I was eavesdropping on a livestream between some NPC / SJW types last night and I found out the narrative that the shills are already pushing to disqualify Wonder Woman's success when hyping up Captain Marvel. They are telling each other that the reason Wonder Woman didn't get any hate is because Wonder Woman "couldn't do anything without Steve Trevor's help." They are spreading the narrative that "incels" hate Captain Marvel because she is empowered and doesn't need the help or affection of a male character.
I knew they were going to have to try and disqualify Wonder Woman somehow when hyping up Captain Marvel as the victim of "sexists," but this is a new low. If I might speculate a bit, they are going to do it to Alita too if Captain Marvel makes less money, since Alita had a strong father figure and loved a boy. Being a "strong female character" only counts now if they are single and totally self-reliant, which also explains why they love Rey from Nu Star Wars so much.
>this nigga thinks of himself as some kind of secret agent in a culture war that anyone with half a brain doesn't give two shits about >90% of this board thinks the same
its so absurd that caepshit has become some weird holy thing
Jaxon Rodriguez
>do it to Alita too It's happening. The Crack's hit piece was the first shot to signal NPC on the offensive of linking Alita to "incel trolls" that hate strong wahman like CM. They are spreading posts about it all over Yea Forums
Christian Brooks
how about fags that hate /pol/ yet regurgitate its memes except rebranded as left wing
Xavier Bell
By day I am user, the humble minimum wage worker. By night (and during breaks) I become Anonymous, a champion for white people on the Internet, fighting blackness whereever I see it.
David Anderson
in a sense, these corporations are creating the "new" gospels for the atheist consumers
Feminists don't make friends, they make alliances.
Nathan Reyes
SEETHING alt-cels
Lincoln Richardson
t. Tranny
Jackson Jackson
>not wanting false narratives to be pushed is both okay and a sign of a lack of sexual activity People like you allow hate to live in your heart. Sad.
Wyatt Garcia
meant wanting false narratives
Noah Butler
Why stop at having htis thread every day? Why not have one every hour? Matter of fact... why not every minute? Wait, why don't we just get on our phones and make one every second!!! That'll show those pesky SJWs!
Eli Baker
It's like you genuinely believe you're an operative of some covert Black Ops division
Asher Wood
What a terrible marketing campaign.
Sebastian Parker
>They are telling each other that the reason Wonder Woman didn't get any hate is because Wonder Woman "couldn't do anything without Steve Trevor's help." Wonder Woman never got as much shit as Captain Marvel's has before it's release. There was no way "trolls" could've known how important Steve was in that movie before it's release.
XD, my dude. Way to dab on that incel. Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind nigger!
Wyatt Bell
Mouse shills and discord trannies out in full force today.
Leo Hughes
>discord trannies I'm a refugee from /g/ and I know that discord is some text/voice chat for gamers but I'm not a gamer What are these "discord trannies" though?
Gabriel Green
based centrist
Levi Long
keep reeing discord trannies >anyone with half a brain doesn't give two shits about
Of course someone with a two second memory would think everyone else has half a brain.
>What are these "discord trannies" though? paranoid delusions /pol/ shitters use to explain away any dissent on this board against their fascist agenda
basically the incel version of the 'enemy within' myth
Benjamin Stewart
Ahh forgot this movie had a cat in it. Maybe I will see it after all.
>Wonder Woman never got as much shit as Captain Marvel's has before it's release. There was no way "trolls" could've known how important Steve was in that movie before it's release.
Exactly, that's why it's revisionist history. The shills are acting as if Chris Pine somehow single handedly shielded that movie from any criticism, which is not only extremely belittling to Gal Gadot but also it completely ignores the fact that Samuel L. Jackson is in Captain Marvel.
Gal Gadot did not go political in her off-screen activities. Some people complained that she wasn't big enough to play Diana and there were some anti-jew posts about her, but she never lashed out and kept things very positive. The team was confident in the movie they made and the audience ended up loving it.
Captain Marvel has been a very defensive campaign ever since the start. The character has never been popular in comics, and they've had to reboot her comic series 5 times since launching it in 2012. Wonder Woman has been a cultural icon for almost a century, whereas Captain Marvel is basically a modern creation made in response to feminist criticism of Marvel not having enough mainline female heroes.
Captain Marvel is astro turf. Her fandom consists almost exclusively of crazies on social media, and the reason Marvel keeps rebooting her comic instead of just canceling it basically comes down to affirmative action. They want her to be their star brand even though most people who know the character don't like her at all.
Nathaniel Gray
ITS MA'AM!!!!!
Brayden Martin
just move to 8ch, they're too scared to visit a site with that reputation so it's reminiscent of Yea Forums of old if you scope around there even a little but you'll see how infested this place is with normies who reply to anything with "incel"
Dominic Gomez
Hey user, I'm real impressed with how you are handling these incel bullies. Wanna join me and my cute friends on Discord? ^_~
Ryan Nelson
Carson Williams
Normies don't even know what "incel" is. They probably think it's something inside their laptop. It used to be a self-label for a bunch of unfuckable borderline-suicidal wizards, but now it's just the go-to insult for a bunch of Twitter tourists to use on anyone who has a "wrong opinion."
>ALL NORMIES ARE TRANNIES This is a boring shill meme.
Julian Flores
Thomas Bennett
What’s dilation?
Caleb Peterson
the real reason captain marvel doesn’t have a love interest is because both women and men are alike are put off when the man is put in the damsel in distress role.
it’s like making a 80s scream queen horror movie but casting a guy as the main character. it would be extremely repulsive to see a guy helplessly screaming and crying in his house as he’s being chased by some monster. (See nightmare on elm street 2 for an example)
Wyatt Sullivan
>the real reason captain marvel doesn’t have a love interest is because both women and men are alike are put off when the man is put in the damsel in distress role.
Steve Trevor was well done. In the comics he got kind of a bum wrap for being "the male Lois Lane" but the movie did him justice.
The friendship and romance between Steve and Diana was the emotional core of Wonder Woman that helped it do so well with women. Women love romance, which is why romantic comedies make so much money. Captain Marvel is basically asexual and normal women do not identify with that kind of character.