Is it worth torrenting?
Is it worth torrenting?
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yes. i liked it.
Is it better than Contact?
This isn't twenty questions, zoomer. Stop being a bitch.
Fuck you. Fucking thief piece of shit. Nothing is worth having for stealing scum.
i think so, yes. others might think different. just watch it. really makes you think, unironically.
It's not stealing if the original still exists you retard
>copying is stealing
Found the retard.
Why did they even divorce?
I mean, even if they knew their daughter was going to die, not being alive would have been worse
I just watched it for my waifu and I found it pretty mediocre in the end.
People with waifus don't have valid opinions on anything. You're subhuman.
Because losing a child often makes a couple drift away
finally someone's got the courage to say it
Lick my balls. Suck my clit.
It's ok for you to spaz out. Statistically speaking, you being a discord tranny means you only have a few more years left in you. Good riddance.
After being diagnosed with retardation I had to watch it twice to understand it. So the couple divorces even though she knows the future of said divorce? Why not change the outcome if you know the future? I understand there was nothing she could do while the "premonitions" were taking place but why not do anything though? Other than that the movie is great and I'll probably end up watching it again in the upcoming months.
I wish there was more trying to communicate with the aliens and less child flashbacks.
The twist wasn't all that great because I didn't care about the characters and no one had any chemistry.
All the army dialogue was cringe as fuck "Sir, China's on the phone"
A good watch though, worth torrenting
It's shit. And I like Villeneuve. The plot is completely retarded and litterally boils down to: "the main girl read the scenario beforehand".
No joke.
>being a tranny
I'd tell you to kys but it feels pointless.
I would agree with you, but the latest trend in movies is not worth supporting with your hard earned money. Take Arrival, a completely watered down, brainlet proof sci-fi "flick", specifically targetted to be "blockbuster" completely devoid of any deep meaning, anything message of note or even creative filming techniques. The Cinematography was actually embarassingly bad, but not as bad as everything being overexplained.
Heh, I'd rather watch Solaris or Stalker again.
Absolutely, play it loud on a decent setup.
That first contact scene was easily one of the best executed first contact scenes in cinema history. It was an actual experience watching it in cinema, Villeneuve knows how to create tension.
lmao dumb ass phoneposting mental midget
All Villeneuve's work is just as dishonest as Arrival
Shit apart from some very good looking scenes.
I disagree
umm sweetie didn't you get the memo? villeneuve is ok, armond white said he's a good. Just certain movies are reddit such as bladerunner. Films like Arrival are good. Sicario is good too.
>make movie about establishing communication with an alien species
>skip the part where said communication is actually established with some blurry cutscenes
>write any sort of story dealing with timetravel or precognition
>decide on deterministic universe
>the only twist is her still engaging in a doomed relationship
>lmao you get visions of the future from looking at ink circles
>interdimensional precognitive aliens write with their own bod fluids, because squids lmao
>soldiers spazzing out, completely ignoring orders and trying to bomb a huge spaceship
>"the chinese used mahjong to communicate"
>amy "I am not too old to lead a movie with almost no locations and actors" adams
>jeremy "I was in marvel shit so I am a hollywood actor" renner
No. The movie is the equivalent of shitting while swimming. You expect this to be nice, but ultimately you just end up swimming away from a floating turd.
>Arrival is good but BR is not
>skip the part where said communication is actually established with some blurry cutscenes
This was the worst. That's when I knew there was no salvaging it.
>looking at circles for almost 2 hours
Why do you link me to this shit ? Are you incapable of thinking and argumenting for yourself ?
i haven't actually seen either flick lol
>The 65 year old black conservative homosexual professional contrarian says so so I think the same
Also he barely even reviewed BR2049, he just used that review to shit on how much of an ultra hack Ridley is.
How can you have a waifu with such a fake nose?
Bimbo fetish?
Yes. Very good movie
Yes. Also, don't ask Yea Forums about movies. Most of them are teenage internet addicts who think movies are boomer bullshit because they cannot sit through them.
>fake nose
You have a low IQ.
she saw she was going to die before they got together. and she put off telling him about it, even though he knew she could see the future. which means she lied to him from the beginning
I hope you are content with your ignorance
Good movie. I liked the unusual approach and results shown in the movie about alien contact.
Absolutely also a fantastic sound track
>black conservative homosexual
Lmao, even his political leening is born out of contrarianism?
>And I like Villeneuve
but he sucks user. unironically
>not being alive would have been worse
Woman spotted. A short life full of suffering is far worse than never having existed.
>nosejob projection
i know right
No you retard. There's a reason why most people would chose death over torture. Suffering is infinitely worse than a peaceful death.
Too bad we didn't get him doing the BR sound track
That's what I said
>nananannann anananannana dadadadad dadaddadada
What the fuck was this shit it was annoying as fuck
sorry I misread. Obviously never having existed is way better than suffering. But life is fundamentally suffering. The whole of Buddhist philosophy is based around getting rid of this cycle of life and death and rebirth and again life. The want an end to all of it and achieve Nirvana.
it's about motherhood you fucking cunts how can you talk about movies if you can't even understand them
read the short story.
These are the same people who can't understand Rick and Morty, a shitty children's cartoon.
I liked how "alien" the aliens were. At least they weren't humanoid looking.
The rest was soap opera tier nonsense.