Is Jonah legit trolling everyone?

Is Jonah legit trolling everyone?
He is getting called out for being fake after all his new artsy shit

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(3/3) he is even acknowledging the backlash

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Looks like afools_watch forgot Trayvon Martin.

> I'm here for you dude

His version of how a good person behave is so cartoonish.

>embracing your dorkiness

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We need more time to bypass the Ornellapressor

>literally "who hurt you"
It's like he's projecting or something

Something tells me that he's aware of the Ornella threads, however remotely

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it must be nice to live in a nebulous cloud of undifferentiated compassion without having any of your fact claims tested against reality.

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name a more kino moment in all of the sequels. based fucking george

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you just know

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>unwarranted holier than thou messiah complex
>that teenage girl style of "you know maybe we should volunteer to make people happy and listen to them" bullshit
Does he think he's a main character in reality or something?

that she laughed at him too?
everyone knows

If he wants to launch or shill an social media platform or an online therapist service, this is not bad pitch tbqh. Bit smolletty, sure, but if he didnt get caught, its sounded good.

Why does living in los angeles turn everyone into a soft cunt?

he has pain in his eyes and she does not
maybe she smells bad

Rest in power my nigga

What's this about him being a skater? I've been hearing this a lot?

Quick announcement, if I may have your attention for a split second, please;
FUCK Jonah Feldstein(Hill) and FUCK fat """""""people"""""""""

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he's a pansy manbaby loser who's having a midlife crisis about a decade too early so he's trying desperately to reinvent his image