Are you ready for the most disappointing hour of television in recent memory?

Are you ready for the most disappointing hour of television in recent memory?

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I'm all atwitter in anticipation!

That's been every Orville episode since Alara Kitan left.

STD shills on suicide watch! Remember when you do the deed it's down the tracks not across the road you discord tranny fuck!

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>The power of love will save everyone, and somehow they'll play Baby Got Back before it's all over
This is my expectation.

Isaac starts a coup and overthrow Kaylon Prime.


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Is this one of those characters for the fake sci fi movie in Argo?

What I want to happen:
>Captain Mercer somehow contacts the Krill and they agree to a temporary alliance to stop the Kaylon fleet with the help of Isaac having a change of heart because of the kids. This segways into the next episode where there are peace talks between Earth and the Krill. The Kaylon become the new looming threat for the series and Isaac is excommunicated from them.

What I expect to happen:
>Isaac will have a change of heart because of the kids and somehow disable the Kaylon fleet. We're all just be expected to pretend the Kaylon aren't a pressing threat from now on.

It blows my mind how she held the show together.

What on Xelaya kind of Hype Thread is this? I will be taking myself and my boyfriend elsewhere.

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which one is the boy?


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You need to temper your expectations. Orville has completely and utterly sucked this season. One good episode does not mean they're gonna turn it all around.

But here you are, don't like what you hear, so you run away. Orvshills are such weak pussy faggots.

You sound upset.

Moclus? More like Soiclus.

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*Oh ye gods... My career is ruined!!*
*WHIIIIIIRRR-RRrrrrrrrrrrr r r r*

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>Kelly-kun, I...

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The replacement character herself isn't very good but the show has gotten on fine in Alara's absence. Unironically maybe the most shocking turnaround in quality for a major TV show in a decade.

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>Can't keep one child from waltzing off the ship
>Loses the ship to glorified Speak & Spells without a fight
At least you kept the corner pieces secure... on a course to your stomach, you fat cunt.

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>oh god! If they take the ship it could mean the end of the entire human race!
>lets have like 10 people actually try to stop them before giving up pathetically

The next episode is a peace mission to the Krill.

So I think this episode the Kaylons win, occupying earth.

Kaylons are defeated through the power of friendship.

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Did they seriously get a little boy to play the young Alara? Imagine telling that story when you grow up.
>'member that old show The Orville? It was one of President MacFarlane's last projects before he got into politics. You remember they had that one chick who was crazy cute and hot, like so gorgeous the show got cancelled not long after she left? Well one day in '18 I put on a wig and had a family photo taken, turns out that was supposed to be her as a kid. True story.

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>expect to happen:
That seems too simple and straightforward. Even by The Orville standards.

1: I don't get "hyped" over anything at this point, so no.
2: I like the show, so I'm good with it however it turns out, unless it's atrocious, which it likely won't be.