left: femininity
right: misandry
Know the difference.
left: femininity
right: misandry
Know the difference.
Other urls found in this thread:
left: kikery
right: bribery
left: under 1 billion
right: over 1 billion
Know the difference
Misandry isn’t real. Men aren’t oppressed by women.
her toe fungus has oppressed me deeply
Left: Jew
Right: Jew Puppet
Also fuck women
only because they're going to market it as recommended viewing before End Game
ww was a mediocre, boring flick that only made cash because muh female empowerment bullshit
Anyone who looks at Gal Gadot and only thinks "jew", is a huge homosexual who will die alone with just a sad /pol/ window open in his laptop to keep him company.
WW/GG is a cute and want to buy her all the ice cream he wants.
MW/Whathername on the other hand does indeed remind you of one of those girls whose entire personality rotates around tumblr/twitter and hating men.
misandry isn't oppression, it's hate or strong dislike
Wonder woman would be almost unwatchable without Chris Pine
Yeah, Disney has been doing a lot of that lately. From all the multiple trailers they dropped after negative feedback, to Will Smith's dumbshit, to RT removing the "wanting to see" score. So much that Disney had to beg Chadzam to calm the bullshit for you.
>Misandry isn’t real
I'm a strong powerful man working to make the world a better place. If I feel uncomfortable, I know it's valid.
left: showing emotion
right: NPC face
- utter sweetheart, and such a good sport
- loves everyone in the world
- wants everyone to come together and see her movie that so many people worked hard on
- knows that girl power is having the inner strength to stand up for yourself and others, not in a shallow imitation of what men act like, but in a way that embraces femininity
- works with men in the movie to save the day, she acknowledges she can't get it done without the help of her friends - she is not a Mary Sue
- doesn't have mangled feet
- utter cunt
- hates all men
- doesn't want men to see her movies
- thinks girl power means destruction of all men, her film is about killing men while acting like a man
- comes out of nowhere as the strongest character in a franchise that has been going for a decade, needs help from absolutely nobody, and will one shot Thanos because she is stronk
- absolutely rancid feet
t. baylover
Incel: the post
Seething: the post.
>t. faggot
o i am laffin
you incels are hilarious
when men are raped in the same proportion as women, you can call me back
Larson is also a Jew.
fun fact:
It's not the same proportion that's true.
It's way more than women.
Left: Has more combat training and military experience than most incels do.
Right: Has exactly the same amount of combat training and military experience as most incels.
thanks JIDF
she's not, retard
if she was a feminist AND a jew some /pol/tard incel would probably have perpetrated a mass shooting by now
Gal is a cutie and Brie can go fuck herself.
t. sergeant
now this is a post I can get behind
>leaning the pack against the railing kekkekek
>WW/GG is a cute and want to buy her all the ice cream he wants.
>want to buy her all the ice cream he wants.
>all the ice cream he wants.
>he wants.
fix your filthy feet, Brie
left: Yea Forums hated and got btfo
right: Yea Forums hated and got btfo
I did 4 years, roastie.
Did anybody watch the recent movie about this guy and his wives? How was it?
>left: femininity
Kikery, malnutrition and nepotism.
Im as countersemetic as it gets, but Gal is prime kosher tail and has enough charm to carry any marketing production. I only saw Wonder Woman because how fucking sexy she is in interviews.
t. seething incel
you're not a loser because of the jewish conspiracy, you're a loser because dad fingered you
>he watches random interviews but pretends he wasn't a fucking idiotic waifuist piece of shit all along
fuck you
And usually, its male on male rape.
>over 1 billion
Wew. Let's wait for 500M first.
>horse face
Kike soldiers literally piss themselves when they have to fight civilians, so I'm not sure that counts for much.
Gal Gadot and Brie Larson have the same beliefs.
Gadot said that anyone who isnt a feminist is sexist.
Go to bed, Ahmed.
Male rape is fun, dont drop the soap kids.
left: an actress
right: an actress
both probably shitty
no one represents a shit in real life
Know the facts
Totally agree.
Oh fuck off
left: Skelly who can't act or speak English
right: Oscar winner for acting with patrician taste in kino
>left: an actress
[X] Doubt
Try saying no to a woman and see how far you get.
I'm glad we could make this same thread 50 times a day.
left: capeshit
right: capeshit
Nice false flag mouse shill. I have known since last night that this is your new diversion tactic to discredit /ourgirl/ Wonder Woman. Gal was very charming and had great screen presence. Brie Larson is not charming at all and her off screen antics are unprofessional, pandering, and bigoted.
>Let's make babies user!
>I aborted the pregnancy user. Babies are a burden.
fully based
just curious as someone that cares so much about rape, what do you think about the inconvenient fact that non-White men are often the perpetrators of rape and non-White cultures are often much more of a real and partly "institutional" rape culture? How do you square your belief of multiculturalism with the reality that you will cause many more women to be raped by importing rapists from countries with actual rape culture. How also do you defend no border immigration when it has been proven that most women that cross the southern border are raped?
Redpilled and based
>/ourgirl/ Wonder Woman
newfag spotted
>/ourgirl/ Wonder Woman
only if you're talking about Lynda Carter
Based and educated
I want a silicone mold
>screenshotting yourself from another thread
>actually defending cpt marvel
most based post currently on Yea Forums
Don't forget
>sloping forehead
>zero curves
>mogged by the better body of a random extra
>Gal was very charming and had great screen presence
Basically, you discovered Yea Forums in 2018 then?
Left: the absolute cutest rat
Right: mouse shit
>only won due to a Pearl Harbor like sneak attack on enemy airbases before war was declared
>never repeated
You're right, horses don't have misshapen foreheads like Gal's fetal alchol syndrome influenced skull.
I have new pics for you
Wow I like Captain Marvel and am going to go watch her but my god this is based
The jew part just helps her for me desu senpai
Where did you get that nude from?
I think this has been shooped to add curves
left: kikery
right: executive felations
Red and basedpilled
You're not helping her cause.
This is what motherhood does to women. Take notes, ladies.
Her tiny tits in the middle picture are nowhere near touching the molded corset. Sad!
And that nonexistent waistline makes her look even more like a tranny.
Your mom dealt with me rejecting her pretty well.
those legs turn into this hollywood magic is amazing
Gal a cute
unga boonga
Last one
Gal "Rip the spine out of Palestine" Gadot
Gal "Unleash the scarabs on the Arabs" Gadot
Gal "Hummus over Hamas" Gadot
Gal "Bring the whip to the Gaza Strip" Gadot
Gal "Fire at will at the Palestine shill" Gadot
Gal "My ma and pa don't worship Allah" Gadot
Gal "I always yearn for Gaza to burn" Gadot
Gal "Muslims in caves will be sent to their graves" Gadot
Awww. Look at the little titlet squeezing so hard and pretending she has cleavage.
thanks, because she sucks
JIDF please leave
I would literally stomp 100 non Jew babies to death just have one of Gals used sports bras.
How will Achmed Muhammad's compete?
I would stomp all Jew babies to death in exchange for nothing.
popeye help, help popeye
captain marvel looks way better than wonder woman desu
its /ourgal/
wow israel let a black girl represent them? they're more tolerant than I thought!
yeah in like 2013
Will you eat the blu ray when it doesn't?
She can't handle the truth user. It's the leftist paradox
Just by any chance are you gay?
honestly im not even a fucking sjw but you pol faggots are getting unbearable
t. non-white "person"
I’m not too up on Marvel lore, but is resting bitch face one of Captain Marvel’s powers?
Not a bad idea.
are Gal threads the best tv-related material she's in?
what I find funny is how they are billing this as some achievement for female representation, like we just had Wonder Woman gtfo
Lol really though. Even Wonder Woman wasn't the first female capeshit though I guess you could argue it was the first competently made big budget one
Supergirl was competently made besides the script, more competently made than Wonder Woman even, for its time
Who here's eating blu-rays when this film does well?
me but only because i'm a shitskin
>superfeminist was competently made
Wew lad wow boy ho ho ho yikes