>after he got out of prison?
Why Didn't He Fuck His Girlfriend? Yea Forums
His butt was too sore.
He discovered BWC
Fairuza is a Jewess
She was a scene girl, she was probably a whore
i don't remember this part of the waterboy
>A skinhead who goes to prison for curb stomping a black guy.
Something tells me he isn't the smartest person on the planet.
>movie is ostensibly anti-racism
>completely validates racism
He realized he was a homosexual
He'd gone "faggot"
By then she moved onto Bobby Boucher
he turned liberal
how was it about racism?
to me it was just about a guy curb stomping some fellas
Who told you it was anti-racism?
The movie isn't about racism. It's about hatred and violence screwing the lifes of people that live dominated by said hatred. There's no anti-racism in the movie.
I thought he was really hot in this movie. The dominant thing is so sexy. Too bad he was a racist and a murderer. She's a dumb bitch she should have run away with him when he got out.
well technically anti-hatred is anti-racism since that is what the subject of hate they decided to focus on stop being so purposely obtuse you look retarded
>Sees how corrupt his view is while in prison
>Challenges the rank and file of prison gangs
>Gets raped
>Befriends black man while folding underwear
>Gets out of prison and tries to prevent his brother from going down the path he took
>Doesn't matter the least bit as niggers will always be niggers
>Ed Norton cucks the director from the true final shot of the movie by refusing to film it and forces the ending to change to something completely pointless
Is the dad supposed to be a bad guy? He was 100% right.
He stopped being a prisoner of pussy
imagine to be this low iq
no it technically is not. actually i'd argue against racism existing altogether, it's just hatred. the moment you start treating any form of hatred as racism or any other ism (ex, sexism), you push segregation. acknowledge hateful people as hateful, why anything else lol
No she isn't, and this is libel of the worst kind.
Worse, she's a gypsy.
I think it was to show that even the best guy in the world has certain convictions that can be impressionable to young people's minds, especially his kids who idolize him.
wow I thought he had a gun-sword there for a second.
Real cool Squall mang.
Don't think you know jewesses when you see them
why do they wear wigs again?
10 is cute.
Abrahamicucks in general have weird complexes involving women's hair.
He destroyed the movie by not doing the planned ending. No wonder no one wants to work with him.
>Ed Norton cucks the director from the true final shot of the movie by refusing to film it and forces the ending to change to something completely pointless
what was the true final shot?
probably she wouldn't even have let him fuck her, because his manhood was taken in prison and everybody knew about it in the neo nazi scene.
After Danny's funeral he goes home and begins shaving his head again in the bathroom.
>what was the true final shot?
Him shaving his head again.
>Kaye was born to an Orthodox Jewish family in London, United Kingdom
I have ex girlfriends that look like 1 and 2
fucking checked
I'm sorry to hear that.
I would have children with every single one of them
How was his manhood taken?
Sorry for your misfortune
When he touched base with the black guy
>funeral music playing
>pan over a coffin with a picture of danny on it
>sound of clippers slowly begins to drown out music
>finish with shot of a sink full of hair and hair clippers
why is hollywood filled with hacks?
6 Is like inbreeding city
well he was ass raped by another man?
because nepotism and sucking dick, and not talent
>Fairuza is a Jewess
"Balk has stated that her father is of Romani and Cherokee ancestry, and that her mother is of Irish and French descent.[5][6]"
i can find no credible source for this.
Going to go out on a limb and say it was possibly, no, most likely due to the prison rape.
wish i was watching this movie atm instead of working my gay-ass 4 usd an hour third world job
Racism is the acknowledgement of facts
The movie's message is that violence and hatred breed violence and hatred. They cut the final scene of the movie where Ed Norton's character shaves his head once again after his brother's death at the hands of a niglet. The idea that the film was anti-racism was leftist propaganda after the movie was released.
>Solomon Feldthouse
>Romani and Cherokee
Close, it was violence and hatred are necessary while nugs are negging
>Too bad he was a racist
Literally nothing wrong with that
peak Fairuza
excuse me what
give me 8 or 10 and go fuck your mother
redditor newfag obviously made this
any real user would know to start with "0" and have the last one be dubs
you fail at chan-culture and are a fake ass nigger faggot
It's not. never filmed. Just an idea for an ending that got scrapped.
there's nothing wrong with being autistic user but you should really go see a specialist
>Too bad he was a racist
He saw his town turn to shit with the influx of dindus, his truck nearly stolen by a group of melanin-enhanced brothers, his father killed by two nigger dealers when answering a call for a fire at a drug den, and his little brother murdered by some bixnood darkie in the bathroom of his high school.
Now after all of that, if you told me that your view of a certain type of person could not possibly be skewed towards a negative light, you're either lying or a saint.
Yarrr, not a looker in the bunch!
only thing i can find leads back to a reddit post
meaning what? He can't fuck women anymore?
I love how /pol/tards expose their idiocy when they decry that the film is pro-black or even pro-white
It’s not pro anything. It’s an almost nihilistic film essentially stating that hatred begets hatred and violence is an endless cycle
so he's no longer straight and "gay" now?
Precisely. He is used boipucci now only existing to service the Aryan Brotherhood
According to my 4channel anonymous sources, Edward Norton bitched and got the “true ending” cut
My condolences
Dumb frogposter
>I love how /pol/tards expose their idiocy when they decry that the film is pro-black or even pro-white
>It’s not pro anything. It’s an almost nihilistic film essentially stating that hatred begets hatred and violence is an endless cycle
show me how niggers made anything better in that movie? Jailhouse nigger liked having someone who actually folded clothes and didn't beatbox for 8 hours.
Cop nigger just wanted to arrest white kids instead of arresting black criminals who ruined the parks and broke into peoples cars.
Don't forget, niggers killed his dad, a fireman, who was putting out nigger fires in nigger neighborhoods.
Speak English
>It’s not pro anything. It’s an almost nihilistic film essentially stating that hatred begets hatred and violence is an endless cycle
Wrong. If the director had been allowed to film the original ending then you'd be correct. But as it stands with the way the film ends the message is basically: YEA OKAY BLACKS WILL KILL YOU OVER THE SMALLEST THINGS, BUT BEING A RACIST IS WAY WORSE SO DON'T DO IT.
The original ending showing Derek going back to his skinhead ways after Danny is killed WOULD have been the message of: hatred only begets hatred and violence only begets violence. And it would have been a message for BOTH whites AND blacks.
I'm gonna have to be frank with you user, it's not colored folk's fault you can't get a girlfriend.
>hatred and violence is an endless cycle
Yeah bro people should just submit, especially if their children are being raped and killed, just like, turn the other cheek, like Jesus did! I'm totally an atheist, by the way, I just mention Jesus when I want to talk down to the people that I disagree with!
not an argument
>I'm gonna have to be frank with you user, it's not colored folk's fault you can't get a girlfriend.
Imagine worrying about pussy when western civilization is at stake?
Keep putting that pussy up on a pedestal, I'll keep letting people know niggers are dangerous, feral animals.
Truth is not an argument, I agree.
Well, Mexico is part of the West too and I suggest you get ready to vote in 2020 and pray that they build that wall 1000 feet deep, high, and even on the seabed or you're gonna have to learn some Spanish soon amigo Americano.
/pol/tards think it's normal to spend all day shitposting on the internet. Of course they're too stupid to understand simple themes.
But you aren't really doing anything either. You’re trying to act superior to him because he likes pussy, what exactly are you doing to save society? Are you doing anything positive in your community or do you just post shit on an anonymous Filipino toe jam board?
That would've been a classic ending. Fuck Norton.
I meant there was nothing wrong with him being a racist. The only mistake he made was letting it consume him. Engaging the jew in an argument and curb stomping the groid are good examples of that.
I curbstomped 4 niggers today alone.
LOL at asking me what I do for America? I post on MPCdot.com and visit NumbersUSA every day, nerd.
Movie would have honestly been better if he curb stomped the old guy fucking his mom
did they fuck?
I literally can't even. Are you virgin-shaming, shitlord?
It's down, not across, you disgusting freak.
Yes, virgins make me retch.
niggers are literally dumber than whites. thats factual. thats reality. do you deny it?
all the best men are virgins
the list is endless
By whites do you mean germanic, anglosaxon, jewish, caucasian, iberian, slavic, russian?
The list could go on. :)