>Darth Vader wears black costume so all siths wear black costumes
>Darth Vader has a red lightsaber so all siths have red lightsabers
>Darth Vader's name is Darth so all siths are called Darths
>Obi-Wan wears Tatooine's desert robes so all jedis wear Tatooine's desert robes
>Obi-Wan provisionally used shooting playing toy and welding helmet to train Luke so all jedis were trained in that way it was the official jedi training schedule
Darth Vader wears black costume so all siths wear black costumes
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Grow up.
sóy down
>>Darth Vader wears black costume so all siths wear black costumes
>>Darth Vader has a red lightsaber so all siths have red lightsabers
>>Darth Vader's name is Darth so all siths are called Darths
>>Obi-Wan wears Tatooine's desert robes so all jedis wear Tatooine's desert robes
Those things are unironically cool, though. Except that guys like Palpy and Yoda should not have had lightsabers. The Emperor even made fun of Luke for using one in Return, because he was so above needing to use a weapon.
>Obi-Wan provisionally used shooting playing toy and welding helmet to train Luke so all jedis were trained in that way it was the official jedi training schedule
How else would you train beginners to deflect blasters?
>EU shows there are many lightsaber colors
>movies show green, blue, red and purple once
>All Siths wear Black Costumes
Why don't people just shoot jedi with conventional kinetic firearms?
Because then the magic space Kung-fu guys would actually die.
was hse even a sith?
I remember that she was a sith wanna be but Dooku didn't promote her to the sith
No she is
Now, here's the ultimate Star Wars red pill.
>There are only three Star Wars movies: IV, V and VI.
All the rest are just nostalgia trips back to those three movies.
There will never be a real Star Wars movie ever again.
It's okay.
>Invent new great stories
>cast real people, who have actual charisma and talent, so can people can get emotionally affected by them.
It's really not so hard. The problem is when the people in the industry knows that they really don't belong there, but insist being there, because it's cool. Real talents needs to do like George did with New Hope:
>make your vision happen against all odds.
Why don’t they kill Jedi’s by firing an object in hyperdrive speed at them?
Way too slow muzzle velocity, they'd just dodge it
Blaster fire travels at a fraction of the speed of a bullet.
yes, Lucas and whoever he spitballed ideas with were very childish and retarded the further they got from the original movie
don't forget "the good guys won in the end by blowing up the Death Star so all the movies have to end with a rebel ship blowing up a Death Star"
>same things are bad
Yeah. In the OT, Jedi were peacekeepers. Yoda should have been just an uber powerful teacher/diplomat. The lower, younger, weaker Jedi, like Obi Wan, would be the foot soldiers.
>like Palpy and Yoda should not have had lightsabers.
Why not? Why wouldn’t Yoda, a Jedi, use a Jedi weapon?
>The Emperor even made fun of Luke for using one in Return
Really? When did that happen?
The bigger question is why Han had official Jedi training gear in his ship.
>lazy writing is good
trips of truth, all of SW problems following ESB were the result of laziness, mental and creative laziness
We can at least all agree, that he did nothing wrong
He allowed his hunger for power to consume him.
Yeah that's how I imagined the difference between Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters, Knights needed swords and were the fighters, Masters had a deeper understanding and would fight on a spiritual level. Yoda vs Sheev would have been essentially a psychic duel without the need for lightsabers.
But the prequels just said Master was just a higher rank instead of anything special so whatever. Lightsaber toy sales had too much pull.
>he was so above needing to use a weapon
the attempt against his life that left him scarred and deformed caused so much pain he increased his strength and got Unlimited Power™
>>Obi-Wan provisionally used shooting playing toy and welding helmet to train Luke so all jedis were trained in that way it was the official jedi training schedule
Who aside Mr. Plinkett says they're "official Jedi training" gear? Star Wars galaxy is like the wild west, everyone has blasters. Makes sense a company would make standard issue training drones for shooting/military practice. They're probably canon. Alternatively, if you want autism: Chewie fought with Yoda during the Clone Wars, Yoda trained Chewie's troops with these training balls and when he helped Yoda escape he took some of his Jedi gear with him which eventually ended up on the falcon.
your false flag is pathetic and transparent, user.
t. never played mb2
>Those things are unironically cool, though
But they are made uncool because they are stupidly derivative
Honestly making more lightsaber colors beyond the original 3 was a mistake.
Every character doesn't need their own super special snowflake lightsaber.
>"Ah yes - a Jedi's weapon. Much like your father's"
I could be reading too much into it, but as I understand it lightsabers are like a children's toy to the Emperor (and also to Yoda, who showed us that there's more to a jedi than just being a warrior). It also plays with Luke's and the audiences expectations, as we are led to believe that he is just an unnarmed and innoffensive old man, and so it would be rather dark-sided for Luke to try to kill him, but in truth he is powerful beyond understanding and could probably just snap Luke's neck with the force if he really wanted to.
I also would like to point out that the Emperor already wears the black sith robes in this movie, and that he was always called Darth Sidious in the script. Of course he wears robes and has an evil sounding name, he is a freaking space wizard. Those things were always part of the Star Wars mythos. Stoklasa, you hack fraud.