What is best in life?

What is best in life?

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Hello my fellow Chad

reposting things from reddit for FREE (you)s

repeating the same line over and over again for virtual validation from other infantile anons

To eat your tendies, to see them dunked in bbq sauce before you, and to hear the lamentations of that bitch, your mother

Having a poo where you don't need to wipe.

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>To line up your enemies one by one, slaughtering them in front of the women, relishing in their screams and assuring them that they will be forced to be wives, slaves and whores for the new order. Standing in front of them, and watching as your enemies flee before you, hoping not to be captured. No longer caring whether you enslave their women and children or not. Knowing that you have become the master, and their tribe is dead. I laugh when I see a woman who has lost her husband at my hand. I smile.

How did they get away with a monologue like this?

Reading the source material. REH was far ahead of his time.

are the conan books good?Im thinking about reading some of them

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Certainly not this movie. Maybe if it was the original.

Yeah that's probably it.

Why was his sword so short?

I own a couple collections that mix original Ron Howard ones with the worked of other authors. They're all relatively short but pretty fun.

A lot of people actually hate him and think he's a hack.



I would definitely recommend them. The prose is a bit old, but it's still more approachable than Tolkien. There's a definitive trilogy of prints worth checking out that I own: "The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian," "The Bloody Crown of Conan" and "The Conquering Sword of Conan." Not too expensive on Amazon.

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any recommendations? :D

Thanks Friend :D

>bbq sauce on tendies

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dunno lol

Good dentistry.

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This is the series I'm investing in. I've got 5 of the books and have read 3. I'm taking a break and reading some non fiction.

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To crush your Jannies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their Mods!

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i was quite underwhelmed by conan when i eventually got around to seeing this film
not by the movie but by the character
i mean he's not even that great at fighting, and spends a lot of the film sneaking about as a thief
hardly the "barbarian warrior" i was expecting

1. Shitposting
2. Shitposting
3. Hearing the REEEEEEE's of the retards.

Because in the books he actually was a thief, among other things.

>Alex Jones saw this movie in his dreams before it was released

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a blowjob
and replying to this post otherwise your mom dies in her sleep tonight

better not risk it

getting murdered by a computer who went crazy

Have you watched Conan the Destroyer? He doesn't really sneak around in that one, and he murders a lot of dudes too. Underrated kino.

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What is your favorite story? Mine is a tie between the "Tower of the Elephant" and "The Scarlet Citadel".

Both are solid. I also liked "Queen of the Black Coast."

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The only people who hate him are Stephen King because he hates that genre of fiction as a whole because he's complete shit at it and HP Lovecraft fanboys because Howard actually conversed with Lovecraft and was part of his circle of butt buddies and they're jealous. I guess SJW "woke" types also hate him, as well as people who hate Texas and Texans in general, but it is what it is.

just watched this movie 2 weeks ago and it was surprisingly good. Any other movies with this high fantasy feel thats not LOTR

Sneed's Feed & Seed

Banging your housekeeper on the down low

Look at this sad faggot and laugh


Dragonslayer, Willow, Ladyhawke

What's a freebooter