I really like this guy. He was great in There will be Blood, Swiss Army Man and even 12 years a slave

I really like this guy. He was great in There will be Blood, Swiss Army Man and even 12 years a slave.

Where else?

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You just described his whole career faggot. Now you and this no-name gtfo

his filmography on wiki is long. i don't want to sort out the good ones. fuck you.

I remember he played a tranny once that was disappointed when he still didn't like his resemblence all dressed up as a girl


Go watch girl next door

He is great in it. Huge dong

Prisoners is classic Dano


Thanks! Three of my favourite actors, a kind of ok band, and mental illness. My evening is saved.

He's great in Prisoners. Definitely feel like he could carry a film.

He was also amazing in Little Miss Sunshine and Love and Mercy
memes aside, the guy is actually a pretty great actor, I don't think I've seen a bad performance by him in any role

>Little Miss Sunshine
Probably the only movie I can't stand, it's not entirely his fault but fuck his character was annoying

I think that was the point
he was an edgy obsessed teenager
the scene where he founds out he's colorblind is heartbreaking

but then again, everyone is overacting in Okja

is this the reason you recommend this? fucking hell

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I've enjoyed everything he's been in.
Unironically classic.

The Sopranos

The best half of 'Love and Mercy'


I actually didnt like him in There Will Be Blood. His performance was too heavy handed.

watching it right now, i like it so far. also more like 1/3, i also love liz banks since she carried JD's baby.

The movie just would have been a lot better without Cusak.

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how so? he's great. and believable as future paul dano.

It just insisted upon itself.

Even more impressive considering he wasn't actually cast in 12 years a slave, he literally showed up during shooting and started throwing racial epithets around and the director thought it worked well with the plot and kept him in. The song "Run, nigger, run" was something Dano thought up on the spot and would continually sing on and off set, at the chagrin of many actors and actresses.

I saw him and Ethan Hawke in True West the other night. Neither of them were great.



why isn't he more succesful? he's among the best Hollywood actors of his generation, like Bale or Hardy, yet he only makes small budget stuff or indie productions
I'd get it if he was doing some arthouse stuff, but that's not even the case, as he stars in shit like Okja and that farting corpse flick
I mean, ffs, guys like Miles Teller and JGL are more famous than him

He’s amazing in Youth. But of course no one on Yea Forums has seen it.

Can somebody post the pasta of him in the backstage of There will be blood?

I don’t like his face


this one?

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War & Peace

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can't believe no one posted Escape at Dannemora yet
kino show, essential classic-core

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Detroit Rock City obviously.

I like that classic posting is returning

didn't even know he was in it.

I just checked. It isn't him, just some guy that I thought was him. It's been a long time since I've seen that film.

does he even love her?

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>disregarding thots
classic Paul Dano

i agree that cusak went full retarded, but contrasting the past and future brian wilson is what makes the movie different from normal biopics


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>the scene where he founds out he's colorblind is heartbreaking
It wasn't. It was annoying. He was annoying, like he always is. All he does is scream and cry in like every movie he's in. He's only good at acting like a bitch.

hes ugly

he's a great fucking actor. if you see a connection between good acting and "good looks" you're a fucking idiot. and he's not that ugly, just not a typical hollywood prettyface.

legit great movie


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it was shallow and pedantic

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weak jawline—literally the only reason. you can be ugly in every other way, but if you have a shitty jawline you will never make it in the movies. i think it’s because it makes profile shots impossible.

he's very classic, to say at least

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Miles Teller is also ugly and has a weak jawline

He was killed escaping from prison .
Shot like a dog unarmed in the back while fleeing for his life from a mutt.

Yeah but he's the epitome of jewish nepotism

and it's fucking bizarre how nobody calls him out on it
the guy was a literal nobody that out of fucking nowhere got to play in some oscar bait flick, and now he's everywhere
also, they try to push him as some sort of sex symbol for some reason
same thing goes for this shithead in pic related, he's in everything now, and it's fucking hilarious how they try to make as if him being a tiny midget acting like a grown man is not pathetic

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his jaw isn’t prominent but it is at least somewhat square and in line with the rest of his face. Paul Dano has a recessed jawline with a rounded lower face

Same case with Buscemi?

>and it's fucking hilarious how they try to make as if him being a tiny midget acting like a grown man is not pathetic
Jej that's spot on for The Vanishing of Sydney Hall

i just finished it. it was kinda shallow, yes. and maybe a bit pedantic. good movie tho, i don't regret watching it. dano was great. and i liked the ending, when they played that beach boys song over their conversation. nice one.

Fucking kek







classic combo breaker

I've only seen a couple of his interviews but he seems a bit like a pretentious asshole.

Is Ruby Sparks a good feels movie?

Fucking soulless gook who can’t have emotions irl so they can’t write them into movies

he will go down as one of the classics

Another pleb filtered.

Ruby Sparks is more of a feels weird movie if anything. It's one of those films that goes from being cute to highly cynical and leaves you a weird taste in your mouth. Dano was underutilised I felt.

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Always get a crazy contact high when Emile Hirsch is rolling

War and Peace, extremely underrated TV show.

Classic and based

Ok pleb, go back to watching Black Panther then.

Thanks for another Classic thread, guys