Gorilla vs Grizzly
Who would win?
Gorilla vs Grizzly
Who would win?
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I think there's already a blog about this
Haven't you /gorillafags/ been btfo enough already?
i wou8ld beat the fuck out of both of dems lmao, i one rep that fucking bear boom crash int wall, boom kick the gorillaz, broken jaw fuck the gorilla. easy lol
Grizzly and it's not even a match
gorillas never lift so we have never seen them at maximum strength
A kodiak bear would demolish the alpha silverback jaguars hunt gorillas
Grizzly ofcourse. How would you stretch that to a full season?
Bears rule!
It would take 5 gorillas to bring down a grizzly
the real question is grizzly vs siberian tiger
kevin, just needs prep time XD!
The Grizzly would wreck the Gorilla.
Grizzly, that even a question?
Grizzly a million times, not even a match
make them robots in disguise
Where do I subscribe
bear claws gonna fuck you up
Surprised the Chinese haven't done this yet. They have a wild animal park with a bunch of defanged and declawed big cats and they feed them by putting out huge mounds of ground animal meat and the big cats fight each other over it. There's plenty of videos up on Youtube of it.
iirc kamchatkan browns usually win against tigers, unless they're spring bears or if the tiger can get an ambush on. But if that doesnt work, then the tiger is just fucked; it cannot beat the raw strength of a bear.
Silverback gorillas get killed by leopards in wild. A grizzly bear weighs 10 times as much, runs just 2 mph slower, can climb faster, has bigger claws and has twice the bite force of a leopard.
What do you think.
How many kinds of warfares have the name of a bear? 0. Gorillas win.
You can shoot a Grizzly with a 44 magnum, and unless you get a perfect shot and blow its brains, its almost guaranteed he's gonna kill you or at least fuck you up.
Bears are the scariest things in the forest, and Hunters with fully loaded shotguns will back away from a bear before trying to take him on. A Gorilla is scary, but whats the Gorilla gonna do that a shotgun can't?
Grizzly bears are pretty small and eat mainly vegetation. I think you meant Brown bears which would definitely fuck a stupid ass gorilla up
I live in and hike grizzly territory all the time and all I carry is bear spray. Only had to use it once. Mountain lions are much, much more terrifying to think about as you'll be dead before you even see one
Leopard vs Grizzly
Who wins?
Is there any non-bear land animal that could defeat a grizzly? I suppose an elephant could trample a grizzly, but besides that?
>gorilla has hands
>makes weapon
>beat bear with weapon
gorilla 1
bear 0
how did hugh glass survive the attack? he's royally fucked up by the end of it
Mountain Lion vs Grizzly?
not even jaguars. Leopards. which are considerably less massive.
Mountain lions are terrifying because they are sneaky, not because they are stronger.
gorilla is stronger but the leopard is faster.
easily the leopard would win
stegosaur vs elephant
who wins?
hard times > strong men > good times > weak men > hard times etc. etc...
Grizzly no question
Big tiger would beat both.
meant grizzly
A gorilla is like a monkey with the body density of a bear and the brain of a nigger. The only reason they aren't terror machines is because they prefer to eat plants in the mountains and basically just chill out all day. But African hunters in the old days considered them "thick skinned" which meant that they preferred to use the same kinds of guns they used on lions and buffalo and elephants. Read Selous.
that's literally what he said
Gorillas have insane strength, but I have read somewhere that a Grizzly is strong enough to break the back of a moose with a single paw strike. I doubt a gorilla would survive that.
why havent we domesticated bears yet? think of the applications they could have in war and hunting
this. Imagine a gorilla with a large stick even
Go to bed, Joe
Very clearly the grizzly
No it wouldn’t very large Siberian tigers weigh up to 600 pounds grozzlys can be 1500
pretty sure they bravely fought for the USSR in WWII
The Grizz would win. The gorilla is too human.
They would be shit in a warzone, and what would you hunt with them, and what for?
100 Brock Lesnars
Grizzly vs Crocodile
moose... or man
Grizzly it would just braaap the dile to death
1 the rock would kick the shit out of 100 brock lesnars. boom people's elbow. done.
Croc. Because Crocs are never outside of their environment, so if a Grizzly is fighting a Croc it means he's found himself in a Swamp. The Croc will sneak up on the bear, grab it with its incredible bite strength and death roll. The Bear might get in some good claw swipes and leave the Croc with some battle scars. That'd be my bet.
grizzly vs hippo
So? I weigh 200 pounds but I could beat a 500 pound guy easily.
>Grizzly bears are pretty small and eat mainly vegetation. I think you meant Brown bears which would definitely fuck a stupid ass gorilla up
t. grizzly bear
based piece of shit off topic thread bump
>Is there any non-bear land animal that could defeat a grizzly? I suppose an elephant could trample a grizzly, but besides that?
Polar bear.
Nicolas Cage vs John Travolta
You’re applying human fighting skills to wild animals
you got me
gib Juliana!
The ultimate battle
Grizzly vs Polar Bear
And you're implying that body mass somehow decides the outcome across the board, retard.
A feline would always beat a canine unless the difference is just way too big between the two. A dog 3x the size of a cat would still get wrecked by the cat.
We have tamed them but domestication is a multi-generation process of breeding traits in and away selectively. But it can be done, the Soviets and now Russians created a program to domesticate the fox, and it worked. They changed though, even though they like people now their bodies and heads have changed substantially.
>TFW jealous of animal strength
Why did nature make it impossible for humans to be highly intellectual and physical powerhouses at the same time? Fuck evolution
Top 5 :
1. Kimberly
2. Renee
3. Rebekah
4. Linda
5. Elizabeth
bull african elephant vs ten grizzlies
image a gorilla with, dare I say... TWO sticks
how could a bear possibly compete?
>grozzlys can be 1500
no way a Grizzly cant even break 400
I honestly think about what it would be like to be an ape, or a baboon. Just a stronger, more durable and care free version.
But then I look at how most animals don't have sexual dimorphism. Imagine needing to fuck and the opposite sex looked no different then you and you had to chase down and fuck a person that looked like you and had your weight class.
Actually that sounds kind of hot
You are utterly retarded
I said "non-bear" specifically to exclude polar bears. :(
But Jaguars can hunt crocodiles.
I want a girl that will finger my ass
If you think about it, we're being cucked in strength by basically any animal a similar size to us. Even the largest strongest humans eg the mountain actor would be BTFO even by a wolf.
>mentions an encounter with a grizzly bear
>doesn't provide any other detail and leaves it at that
why are people such faggots?
>domesticating bears
>Not wanting a bear to domesticate you
Your missing out user
The real question is hippo or polar bear.
How would humans change if aliens came and domesticated us?
What's the strongest predator a peak condition human could solo kill, with no weapons?
I don't know what happens in the movie, but he was scouting and hunting with another person, and the rest of Andrew Henry's team was beside him and giving medical help within an hour after the attack, since they heard the gunshots and run toward the area of the incident immediately.
Humans are effectively already domesticated. If you compare Cro magnon skeletons with ours, despite being ostensibly the same thing, they have much larger jaws, greater cranial capacity and overall much more robust. The average ancient Cro magnon man might look to you or I like a movie star.
t. butthurt dog fag
Face it, moron. Felines are killing machines that canids and bears could never match.
even black bears can get to be 800 pounds in the right environment
>greater cranial capacity
Um did you guys know that whales are smarter than humans because they have bigger brains
This. If we were any more domesticated we'd be Asians.
>bigger heads
>smaller limbs
>less muscular
>smaller peenors and less facial hair
There are several brown bear subspecies that can weigh more than a thousand pounds.
based faggot poster
giv gf
You are retarded for thinking a weight difference of 900 pounds isn't substantial enough to just crush your opponent.
Cro magnon man is literally human dipshit. If you think about it logically, he probably was smarter because only the fittest could survive in his time.
lion, tiger, hippo, rhino, elephant, anaconda, and a gorilla could potentially do it
what would you like to know? I was hiking the lava creek trail in the Gallatins and there was a lone grizzly about 100 ft in front of me. I walked slowly backwards for about 5 minutes and it kept following me really slowly before I decided to pull out the bear spray. when it got to where I sprayed it just went off the trail into the woods, nothing too exciting
I honestly don't think a leopard would fuck with a silverback. Maybe if he had the jump on him and a really good angle, but if he doesn't kill the silverback with the first bite it's gonna get rough.
lmao no. a venomous snake has a better chance but probably cant get it's fangs in deep enough
cape buffalo
Buffalos are 3x the mass of lions. Who do you think would win, retard?
grizzly would swipe the gorillas fucking dumbass head off like it does to moose.
lion only because buffalo response to an attack is to run away like a bunch of pussies. if they were to work together they could easily trample the lions
Quite disingenuous of you to use a buffalo as an example when the argument was about a bear.
I don't think people understand how big grizzly bears are. They are 8 feet tall when standing and weigh over a thousand pounds minimum. Also they have claws the size of kitchen knives and paws the size of dinner plates.
You have the worst taste and deserve the swaglord.
tools have made our bodies weak but we are still the most dangerous species thanks to our ability to craft complex tools, organize ourselves and plan ahead.
pull that shit up jaime
Don't link any
who wins, a gorilla with a gun or a grizzly with bulletproof jacket
the gorilla was trained to use the gun of course but there's a 20% chance of him shooting himself with each shoot
I bet a t rex wrote this
The Gorilla would just begin shooting other gorillas. We've seen this happen before user.
Tiny ass Indian black bears btfo tigers all the time. Grizzly, hands down.
Hardest animal? For me,it's got to be the hippo. Literally no other can defeat it unless theyre using jewy tactics like poison, ambush or a pack.
but he died out. guess he wasnt so smart huh
based racism poster