Hey Yea Forums,
lm fucking bored today, recc me a good movie to watch on netflix
Hey Yea Forums
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she really is repulsive, touching street birds, disgusting
I thought the same thing, but due to the hilariously shitty tattoos all over her.
Master and Commander.
How to get a gf like her?
>her left arm
I am not remotely surprised.
There's tens of millions of her across Russia, Ukraine, Poland, etc. Can't be that hard, especially if she can marry you to leave her country.
For some reason every Russian bitch that gets posted on /r9k/ seems to be a cutter
Olesya is a cutter
How could you cut yourself and get garbage tattoos when you have perfect breasts like that? Women deeply confuse me.
Self-harm was a huge fashion trend among "not like others" teenage girls not long ago. Now those girls have grown up, and their scars look like old people skin.
the human brain is an infinitely complex thing that doesn’t always behave in rational ways, user
its for attention, else she would cut somewhere not easily visible
Bringing Out the Dead
Do you think she would touch my dick?
Yes and she'd probably be into all sorts of freaky shit. Very sexually aggressive when she's not begging to be choked.
>touching street birds
my brother died that way
explain please
They crawled up his ass and pecked holes in all his internal organs.
>tryna suck her petite milkers
>keep brushing up against the scars on her arms and legs
Subhuman meme from russian imageboards
Birds like the one in the OP image often carry diseases like syphilis, herpes and chlamydia. Dirty fucking slag, those pigeons might catch something off her.
Self-harm scars are like a seal of quality for good poon
I really need to get a psycho nympho gf.
fucking disgusting
>tfw no gf to beat you for being a morally reprehensible human being
>thinned out, dying hair from overly dyeing it
>shitty complexion due to way too much makeup
>ig thot eyebrows
>that heavy lack of sleep due to most likely stimulant abuse
>garbage tats
>all those diseases thanks to the birds
Not feeling this one.
ugly granny whore
Shit tier animation, but the movie is cool.
I was thinking this too
decent post
What's up with millennials and soundling like gigantic homos all the time?
There is a doc series I really liked. Not too long, though: "How to make a serial killer", or sth of that sort. Really liked it: the camera, the acting, the script... Just great
what's her problem?
Like all Russian women, she's dead inside.
Actually, I don't have any Netflix, although I am gonna look it up online. It's so neat I'm watching it again.
F*ck, "Mindhunter", its name is "Mindhunter". I have not watched "Making a mass murderer".
>cuts on her arm
>razor tattoo
pigeons are fucking disgusting and I’d spit on her if I saw her
>that soulless pair of eyes
did someone rape her?
Blue Ruin
>suicide silence shirt
into the trash it goes
what's up with old fucks complaining about millenials on an anime forum
Go torrent a movie and unsubscribe from netflix you fucking cuck...
She lives in russia
I want to fix her.
She looks broken.
What's her modus operandi?
pigeons are actually a lot cleaner in Russia than in America, to the point that many people eat them as a delicacy
imagine how many times she's been shat on
I want a pale russian gf