This fuckin scumbag is going to be convicted right?

This fuckin scumbag is going to be convicted right?

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Honestly the guilt he's feeling at being caught is worse than any punishment I can imagine.

We've all been there, give the guy a break already.


Of course not. What world do you live in? Black celebs don't receive punishment. He'll be a civil rights leader for the next 50 years


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He'll get a sweetheart plea deal and then the media will lecture you about the epidemic of young black men being forced to take pleas for crimes they didn't commit

Based Perljam.

People like him don't feel guilt. For guilt you need shame

black privilege

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FBI is run by Jews, they'll let him walk and then he'll make millions with his books and tv appearances.

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No user, this type of retard does not experience guilt - it's shame that he's feeling.

If he was caught being the guy who sent that fake death threat, then that's a federal crime and he's definitely going to jail. The feds don't fuck around with that, they're not some local chicago court where the judge is aware that he needs the black vote in the next election.

Hes gay and black, we could never know his suffering. I think we should setup a gofundme for him and try to get petitions signed to jail two people of choosing and his own show. Come on guys. I hate SJWs as much as anybody. Give the guy a break already.

>going to be convicted

does not really matter the SJWs are already going with the narrative that the police cant be trusted and there is reasonable doubt. Somewhere out there are two white guys with a container of Clorox. They are hiding with the people who really killed OJs victims.

Is there any place or industry not run by Jews?

>vocal SJW

He'll go free barely getting a slap on the wrist and the Leftist media will memory-hole the story, just like all the other leftists that faked hate-crimes.

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yeah right, as if the federal courts haven't been packed full of lefties

i havent been keeping up with the news these past few weeks, who is he and why are people so obsessed with him

All of that is a result of centuries of oppression. Whites brought it on themselves

wasnt one of the leaders of the slutwalk once convicted of torturing a gay white man?

He was attacked by his drug dealers, who tried to pretend to be white Trump supporters to conceal their identity, because his drug dealers hate homosexuals. Why would he be convicted of anything? He's the victim.

Is it true this guy tried to pay his thugs with checks? I'm about as white as they come and even I know you pay them with cash, not a fucking check

If he didn't send that fucking white powder, he would already be free and screeching about fucking white males on Colbert show.

>feeling guilt
They told him they had the two white guys who attacked him and he went there to point at them, he felt no guilty about throwing two innocent people in jail

no cuz he dindu nuffin.
Also is a poor lil nigger oppressed by da white man

I know. Whites should have left blacks in their containment continent

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Guilt is not important, what's important is the conversation this started


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Remember this cocksucker? Seven assault with deadly weapon charges and he walked completely free.

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>black people
>being held accountable

>fucking scumbag
Actually, kid. He's pretty fucking based. You see he wasn't trying to make Trump look bad. Rather he became the fall guy in a ploy to show just how absurd the #metoo movement and other such nonsense on twitter has gotten and finally put an end to it. You'd know this if you weren't such a retarded n***er but hey you're dead now bitch. Bye Bye.


he paid them with checks but is now claiming the payment was for "personal training"

It's no coincidence that most western self proclaimed communists are upper middle class.
They bumped elbows with the elite and now they want a crack at ruling.

>tfw I can deeply relate to this

I hope so because he's a NIGGER HE'S A FUCKING NIGGER!!!!!

So many people that dindu nuffin..... so little time.


He should be but so should the entire white race that created the situation where he was obliged to take pre-emptive action to protect himself from a crime that could easily have happened.

>"we've all been there bris, framing innocent men and almost getting them jailed"

Get a load of this loser

He doesn't feel guilt. He was willing to send to white men to jail.
White people could have been killed in retaliation and he still would feel justified.


Imagine if any "alt-right" demonstration, as nebulous as that classification is, had a murderer literally convicted and jailed for a hate-crime as a guest-speaker.
The media would have a fucking field-day with it.
But since it's WAMEN it gets Memory-Holed.

nice bait user, lmao at these idiots biting

And the blacks that kidnapped a mentally ill white boy and tortured him on camera "for being a Trump-supporter" and then uploaded it to Facebook got probation with no jail time.

It's funny how in the supposed Orwellian Nazi dystopia that Trump has created that liberals keep insisting exists, libcuck terrorists can literally commit violent hate-crimes without penalty.

regret and nothing else

whitey has been raping and killing kangs for over 200 years, time for some payback

Hell even if you look at the Russian revolution you'll find a lot of the commies back then were just bored rich kids.

He only regrets being caught

>imagine being this literal faggot and still getting convicted of a felony after you betrayed everything you pretended to stand for

>gare du nord
literally the worst area for africans, the rest of the city isnt *that* bad, especially in single digit arrondissements

I don't know anything about the veracity of this claim, but an anonymous user on Yea Forums agreed that it happened, so I won't require any further factual information on the subject.


that was a fucked up incident and i agree it wasn't covered enough, but don't make up shit when we don't need to. the left has to fib to make a point, we shouldn't as well.

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>biscuithead SJWs

Why is this such a common thing? Their heads are literally just a fatty unformed cylinder

this midget caught the BBC telling interviewees what to say and spinning a workplace argument into a sexual harassment story
you know who reported on it? fucking nobody

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Honestly you’re fucking wrong, thst purple hair die is seeping to your brain

He's a gaynigger, so he's going to get probation.

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>Jewish judge
>jury full of gays, blacks, and women
>convicting a gay black jew

He’s going to walk with 50 hours community service.

Most crimes against whites aren't racially motivated.

Check your black privilege.

and most crimes against niggers are, right?

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She stuck a hot poker up a man’s asshole, look it up.

Probably gave some valuable information.

Mine's better.

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Generally not, but it's more likely than a hate crime against a white person.

Yeah, I remember that one time where I hired some African to stage an hate crime so that I can use that as publicity to get a bigger pay check.
Kill yourself, he did it for selfish reasons and only feels " guilty" because he got caught.

Combine this top image
with this bottom one and then it'll be perfect.

yeah, this was it, i just cant remember her name. her defence was that he enjoyed it because he 'wriggled' upon entry.

how do you know?

we should make black and mexican criminals dig the moat in front of the wall

Nope. He's going to go free.

Are they actually IN prison right now? Because the most recent articles said they were already out on probation.
Unless they fucked up and are back in jail the Wiki page needs an update.

any source?

>t. samefag
Go outside and see for yourself dumbass

so you have no evidence? all right then cool

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A combination of poor genetics and weight-gain.

Same reason their faces are always bulgy and obnoxious-looking.

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>Go outside and see for yourself
So you personally have witnessed hate crimes against black folks then right? You've seen a white person attack or kill a black individual while screaming racial slurs right? Link us an article where you gave your eye witness testimony since apparently it is so prevalent in your area that you can't walk down the street without seeing black people lynched, dragged, and murdered by racists. Or are you just believe biased media that reports that gets people talking as opposed to reporting everything that happens. Racial topics are the hot button so they will always focus on reporting any instance where the perpetrator and victim are not of the same color. ESPECIALLY if it's a white perpetrator and a black victim. How people are still so blind to the media driving social narrative boggles my mind. Go look up news around the time that guy in Florida attacked the dood while out of his mind on bath salts. You'd think based on media back then a zombie outbreak had occurred due to all the reports of people attacking others and eating or biting them in the process.

What if two black teenagers set a 13 year old kid on fire while saying "this is what you deserve, white boy"? What if further looking into this, NOT on any of the mainstream news outlets, you would find out the school they're at are actively targeting white people to bully? What if you find out the teachers and then the police did not do shit, least of all call all of this racially motivated?

>We've all been there

This guy wasted a lot of time hurt minorities and gays. Never cry wolf giant fag.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

wtf I could barely read at that age and never looked at the news. I hate SJWS goddamn.

>So you personally have witnessed hate crimes against black folks then right?
>You've seen a white person attack or kill a black individual while screaming racial slurs right?
>Link us an article where you gave your eye witness testimony

Is there a source for this?

What's up, Jussie?

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looks like lil donnie posting is back on the menu boys

How can you not vote for him after this?


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Seriously get to fuck you brain dead nigger lover

Because they want to be "unique" but they're also all conformists so they're all "unique" in the same fucking way.

this is the most likely outcome

Who is this guy?

but the specific white people who did that are all dead by now.
why take it out on other people who just happen to share a skin color?

I'm aware you were just shitposting but I thought I'd ask anyway.

If my ancestors hadn't been enslaved by the devils, they would've worked hard to make sure I would inherit a mansion instead of a run down ghetto house

This, you'd probably be a living in a rich technologically advanced utopia like your brothers in Africa.