What do you think of Tucker Carlson?
What do you think of Tucker Carlson?
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He’s a fag
well-spoken neocon
Pretty good setup for a show. The only problem is that he talks over his retarded guests instead of letting them dig their own graves.
He’s a great guy who puts liberals and neo-cons in their place. I had a huge smile on my face when he destroyed that annoying fag Charlie Kirk
schooled by Jon Stewart
>chooses a dumb person to interview
>chooses an easy to win argument
>talks over you anyway
Unironically a terrible human being.
Fucking this
No bow tie
Smug idiot that gets BTFO whenever he talks to someone that isn’t basically just a strawman for the opposition
do you even know what a neocon is? tucker kinoson is a straight up nationalist of the civic variety
Slightly better then the Daily Show. Tucker brings on the opposition but usually the crazy ones so it is easy to make them look as insane as they are.
Still better then other shows that just take random clips and the host says a joke his team of comedians wrote and/or makes a funny face
so he's taken /pol/'s game to a professional level?
Honestly one of the most, if not the most, unlikable host on television.
fup bup
He picks the dumbest people to debate and sits looking confused and acting flippant the entire time. People like him are the reason most leftists shit on FoxNews. I'm republican, btw.
Ugly ass motherfucker born from an alcoholic mama.
Okay boomer
>"you're wearing a bow tie."
>"I'm not responsible for influencing voters because I've labeled myself a comedian."
Yeah, he sure showed him...
You just described almost every political/news program. Why people care so much about Tucker doing this when every other channel and show does it makes no sense.
Rent free
Millionaire paid by billionaires
So never, since almost all liberals are basically parodies of themselves these days
i like him. i thought his show on msnbc was better than his show on fox, for the most part. but it was a different time. prime time cable news is fucking awful with very few exceptions. so kudos to him for not being just a worthless piece of subhuman garbage like sean hannity.
best mainstream news currently
this thread is proof that the jidf/discord tranny/illuminati are on Yea Forums
I don't care much for anyone who doesn't do long form debates or interviews.
Because he has the most viewers and influences the most people.
He's a hack! #basta
Literally /ourguy/ and practically a soft 3rd position
Thanks for the post. Totally identify with Carlson in alot of ways.
he's a faggot shill.
> t. catatonic since 2005
anyone who gets paid millions to tell """"news"""" to people is an expensive propaganda machine
>can't intelligently respond to an accurate statement
/pol/rats are so cute when they project.
Source of the music:
What's wrong with Sean Hannity!?
He seems to know the neocon wing of the Republican party is over, and that the future is populism.
I'm almost there, too. Politician would be wise to start doing those types of interviews.
He used to be a warmongering neocon, but realized it was an unpopular stance and changed his tune. Now be basically parrots Bernie Sanders talking points and then throws in a couple of words about le evil immigrants to satisfy his old racist audience. Absolute hack.
Honestly he's not that great of a debater simply because he doesn't have ALL the facts. He has a good amount, and he relies on common sense to fill the gaps, but sometimes his guests slip in something that Tucker can't confirm nor deny, and it really hurts him in those moments. His monologues are really top notch though.
>to satisfy his old racist audience
Do leftists not know how to criticize legitimate points without blanketing it as racist? Christ it's people like you that stifle debate by making subject too taboo to even discuss (by labeling it racist).
>I don't make blanket statements about leftists no siree
You're both retards. Now proceed to make a blanket statement about moderates to me as a retort pls. Thanks
Being a warmongering neocon isn't an unpopular stance though. And what Bernie Sanders talking points does he say.
>What's wrong with Sean Hannity!?
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Hahaha cucker tarlson lmao REPUBLIKEKS BTFO
He's based.
>we need to regulate capitalism blabla
>we shouldn't be fighting outside of our country
>get btfo in debate because he assumed people from britland have never seen fox news
>waits 4 fucking days to respond to him
Shill for Fox News
I like the issues he talks about, and his method of presentation is watchable. His interviews, however, are unbearable. He just gets into shouting matches and nobody gets anything out of it.
Well, "THEY DO IT TOO!" doesn't exactly make it right.
i'm on his side politically but honestly he's a little lacking in charisma and doesn't seem extremely bright
I don't understand how someone can spend every day getting into arguments and being angry about everything, even if most of it is just for show
ITT Seething discord trannies
haha yeah imagine getting irrationally angry over stupid shit every single day lol
If you think these are talking points exclusive to Bernie Sanders, you are a fucking retard. Non interventionism in the middle east is a talking point held by literal millions of people and fettering the free market is a stance held by numerous conservative people throughout history.
ferreting CAPITALISM is why we have shit so fucked up
>didn't think the guy would even know who he was because fox news doesnt broadcast in europe
Is he legit retarded?
based destiny
Tucker should have been able to come up with some reasonable counterarguments but instead lost his shit. Come on man...