Yeah... I'm thinking she's back lads.
Yeah... I'm thinking she's back lads
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Inb4 seething incels
literally who?
we're not gonna take it starts playing
They'll never stop.
What's the next step of her master plan?
>actress slash political activist
lmao i’ve seen her naked
If you control the botty hole, you control the world.
Why do actors think their opinions matter at all? They are the mental reserve of the world with rare exception.
>Americas broken system
>the type to wear expensive clothing
>then claim money is the enemy
>actress slash political activist
She needs to just shut up and sit on my face
Well I have to say, in terms of purported saviors of the human race throughout history, I really cannot think of too many of them that I can say I've seen their butthole. This may just actually be the first.
>isn't going to take it anymore
who writes this garbage
Omg she's just like Katniss! Go girl!
Tell me your plan, 8th grade American educational system graduate.
>didn't even finish high school
>has a plan to fix the world
I'm all ears
This is quite literally all our primary lefties: they're either well off celebs in ivory towers, or soft-handed brats living off daddy's money or hipster welfare while leveraging their talent to bullshit over social media.
>wanting tyrones sloppy seconds
She's gonna fix the 'conomy and make the crops grow again! AND SHE'LL DO IT ALL IN ONE WEEK
you missed the part where she gets money, user
>broken system
Which system? How is it broken?
>High school dropout
>Became famous by sucking & fucking an old fat jew
>Most well-reviewed thing she was ever in was a picture of her butthole and pussy
Clearly, this is a person who we should all beg to lead us.
Meanwhile the poorfags are praising it while deluding themself they gonna hit it big and become billionaires annny time now.
The irony and self-awareness in this article is so low it's dipped into the negatives. What's sad is broke ass destitute liberals woke up out of their twin beds yesterday, checked their smart phones (still on their parent's phone plan,) and said "yeeeah you GO qween! XD."
>was getting your pics leaked part of your plan?
>it's time to reach across the aisle
>all the advisors are lefties
Blah blah
I don't want saving
>middleschool drop out.
How dumb is she?
fuck off..
you forgot people who are poor due to poor life decisions and want gibs
I wish she could use her immense brain to build a time machine, go back in time, and tell herself not to suck Harvey's cock so that she wouldn't shit up the X-Men movies.
She has a borderline (if not actually) retard level IQ. I'm guessing it's some ultra-progressive plan that also asks for everyone to be nice to each other. A plan so dumb that AOC could poke holes in it for days.
>actress slash political activist
They're not really lefties, they're stupid Orwellian proles. They should be spared and attempted to be awoken during the day of the rope, while all of the actual lefties in the government and upper crust of coastie society are to be drawn & quartered.
that was written as mockery, right? it seems like it
That's what's so endlessly hilarious about all these nouveau-commies/socialists: the moment they start making bank is the moment they become devoted capitalists, they know it's what the truly want, and they think no one else sees it. They're feverishly clawing for their piece of the pis same as everyone else. Pathetically transparent.
Why the FUCK can't celebrities stay out of politics
>fuck off..
>actress slash political activist
Because the media is just another branch of the government
the funny thing is it's not
>last seen in the Russian spy drama "Red Sparrow"
>last seen
That's some wishful thinking.
I've seen her butthole, vaginer and boobs
>"I'm putting a halt on acting to get into politics"
>Both sides applaud since she can finally stop being in movies
>Lefties clap because she's going to be involved in the Democratic party
>Right wingers clap because she's going to be involved in the Democratic party
Is she playing 7D chess unironically to bring us all together?
you forgot the considerable portion of those who are still left-wing yet don't realize their party sold out to corporations long ago
>this long for someone to fucking post the video
What if she's actually redpilled and decides to continue Ted Kaczynski's legacy? That would be a pretty cool way to save democracy.
>those two were the least popular candidates
First Emma Watson, now Jenny?
Big Harv fucking the brains outta these dumb cunts. Every girl he touched with his dick turned into an insane person.
Does her plan entail finding another powerful Jew who she can ask to get her film roles and awards in return for blowjobs and anal?
>implying tyrone puts up with her shit
Was Red Sparrow really her last movie? That was a while ago. Did her career take a nosedive or something?
yes you sjw incels love to cry
>yeah, i'm thinking he's "taken it" a few times before
has she turned to fucking politicians then?
Step 2 should denote that it's actually not her money, cuz she technically deserves more 2bqhfamalamadingdong
save america from what?
>Not schlomo shekelstein
Hi, let me try to help you. You can't meme an incoherent non-concept because meming fails if forced. People who are voluntarily celibate are as a matter of definition not involuntarily celibate. Calling people you disagree with loser virgins means you have no argument.
>Constantly overwhelmed by everything wrong with politics
>has the answer to >our problems despite being constantly overwhelmed
let me guess
>fuck white dudes
>not the white women just white dudes
>not the jews either
>not the gay white dues either
>more women
>more minorities
How's Jennifer Lawrence gonna school anyone, she didn't even finish high school, the dumb whore.
MK I guess
Manufactured issues.
>Gender pay gap (not real under a multi variable analysis)
>capitalism (a form of social governance which has improved the average standard of living for any country that participated)
>limited diversity (there are more whites than any other race in America, they're bound to get the most roles by default)
>BLM bullshit (you're no more or less likely to be killed by a cop if you're black or white)
Stuff like that.
eh, it's public school. After middle school, it's mostly useless.
inb4 discord tranny
Thank You Jennifer, Very Cool!
So what's her plan? Someone summarize so i don't click that shit
oh nothing new then
But user by not sucking the Harvester's dick and exposing her berthole she'll be creating a time paradox!
Clearly you're not a multi-hyphenate!
She will assign all incels state issued cute gfs so they will stop shitting on her movies on anonymous imageboards.
Did she even finish Jr High school? I think she dropped out at 13-14 and you can tell when she talks
ok this is friggin epic
>no ones watching my shit anymore and ive already done porn, lets try politics
gfs r no good if u dont have a job tho
hahaha, really? Even worse. Someone claimed she dropped out of middle school. What a dumb broad.
Why has no one posted this brave new voice in American politic's butthole?
Unfortunately sucking cock won't fix the system, but sure let's see what she has to say
>Lawrence dropped out of school at age 14 without receiving a GED or a diploma. She has said that she was "self-educated" and that her career was her priority.
So, why does America need saving?
The GFs will be state assigned, so they will be paid to be incels GFs. The GFs will then support the incels. This will drive the economy forward and state issued GFs will get bigger paycheks to support incels even more. Its positive feedback loop. We will all just get richer and richer thanks to Jennifers plan.
>save America
She couldn’t save her virginity from big bad Harv
Stop scaring off the women! they're out most precious resource, dontchaknow?!
BETTER RESPONSE = "lol I bet they couldn't even pay for sex!"
She has my vote, unless it increases my taxes.
She wants to get into politics? Someone edit her butthole pic with the Obama poster colors
idk user that sounds like socialism and i don't like it. i wanna work for my own gf and so should others. if u assign people gfs its like adopting babies to mommies. it wont work
Please. Someone.
She will fuck Trump to save america. You should be grateful american pig.
Her career died after Weinstein got busted, and her shacking up with Aranofsky didn't yield any more Oscar-earning roles. Mother! was panned and she is aging, so without another jew producer to suck off of she is reduced to playing political sympathies for clickbait attention.
>asks liberals to work with conservatives
Liberals will be more triggered by this video than Yea Forums
No one wants to cross the aisle
They only want total submission
>We will all just get richer and richer thanks to Jennifers plan.
Cross what aisle? "Hey, lets completely reduce the white population below 50% so they lose any representation in the nation they built" concessions?
getting mad about being called an incel + talking about women all the time makes you look like an insecure turbovirgin
Here's a quick rundown on JLaw's org.
You do have a point, but how else would we stop incels from shitting on her movies? Would mandatory star sprinkled banner tank tops for the GFs be sufficient change?
Okay since no one actually watched the video here’s the tldr
>government answers to super rich/ special interest groups
>despite /pol/ wanting to continue that for some reason, most Americans don’t
>end gerrymandering
>reform lobbying
All good ideas with literally no mention of any of the /pol/ trigger words
>we're totally bipartisan and independent, like our heroes, the guys who brought us feminism and interracial marriage
hello my fellow political centrist. it sure is easy to not take a side and sit right up on this fence (that is in fact pretty far to the right of center in American politics) and then proceed to say both sides are complete retards don't you think?
well aren't incels the loud minority? if there's someone outside of incels complaining, it should be addressed honestly, if it's just a small group of people with largely irrelevant complaints (incels), it doesn't matter. there's always a group like that
Can someone explain why capitalism is good for white people? And not something like socialism where the state can control things like media and business etc etc. Capitalism at least laissez faire capitalism allows for any idealogies to rise, and degeneracy to become popular through trends
lol @ some tranny from discord whining about degeneracy
Didn't she not finish high school? Lmao
>“I’ve always thought that it was a good idea to stay out of politics,” says Lawrence. “Twenty-five percent of America identifies as liberal and I need more than 25 percent of America to go see my movies. It’s not wise, career-speaking, to talk about politics. When Donald Trump got sworn into office, that fucking changed.”
>Now, she shares her political opinions, whether people want to hear them or not, which she says is just part of her personality. “If I’m thinking something, I’ve made it very clear I’m going to talk about it,” she says. “My family obviously hates every time I talk about politics because it’s hard to see your kid get criticized and they live in Kentucky, where nobody is really liking what I’m saying.”
>Kentucky overwhelmingly voted for Trump in the 2016 presidential election and while Lawrence doesn’t support him, she does understand why her former neighbors might. “Here’s a big powerful man in a nice suit, pointing at you and going, ‘I’m going to make you rich.’ It’s so appealing,” she says. “The Democrats made a huge mistake by chastising the Trump supporters, and that was disgusting to me. Of course they’re not going to vote for Hillary Clinton; they’re going to vote for Donald Trump. You laughed at them when their plight is very real.”
>Lawrence, however, was a supporter of Hillary Clinton because of her status as a “career politician” with a great deal of experience in politics. “I wouldn’t hire an assistant if they didn’t have experience,” she said. “We’re talking about the president of the fucking United States!”
seething incel spotted
>I love that all politicians in the federal government agree to special interests bribing them into office despite the fact that they will domlish the middle class for extra shekels even though it’s not sustainable.
>if a woman says something is bad it MUST be good
There's no compromising with the left. They don't even know what it means really. Their idea of compromise is
>we'll take less than we want right now. We'll be back for the rest as soon as this passes.
When have we ever had an actual compromise on gun control for example? And the last compromise on immigration they just didn't do their part at all.
Dont underestimate the power of concentrated weaponized autism the incels possess.
Hey, I'm quoting their movement. They came right up to bat saying they're gonna have the next big victory like interracial marriage or feminism. They probably had to talk the guy down who was praising gay marriage.
capitalism is just wat happens when u give people freedom. and we gotta be strict about the term freedom, because a tyranny is technically still "free" because you are still allowed to speak out (even though you will be immediately killed). socialism, where the government is paying you, is also freedom by similar definition, but not really. being on it is like being on an IV drip, without which you die. sure you have the freedom to pull it out, but ultimately the power is in the hands of the person providing you.
>I love corruption! - Yea Forums
There's no compromising with the right. They don't even know what it means really. Their idea of compromise is
>we'll take less than we want right now. We'll be back for the rest as soon as this passes.
When have we ever had an actual compromise on gun control for example? And the last compromise on immigration they just didn't do their part at all.
>When have we ever had an actual compromise on gun control for example?
The assault weapons ban of 1994. Trump more recently unilaterally banned bump stocks after the Las Vegas shooting.
>And the last compromise on immigration they just didn't do their part at all.
In the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Reagan agreed to give amnesty to all Mexican nationals in the country in exchange for a border wall and strict control of any future illegal immigration. Democrats agreed.
So you’re saying women shouldn’t vote or interracial marriages should be outlawed? What exactly does your ideal “land of the free” look like?
How the fuck do the Democrats keep pretending to be the regular people's party when they took far more lobbyist money than the Republicans in the 2008, 2012 AND 2016 elections?
That's demonstrably not true though retard. Compromise is both sides getting some of what they want. When has nationwide conceal carry reciprocity for example even been suggested by Democrats as a trade off? Never. Outta just their goals and their version of compromise is just lessening them slightly. Meanwhile Republicans offer daca permanence in exchange for wall funding. Dem "compromise"? Just give us daca period.
Well when one side literally want to kill the other side because they are cis and white it's a little complicate
Please tell me what's wrong with the world, 29-year-old high school dropout.
it's funny that jen feels that "the country she grew up in" was so much better than what we have now
A woman in every kitchen and a nigger hanging from every tree.
Neither of those were actual 'compromises" you fucking dipshit, thanks for proving my point. Both examples were Democrats getting what they want with zero given to the other side.
it's hard to take her seriously after seeing her asshole
Look again. I was replying to the asshole who thought he could flip the script and claim Republicans ALSO constantly try to get what they want with zero given to the other side.
The point is the Republican Party always spreads its asshole and gives the Dems half of what they want and there are no notable cases where the Dems returned the favor.
You're right. I misread.
>makes her rich beyond measure
>is bad
You wanted the truth. I have a terrible case of negro fatigue, and democracy was more functional when it was "one vote = one household"
She doesn't even have a GED.
actually black slaves built America. Perhaps its your turn to put some sweat into the endeavor.
Holy shit an entire country made out of cotton and peanut butter
I'm not a centrist
I'm just not stupid enough to realize what game everyone is playing
America needs to be split up.
There is no national unity, no core values, no shared beliefs, no shared history, not even a fucking common language anymore. We're just a massive seething cauldron of tribes only united by a government that exists to extract money from less favored ones and distribute it to more favored ones.
That's not a fucking country.
>actually black slaves built America
man these lucky american with their magic negros getting rich when the entire world is poor if only anyone could get some of these magical niggers
I thank god everyday that people like you have no real influence or charisma. You’re narrow view of this country is greatly divorced from reality. And while you and I scream about black people via the internet the federal government continues to reap its constituency for whatever financial gains they can give to their masters.
If you’re issue with this country is women having opinions or black people existing then you are truely lost
There will never be a functional or united country with 40 million blacks in it. America is finished. You're not going to go into a better future with the love and cooperation of your precious negro brothers.
the actual America is Cartage
>tfw no magical negro
Socialism is immoral and ineffective. Forced altruism isn't altruism, it's theft and redistribution. Socialist policies hinder economic growth and increases in gdp per capita.
Here's how you save the United States. You go through the voter rolls and execute every registered democrat.
>Vanderbilt was black
Mind blowing.
based schizo boomer
>black people are the reason somehow!
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug. Not a big deal though shit isn’t moving in your direction anyway. So entrench yourself as much as you want. Enjoy the show!
Based desu
>We need to come together
>Republicans are a bunch of misogynistic Nazis
Will the Libs ever realize they can't have both?
We came close with George Harrison, but he backed out of it (no pun intended)
Where does it say that?
13% commits more than 50% of the crimes and from that 13% you have to quit the womans and you get 6/7%
>are the reason somehow!
They are not functional. Anywhere. Ever. Their entire population is a continuous detriment everywhere they live. You can't even disagree with what I'm saying, you can just tell me "You're evil you're racist you lose lol"
Kamala Harris wants reparations. Jay-Z believes a mad scientist created white people in a cave 7,000 years ago as the ultimate form of evil. LeBron James says the people who pay him $25 million a year to throw a ball are like plantation owners. Ta-Nahesi Coates thinks 9/11 was great because so many white firemen and cops died in it. This is your country. You enjoy the show.
Those nose genetics are a waste on her
Why do you type like a retard? And you didn't answer my question, just lectured me on socialism, I asked why capitalism is good for white people?
You also didn't answer my question
idk why it's good for white people, and i did respond, it's just what happens when you have freedom, for anybody. there's nothing implicitly good or bad about capitalism, it's a tool.
>women only need their face in the world
What’s new
>a violent minority is why out political system has been bought and controlled by special interest overlords
I’m not trying to defend black people at all. I agree with every point you’re saying. My point, is that they are not our country’s biggest issue you thick skulled fucking moron when the fuck is the last time you even interacted with a black person? Cause the government fucks you annually via taxes
wheres the part where she gets covered in BIG HARV and his friends cum for roles again?
She's going to ride the dick and rub pussies with absolutely every single person in the US.
A sexually satisfied population is a happy population.
This will end neo-nazism, feminism and communism.
why the FUCK would politicians want to pass anti-corruption legislation?
that would be like Disney proposing stricter anti-monopoly laws. There's no reason to BE a politician if you can't be corrupt
>Don't criticize the rich and famous, bigot!
its a terrible burden for him to carry. his dick is so good, that it breaks bitches down hard.
That's the usual stance of liberals
> it's a hole tries to make itself relevant since it's fat jew financier can't fuck it anymore for oscars and it's getting older as the day go on and isn't actually attractive episode
It's only 'broken' because they lost the last election and have to pay for it with 2 and maybe 3 supreme court picks.
Once dems win again she'll go silent for the most part.
So you’re telling me it doesn’t say that?
Huh I wonder what it says then.
>I used to think keeping my dumb fucking opinions to myself would get more people to watch my movies
>now I realize nobody was watching them anyway and I can say whatever the fuck I want because I'm irrelevant
It says in the graphic "unite conservatives and progressives together" but considering progressives see conservatives as Nazis I'm doubting that's gonna happen
america was always like that
america sucks, it just got consistently economically lucky by being on the winning side of a series of large scale conflicts, and often ended up an early adopter of industrial innovations because they had that money
it's always been filled with foreign-language speaking immigrants and numerous hateful factions based on different religions/ethnicities/administrative policies.
My plan: vote for Andrew Yang
>isn't going to take it anymore
Nothing she says will change anything, so yes, she will be continuing to take it.
black people hate you, that's the main issue, which means they will never believe in YOUR equality with them, amazingly enough, and they will never willingly co-exist with you in the way you hope they will. You will always be an Other to them, to be avoided and distrusted.
the intel services just need to push the russia thing a bit more. Americans are always keen on uniting against a boogey man, they are like sheep.
The common thing uniting Americans is a sense of superiority and righteousness, so they should play to that.
So you’re upset that group a is generalizing group b and your solution is to generalize them back? Are you by chance offended at the lack of proper discourse these days?
It actually fucking would.
government controlled, affordable prostitution would fix 90% of this country's problems.
Hard to take her seriously when you've seen her asshole
fuck y'all niggas
>forget the people taking %40 of my income every week I’m tired of these blacks in tv and movies!
proper discourse is an impossibility
we can't even get all the different branches of christianity to band together
there are much bigger problems than ethnic strife, but as long as black communities exist, ethnic strife will also be a problem, and america will never find the peace it's striving for.
I know the shit slinging go both ways
Just from her perspective