I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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He was evil though.

Hes a hateful man who doesnt even bother consider those with differing opinions then himself.
I hope hes never given a podium again.

because you're a faggot

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in what world was jon stewart evil.

me too user. i spend a lot of time watching old daily show parts. it's a shame CC only allows the ones on youtube that were mentioned in the daily show book. not sure why, but i noticed that when listening to the audiobook.

and aside from being genuinely funny, he's a handsome motherfucker.

>Jon Stewart was born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz on November 28, 1962, in New York City, to Marian (née Laskin), a teacher and later educational consultant, and Donald Leibowitz, a professor of physics at The College of New Jersey and Thomas Edison State College. Stewart's family are Jewish immigrants to America from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus.

Last time i heard about him he was charged with murder for killing some dude over a trashcan dispute

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Kind of cringe coming from the most pro-Israel elected official in American history

It was a different time.

>in what world was jon stewart evil
this one

> most pro-Israel elected official in American history

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how come he never criticizes Obama despite him doing the same shit as Bush? isn't that curious?

He started this clown world shit. Fuck him to death.

>I miss this jewish propagandist

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He criticized Obama, democrats, and liberals all the time you mong.

literally changed the embassy going against everyone except hardline zionists / warmongers

are you smoking crack he was a huge birther

>jews aren't allowed to do political satire because whatever they do it's always nothing but zog propaganda

in Jon Stewart's case it was

Where can I see his last set of episodes where he would've talked about trump?

do you have any idea what that man did during george w? he was anything but a zog propagandist. he's also an antizionist, which he showed more than often on the show.

he already retired before trump even announced his candidature. there's a colbert skit where he visits him in his cabin deep in the woods to tell him about it.

he appeared once on trevor noah's show and a few times on colbert to talk about trump tho

t. Alex Jones

He was both jewish and a propagandist
Also said people who got their political views from his program were retards, while targeting a demographic of impressionable retarded youths.

He did though. That wasn't his problem. Stewart's problem was that he acted like he was a reputable honest/smart voice. Whenever he would push retarded or exaggerated shit on his impressionable audience, and got called out for it he would say
>hey bro but I'm just a comedian hehe so that means I can be stupid and/or mislead my audience!

No, just no. Watch his interview with Wallace on Fox.

Reminder that Jon Stewart shit all over Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter and most SJW style identity politics were created to dismantle any hopes of bringing back a meaningful middle class in the U.S.

>He was both jewish and a propagandist
That's what they tell you but you obviously never watched him.

He openly eats bacon.
He directed a pro-Iranian movie.
He mocked Democrats that deserved it, including the Clintons.
He always chose peace and negotiations over action and war.

>You just want that person to give you your country back because you feel that you're this country's rightful owners. There's only one problem with that—this country isn't yours! You don't own it! It never was! There is no real America! You don't own it! You don't own patriotism, you don't own Christianity, you sure as hell don't own respect for the bravery and sacrifice of military, police, and firefighters! Trust me!"

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he's 100% correct. try and prove me wrong.

I respect him for parsing Trumps admin of 9/11 victims. It was proof he can be bipartisan. However I still think he did damage to political discourse.

Thanks for informing us that he's a jew

>>hey bro but I'm just a comedian hehe so that means I can be stupid and/or mislead my audience!
fucking this
And his offspring learned this jewish trick well from Colbert down to shitters like the nigger who lost his show (can't remember his name tbqh)
>haha bro you can't expect me to know facts, im just a late night host :^)
otherwise colbert would have had to apologize for the jussie shit and all the other fake news he peddled

What did Hilldawg get elected for

based and redpilled

America was founded as a white christian nation :^)
Shitskins, jews, and commies need to leave.

"when will you realize WE own all that shit."

I used to watch him when I was a libtard. Even then I didn't agree with the way he brushed responsibility for influencing voters. It was also highly cringe when he made a special appearance after the election to tell white people that we don't "own" this country.

If the founding fathers would’ve wanted anyone out, it would be non-humans like /pol/ rodents.

>in what world was jon stewart evil.
any world where honesty and integrity are virtues.

>Sat on his hands during the Obabo years while Obabo either continued or expanded upon Bush Jr policies
>At the end of Obabo's presidency abandoned ship
>Timeslot now occupied by neoliberal knockoffs cheerleading Russian conspiracy whose undercurrent is #Imwithher should have won

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based deuce

>tell white people
you deranged fucking rat. you aren’t a victim.


jon stewart's probably the person with the most integrity on us television

Chances are you have zero perspective on integrity or honesty

>jon stewart's probably the person with the most integrity on us television

hello mr.leibowitz

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Never said I was. Just quoting Jon Stewart. Calm down, it's that anger that drives you to the evil of the left. Trust me, it gets better when you forgive the things you cannot change.

yeah those dumb libtards don't understand 6000000D checkers

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>/pol/ suddenly loves jewish men as long as they are as far right as they are

all you've seen of him was probably rants on /pol/, alex jones tv, and maybe small parts of skits mentioned in those two

Stewart never addressed “white people” you trailer park fuckwit. You hallucinated that part so you can pretend to be a victim

imagine being this schizophrenic

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The Daily Show was great when they were the only ones doing it.

Now that there is like, 6 shows competing in that category it becomes like 24 hour news and they begin to have to one up each other.

Daily Show and to a lesser extent the original Colbert Report felt like the adults in the room. Yea they were left but not in a freak out pearl clutching way

>Jews hate him
>still suck them off
even more pathetic

Who do you think you’re fooling? /pol/ users are easy to spot, just look for multiple lies per sentence and utter desperation to cram in anti-Jewish astroturfing narratives straight out of a stormfront manual

Only /pol/tards ever get offended for being called /pol/

I watched stewart nearly every weeknight from 2002-2008. Hes a talented comedian, but undeniably a partisan hack who hides behind comedy to not be challenged on anything.
He more or less admitted this during his debate with Bill O'reilly
>the one where he literally needed a stepstool as 6'4 Bill made him look like even more of a manlet (5'5)

If you can forgive the people that hurt you you won't feel so angry all the time. You won't feel like you need to blame other people for your problems. If I can do it, you can too, user.

So he's not a Nazi anymore? That's good.

Only 3 groups are anti-Israel. SJWs, Muslims, and neo-Nazis. That’s why trump is pro-Israel.

I think the biggest thing back then was that it was really only FoxNews speaking for the right, and it always felt like dumbed down propaganda. Now you have well educated republicans fighting for freedom of speech and the left has been radicalized.

The daily show was great during the bush years. Pretty much as soon as Obama took over it went to shit, knew for sure when he actually brought obama on the show and gave him a nice little softball interview with planned jokes etc.
He would have sooner thrown a shoe at bush then done something like that for him.
He was always a hack, would have way more respect for him if he would just admit that fact instead of pretending to be impartial.

>the one where he literally needed a stepstool as 6'4 Bill made him look like even more of a manlet (5'5)

ok, that part about the "duel" pissed me off too. one of the very few times when i was o'reilley''s opinion.

they don't hate jews, they just hate israel because muh palestine. They worship american jews more then anyone else

Stop feeding the /pol/ trolls.

It's ironic that people who don't go to /pol/ bring up /pol/ more than /pol/. It's like the people that never watch FoxNews and shit on it regularly as propaganda and "fake news".

Lol it's literally a joke about being short he made about himself you humorless incels

Imagine how much of an uneducated, flyover cuck you have to be to say this unironically and not apply that logic to your own statements.

man you're an idiot

Here's a classic video of Stewart reminding us how the world works.
>The best defense against bullshit is vigilance
>If you smell something, say something

Imagine going through life with this lack of ability. The world must be so scary and confusing to you.

He never was to begin with you fucking retard.



Why do conservatives mentally breakdown to insults and cursing when ever they feel slightly threatened?

I watched him a lot. He completely won me over with the crossfire bit. It wasn't until years later that I realized what a gullible fuck I was and how badly I'd been fooled. It's really sad to see that some people still clinging to those delusions so many years later.

More generalizing. Explain the irony though, because I'd love to hear it. Anytime /pol/ is brought up it's someone shitting on it. You lump people in with /pol/ just like you lumped me in with someone living in a flyover state. You're very stupid.

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>can't understand literally first grader level self-deprecating humor

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why are incels so obsessed with jews

Uneducated confirmed lol

>okay'd twice the amount of money to Israel than it would have taken to pay for the wall

>trying to deflect from President (((Trump)))


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you're either baiting or literally imbecile

yes it's muy comico, but i would have enjoyed the duel without it. i also would have appreciated if o'reilley would have dumped his stupid posters.

Is he wrong? Do you think incels or neo-nazi's or whatever you creatures are own America and Christianity?

see Ilhan Omar.

No, he's not. That's why he's so evil. He sells himself as a man of integrity to the cynics, and they buy it. They stop questioning and so when he throws up a clip edited with such bias it would make Rock Bottom embarrassed, you eat it up because you're lazy and gullible. Stewart gained your trust got you on the long con by exposing a short con from one of his competitors. After that you never stopped to question whether he told you the truth or not.

stay mad

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You're the one responding with malformed ideas and subliterate garbage.

>Trump dabbing
You're clearly not old enough to have ever watched Jon Stewart.

>goes on political shill rants almost every night
>someone responds or criticizes him
That got old very fast.

Weird how you mention Israel when way more money goes to Afghanistan and other muslim countries. Who’s paying you?

maybe, but I am and you are far more embarrassing.

>zoomlets dont know about pre-zog Daily Show

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For the sake of America, please post one miss leading Jon Stewart video.

The entire series is on comedycentral.com

Russians, mostly.

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>/pol/tards ruin another thread

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Only the Craig version was good. Jon sucked at first but there were some good times ... before they went full on hate-crazy blind.

>one freshmen congresswomen
>serving directly under (((pelosi))), (((feinstein))), and (((schumer)))
>had to profusely apologize for one vaguely anti-Semitic comment and lost her seat on 2 committees over it

You pretty much made my point for me


Stewart's show was political, dumbass. There's zero chance to start a Stewart Daily show thread without that happening. Unless it's a 5 questions gimmick.

Holy fuck what a little snowflake. Absolutely booty nuked.

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Surely understand the difference between an honest discussion about a tv show and blind political trolling and flaming.


>yeah maybe 4 Americans died and the whitehouse lied about what caused it but DUDE WHY ARE CONSERVATIVES SO MAD ABOUT IT LMAO XDDDD

You can look up any video from the obama era and its always this way. He played damage control on everything from fast and furious to irs targeting conservative groups


Remember when Stewart let Obama lie through his teeth about the IRS targeting conservative groups? After it had already been revealed to be the case?

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remember when conservatives thought Benghazi was going to be the scandal of the century and it ended in zero indictments lmao

I disagree with a lot of his politics but I am nostalgic for comfy memories of watching the daily show after south park/chapelles show and then falling asleep during the interview on school nights

Sleezy liberals always cover eachothers asses. Remeber obamas "wingman" eric holder lying to congress multiple times under oath about the illegal collection of Americans private commnications? Or Brennan?
Its the one thing I admire about them, but also the reason I will always vote against them.

His show was decent but he would show stuff that was either misleading or factually wrong and always fall back on "I'm just a comedian!" when someone called him out on it.

His blurring of the lines between comedian and pundit is a big part of the reason the media is so fucked up today.