Has he redeemed himself in your eyes by having Alex Jones back or is he still a CIA/deep state puppet?

Has he redeemed himself in your eyes by having Alex Jones back or is he still a CIA/deep state puppet?

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still a CIA/deep state puppet

based schizo poster

Its funny usually Joe comes off as unintelligent but next to Eddi and Alex he seemed like a fucking genius.

I really like Joe, but I still believe he knows more than he let's on and feigns ignorance often

I did'nt know much about AJ before this podcast. I had watched infowars for a few minutes once or twice. But this podcast made AJ look like a total schizo , his credibility was destroyed. He was bouncing around from one loose association to another like a mental patient. I had no idea he was so nuts. If "they" put something in his corn flakes that morning to make him look crazy , its sure worked.

he's never been a government puppet, but now he's just an (((entrenched media goy))) who is so obviously dictated by his industry that now he's boring because it shows he's just another plastic fuckface in it for cash instead of a loveable brainlet meathead who just want to talk shit with scientists and crazy people

he's jumped the shark, pretty fucking impressive if you ask me. sharks'll tear your fucking legs off, you gotta be crazy to try it

I don't understand how you stupid dipshits don't understand Alex Jones. He's a character.

one of my biggest pet peeves is people who fake like they don't know things.

Go back.

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Ah, this damage control again.

He seems like a typical pothead 'deep thinker'. "whoa dude, this weed is dank, yo what if like, the world is a simulation, whoa dude." He will listen and not outright deny things that are proven, but then he won't take it to the logical conclusion because he doesn't want to sound crazy like Alex Jones.

Alex Jones has always been like that, his 'credibility' isn't hurt by this believe me.

>le Alex Jones is a character meme
It was pretty much confirmed yesterday that he's got some shit going on from sustaining a brain injury from a pile driver delivered by a buff black man when he was 14. IT CRACKED THE CONCRETE

>He's a character.

is he supposed to be funny or tragic ? or is he mocking conservatives who question the leftist elite ? He's doing a good job of linking mental illness with right wing views. Of course there are plenty of crazy leftists, especially the ones with vaginas.

>t. Tranny trying to make normal people look bad.

it is a mix of both, he's obviously a bit zany in real life but plays it up for the camera, the best characters are the ones with a grain of truth. it's easy for him to pretend to be a conspiracy nutcase when it's just an ultra exaggerated version of himself

it is a bit weird that people take him at 100% face value though, even if you like the dude it's absurd to think he's being straight

He's actually an accurate portrayal of a libertarian

>questioning things bad

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>I fucking love science bro

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When was the last time you questioned your own beliefs?

He is a character, he is privy to horrific things, but is aware of the severity of actually revealing it, imo, alex jones is so woke and aware to shit that it would frighten people, it adds to his mania, however if he doesnt act manic, he will get wacked, or his family killed in a tragic accident.

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you need some standards of proof to question things. Sure history is full of lies as is the fake news media. But that does'nt prove there are inter-dimensional aliens putting microchips in your head.

He has his own Netflix special and hosts mainstream celebrities now. He's completely abandoned an anti-mainstream stance which made him popular in the first place and completely embraced it instead. He's taking their money and he now relies on it and lives a confirmed extravagant bubble life.

Towards the end of the podcast when he was talking about his life I feel like I got some insight into the kind of person he is. There are so many people like him and I can't stand them. They take themselves way too seriously, the embellish and outright lie to make themselves seem cool. Like when he was talking about having visions of the future in his dreams and shit like that. Alex, if you are gifted visions of the future, and the most interesting premonition you get is of a woman breaking a jar of pickles, then who the fuck cares? I have a friend who unironically believes he gets visions of the future and I want to slap him every single time. It's obviously just their minds playing tricks on them.

or does it?

When did alex jones say that? he said that the elite is obsessed with transhumanism, which is true.

history is leaving you behind

well put. some of it is real, some of it is a joke, some of it is exaggerated, some of it isn't. you're not supposed to take him 100% at face value, but you're supposed to understand that there is a real kernel of truth in there
He is catharsis in an imperial age


>funny or tragic
>is he mocking conservatives
he's mocking you for being so stupid and blinded by ideology you can't even take an obvious joke


I have mundane visions of the future too. My theory is because I've lived and died a thousand times but never ascended because I always waste my life shitposting lmao

>I'm merely pretending to be retarded
Ok buddy

I think there are a few things going on with Jones:
1. He's actually right, even in a bizarre, roundabout way, about a lot of things. He says them in a way that makes him sound like an absolute nutcase, for example yesterday he said "the government is using spider blood for the military" or something along those lines which sounds in sane but there was an actual DoD program working on using spider silk in body armor.
2. His dad was easily crazier than he was. A moderately successful Texan dentist who, from what I can tell, went home every day and shouted conspiracy theories at the dinner table while an impressionable little kid Alex Jones soaked it all up.
3. He's undoubtedly playing up his persona for profit
4. He's desperate, after getting "deplatformed" the only way he can get sort of back into the mainstream is to go on JRE, which is legit mainstream at this point

hey CIA your glowing.

But you don't though. You only think you do. Your memory is inaccurate. Just like Deja Vu. Your brain sees something and tries to sort it and categorize it and then finds something similar and through a series of connections decides you've already seen it. Our minds are not reliable when it comes to things like that. That's why witness reports are so unreliable, we can't even accurately remember major events we witness first hand.

Not really. Joe did his usual thing, let the guest talk and mostly stay out of their way.

>"the government is using spider blood for the military" or something along those lines which sounds in sane but there was an actual DoD program working on using spider silk in body armor.
Spider blood and spider silk are two different things, and that silk body armor thing is from over a decade ago. Makes him come off as a retard.

Only retards can't enjoy Jones. Just because someone says something doesn't mean you need to take a stance on it, conversely just because a crazy man says something doesn't automatically make it untrue. Brainlets are not capable of separating entertainment from news, because to them they are one in the same thanks the Stewart and Colbert's work over the last 15 years.

Im Just glad they are still friends. Getting kino was the cherry on top desu.

Everyone here enjoys Jones, there's just disagreement over exactly how fucked in the head he is.

Don't try and gaslight me, CIA nigger >:(

>All these CIA glow in the darks in this thread.

Can you Alex haters stop living in your penthouse apartment deep in your colon and admit there is huge talent there? This guy just did a 4.5 hour podcast and never broke character and had unlimited streams of content, virtually nobody else or very few people who exist could do this, Alex is legitimately one of a kind and deserves to be able to exhibit his performance art free of censorship.

Conspiracies and the way they are shared with the public themselves are conspiracies, for instance david icke, yes lizard people is a retarded claim that each of the people in power are shapeshifters, undoubtedly insane. but what about the fact that they are all related? They hint at broader things but its masked by mania, it's their job because the public has to be aware of the truth on some level.

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>to be able to exhibit his performance art free of censorship.

the way his act has been classified as 'hate speech' and he has been de-platformed and denied things like bank services is a real conspiracy and pretty scary. Its not paranoid if they really are out to get you.

The problem is that Jones sometimes says utterly insane shit and his fans act on it. I don't think Jones is stupid, he has to realize that what he says has an impact and can lead people to do insane things. That's sort of what bothers me about him. When his followers first started harassing the parents of those kids who were murdered in Connecticut, he could have backtracked and said it happened or even just told them to stop, but as far as I know he didn't until he got sued. I think a good man would have stepped in earlier and told them to lay off the parents.

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>undoubtedly insane
but plausible

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>Alex drops redpill megadoses everywhere he goes
> lefties either reeee or meh ...whoah backfire huh? he didn’t convince ME.
>wins converts while the enemy thinks no one even takes him seriously
Alex Jones is a chad. What they think doesn’t matter. Unless they can prove he actually works for them as controlled opposition, he already won. Alex Jones is tomorrow’s media mogul. The old guard is going out of business. Too late, Toe Rogen, hope Jack Dorsey’s semen tasted onions.

This. Honestly if he admitted it was all made up I'd still want to watch. It's very entertaining stuff. As it is I can believe some of it, and I won't dismiss any of it.

Dude he fucking eviscerated Alex. Alex was stumbling over his own rebuttals half way through.

He's fun in small doses. I used to watch his show but it got repetitive and boring to watch every day. Why didi the checking criss the road? Probably something to do with inter dimensional pedophiles in cahoots with the globalists. Literally everything that happened had to have some weird illuminati spin put on it, it was tiring and obvious he was sensationalizing and trying to fill time.

Most of the time its fun to just binge watch some highlites and compilation vids. Jones clearly believes a lot of what he says and is a bit of a nut. At the same time some of it is probably an act.

he said it didn't afterwards he was exaggerating

What are you talking about? They were pretty friendly the whole time.

when you say trans humanism do you mean like A. Great novel, Beethoven's 9th , some scientist changing the world with invention? B. Brain in Jar with computers having person living thousands of years?

I don't know what the hell you were watching but it wasn't a debate. Joe was just sitting there listening and occasionally asked a question or two.

You know what I mean you kike shill

There's court transcripts of Alex Jones admitting to playing a character on his show and that he doesn't actually believe anything he says, yet people still follow him

Americans are something else

>That's why witness reports are so unreliable, we can't even accurately remember major events we witness first hand.
so wouldn't every event that ever happened come into question?

This was for legal reasons

There was a thread over on /x/ the other day talking about Last Podcast on the Left that had pretty similar conclusions. A lot of the bigger podcasts are as mainstream as it can get now, and have become as boring and predictable as mainstream is. They've chucked off their conspiracy or alt-thinking ways and started to swallow mainstream thoughts completely.

That or TPTB pulled them all aside and told them to cool it on the conspiracy stuff. They've already deplatformed and banned enough non-mainstream voices from all social media I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case.

I never accused him of being a shill.

All he does is bring up real questions mixed in with some crazy stuff that discredits everything. Jessie Ventura does the same thing. You are lumped in with them and called a nut.

Defense attorneys routinely lean hard into witnesses to get them to come off as unreliable. It's a common tactic because memory is a funny thing.

Well it should, but then nothing would get done. Eventually we have to accept a narrative, even if it's not the whole truth. That's why some many innocent people get sent to prison.

That was under advice from his (((lawyer))) you brainlet

That's what (they) want you to think.


Not plausible in the slightest, the people in power are related to each other, bullshit and fact get mixed together to make it palatable to the masses, and distribute their ((truth)) because they have to, they are bound to it oddly. Another example of a bs conspiracy with a tinge of truth is
>a super computer with a human brain interface that can game the future
In my mind its impossible to do that, but the super computer part makes sense if you think about some of the stuff available to the public, like sim city or civilization games.
>feed census data into a city/town/state simulation
>what happens if power/water/accidents/war happens in an area
>run repeated segments and gauge the outcome
Like gpu/cpu benchmarks, except for natural and staged incidents.

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>schizo tells schizos why his schizo is true and their schizo are just theories

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most of these podcasts are likely very aware any wrong-think probably costs however many millions in revenue the more influential their sponsors become.

It was a kino moment when Eddie brought up building 7 to Jamie

That is quite a stretch there user. You'll find any random bullshit and try to get it to confirm your views.

Speak clearly, without buzzwords or resorting to ad hominem, now, user, what the fuck are you talking about?

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Every poster in this site is mentally ill (except me of course)

he cant redeem all the piss poor jokes hes told

What? I dont believe in reptiles, I dont believe in human machine hybrids, I already said that it makes sense if you process what is already available to us, the internet wasnt made available to the public for 20 years after it was invented, yet it is out of question to propose the government/people of power have more advanced technologies?

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>dude, simcity and civilization video games are kind of like this vague conspiracy theory of a supercomputer hybrid that can predict the future
>even though they're not fucking accurate at all because they were designed around game concepts and not simulating areas, people or events
There's no relation between anything you brought up. You're fucking dumb is what I'm saying.

Alex Jones always pulls the same trick and Joe is either too stupid or too negligent to call him out on it. (or he just plays along for the spectacle) It's always
1. viable premise (logical explanation with proof) and
2. insane conclusion (incoherent babble, Source: when I was 7 my dad worked at DARPA)

And whenever pushed for it he presents 1. as if that proves 2 and quickly moves on to the next bullshit story.


You don't believe in Human/machine hybrids? What do you call a guy with a pacemaker?

problem is jones doesn't discuss israel


wonder why

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>it's a Jami gets btfo episode

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Eddie knows that Jamie is a CIA Nigger/Joe's handler and seized that opportunity to flex on him lmao

based Eddie, he knows the deal

pls no bully Jami
he's pure

Peak Jones is when he’s raging against the devil and begging god and anybody else that will listen for help in putting a stop to the child sacrifices.

After I listened to what Andy Dick had to say about Joe he's even lower in my mind than he was before, and he was Loooooow.

Andy Dick is a huge faggot who is cursed and not to be trusted. But I feel like he isn't lying about how big of a kike Joe was on News Radio

link that


he married a jewess, what else can he give you, merchant? leave our prophets alone

what did he say about joe?

Someone clearly hasn’t read “An Experiment with Time” ...?

You’re right. Let’s go attack anybody who wears a drumpfhat. Punch a nazi, right? Free speech, faggot. USA! USA! USA!
sandy hook was a satanist conspiracy

Uh my only disclaimer here is that Andy Dick is cursed and not to be trusted. But I still think this might be legit. If it is I met tones of guys like Joe in high school and uni.

fuck off, Toe

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he still needs to apologize to Owen Benjamin

Manlet here. Joe says he's 5'8. But I'm 5'8, and there's no fucking way this guy is my height. No fucking way.

>what are these things?

Mostly the pot shit. I can't stand people that act like straight edge narc faggots right up until they have their first joint, then they act like their eyes are OPEN mannn.

he's such a glownigger cia shill that you could light up the western usa by hanging him from his feet under a hot air balloon.

Jaime, pull up that shark-chimpanzee hybrid.
That fucker will tear off your legs with his arms and eat them.

pure shit


I didnt say sim city or civilization are like the computer, I said the elite/government use something like it, and it isnt predicting the future, its enacting experiments on events that could take place and gauging the outcome based on common occurrences through stringent testing and replication, and you can say, with 100% certainty that it isnt possible?

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joe is a rat and the worst kind of using manipulative "friend" you can have

>imagine being this dumb
you must go back

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I would beat the shit out of Andy Dick if I had to work with him.

I meant a direct fusion of the human brain and a computer, I dont believe it will ever be possible.

>t. msm jurno

Yeah but you're a disinfo kike

good post, keep it up.

Even if he's just pretending, his actions are indistinguishable from a actual retard. The distinction doesn't even matter.

>Americans are something else
yeah, it's called free


He cut him off when he was about to tell us the different types of aliens (which we never got to learn), and Alex had to fight to tell him Hitler's secret.

Disinfo how? explain yourself

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>tries to contradict Alex the moment he leaves the room
>couldn't follow simple commands and google what Alex was telling him to google
>pulled up a youtube video reuploaded by some literallywho when Alex asked him to show his own infowars content

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100% this. People make the mistake of thinking that Alex Jones' followers are the problem. That may be true in that they're more dangerous than Jones is, but what people don't realize is that those same problematic followers in the absence of Alex Jones will simply find something else to work themselves up over. And there will always be a "something else" because there are a lot of people who like the act and therefore there is money to be made. Often times the next guy will be even worse as well because he'll use the defeat of the last guy as a rallying banner of his own.

But blaming Alex Jones is the easy thing to do. It's the comfortable thing to do. It says "if we eliminate the Evil Final Boss, all his minions will disappear and we'll all celebrate our victory like at the end of Star Wars!" It wraps the entire problem up in an easily quantifiable and solvable box. It's just not how it works though. People have been fed this sort of shit all their lives by the media they consume. They consume it readily because people are lazy and they like easy stories with easy solutions. That isn't how the world works in general and certainly not when the stakes are high.

The truth is that at a certain point people who don't like Alex Jones or his followers need to do the uncomfortable thing and actually listen and/or at the very least try to understand why Jones has so much appeal. The reality is that there are a lot of disenfranchised people who rightfully dislike the "main stream" and Jones gives them someone to rally behind. The same was true with Trump, Fox News, and all that stuff. People don't want to acknowledge that decades of shitty boomer policy turned our country into a flaming Hellscape and people are rightfully confused and angry looking to lash out in anyway that they can. Jones isn't the problem, he's a symptom of the larger problem that everyone is ignoring.

>he's a symptom of the larger problem that everyone is ignoring
the kikes

t. straight edge zoomer fag

He was never anything in my eyes to begin with.

Based brainlet.
Everything Alex said is true in context. The alien shit was about the beliefs of the elite, which is indeed fucking nuts, not his own personal beliefs.
He was baiting leftie sites into making clickb8 articles mocking him for things he didn't say. Just like when he did the pickle jar thing.

I misread your post, I retract my t.

Whenever I watch a Joe Rogan podcast and someone starts saying some real shit I start to see a glowing light emanating from where Jamie sits. He definitely is compromised and probably has orders from on high to maybe lock Joe's sauna if he ever gets a little too far out of line/uncontrollable. Probably is the one slaughtering Joe's chickens in the night as well to make Joe paranoid.

yes, he redeemed himself

the only thing he needs to fix is his relationship with Dave Asprey. Then and only then will I guard him like a true shill that works for free.

Doing drugs does actually metaphorically open your eyes
Source: done a lot of drugs, seen sum shiiiet

>shill that works for free

well said mate

haven’t watched any Rogan podcasts for at least a year and never paid much attention to Jamie when I did but yeah, he clearly put out that vibe yesterday.

>is liberal shill
>people turn away from him

The projection in this post is incredible


damn thanks, that's exactly what I'm talking about.


half of those are obvious jokes

No, these are funny. Alex is painfully unfunny when he's trying.

No because Alex Jones is a gatekeeper for ZOG.

>muh ebil nazis

Can't believe people think alex is redpilled.

>reddit spacing

>people turn away from him

Is this what infofags actually believe hahahaa

Can you imagine if he had started unloading redpills about the Jews?
He would have been taken down within seconds

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