Anyone here old enough to remember when collecting VHS tapes seemed like a wise investment for the future?

Anyone here old enough to remember when collecting VHS tapes seemed like a wise investment for the future?

>Oh shit, this one still has the plastic shrink wrap on, it'll be worth thousands in the future!

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If you're old enough to remember VHS you're way too fucking old to be using this website

get outta here, zoomer

anybody over 18 should be able to remember VHS

wait 200 years more. Do not unwrap it.

Kys child

I'm pretty old and I don't think anyone ever thought that.

If you never used dial-up you have no business being here

These things still take up too much room in thrift stores. The government needs to just do a recall on these or something, collect them all, stuff them in a container and bury it in the desert.

Do people really collect VHS tapes? I mean I'm a hoarder and collect some stupid shit, but even I've never thought about going out and buying new VHS tapes.
I mean yeah I still have all the ones we got back in the day, but I haven't gone out and bought more past the time we got a DVD player.

yeah this place is shit

I was still using dialup until about 11 years ago.

only one thrift shop near me still stocks VHS and they have the fucking gall to charge £2 each

>I'm a hoarder

Pic of room now


>buy favourite movie on dvd
>later buy the special edition
>buy the movie again on hd-dvd
>then once again on blu-ray
>now there's a 4k remaster
>8k tvs are starting to appear
>might end up buying my favourite movie at least a few more times

it's all so tiresome

my mom still has a wrapped copy of the little mermaid and the lion king and some unopened barbie dolls. I think they're worth even less than what she paid for them.

It's too bad. Because video games from the same era in shrink wrap are actually worth hundreds now.

>never bought a movie on homemedia even once in my life

>outing yourself as a zoomer born in the digital streaming age

>seething because you're old as shit and were born in an inferior time

>Moving house
>Find boxes of old VHS tapes

I don't really want to throw them away because muh memories. On the other hand I have no where to put them.

>Inferior time
>Worst you had to expect was Jews chopping off the end of your dick
>Superior time
>Now they cut off the whole thing

I remember when VCR's had a record feature and blank VHS tapes were not outrageously expensive. I would never have imagined anyone thinking a vhs collection would be worth anything in the future.

videogames are highly collectable and you could pirate them all, that's not why VHS isn't collectable

That Tae-Bo VHS tape is actually worth $2500 on ebay

Pretty much the only VHS tapes still worth anything are obscure horror and sci-fi movies, and I'm not even sure about those.

Are you sure? Boomers often think this because they saw someone listing it for a ridiculous price but I just looked and there's dozens of them for under $5

i remember when VHS was still relatively new and that nobody thought for a second it was something to invest in or collect seriously. we used VCRs to tape shit off the TV.

i knew some autist would go check

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>anybody under 18 not allowed to use this website
>anybody over 18 is way too fucking old to be using this website

so nobody should be using this website. good.

what's it like to know you wasted the first 20 years of your life having a really boring life, and I'll die 20 years after you?

I was browsing craigslist recently and saw a posting in nashville of someone selling their personal collection for cheap as fuck. They had no dupes and it was a few thousand different things. My dad had a pretty decent VHS collection but now he has a big DVD/blu ray collection. I assume it isn't all that uncommon considering high end AV equipment is pretty common and collecting media isn't far off. Plus there are how many stores dedicated to the stuff that constantly run deals. It's very easy to get into collecting if one wants to.

I know someone whose family owned a movie theater back in the 60s so start that with
>buy movie for projector

Nope, only ever got vhs as gifts as a kid and maybe a couple of DVDs as a teenager, never bought any myself
I figured out pirating early enough


>needing physical media to "remember"

You should /yourself fag

>Buying anything
>Having money
Lmao just have your parents stream your income and stream some food and shelter.

>just 18 months ago, people didn't realize they could sell their VHS tapes for $40 as dorm room decors for zoomers at Urban Outfitters

i collect dvds/boxsets now but remember when i had a book shelf full of them around 08 then my combo player broke and i basically sold all for 100$

I still remember selling bootleg tapes on a street corner.

there was a period before lots of obscure movies had been released on dvd where the vhs copies of that movie were actually relatively valuable.
then those movies all came out on bluray, instead of dvd, and their value plummeted.
and now those same vhs are valuable again because they've become a niche collectible market.
My boss regularly spends 25-50 bucks on vhs of movies that are available on bluray for half that price.

I never recalled anyone thinking that, but you can find some rare VHSes that are worth a bit.

There's actually a market flourishing for them now, mostly with Horror fans collecting horror tapes. There's loads of different groups in Facebook

Miracle was the last VHS I got, for my birthday in 2002 I think. Still have over 200 of my parents mixed with my 500 dvds/bluerays.

>If you never used dial-up you have no business being here
My family had a rotary phone when I was a kid.

just stream food into shit for 70 years

are there any dvd's that are better than the bluray versions or should I always attempt to find the blurays? many stores sell old dvds for cheap.

i arguably think dvds will outlast blueray

Fuck off, youngster - when I was kid the telephone hadn't been invented yet so you had to tell really loudly if you wanted to get in touch with someone

this streaming shit will lead to a dark age for the movie lover.

Little mermaid fetches $50 if it's the first print run with the dicks on the cover

Eh I didn't very far and after that, I never hoarded anything ever again.

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No because LD existed already and anyone that wasn't a technology illiterate knew VHS were replaceable shit

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Disney films are good buys if you can get them at thrift stores/goodwill. I typically make 15$/ on each one.

Some VHS tapes are worth a good bit of money, but it's usually only really obscure horror films or wrestling tapes.