Today's the day

today's the day

goodbye Yea Forums

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burn in hell bitch

Have a wonderful trip.

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provide livestream link plz

Smell ya' later, OP.

check these dubs before you leave

>will you be back fren?

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badbye friend

good riddance toad boy

see ya tomorrow, loser

Don't do it user. You posted here because you don't really wanna do it. So don't.

where ya going?

Hope you saved up for a shotgun. Or this is going to be very painful

Completely unrelated question but lets just say my friend "user" has been drinking a case of beer every day for years, if user were to stop abruptly would he be at risk of severe withdrawal or death?

where are you going? either way, have a good time

Do a barrel roll

See you tomorrow, Yea Forumsr/o/

Are you going on vacation? I hope it’s to somewhere warm! It’s cold right now in the northeast. When will you be back fren?

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Lol ok see ya tomorrow

blogpost about your travel please op

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Do a flip, faggot

Come back ,user....

Want to talk pal? Give me your steam or discord

Good night my man. See you tomorrow.

shut up incel lol

The withdrawal is gonna be painful, brace for it. But it's worth it, you can do it.

Will it be extremely painful?


go see a doctor and he'll tell you. good luck

>he doesn't want to live long enough to see the first manned mission to Mars
Don't let the door hit you on ass on your way out

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user shouldn't stop abruptly but instead lower his intake gradually over a couple of weeks to complete stop to minimize the withdrawal effects.

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Goodnight, sweet prince.

I can't afford a doctor unfortunately, I live in the USA and my shitty health insurance only covers like 10% of the bill, I've gotta go cold turkey or go to one of those shitty detox facilities that the county runs for homeless and I really don't want to. They take all your electronics away and I'd fucking lose my mind without internet access

Don't be a pussy OP

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hell be fine

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user should go completely dry starting tomorrow
user will think about drinking every day several times a day, in which case user should instead think about the money saved as he doesn't succumb to the EtOH jew

OP is a big guy.

blessed image

For you

Should I have a beer before I go to bed tonight? When I drink its like a switch gets thrown in my brain and I drink until I pass out or until there's no alcohol in my immediate vicinity. I've got problems.

>tfw 26

Finally got a job huh?

Try not to damage any organs. They can still be donated to people in need after your death

Are you me?
How I cope with it is I'll buy 4 beers and crack one at 11pm (the cut off time for liquor here) so that way I won't be able to get more until the next day

Yeah I try to do that but it hardly ever works, I get some weirdly bad anxiety when I start to see I only have X amount of beers left so I usually end up caving before closing and walking to the store

Not before bed. You gradually lower the intake. If you used to have 6 beers a night lower it to 5 for a few days, then 4, then 3 and so on. Drink only during specific time frame, like between 7 to 9 pm and don't go over it. Drinking before bed is not a good idea as it will not help with your night sleep. You might get the shakes and sweats too. Don't panic, faggot.

get a piece of paper and estimate how much money you've spent over the last years on alcohol, then think about what you could've bought with it instead
now keep those estimates to predict how much more money you'll spend this year too if you don't stop today
every time you think about drinking, put the cost of a beer in a jar (call it the alcohol jew jar)
I'm not kidding this does help because you start seeing your quitting as a pro-active thing and not just a passive thing

>I'd fucking lose my mind without internet access
you'll get used to it and find better hobbies like reading.

You've been drinking 24 beers a day?

Reading is for faggots.

>better hobbies like reading

Stop pushing this. You're better off reading Wikipedia pages than your favourite book. My father is a massive book worm but not exactly what I would describe as intelligent or educated. You're not a better person because you're reading novels.

Go to your local AA group and ask for advice.

Yeah, usually PBR or yuengling or some cheaper macro lager. It sounds like a lot and I guess it is but I usually started drinking at noon and 2 beers an hour until I pass out around midnight

This. Find a subject that really interests you and focus your time on looking up information on that topic. Then once you become incredibly well versed in a subject, the hunt for new information becomes part of the challenge.

Farewell OP
We'll miss you

That sounds expensive. How many years?

Almost a decade my dude, I probably could have bought a car with all the money I pissed away. And the funny thing is I'm 2 days sober and I don't even miss it, I just don't want to die.

Just keep going, you will get a warning before dying anyway

see you tomorrow OP.

I'm in the same boat as you user
Coming off of 5 solid years of half a liter of vodka a night, bumped it down to a couple drinks this week then going clean after the weekend
We got this


You got this senpai. In the event that I do die though, do me a solid and avenge my death

Tell your dad that the TV guide doesnt count as a novel

>with all the money I pissed away

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Books are inferior to the internet for gaining knowledge and inferior to film and vidya for entertainment. It's an obsolete medium.

You're an alcoholic Harry