Captain Marvel encouraging women worldwide to become leaders

I’ll be honest - I thought the ‘girl power’ crap was overblown. But seeing my daughter look at this and feel like she could be a super hero, too made me well up. Representation is huge. It matters. Being able to see yourself as a hero is no small thing.

Why can't you manbaby incels just accept that this movie ISN'T FOR YOU and go on with your day? Yet you keep persisting on trying to destroy the only female superhero in a leading role we've ever had.

/r/marvelstudios is the most unbiased place to discuss the MCU on the internet and everyone there agrees. This is the MOST important movie for women's rights of all time, just as Black Panther was the most important movie for African American rights of all time. Why can't you just let us have this one?

Attached: thisisimportant.jpg (821x787, 167K)

Other urls found in this thread: poop pants brie/image/7U7rKdXsqawfCvMnYsbwpg/ captain tranny/image/numWh1GNWukypq0tvna8Vg/ fleurs/image/Ftwsexua4D67tJtxnhGxYg/ first female/ Ultra Brie/ dudes/

>this thread again

Attached: 34093.jpg (480x360, 13K)

>this movie isn't for you

That's why I'm not watching it

Really low quality bait user. come up with something better next time

w-wait, nonono. I mean go to the movie you INCEL, what are you triggered about the first EVER female superhero? if you don't go to watch Captain Marvel I will fucking call your employer and tell him you're a misogynistic incel.

mouse PR chills here again.

I have daughters, there role model is their mum and me.
Not some cape shit.

That mother fucker is failing at parenthood.

>honey stand over there and touch the poster
>but mom I want to go home and fix my room and study why are we in the mall for on a wednesd-

You think this is the mother posting?
Looks like something a typical reddit dad

That's even worse. Actual Men don't have to fucking virtue signal, because they're too busy trying to run the world.

Shouldn't they have a role model whose not completely pathetic?

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Why would they need encouragement? what's stopping them?

>suddenly acting like captain marvel is the first female superhero movie when wonder woman came out last year

the patriarchy

You had something here but took it too far. Lighten up a bit for more believability next time.

I have pre-ordered my tickets and crablegs already.

>This movie is inspiring women to become leaders.
>40 years from now these faggots will still be bitching about the glass ceiling.
>For bonus points they'll bitch about it while drinking overpriced coffee in a trendy cafe staffed by men who don't make as much money as they do.

>mother tells her daughter to do stupid shit for a photo and a few likes

enough. this has proven a genius way to shill, but we get it now.

Attached: 1438472897387.jpg (1000x1000, 70K)

yes, so no captain marvel

>"Now put your hand on the poster sweetie, Daddy wants to get internet points from random strangers"

>feel like she could be a super hero
But she fucking can't. Super heroes aren't real. I never got this "movie character as a role model" thing. No kid should be teached that being a super hero is something that could actually be achieved. It just sets them up for dissappointment later in life and makes them cling to their childhood.

Attached: DtHvl5vU0AAR665.jpg (1024x580, 37K)

If your daughter is above the age of 4 and still thinks super heroes are real she might be mentally challenged.


>Why can't you manbaby incels just accept that this movie ISN'T FOR YOU and go on with your day?
I thought the audience for this film would be anyone invested in the MCU, not some random equality obsessed saddos jumping on the bandwagon over a decade late.

Next you'll say Santa is not real


Attached: field trip for disney.jpg (595x309, 29K)

This. Stop telling me that the movie isn't for me and then also calling me sexist for not wanting to watch it

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>Captain Marvel encouraging women worldwide to become leaders
it's over, white boys

Attached: age white men over.jpg (952x960, 80K)

This is awesome.

>hey honey go and put your hand on the poster
>but daddy I just want to watch a movie
>I told you if you want to get popcorn i need to take the picture
>dad is this another reddit thi-
>just do this for me!!
>when you made us all dress up as Mario characters you got mad at mums boyfriend for not wearing the Luigi outfit
>exactly baby and thats why Daddy only got 500 upvotes on reddit
>go touch the poster for my reddit post or we aren't seeing the movie, i bet mummys boyfriend wont take you to the movies
>please dad Tyrone wants to take me to the football game
>ok then get ready for the picture, yay i bet this will get more upvotes than my cuck shed post on reddit

Have you donated to Disney yet? Think of the children.

Attached: gib more shekels.jpg (753x519, 148K)

It is happening again...

Attached: 20190228_102059.jpg (1564x714, 753K)

>kid being a kid
>wow this is amazing female empowerment
Why are women so fucking stupid?

>that tranny on the right

Attached: no white males.jpg (624x721, 77K)

Excuse me? Here are the official Demographic Survey Results of /r/marvelstudios, which PROVES women and LGBT are discriminated against in the fansphere of superhero movies:

Gender, Total, Percentage
Male, 4763, 87%
Female, 650, 12%
Other, 49, 1%

Given that in society at large 42% of people identify as male, 42% of people identify as female, and 16% identify in a different category it's plain as day that comics and comic movies have a clear anti-female, anti-LGBT bias. That's why we've never had a female lead in a superhero movie until now. Do I need to list all the male-centric movies for you so you can get it through your thick skull? Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Ant-Man...hmm no Black Widow movie? Really makes you think?

This is, culturally, the most important movie for young women of our entire generation. Granted, movies like Hidden Figures are far more important in the grand scheme of things but events in the distant past don't connect to young audiences in the same way that a superhero movie does. Captain Marvel teaches us that women can do anything and that women can be relied upon. This is a critical lesson for young women who might otherwise be entrapped by the "you must be a Stepford housewife" ideology pushed by Republicans and backwards thinking incel males in 2019.

Attached: brielarson.jpg (787x579, 95K)

The mouse is really pulling out all the stops

Representation is huge. It matters. Being able to see yourself as a hero is no small thing.

Attached: feminist.jpg (728x1024, 107K)

Well It was a good run.

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staged, she's a reporters kid, marvel has zero shame

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This desu. It's actually condescending how "underrepresentation" of women in virtually all competitive fields is explained by outright sexism or at least by a failure to make the hobby/profession more "appealing" to women. If they need to be encouraged and catered to in order to pursue a certain goal, then maybe they would never be world class in it since they don't really care about it to begin with.

Like, men don't become chess masters or math prodigies because it's generally viewed as cool, not even for men. More likely they've been mocked in their younger years for being a nerd and disregarded romantically by women for their passion. But they kept doing what they were fascinated by because they were good and they cared.


Attached: howtotreatalady.webm (480x480, 320K)

can't tell if this is bait or not, this is so on-the-nose shilling it's laughable

>16% identify in a different category
you're not fooling anyone, you will never pass, and seek help

Attached: MK ultra.png (603x568, 78K)

>Why can't you manbaby incels just accept that this movie ISN'T FOR YOU and go on with your day?
By making a satirical thread on Yea Forums you're just proving their point though. If it truly didn't matter there wouldn't be a new CM thread every 15 mins. You wouldn't have dedicated Brie Larson generals whining about how women are enjoying things that us lowly neckbeard nerds used to love, and were bullied for it. Because you're all still stuck in middle school and want society to pay for crimes of a few Chads. Because this culture war is all you have to feel important.

When CM pulls a BP and makes a billion, maybe it's time to grow up and move on from basing your entire fucking identity on Zack Snyder movies.

>hidden subscriber count
Nice. Good to know I don't even need to bother watching this video.

It’s a film to help recruit women into the military.

Attached: 6CFD3022-FAF6-4B11-B031-D48EF099372F.jpg (673x1196, 194K)

Back to your containment board, incel. You take for granted the fact that you grew up and got to see yourself represented in films and television. I'm not in the slightest standing up for Brie Larsen. I think she's a terrible actress and she's pompous beyond belief. Regardless, as a kid, being able to go to the movies and see someone like you do amazing things is a pretty big deal. The fact that its a shitty MCU movie is irrelevant to the mind of a child. Adulthood has jaded all of us. For a moment look back to when you were a kid and remember the awe and power you felt watching a movie where a guy who looks like you was the master of his own universe; a hero. That feeling can't be discounted.

>mommy look it's the woman with toe fungus

Nostradamus Brie

Attached: no shit.jpg (807x926, 77K)

Who was your favorite actor, super hero or sports star growing up?

Larson's preparation for the stunt-heavy role included an intensive, four-hour daily gym routine with trainer Jason Walsh that eventually saw the 5-foot-7 actress dead-lifting 225 pounds, hip-thrusting 400 pounds and pushing Walsh's Jeep up a hill. There were days when the intensity of the training reduced her to tears and days when she got irritated by men at Walsh's West Hollywood gym who doubted her strength. "This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "

It's the time that I was starting to be able to lift a lot more and I was learning how to punch and kick and do judo throws," she says. "It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.' And learning to not feel guilty about taking up space like that."

Attached: gender norms BTFO.jpg (816x1131, 233K)

Did anyone follow up with a question on the validity of being uncomfortable around blacks, gays, or muslims?

>become a leader
bad news you're either born alpha or beta not both

Kids dont even think about race or gender you nutjob.

She thinks she's actually Captain Marvel and has actual super powers and is fighting non-existent nazis... I think she might be insane.

Attached: possibly insane.jpg (1609x1026, 340K)

And the closest we have on real life is somebody like a firefighter or soldier or random civilians that sacrifice their lives to save others. The vast majority of actual IRL heroes who put their life on the line to save strangers are male. Real men sacrifice their lives and they complain that fictional women aren't empowered enough?

I hate to admit it, but at first I was annoyed by the HER->HERO thing. I thought the best thing to do was treat it normally. The hero is a woman. No big deal. Same with Black Panther. You want to normalize that someone of a different race or gender can be a hero, you treat it like a given. I'm completely happy with the heros being whatever; as long as the movie is quality, I'm behind it 100%.

Then I started seeing things like this, and like the little girl dressed as Shuri approaching Ryan Coogler, and it started to dawn on me that it all looks different from where they stand. That thought really dug in when the jackasses started intentionally misinterpreting Bree's statements. Made me really think about what it would be like to grow up knowing that a hero who looked like me wouldn't be "marketable" enough. Damn right I'd want a big deal made of it.

So here's to growing as a person, I hope.

Is there anything more evil than creating political propaganda aimed at children?

Attached: fuck men.png (1439x1723, 1.01M)

holy shit white male genocide confirmed

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Their assessment of Harley had some point to it. Bitch got a plot armor stronger than Joker, not only because she's so lolrandumb, but also she's a female.
Nothing gets me harder than seeing degenerate characters like her gets killed. Call it a justice boner or something.

That is 100% unequivocally false. Nobody here just invented the concept of representation, user. You don't think a kid notices that people are different? You don't think that sharing a skin color or gender with a person they idolize makes kids feel closer to that person? I can think of literally hundreds of examples. I'm not sure if you're being purposefully daft or if you are really just this stupid. Also, I'll say this for the second time before you try to throw this in my face; this is not a defense of Larson or MCU. The movie looks like garbage and I think Larson is a pompous shit-head.

I loved top gear while it was good
Wizard of Oz was cool becuase it was everything i dreamed
never had any favourite star, hero or actor but i did enjoy a few comic books

Stop hunting for contradicting opinions and them claim that its all coming from the same source. It isn't. Someone will disagree with your choice no matter what it is. Grow up.

Women are unironically poor leaders.

>"Oh my God... She's more powerful than Iron-Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, Dr. Strange, Odin, Dormammu, Scarlet Witch, Thanos, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Shuma-Gorath, Sentry, Ronan the Accuser, Beyonder, Doctor Doom, Beta Ray Bill, The Phoenix, Mephisto, Heimdall, Black Bolt, Loki, Cyclops, Kang the Conqueror, Hercules, Magneto, The Living Tribunal, Howard the Duck, Adam Warlock, Ultron, Mar-Vell, Captain Universe, Professor X, Hate-Monger, High Evolutionary, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, The Spot, Super-Skrull, Groot, Annihilus, Red Hulk, Ghost Rider, Squirrel Girl, Carnage, Swarm, Man-Thing, Frankenstein's Monster, Uatu, Super-Adaptoid, Ego the Living Planet, Devil Dinosaur, Gwenpool, and The Orb all put together."

Attached: more powerful thanos.jpg (891x899, 170K)

Christ alive, sounds like a subtle parody of a feminist nutcase.

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Attached: wtf.gif (500x422, 651K)

So do you or do you not believe in the concept that sharing common traits with someone you idolize or admire makes you more connected and/or inspired by that person then say, someone you have nothing in common with? Would you resonate more with a public figure who was born and raised in your town than someone who was from some place halfway across the world?

Did a human being write this? This sounds like something someone would write if you plugged their brain into a collective/hive mind where every opinion they have, every word they speak or write, is crafted and calculated based on its ability to satisfy a consensus of other similarly watered down people.

This is circular logic. You are arguing we should idolize people we share a trait with (let's ignore that you pretended "she's a woman" has the same impact as "he's from my hometown"). The reason you have given for why we should do that is because our connection to people we idolize is deeper if we share a trait

here's your phase 4, bro

Attached: feige.jpg (1444x904, 366K)

So do you have any sort of cohesive response to this post or is this run-on fart you just typed out supposed to have made any sense?

>I think she might be insane.
dem shoe doe

Attached: thinking about stan.jpg (816x1197, 220K)

"most important movie..."
Movies aren't important.

If this bullshit works, then marketing executives everywhere should be fired out of a canon for missing out their clients on billions of women dollars to date. Who knew the way to sell more stuff to women was to belittle men and pretend that utterly mediocre messages inspire little girls to presumably greatness?

D...did a human type that? "run-on fart"...? Do you have AIDS or something? Something has to be massively wrong with you if you actually typed all that shit out and believed it.

this one always gets a pop out of me lel

ok.... this is powerful. I used to be an incel loser but now I know the error of my ways. Can't we just give this movie a break, Yea Forums? It inspires young girls. I'm actually thinking of preordering my ticket today while they still last on Fandango™ and while I'm at it I can pick up an ice-cold Coca-Cola™ at the theater for the best moviegoing experience one can buy.

When did you realize all women are whores even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and barely says a word is most definitely a whore

If you are trying to make the point that making fun of people who are inspired by others is a bad thing then you fell into the same mistake the woman in OP's post did and that's mistaking another persons' action for something more powerful/meaning than it really is
Not everything a person does is a political move, just becuase a child touches a poster of a woman she knows doesn't mean she support femminism

but yes that's how human connections are supposed to work

Attached: le white savior.jpg (1442x1220, 457K)

>You are arguing we should idolize people we share a trait with
False. I haven't made any argument. I asked you a question. A question, which, you refuse to answer. No one "should" idolize anybody if that isn't what they want to do. That isn't even remotely close to what I said. Don't put words in my mouth.

>let's ignore that you pretended "she's a woman" has the same impact as "he's from my hometown"
I was using an example of common traits. People aren't identical; what kind of thing resonates with you isn't going to be the same thing that resonates with someone else. Whether or not someone being from your home town or sharing your gender is more important to you in the context of representation is not for me or anybody else to decide for you. Are you going to answer the question?

Attached: big feminist movie.jpg (817x834, 63K)

Oh yeah good job you technically never argued anything, just asked a leading question
Genius move, now you can pretend you didn't get BTFO

I didn't type it out I was just genuinely curious if you thought this grade school smart-ass bullshit was a coherent response to the view point that this post conveyed? You do know that asking someone if they have AIDS isn't a response, right?

Nigger everybody understands that humans can empathize better with people similar to them. Stop it with your faggy essays.

amazing bait or just your average reddit sentiment combined with reddit spacing, hard to tell which

The question wasn't leading. I simply asked whether or not you find yourself resonating with public figures you share common traits with more than public figures that you don't. Its a pretty simple question that, again, you guys seem pretty keen on not answering. The poster also claimed that my point was we "should" idolize people simply because we share common traits and I said nothing of the sort. The strawman you built got BTFO, not me.

>If you are trying to make the point that making fun of people who are inspired by others is a bad thing
Nope. That wasn't my point in the slightest.
>Not everything a person does is a political move, just becuase a child touches a poster of a woman she knows doesn't mean she support femminism
I'm not sure what supporting feminism has to do with any of this. As adults I'm sure our allegiances are tainted by many factors but, obviously, a child isn't subscribing to any ideology by feeling drawn to a super hero movie.

I enjoy a good rant, but theres a few good warning signs to look out for
>furry avatar
>cutesy flash animation avatar flailing about in the video
>never having the courage to show thier real face
>still using the term SJW unironically
If you don't see or hear any of this, you're usually in the clear.

Attached: el gato mezzican.jpg (550x412, 66K)

maybe blacks and women are just especially racist and sexist, i remember being a fan of michael jordan, blade, jax, watched bad boys 2, static x etc and just enjoyed the stories, race never came into play, same with aeon flux, kim possible, wild thornberries w.e Maybe we white males are able to empathize whereas women and nonwhites are incapable of empathizing with white males because of their inherent sexism and racism. You really made me think user, thank you.

Self-inserting is a sign of low IQ.

Kek. Good bait, user. 7 seig heils out of 10.

it reinforces segregationist thinking and preference for one's own race and gender, I support these things but I never knew leftists did too, it's really interesting.

hey everyone look at the "normal person" we've got here
>still using the term SJW ironically

I'm sure this is a normal person we can all agree with

Attached: you.jpg (800x713, 81K)

you stated it yourself user, I'm just coming to the conclusion from your observations. you've enlightened me to the unconscious bias that plagues the black and female communities in terms of their choice of media, I had never known that before but I very much appreciate you pointing it out. I think more people should be aware this racism and sexism so prevalent within minority and female groups. Thanks for shining a light on that user.

>Why can't you manbaby incels just accept that this movie ISN'T FOR YOU and go on with your day?
I do accept this movie isn't for me. That's why I don't go see it in theatres. I will just go on with my day

This... so much this

Attached: 326453.png (639x395, 307K)

what a terrible meme, shills can't meme


Shut the fuck up tranny. No one in the real world cares about your inaccurate statistics. Women want hot men to fawn over or sons like Tom Holland to baby.

I'm Asian

>see someone like you on the screen
that's what only phsyco narcissists want

>even redditors on a marvel sub started calling out the blatant shilling
>mods (aka shills) panic and lock the thread

Attached: rotten toes.jpg (1200x992, 241K)

Parents who push their children onto whatever brand is currently in fashion to signal boost and gain likes and attention in social medias should be lynched.


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I get it now. I really didn't before, but i'm here at work in the toilet with tears welling in my eyes.

I grew up with a racist father who openly mocks black panther, and while I enjoyed the movie well enough, and i never really minded having black super heroes, i was one of those who didn't really understand the significance of it.

I know it probably seems silly for me to be saying this, but thanks for giving me a different perspective, it made all the difference.

As a female, I totally agree. I love seeing Male superheroes, absolutely. But when I saw the No Man's Land scene in WW, I've never felt that way before... it was really nice. I'm sure captain marvel will bring the same feeling.

b-b-but what about wonder woman, was it not also about empowering wumen?

>"This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "
>rethink your gender norms

Attached: 1493159342329.jpg (655x643, 79K)

I've been a WW fan since I was 3 years old. I had the old plastic Halloween costume with the full face mask. I had the Underoos. I watched Lynda Carter religiously and I fully believed if I could just master that spin, I could be Wonder Woman too.

I waited 40 years to see my hero on the big screen and you can bet I was crying by the time her theme started.

I am not white but I grew up with pretty much all white male heroes in TV/Movies. I thought nothing of it until my son who was 7 at the time insisted on getting the Finn figure at Target after we had seen The Force Awakens.

I cringe a lot on social media because whenever there is a non white male character revealed for a show/movie trailer the comments of “agenda/pandering/political correctness” are pretty common. They are reinforcing the idea that white is what things should be and anything else has some ulterior motive ignoring the motive that was originally in place which was appealing to that demographic.

Preach. Yea Forums is cancer and theses incels should learn their fuckin place in the societal hierarchy

Attached: breh.jpg (304x166, 6K)

>Posts RIP Stan
>Better make sure to get my named purse, shoes, and fancy drink in the picture.
She might just be an average woman on a power/fame trip.

>MCU hasn't disappointing me yet
Iron man 2 and 3, Black Panther, Thor 1 and 2, Avengers 2.

The problem is you will never be a real woman sir
who cares what you think

user...dressing up as a woman for halloween only became socially acceptable in recent years. that's a little too-far fetched for me to believe you wore those back in the day as a boy.

i love when adults try to drag their kids into politics to fith their narrative,
like watching the children of Obama having to stand in the background for 2 hours during speeches when he was president.

Attached: sasha-malia-bored.png (625x339, 276K)

For anyone not aware, the subreddit /r/marvelstudios is almost exclusively 100% fake shill threads by Disney that are botted to the top of /r/all and then are quickly locked once people start questioning the validity of the posts. It is not even a question that all of these threads are fake at this point.

"Seemingly legit" Reddit accounts are very valuable but the post in question (which was locked as mentioned above) was made by an account suspiciously just over 1 year old with only 3 previous comments in its entire history, pictures of sandwiches....

Most of my posts in the thread were fake comments from fake Reddit accounts made by Disney employees in the thread on /r/marvelstudios. The same employees created and have pushed the "thanosdidnothingwrong" subreddit which is why there is so much crossposting with the fake accounts.

This shit really deserves a full investigation and spread by the "Star Wars hate" Jewtubers but sadly I think the money they're making is too great to risk their reputations. In any case, go have a look yourself at all of the threads from /r/marvelstudios that Disney has botted to the front page of Reddit. All of the top voted comments are fraudulent in every single thread. It's uncanny.

Attached: 1543850269646.jpg (214x216, 28K)

probably because they aren't his real children

Attached: parents.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

finn was a shit character and your son is retarded

Did he not take his daughter to see wonder woman?

For what purpose?

Reddit is like the Matrix at this point with all the fake bullshit, botting, guerrilla ad campaigns, and such that goes on there. No idea how anyone can still visit that site or to be honest if anyone actually even still does visit it. At this point it might just be bots and shills arguing with other bots and shills.

>Black Panther was the most important movie for African American rights of all time

and how did it help them? Most movies that came after - Pacific Rim Uprising, A Wrinkle In Time, Sorry to Bother You, Widows, If Beale Street Could Talk tanked.

I'm latino and I don't give a shit who the main character's etthnicity is as long as the story is good.

The porn scene practically writes itself.

I dont know why people use reddit anyway, I tried it once but the threads there are nonsensical

Stupid marvel fags what women wearing body suits , wake up Grandpa

Hey bros, who here likes Sneed?

Attached: 1539584810495.jpg (486x540, 49K)

No credible, significant number of people claimed that the movie progressed civil rights you fucking dingbat. For a brief moment black people were excited about a movie with other black people in it that were actually cool and not just another black trope. Believe it or not, black people are just as sick of "growin up in the hood" movies as you are.

someone post the 'movies women rated best vs movies men rated best' image to show how fucked we are

>For a brief moment

Nuff said

When Suicide Squad was first announced I said "if Harley gets punched by Batman I will forgive everything else." They listened, so I must defend it.

Her daughter would grow up to have no ass too?

Attached: 6603074-brie-larsen-marvel-1.jpg (960x720, 125K)

My daughter saw a trailer for Captain Marvel and instantly became strong, empowered, and independent. She applied to MIT, got accepted, went to the gym and deadlifted 405 for reps, and decided to become a volunteer firefighter until she starts school in the Spring. She's 8.

>deadlifted 405
>8 years old
I guess you feed your kids some bullshit, weaksauce vegan diet

Not as much as i like minions

Attached: 1546045082998.png (868x1059, 715K)


uhn mate, I dont think your daughter is interested in the movie, I think your daughter just found out shes gay and is triyng to grab the titty

If I had a daughter I'd definately take her to see Captain Marvel. But I got a son so we are gonna stick to boy movies and let the chicks have this one.

>going to a movie with my wife, her bf and his son
>they let me see Captain Marvel because I worked 100 hours of overtime this month
>drive there in my 4 cylinder crossover, gas efficient and safe for my family
>buy everyone treats, comes to $200, only have enough money left for a soi latte for myself
>sit in the theater, booked the best seats in the house
>a group of black men in traditional African garb come in, banging on drums
>"oops wrong showing my niggas, we're going to see Black Panther for the fifth time"
>tip them my last $20 from my allowance for their show regardless
>wife adds a sticker to my "good husband" chart, 10 more and I get a handjob
>trailers come on
>squeal I'm so excited and pretend I'm holding a lightsaber
>my wife's son joins in and tells me Finn is a more powerful jedi than Luke, I agree with him
>getting kind of boring, pull out my nintendo switch and play a little Mario through the other trailers
>finally the movie starts, close my reddit tabs on my iphone x, browsing r/politics (so close to drumpf being impeached!)
>shaking in my seat, have been waiting for Captain Marvel for months now
>a black guy walks into the theater late
>I offer my seat to him but realize there are no other seats available
>walk way up to the front and sit on the ground in front of the first row
>as I sit, popcorn crunches beneath me, my pants become stuck to the floor, doused in soda
>it's okay though, imagine being a slave, he's had a much harder time than me
>crane my neck back and begin watching the movie
>mfw she's ready to defeat Thanos!

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>“Col. Derek O’Malley, 20th Fighter Wing commander, relieved Capt. Zoe Kotnik from command Feb. 11 due to a loss of confidence in her ability to lead and command the Air Combat Command F-16 Viper demonstration team,” said Col. Allen Herritage, director of public affairs at ACC, in a statement.
>Herritage would not comment further on what led to Kotnik’s removal, citing privacy concerns.
>In a statement on Shaw’s Facebook page, O’Malley alluded to “mistakes” on Kotnik’s part, but expressed hope that she will continue to serve in the Air Force.
>“We have thousands of airmen across our Air Force serving our country, and not one of them is perfect,” O’Malley said. “As good people, like Capt. Kotnik, make mistakes, I want them to have the opportunity to learn from them without being under public scrutiny and to continue to be a part of this great service. They’ll be better for the experience, and in turn, we’ll be better as an Air Force.”

your daughter cant be a superhero you fucking moron. Teach her to become something worthwhile like a good mother.

I used this movie and Captain Marvel to express to my daughter the importance of taking care of your feet and not letting a festering fungus get beneath your toenails.

It's as if we've never had stronk womyn leads before. What an awful campaign and you faggots who fall for it should KYS

>That's why I'm not watching it

I came to the very same conclusion. When everyone keeps telling you the movie isn't for me, I'll take their word for it. Same thing with Black Panther.

>Excuse me? Here are the official Demographic Survey Results of /r/marvelstudios, which PROVES Chuck and Sneed are discriminated against in the fansphere of superhero movies:
>Gender, Total, Percentage
>Bane, 4763, 87%
>Chuck, 650, 12%
>Sneed, 49, 1%
>Given that in society at large 42% of people identify as Bane, 42% of people identify as Chuck, and 16% identify in a different sneedegory it's plain as day that comics and comic movies have a clear anti-Chuck, anti-Sneed bias. That's why we've never had a Chuck lead in a superhero movie until now. Do I need to list all the Bane-centric movies for you so you can get it through your thick skull? Captain Banemerica, Thane, Bulk, Iron Bane, Doctor Bange, Bane Panther, Ant-Bane...hmm no Chuck Widow movie? Really makes you think?
>This is, culturally, the most important movie for young Chucks of our entire generation. Granted, movies like Hidden Chucks are far more important in the grand scheme of things but events in the distant past don't connect to young audiences in the same way that a superhero movie does. Captain Chuck teaches us that women can do anything and that Chucks can be relied upon. This is a critical lesson for young women who might otherwise be entrapped by the "you must be a Sneedford housewife" ideology pushed by Republicans and sneedwards thinking chadcel males in 2019.

I already hated the mouse but all this movie has done is make me really hate the mouse

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My problem with the whole stick is it is very rare that these women ever create something original or because they have a creative vision.
They just want in when something is super sucsessful.
20 years ago almost no girl gave a shit about video games but now that it is a multi billion dollar market they begin to ask themselves why there are no female CEOs.
Same goes for Starwars and Capeshit.

I did my part by not taking up space at the theaters, what more do you want for me goy?

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>woman training 4 hours a day might be stronger than some fat boomer who goes to the gym twice a month
>time to rethink gender norms

tom brady

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"Honey, go up and touch the super hero poster"

ngl that's actually kinda moving.
i mean i know we meme around here but representation's pretty dang important, especially for little minds.

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>/r/marvelstudios is the most unbiased place to discuss the MCU on the internet and everyone there agrees.

Biggest kek from this part

Do you think Sneed and the Minions are of the same race?

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I not gonna watch this movie for a different reason. I dont want to get to the male feminists masturbating in the theater

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The first half of the movie will be showing society at loss with half the population gone. Some vague reference to the Vice President being in charge now. Tony is floating through space when suddenly Captain Marvel floats out of a portal and grabs him.

Captain Marvel travels back in time to a few moments before Thanos snaps. Captain America is wrestling with Thanos's arm. Captain Marvel appears with Iron man. Captain Marvel throws Captain America's shield at Thanos, temporarily disabling the gauntlet - this causes Iron Man to shout "Not your shield!". He winks at the camera.

With all 3 superheros now on the floor and Thanos is recovering. Captain America says how we should never allow those who hate to control destiny. Iron Man says "I agree!". Captain Marvel says "me too!" and winks at the camera.

They begin to battle - Iron Man and Captain America are taking huge blows but Captain Marvel effortlessly deflects all of Thanon's blows. Captain America and Iron Man sit back - Black Panther rushes onto the scene. "whoah!"; he comments, watching Captain Marvel effortlessly beat Thanos "I'm with her!" he winks at the camera. Deciding to sit down and be humble, they watch Captain Marvel strike the final blow at Thanos.

She then eats the infinity stones, causing her ass to swell up. She winks at the camera.

She farts and the film ends.

>Some vague reference to the Vice President being in charge now.
Mike Pence should be the one to defeat Thanos.

allowing little minds to learn about sexuality and gender is very important for their development. we'll have those little fuckers voting for democrats the rest of their lives, am I rite?

> Big feminist
Why the redundancy?

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>we was kangs
>not a black trope

It's hard to dissapoint anyone when nobody gives a shit about some totally unknown characters.

>dead-lifting 225 pounds
>225 pounds

Uhh... you go girl? Powerful stuff, really.

Not going to lie, I'd actually watch that.

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This is fucking stupid and that lady should know it. Marvel is just using marketing to attract these kids and whores to watch the movie, seeing her daughter look up to CM doesn't mean she will equate to anything in life when she grows up. Case in point, I loved Raimi's spider-man when I was young, even got me into spider-man comics but now I'm a wagecuck loser struggling through every bill and my only relieve in life is this site and csgo.

>hip thrust 400
>deadlift 225

Uhh... I don't think so

Z E R O %






>talking shit about Ironman 3
Take your shit taste and leave

Obama is a gay muslim and his wife is a tranny

She posed her for that picture lol.

This movie made my wife's adopted nigerian son want to become a girl. He's now transitioning. Also, her two sons with her ex husband that stay with us every other week want to be Captain Marvel for Halloween, saying she's awesome. Wife just bought them tickets and I can't wait to go with them.

Yet she's better looking than /pol/ lmaooo

>"I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "
>"I flexed a cep and said something along the lines of 'How is this for a start'"
She would fit with us.

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The ones one the left and right are dangerously incompetent.

I don't know anything about the center one.

> Given that in society at large 42% of people identify as male, 42% of people identify as female, and 16% identify in a different category

and they say degeneracy doesnt spread

>the only female superhero in a leading role we've ever had.
What about barb wire? Did this noncel womanbaby forget about barb?

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Mister Rodgers had to bring his show from cancellation because little kids were jumping off buildings wearing capes thinking they could fly like superman.

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she's a black woman in politics I don't thin you need any proof that she is dangerously incompetent
she wouldn't have gotten elected if she wasn't



>Fake bullshit means women can be relied on


>16% identify in a different category
>it actually thinks trannies make up 16% of the population rather than 0.01%

How could trannies even get to 16% when half of them kill themselves within a year?

The only role model your daughter needs is Mary

Funnyhow alita is the true feminist sci-fi movie out today

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alita is feminism as seen by incels

captain marvel is actual female empowerment

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Fuck off /pol/ nobody cares

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> Marvel literally trolls /pol/lacks into advertising their movie for free


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But your daughter can't become a super hero, they aren't real.

anyone who opposes the renegade fascist Trump and his gang of incels and alt-right stormweenies is a hero in my book

Cool, but they still can't be super heroes.

This is so insufferable.

These type of pictures with those type of comments are why Captain Marvel will fail with the general audience. They're making out that Captain Marvel is the first real "empowering" female role model in the history of the film industry.

That's not a real SJW dip shit it's a /pol/ parody

I honestly can't even tell the parodies from the real thing anymore user.

Also, apparently none read the memo left by Watchmen.

Would she fit in on /fa/?

Another fucking loon.

Connected by a single hateful thread.

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I don't get it.

What's the message? Female leaders will get your entire rebellion slaughtered?

I dont actually. This is a really good, if somewhat disingenuous question, but to say that you should feel more connected just because you have common traits should not be true at all. I have always idolized other people that have had to make hard decisions that may seem harsh to some, like my father. Same goes for some personalities that took flack for saying their pieces that are deemed controversial.
I have nothing alike with these people. I dont ever see myself emulating my father when it comes to raising his family, nor will i ever see myself fully agreeing with people’s controversial opinions. But that doesnt mean that i cant connect with them more than someone who im the same with, probably because i learn from them more.
This is actually a very good summary of everything youve argued for. But yeah, keep thinking that you BTFO everyone who answered to you.

I'm not reading this thread. But I'm just reminded of THIS

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>/pol/lacks into advertising their movie for free
>the only people getting "influences" by /pol/ are the same people who hate the movie
Not really clever aren't you?

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The last good capeshit movie was The Dark Knight

I am having more fun watching DC and Marvel race to the bottom than I ever did watching their movies.

Still, DC had aquaman and will have shazam, so it looks like they're recovering, while Marvel is going full speed down the fucking drain

Reminder we have found the group behind ALL the capeshit(marvel, dc and fox) and nu star wars spam. The links below are just a few of the "main" ones. Currently they're spamming captain marvel threads (like OP) and then they will move onto shazam poop pants brie/image/7U7rKdXsqawfCvMnYsbwpg/ captain tranny/image/numWh1GNWukypq0tvna8Vg/ fleurs/image/Ftwsexua4D67tJtxnhGxYg/ first female/ Ultra Brie/ dudes/

I honestly don't understand why people visit r*ddits where actual, legitimate paid shills work and are welcomed with open arms.

I'm the one who made this thread and I made it specifically to point out the 100% paid shilling subreddit that is /r/marvelstudios. I wouldn't be surprised if Twatter warriors are spamming threads here but this one is my own.

I look at the Reddit front page once a day to see what is currently being shilled to the public. I've seen WAY too many shill posts from /r/marvelstudios on the front page than is possible naturally which is why I made this thread. They all follow the same pattern and they all have tons of fake posts in them with stuff like "Black Panther taught me that black people MATTER" and "I never knew what it meant to be a powerful woman until I saw the trailer to Captain Marvel - now I know!" and other posts so ridiculous that no one outside of an echo chamber could possibly believe them.

I just hope some of the tourists who come to Yea Forums from other websites will see threads like these and finally start to question what they're being fed.

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this man is really gay, even after having kids


>"I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "
Yep, totally happened.

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Stone Cold Steve Austin

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Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong place. Leather club's next door.

>all of the retards falling for the bait

fuck off onions boy

I have accepted that it isn't for me. That's why I'm not going to see it :^)
At the end of the day, it's just another dumb marvel flick.

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superhero movies are for kids

I don't see the problem here?

can someone fill me in

>But seeing my daughter look at this and feel like she could be a super hero, too made me well up. Representation is huge.

Because you SUCK as a parent and need make-believe people to give your poor child something to look up to.

Bend over and I'll fill you in.

why didn't anyone shoot him

only brown kids get in for free, whitey pays full price

Because he was already getting stomped



I like Brie Larson, I think she's a good actress. I don't know much about the Captain Marvel character, but I'm actually thinking of seeing this movie.

She's gonna kill Thanos lol

Nooooooo, think of Israel!!!!!!!

>He says this, imagining Disney with beads of sweat rolling down their collective foreheads at the startling prospect of random 4channel shitposter #492837 not going to see Captain Marvel

>Most destructive character in the MCU
>Has a purpose and a motive
>Kills and tortures to achieve his goal
>Forces his underlings to call him "daddy"
>Wipes out half of the universe
>A fighter pilot with super ultra mega powers is gonna kill him

I can't wait till Brie says some shit about "It's over men, the future is female" and everyone loses their shit

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Wow I sure got BTFO hard, guess I have to give up being an incel now.

Maybe I should get one of them gfs I hear people talk about!

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Why are you getting annoyed at something that hasn't happened yet?

If all the people shilling this movie actually went to see it, it might be successful.



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I guess I feel the same way your parents felt before you were born. Just dreading the disappointment

Good thing you don't have to worry about that. Having a wife's son makes you know what you're getting into.

I thought she was great in Room. I don't find her all that unlikeable, then again, I don't obsessively follow her Twitter account.

I reckon it'll be successful regardless of shills user. It probably won't do Black Panther numbers, (or even Aquaman) but it'll do okay.

Regardless of the money it makes, Disney will spin it as a success, and Yea Forums will spin it as a failure.

why is she touching her boobies






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I can't tell if you're being ironic or not. But she never said Captain Marvel wasn't for white males, at least as far as I'm aware.

Did you just call your dad a cuck?
What the fuck?

I sure did, dad.

onions boy, go back to the board that shall not be named

you should eat those crablegs early, user

We don't want women to be leaders. They fuck shit up and nothing more

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I see.
So, Californian Hollywood made a movie for kids about a girl super hero who shoots lasers at bad guys, while simultaneously saying guns are bad and you don't need to protect yourself.
The only thing that matters is that the rich assholes in Hollywood don't give two fucks about anything but money. Period.

Isn't it stupid to have one character stronger than Thanos? If she can solo him why even bother.

>He says this, imagining Disney with beads of sweat rolling down their collective foreheads at the startling prospect of random 4channel shitposter #492837 not going to see Captain Marvel
I think this is where most sjw progressives fuck up in their understanding.. It's a free market (albeit liberals keep eroding how "free" it actually is, but I digress). Disney has their own prerogative to create what they want, should the economy dictate a market for it by incentives/profits. The movie looks like dogshit to me, therefore I'm not going to see it. Disney receiving a loss or profit on the film is entirely indifferent to my disposition - it in no way affects my short term career plans (finish my MS/MBA), nor my long-term plans.

The difference in approach is unironically best characterized by President Trump vs President Obama's election victories:
>Obama wins: congrats I hope you don't fuck up this country
>Trump wins: nonstop protests in the street, i.e. 'the sky is falling down' syndrome.
You seem to think that anons shitting on a film for a few laughs every night = mass protests/organized boycotts incoming. I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the modern left vs modern right.

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I spent the last year rotting in my desk chair getting soft as shit, and still pulled 220 yesterday. But I'm still told men and women are the same.

>"hey guys look at this twitter post!"
>"hey guys look at this reddit post!"
Why are shitty threads like this allowed and why are they popular?

I don't support tribalism and that is what this whole cry for diversity is.

Why can't you teach your daughter to see her herself in others based on criteria that actually matters, instead of the fact that the person is a woman?

There was a pretty interesting read on /biz/ a month or so ago when the "toxic masculinity" Gillette commercial came out, from some guy who worked corporate at Procter & Gamble. Basically, the who office is ultra-right wing fiscally speaking, and couldn't give two shits about the social justice aspect - i.e. they only care about what sells at the moment, indifferent to it's effect on larger society.

>muh Obama
You people are insufferable faggots.

>completely avoidance of addressing my point
Can't say I'm surprised.


I can't wait for all the incel tears next week

Some more fake comments from /r/marvelstudios. At least they labeled the post showing the EW cover itself as an advertisement.
>My eyes shines everytime i see her uniform, so beautiful
>It's a really amazing suit.
>It’s one of the best comic to movie adaptations ever
>That suit is fucking gorgeous bro...all she needs is the fucking hip sash.
>God next week can't come fast enough
>I rarely notice or comment about suit, but That suit. Wow.
>She's very beautiful and it's unbelievable how 70 year old Sam looks younger than Will Smith, who looks 30 but is 50.

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Why only the class of girls? Why not the boys too?

There are a lot of people actively hoping this film fails user.

Absolute masterclass level bait. You put hard work into your craft I can appreciate that.

>Reddit screenshot
Be gone, you are hurting this board more than you know.

Capitalism sucks

I really don't get why feminists exist in these days
>empower women by making them behave like men
>wtf do you mean life has struggles
unironically letting women work and vote was the beggining of the end

>Wasn't made for him
Wasn't the character she's playing made by a couple of white dudes?

right on.

Your daughter literally has a better chance of becoming a princess than a superhero. At least princesses exist in the real world.

The only one with shit taste here is you, faggot

Thanks. I really just want to bring attention to the fact that many sections of Reddit are literally over 50% fake posts. This is a HUGE problem because sooner or later it won't just be fake shilling for movies to generate shekels. It will be fake shilling for nuclear war or imprisonment of group X for wrongthink.

Right now I would estimate that at minimum 20% of "high quality" posts (posts that have significant content aimed at changing or solidifying an opinion) on /r/politics and /r/the_donald aren't from real people. That's fine right now where both sides balance each other out, but it won't always be that way. /r/marvelstudios is sort of an outlier in that 75% of high quality posts are clearly fake but it makes it clear as day for normies that things are not ok.

With clean Reddit accounts with 5+ year post histories going for $500-750 apiece now I really hope people will think harder when they read something before "joining the hivemind."

Oh well if my posts here did nothing at least they will be archived for all time so that when the internet all comes crashing down I can gloat that I warned everyone.

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We need movie like Captain Marvel in the dark age of Trump

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absolutely based