
What do doomers watch ?

Attached: doomer.png (898x474, 443K)

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none of your business.


found footage

Themselves withering away.

art house, french and 2deep4u movies

Doom Patrol

ASMR girlfriend roleplay videos

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I saw the new video too user

>me doomer!! me so edgy lul CCCP!! me play STALKER alot in basement

The walls of their rooms

Imagine living in a place that pretty where you can walk around drunk at night without being arrested and being depressed

Doomers don't watch movies and instead just browse online for 12+ hours a day.

The Emperor's Club

whats a doomer?

Male who has given up on life due to a combination of reasons including reading blackpill literature online and generally being a social outcast who has never been successful with women or friendships thereby not having a reason to feel personally invested in society

sounds like they should get a kitty cat

Not posting link

Based kitty cat user out here saving lives

>giving yourself brain parasites
No thanks

matrix trilogy

neo is actually a doomer protagonist redpilled by a magical negro

a whiny faggot see


>be bullied and abused since you were a small child
>lol bro why are you so weird and outcast
>just be social dude lmao its so easy
>who cares if you're shit on by people when you try to go outside of your comfort zone
>lol just get laid lmao its so easy just ignore the 14 years of ingrained self-loathing and present yourself to a woman who will reject you viciously lmfao ez

faggots without a backbone

>waagh someone was mean to me
get over it faggot

>doesn't know how question marks work
>stupid forced meme
I can tell your IQ is super low.

what did discord tranny mean by this?

Stop trying to get views for your reddit video

Great bait

>everyone who makes fun of me is a discord tranny!
Incel detected.

Attached: purpler.jpg (1024x788, 83K)

Fuck off incel redditor

>uh oh better call him incel!
Discord tranny detected.

>whiteknighting for another man
Newsflash: Gays aren't welcome here, effeminate son of single mommy. Neither are phonetards.
>repeating himself like a low IQ toddler brain who literally can't get laid no matter how hard he tries

is this what discord trannys think is funny?

Who doesn't like strawberry yogurt though

Oslo 31 August is literally following a doomer around for a day

>jamal doesn't know how to pluralize in English
Dumb animal.

>waaa w-white k-knight ;_;

Like I said, fuck off incel redditor

>repeating himself like a HRT guzzling mentally ill fag who literally can't be a girl no matter how hard he tries

>reddit spaces the post accusing someone of being a redditor
What part of "gays aren't welcome" didn't you understand, Mary?

>knows what reddit spacing looks like
>insists he isn't an incel redditor

You have to go back


Attached: recording session.jpg (1000x750, 162K)

You'll never pass

>the phonetard doesn't know what second hand knowledge is
What a surprise. You're precisely as stupid as the last three generations of your dead-end, poorfag family.

Imagine using Audacity

>i-it's s-second hand k-knowledge ;_;

Fuck off incel redditor

>not using a ps1 with high end receiver
Opinion discarded

>newfaggot election tourist outsider "thinks" talking back is an option after my trips ended the conversation
You need to be lurking, not posting. Assimilate or get out, unwelcome refugee.

>incel redditor calling anyone else an election tourist

O i am laffin

>tries talking back again because not white enough to realize what he's doing isn't acceptable
Typical zoomer trash.

What the fuck were they thinking?

doomers are 20yo Yea Forumsedditors millenials, not too different from your typical anons here except unlike their predecessors they're completely lacking in self awareness. They are sad and blackpilled because they saw some infographs on /pol/ about niggers and globalism. They also have no gf and no job and they cry themselves to sleep every night listening to bauhaus and the smiths. They masturbate way too much which is why they're so low-energy.

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So they're little kids, like everyone else under 25.


yes, they just need a little time to grow out of it

zoomers that decided to remarket themselves, because being a zoomer isn't cool

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