What happened? For a few years it seemed like they were going to take over the global film industry.
What happened? For a few years it seemed like they were going to take over the global film industry
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Chinks happened
Filthy dog eating Koreans BE GONE
> take over the global film industry
They can't even overtake Japan.
>The Japan General Government Gross Debt to GDP is projected to trend around 259.00 percent in 2020
Kpop happened
This cunt's government literally banned Lee Chang-dong from applying for government film export subsidies because Lee Chang-dong supported his political opponent like 15 years ago.
having a cut dick doesn't make you a Jew, Min-jun
They moved on to dominate the music industry
If you knew anything about economy you would know those numbers mean close to nothing
>Yea Forums confirmed Dubu-board
of course, it's just low hanging fruit really
i find it tiring when people autistically compare the two countries. i know we're posting on a counterfeit 2ch but i dont see why everyone has to larp as 2ch posters
they had a brief run of hipster reddit cringe shit horror movied and murder mysteries, once people realized their shitty movies are mass-produced generic shit for zoomers everyone moved on. same will happen to scandinavian serial killer shit soon as well. only french and german cinema is built to truly endure.
Even British films have recently had a 21% global share of the box office at $8billion, how has SK faired against that?
>Even British films
Da Fook is this supposed to mean? Of course Brits have huge cultural influence.
Of course but I thought I'd just be polite.
>it seemed like they were going to take over the global film industry.
Fucking retard.
Their movies are still better than the sjw dogshit from the usa.
been along time since they made something decent
Kpop is cancer nuke South Korea, Mr Kim asap
The movie production companies ownes the major movie theater chains as well. When Korea produced a lot of mainstream but great movies they had two major companies competing against each other trying to get the viewers, then one bought out the other so now they don't need to compete so much.
Then the quality dropped hard.
Except The Spy Gone North, Miss Baek and Burning came out last year.
dont even think of calling me a roastie
t. roastie
So the same shit that happened to wrestling
Easy now, kitten.