ITT: scenes women will NEVER understand

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Other urls found in this thread:

ITT: Incels

ITT: Outcels

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Woman here. I had to euthanise my three children after a car accident that left them virtually braindead. I pulled the plug myself.

I understand.


That scene when Jason Biggs fucks the pie, women will never understand how good that feels.

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> car accident that left them virtually braindead
It wasn't the car accident, it's called genetic inheritance you dumb roastie

Tits or gtfo

god i hate woman

Go to therapy, incels, quickly. Post again when you've grown up a little.

i'll grow up in ur pusy haha dumb skank

Are you 14?

>"No! Not both of us! Not all of us! Please! God!"

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>fat bastard calls others pig


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He looks lonely and horney

then why did he kill the people in the car?

literally never heard of this game before until now, is it worth a try?

No. Its one of the worst piece of shit game created in the 21 century. Watch the cutscenes though, those are great.

yeah boutta be 14 inches in your asshole you dumb skank

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Pretty janky as far as controls go. Also has a shitty hacking mechanic..if you can get past that technical failures then it's actually not bad where characters are concerned. Dialogues are kinda like mass effect era stylw BUT you can't stand around thinking about the perfect choice to say. I like that because you're forced to have each convo play out how you feel based on the 4 answer choices each time and if you just sit the timer runs out and your convo continues taking into consideration your silence etc

That's too much, sweetie. I don't like my cocks bigger than 6. My vadge is 4 inches deep, anything more than 4 is meaningless.

Makes me proud to be a man

>alright mike, but before you do
Shutting the roastie up before she can try and get the last word, absolute fuckin kino

Don’t go gentle into that good night, faggot.

Go to the poop shed femcel post again when you're completely drenched in steaming diarrhea

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