Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Jodie Foster
rami malek
>lives in a world with hot bitches everywhere
>loves his cat the most
based and also redpilled
he was gay. but didn't have sex for years, because he didn't want to upset anyone with his rotten old body.
pretty bad translation, but it's basically what he said
Benedict Cumberbatch
Lagerfeld was the only celeb I felt sympathy for
me too, isn't it weird? he seems extremely unlikeable at first sight. but i really enjoy watching his interviews, he was an interesting guy.
>he was gay. but didn't have sex for years
imagine not having sex for years haha
yeah, right?! what a freak hahaha
couldn't imagine that, i mean who does shit like that
>in years
Yeah right. haha
He was a smug asshole, but didn't take himself too serious and could actually back up his smugness.
He seemed like he knew that the media was too stupid to catch on to him trolling everyone with anything that he said.
based and red pilled.
tommy wiseau.
now that i think about it he actually does look a little bit like tilda swinton as the doctor in suspiria
she could nail this one, too. or less "too", her doctor in suspiria was just as bad as the overall movie.
jim jarmusch, directed by wes anderson
Directed by Tom Ford
William-Robert Thornton
Imagine being named after the worst kind of beer
Kirk Douglas, and he wins an Oscar as a 103 year old.