What's our opinion on this kino?

What's our opinion on this kino?

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yet another movie where white men are either evil or pathetic

come at me faggots


This is undeniable KINO

you would know capeshitter

How does it feel like having your mind being completely destroyed by internet memes produced by a fringe right-wing community from a Mongolian kids cartoon site?

Anyone wanna guess how many time nigger will be used itt?

i don't regret it, it makes life more interesting

it was good but i don't know why reddit loves it so much
it's a 7/10 at best

I'm trying to get trough it
It looks slick, but I just don't care for it


if you lend any credence to the progressive's argument that racial role models are important for children (which i do), then it's a bad thing for children to see white men cast in only pathetic or antagonistic roles since that exposure helps normalize those behaviors to them.

Pure Reddit.

>"me used leddit as an insult me cool yet?"

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Truest post ITT
>t. pic related

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Pretty good, but overhyped imo

Miles is way better in the movie than in the comics while the inverse happens to the rest of the cast

The best and only good Spider-Man movie since Jesus Raimi 2.

Spiderman 3 > spider verse

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capeshit is for children

Good movie, good themes, unique animation. Also it has rent free on Incel's minds without being a "Black good white bad movie". Also Boomer Peter is sexy as fuck.


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Exactly what I was talking about.



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Your opinion is whatever you choose to have as an opinion.
Stop asking to be a part of a hive mind and think for yourself. Right now you’re nothing but an NPC asking a larger community you feel accepted in about how they want you to feel.

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i couldnt give less of a fuck

That's because you can't think anymore. Your brain has already melted.

Okay, but what's our collective opinion on this kino?

You didn’t even use a relevant part of that codec.
This excerpt is far more in line with what you were talking about. With how they show to Raiden that even his protesting of their plan isn’t an original thought but rather one placed onto him by someone he considerable authority.

Though one could argue that justifying the post you made and the one I’m making by using an excerpt someone else told us to believe is just indicative of the issue

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It was, dare I say, fun
And gave us probably the best peter Parker we’ve seen on screen imo
That’s not a collective opinion though I guess.

Kojimbo kino when?

So what the fuck do you propose as the alternative?

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Yes, that's exactly how you look. You should seek a doctor, bro


oh user you make me laf

It's great, too bad tv will never like it because they think the white race is dying off because their porn days so

the blue eyed, blond version of peter parker is shown as the best Spiderman in the movie. They are pushing racial related topics, yes, but it's not in every place

the only reason is popular because minority...look at black panther

how does it feel being afraid to acknowledge the fact that whites are constantly being told they are bad?

not him but eeewwww ,bruh get out off the internet you need it.

>is shown as the best Spiderman in the movie
>dies in the first 30 minutes

This movie was fucking garbage, fuck you faggots for making me watch this piece of shit
>Inb4 shills get triggered and spout "incel" or "poltard"
>Inb4 that autist spams the thread with pics of fat men wearing MAGA hats
>Inb4 OP can't inb4

I'm just mad it beat isle of dogs desu

Fucking loser

im waiting for my next class to start, not likely

>10 years being the only and loved spiderman
>even the father of miles who"""hated""" him felt sad for his death.
> the entire city stopped because of his death
>haves some similarities to the raimi movies (so we have some clues on what he did)
wah its like even being for so short he still was impactful even tho this movie is about miles and not peter.

Well, giving it 10 points as a base, we have:
>capeshit -2
>lefty-based -5
>managed to beat a legitimately good film -3
So, all and all I'd say this film is a 0/10.

that blonde spider-man just felt wrong tbqh. i'm glad they killed him off

why? boomer spiderman is more fun, but still peter parker fucking felt good and charming.

Why didn't you like it?

Meh, he didn't have anything going for him. Seeing Boomer Spider go through his struggle was engaging, but blonde spidey was just kinda bland

>main villain is an old hippy lesbian woman

If you die on the job, you're objectively not going to be the best Spider-Man.

true, but still he is the best spider-man from the movie (on par with boomer spiderman)

Peter B. Parker wasn't pathetic, he was just going through a bad phase, like, y'know, real people. That's what makes characters interesting: they have a struggle, and then, we see them overcoming that struggle.

I thought everybody understood the basics of storytelling by now, but it seems that some retards do not.

Best Spider-Man movie,tied maybe with Homecoming
2017-2018 were really great years to be a Spider-Man fan

How does it feel that you and your likeminded have managed to become more obnoxious than the sjws?

it's fucking KINO

>Best Spider-Man movie

It's true, Homecoming was fuckin kino.

i dont think so, i can only think in only 1 scene being good in the WHOOOOLE movie.

this is my opinion too

Pretty much this.

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/pol/tards are exactly the same. Only difference is the buzzwords.

stop hating
the film was great, toomes nailed his role and MJ is a cute. A CUTE!

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It's like you didn't even watch the movie
Which isn't surprising in the slightest

i did watch the movie but thanks for reminding me of this thread so i could see my yous

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This was very fun and i like it.

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>Spider-Kino trailer comes out
>fall for Yea Forums (((propaganda))) and think it's not even worth watching
>friend suggests it to me
>watch it
>most feel-good movie I've watched in a while
I hate you cynical cunts so much.

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>letting Yea Forums think for you

>What's our opinion on this kino?

Spiderman isn't a nigger.

Post how /pol/tards will react to this in the sequel

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It just wasn't good. Capeshitters are getting pathetic at this point.

by not watching it same with star wars,cap marvel,ect ect I'm not compelled to fill my head with kike trash

>It just wasn't good
Now you're just being retarded