

with the greeks

Watch TOS (which starts strong but gets weaker in season 3), then watch the TOS movies, then watch TNG (which starts weak but gets stronger in season 3), then watch DS9.


Watch TNG (which starts weak but gets stronger in season 3), then watch TOS (which starts strong but gets weaker in season 3), then watch the TOS movies, then watch DS9.

>And then I told him it didn't count!

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>literally who faggots
how new are you? /trek/ has been absorbed with the sexual tension between them for months

the next generation probably, or if you arent a zoomer than the original series

im sorry i know you faggots organized this raid from your little discord but its not going to stop the tripfag genocide

You can delete posts but you can't stop me from fapping to tripfag fapfics.

>It's a "Sisko and his senior staff use chemical weapons against a civilian population of Federation civilians but everyone is okay with it because war crimes can't exist when there isn't a war" episode

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I hate this shit.

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Yeah mixing eras is a normie mistake.

I think you're thinking of a different planet.

Do you get upset at the police when they use tear gas against criminals?

Oooo what happened?

He probably didn't like Ensign Lovell because of how much of a chad he was. Probably reminded Riker how much of a chad he used to be at his age before he met Chief of Emotions Officer, Counselor DeAnal Toy.

tribbles are racist.

user posted a steamy fapfic about BF tying VF to a couch and filling his ass with a black strap-on and it was immediately deleted

>I think you're thinking of a different planet.
It was "Maquis colony" not "Maquis base".

The civilians aren't the Maquis. The Maquis are the terrorists. When we saw those civilians at the beginning of the episode, that was a different planet that wasn't a Maquis colony.

Eddington states the Maquis were going to declare themselves an independent state, presumptively with that as the name.

Well I suppose things might be different if they ever get around to actually doing that.

Moses supposes his toeses were roses

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I'm just saying that it would be a real shame-- A REAL SHAME-- if the Maquis backed the Cardassians into a corner so tight that Cardassia has only one option left to regain her """pride""" and """dignity""". They might even reach the point where Dukat does something wrong yet again.

Just a reminder to anyone thinking about discussing tonight's STD episode - don't. It's not legally Star Trek, and nobody watches or likes it.


can someone explain to me why i disliked this intro at first? this shit is seriously beyond kino

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Have they explained the trans-dimensional Sareks yet?

next week.

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That doesn't look like a Sarek to me.

have they offered subs at 25% off yet?

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it's obviously an exploding Hobus/Romulus/Vulcan

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>Alan Rickman in Galaxy Quest and Transgender Odo

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How can you tell?

insider sources confirmed it.

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Which insider sources?

DS9 is a great show, but Sisko bombing that planet is just wtf and not justified at all and S31 was a shitty edgy idea that went on to basically kill any last bit of Gene's vision of a better future when turned into a legitimate legal public mass murdering organisation in Discovery.

DS9 went just a bit too much into edgelord territory with those plots. S31 especially, god that shit is so fucking lame.

I don't normally STD-post but did they seriously come out with hipster nuSpock literally being mentally retarded tonight on STD? Like, their Spock isn't just an autismal.. he has a "learning disability"?

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love Voyager, it's comfy trek incarnate, even if some episodes were silly, I can always kick back and watch it.

>*briiing briiiiing*
>Hello, is dis /twek/?

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Gonna be honest, not really feeling this hairstyle on Ro.

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>"If you like incomprehensible collections of things that vaguely resemble other things you might've enjoyed in the past, The Mummy is the movie for you."[67] IndieWire's David Ehrlich gave the film a D-, calling it the worst film of Cruise's career and criticizing its lack of originality, saying: "It's one thing to excavate the iconography of old Hollywood, it's another to exploit it. This isn't filmmaking, it's tomb-raiding."

hahahahaha this is the reviews for Kurtzman's The Mummy. Something seem familiar?

Say one (1) positive thing about the most recent episode of DISCO (Star Trek Discovery) "Light and Shadows"

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I thought you had a date VF?

DS9>First Contact>Voyager 4-6>Next Generation 3-6>Nemesis>Insurrection>Generations>the rest of Voyager>Next Generation 7>Enterprise>TOS Movies>>JJ Movies>Next Generation 1-2>TOS>STD

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Please don't confuse me with any of the tripfag cancer crowd, I only check for this thread occasionally while watching my first run through of TNG. I like Ro so far and am happy to see an extra-turned-regular get a bridge chair.

i feel like she went to that blue guy with the stripe down his face and said "give me the Pretty" but he went way too short with it.

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Cause it has words. When the show came out, I loathed it watching it. I love it now, my favorite part is when Alan Shepard does that smile and head turn.


Sorry, I know he likes to Ro post. My mostake, yea Ro is great.

Ro belongs to VF, newfag.


Like the Holden sedan? Ro belongs to all of us, 'cuz she's a slut.

Probably because it's different from every other Trek intro, and it took a while to grow on you

>humanity's scientific progress on our way to the stars set to an upbeat song about how far we've come and how far we're going to go
still gets me every time

That is a unique ranking... did you grow up on ds9 and voy?

Do what you want but when VF gets back he's gonna be pissed.

Hell with 'em.

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I only watch std for detmer, rebecca romain, and pike. Hope they bring back isaacs.

gul dukot

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>first time watching TNG
>Trek reaction images
roleplaying is fun

I called Ro my bitchfu like a year and a half ago before VF was even a tripcode.

Grew up on TNG. I didn't watch VOY until much later, and hated DS9 until I actually watched it.

I saved that image from here relatively recently, you should be able to tell that from the filename. I'm also a pretty slow watcher, only getting around to watching a handful every week. Knew a bit about Trek beforehand from general pop-culture miasma, couldn't get into TOS, really liking TNG.

you might be surprised the number of "Trek fans" that only know Trek memes and where the actual episodes are just Netflix background noise while they're doing other things or shitposting. They never have -actually watched- a single episode of Star Trek.

This is honestly correct
I was once talking with someone I knew who was a self declared Trek fan, and they were shocked when I told them that I had watched every episode of the series at least once

Sounds like me, exactly.

This. I'm usually smoking and shitposting on my phone and miss whole chunks of episodes. It's great when I watch them again because I'm always noticing new stuff.

>I told them that I had watched every episode of the series at least once
This is me, but with Seinfeld. One day I'll get there with Trek.

Viewing Deep Space Nine (DS9) for the first time and I really like it but I can't figure out if these two are gay.

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is it bad that ive only been watching trek for like 3 years now and am hardly a hardcore trekkie but ive seen literally everything 2-3 times
in that time i also watched b5 3 times and farscape, sg1, atlantis, and BSG once, and i plan on watching all of them again soon

It's not really worth it, imo. There's quite a few episodes that are just plain bad, and you lose nothing by skipping them other than the ability to shitpost about how bad the episode is

back in my day *sips* you had to wait for a set time on sunday to watch TNG. You knew it might be a Wesley episode or a La troi thing but every now and again you got the inner light or best of both worlds. *sips* you had to Wait for tv and porn was on cassettes. You had to steal them or pay like 100 dollars in today's funny money. That or hand jobs. *cracks a monster*

back in the day

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fuck off no one wants you here


it's probably just typical Vulcan racism.

You've chosen to dedicate your time in a particular way, and I'm really not one to judge you for that, so no, I wouldn't say it's necessarily bad

When youve finished tng, ds9 and /or ent voy if you want. Put on tos in the background when youre doing other things and watch it like that, you'll know when an episode seems cool and you can skip some of the fluff. You'll probably appreciate it more.

That is a lot of hours of trek, 2-3 times.

is this the new overwatch character?

How many times have you gotten laid in the last three years?

Already planning on watching DS9 and VOY, and have to watch ENT because I fucking loved Quantum Leap and saw that Sam is the captain on Enterprise.

I want him here. Fite me

so what's your beef with TOS

this is shit size for such an image and you should be ashamed

Honestly how are the writers on Discovery so fucking bad? Whoever wrote Ash's dialogue this episode should be banned from ever writing anything ever again.

>"Ash follow my orders I'm the captain please"

This is how writers introduce character flaws and arcs for them to overcome. This is supposed to introduce that Pike has guilt issues over missing the war, fucking seriously.

the guy who started Monster energy drinks was still learning the basics of shekel-grubbing and goy-tricking from his dear old dad Michael "Savage" Weiner, when TNG was happening, user.

Whoa there pard'ners. It seems like you've forgotten that we don't discuss STD on this board. You may be looking for Reddit, or possibly your own suicide. Thanks for following the rules, and keeping our board safe!

I don't like the outdated aesthetics. There's something very creepy about plain green walls and cheap planet backdrops that rubs me the wrong way

you're in no position to make demands if you can't even wrangle in your own tripfag problem

Why is Warf back on the Enterprise in Nemesis?

You mean Wharf?


I think that's why I like it. Has a real theater vibe to it. I'm cool with using my imagination to fill in some of the blanks, plus when it veers more explicitly into the creepy, I love it. Old creepy feels like a more real creepy, I don't know how to explain it.
And really, I don't think all the backdrops look necessarily "cheap".

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I like the aesthetics of the sets themselves, plain green walls and all, but you're right on the planet backdrops. ENT showed that with the right lighting ToS-era architecture isn't bad, and it helps accentuate how otherworldly and distant it is from the other eras of Trek.

TOS is a sci fi horror twilight zone in space show, which I like.

Am I hearing this right, did STD actually do another spock's brain episode?

typo aside, why is he there?

it has a certain charm when it's used as a large landscape backdrop with a great deal of artistry invested, particularly in establishing shots, even though you know its fake. It breaks-down for me when it's used to extend a corridor or room and it's really mundane and obvious.


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goddan star trek discovery is greot

>Spocks parents loved Burnham more than him
>She graduated at the highest ever score from the Vulcan science academy but wasn't allowed to take an official position so joined Starfleet
>Spock joined Starfleet to follow her
>Spock is literally mentally retarded now canon to justify why Burnham is so much better and smarter than Spock.

How in fuck can people seriously claim that she isn't a Fan Fiction tier Mary Sue with a straight face?

saw this episode for the first time actually not too long ago, and was pleasantly surprised how the ring of the planet was actually viewable from the surface. didn't expect that level of detail, at least that early on anyway.

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They knew how to dress women back then.

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the amount of panty shots of crew members is insane

TOS was beautiful white women kino. TNG was "cute" kino, more than elegant beauty. But both shows had both at times, though.

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hahaha very funny user

Even though the movie was after ds9, it never states when the timeline for nemesis was within the movie. So just assume it is continuation of tng timeline.

Also when big guy talks about being born in the dark in batman, he is talking about this movie.

STD fans don't really like Star Trek, it's basically the Bing bang wahooo capeshit crowd. Every response you will here from STD fanboys to criticisms of Discovery goes like:

"The writing sucks on STD compared to other Trek shows, the show has serious characterisation, dialogue and pacing issues"
>It's not the 1960s anymore this is the era of serialised television
"Why didn't they try update the aesthetics of TOS? The show just looks dull and generic and lacks colour and style"
>It's not the 1960s anymore people don't want cardboard sets
Burnham solves nearly literally everything on this show, she engages in ridiculous inhuman feats in every action scene and her backstory is borderline fanfiction wank.
>Sexist calling a female Mary Sue, how is she any different from Picard huh? Yeah right nothing you sexist.
The show's politics and vision of human largely throw Gene's vision of a better future down the sink, it's one thing to ignore some of his more wacky ideas like everyone is poly, it's another to dump everything he built Trek and the Federation to be. In fact the Federation in Discovery is really quite nasty and pro-intervention.
Why does Discovery violate canon so much? why set it in this era if you want to do your own thing and rewrite so much of what fans love?

Seriously been arguing with these fucking morons on TrekBBS since Discovery S1E1, It's the most tedious shit ever.

How badly did the last episode demolish Spock's character? I don't watch this shit.

I read a review that said he was under his house in some caves on vulcan autistically repeating some numbers. turns out he's dyslexic or something (burnham figures it out) and has been saying the numbers backwards the whole time
someone correct me if I'm wrong, never actually watched STD

so youre telling me they shoehorned in the most iconic character of startek just to completely character assassinate him and tear him down to make their shitty protag look better in comparison, even though all it does is make her look worse and more 2 dimensional?

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They specifically mention the Dominion War in Nemesis though. The Remans were used as cannon fodder. So it has to take place after DS9.

Why are they so sure that the red angel is a time traveler rather than some humanoid alien race with super advance tech

Which Dukhat was best Dukat?

Attached: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimages2.wikia.nocookie.net%2F__cb20070922040318%2Fbabylon5%2Fimages%2F9%2F95%2FDukha (633x474, 25K)

Tfw you will never be able to clone your own vorta waifu

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Ah I haven't rewatched it in over a decade.
It really isn't odd though if pocard could chose his crew for a diplomatic mission to romulus.

Henlo. Is /twek/.

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wil wheaton more like will you just leave already

My Dukat is best Dukat because rare color!

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Commander Tebok did nothing wrong.

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Goodnight my good /trek/ buddies

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Fuck off, faggot.

>(Burnham figures it out)

What a twist!

so Sarek knows about Section-31 too? is there anyone in the universe who doesn't know about this COVERT ops unit?

and what the hell is this v'ger scene?

the fuck is going on with STD not only does it repeatedly shit the bed its turning into a diarrhea

Leave Apu alone. He's just saying good night.

night night fren


jesus chist i honestly thought it couldn't get any worse but they're just doubling down

why do they always double down

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And how many hit TV shows have you written, user?
I'll wait.

>order soup
>it's a bowl of hot piss
>"hey I didn't order hot piss"

i doubt i could write a great tv show but i honest to god dont think i would do literally the worst things possible over and over again, and thats honestly not exactly an unrealistic goal for a normal person to set desu

Dining alone, Sir?

yeah it's lunchtime no one cares I'm at work and gotta head back in an hour bring me the manager though I've got itme

Pitch me your first ST episode. GO!


The Manager doesn't speak English.


Did you expect them to cancel the show after already sinking millions into sets and costumes and props and getting the cast?

I minored in Spanish.

yes, because the logical step would be to sink even more money time and resources into it rather than cutting its losses.

I'll lick your cheeks when season 4 is confirmed.

Meow /trek/ What would a planet of the cats episode be like?

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>sink even more money

If you've already invested a large sum of money into something you'd probably shell out a bit more to keep it going.

What do STD fags see in this show that they need to defend it so fiercely? By comparison other Trek fans don't get nearly so asspained when people shit talk their favorite trek.

Based piss bottle retard Spock. I always knew he was one of us.

'night fren. stay comfy and cozy.

Thicc girls are getting popular and we'll do whatever it takes to keep the trend going.

It would be cute and frenly and fluffy and I would love it

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make knew thred

The ship finds new advanced planet X which rich in Dilithium. They want to set-up trade with this planet but it refuses because it is engaged in a long tiring war with the very nearby planet Y and want military support instead. The crew does not wish to back a war and instead splits major cast members into two groups to learn and visit both planets and learn the reasons why they fight and what Star Fleet should do about the situation. The end of the episode would be both groups coming together and presenting their argument for which planet to support and what plan of action they should use. This would be court-like and mediated by some high rank Star Fleet official who they are trying to convince. You could add plot twists to this debate and even show terrorist/military attacks on each planet if you need action.

>If you've already invested a large sum of money into something you'd probably shell out a bit more to keep it going.
no, you dont. not unless you're pretty sure it will turn a profit in the long run. overcommitment on that scale would spell certain doom for any smaller business. CBS is lucky that it has reserve that could save it from from collapse but it wont last if they keep overcommiting.

Will one planet be like hawk and one dove?

You deserve cancer you fucking faggot

comfless, cozeless loser confirmed bitter and resentful at never experiencing cuddles. Enjoy being alone forever.

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My dude, the same thing has been going on for every Star Trek series forever. It's just because it's been so long since the last show that its more clear.

TNG came out and everyone got butthurt by the shit first two seasons, but some still defended it. DS9 got absolutely shit on by usnet as a B5 ripoff, and same with Voyager (though not so much for having a female captain but a black Vulcan). Enterprise was shit on so much by Trekkies that it doomed the franchise forever to JJ.

Despite a minority of Trek fans defending whatever Trek is on at the time, there's always been a huge amount of people who hate it when it's on, and history decides whether it was any good or not.

Fuck this reddit nigger general.

you dont seem to understand, most of us aren't fucking losers like you, we dont need to pretend to be friends with anonymous posters on an anonymous image board

hello newfriend

Reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers

hows that?

that one namefag who's super obvious even when he's not namefagging had to ruin everything with his constant faggotry

you dont know what the fuck you're talking about. The only people angry about TNG were a few die hard Trekkies who wanted only TOS and most of that was shilling -before- TNG ever aired. TNG was an instant success. You have no idea how bad sci-fi was on television in the 80's. There was nothing like S1 of TNG in 1987.

The whole "everybody hated the first 2 seasons of TNG" is entirely a product of people judging it by S3 onward and just assuming people had that perspective -before- S3. They didn't. In fact, it started as an amazing hit, got way better, and stayed popular for its entire run. DS9-VOY-ENT were all less popular because they couldnt replicate what made TNG great. They were niche shows, but the fans of them can't accept that and have to project this b.s. about muh "first two seasons" to make it seem like "this is fine" while the room is one fire.

inb4 that shitty newspaper clipping of TOS fans shitting on TNG.

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new thread that doesn't give unnecessary attention to tripfags: