Holy Shit, I didn't even remember how bad this was. Every piece of dialogue...

Holy Shit, I didn't even remember how bad this was. Every piece of dialogue, every gesture - everything is pure cringe! It's almost as bad as the Disney sequels...

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (620x420, 362K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The prequels are so bad they're good. The sequels are just bad.

Turns out your opinion doesn't matter at all.


What's your problem? That is literally the only picture I have saved on my computer. It's not even from duckduckgo, I just named it that way!

Every scene with Sheev is kino though

The prequels are ridiculous, the sequels are just boring.

>thinking AotC is bad

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It's not bad, it's just so coarse and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere.

No it isn't.

I suppose if cancer is boring.

They are enraging, ideologically misguided, but most of all boring.


Detective Kenobi parts are kino.

Okay, but we can all agree that Revenge of the Sith is an amazing film and better than Return of the Jedi, right?

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>It's almost as bad as the Disney sequels
>almost as bad
I was about to say you're wrong about that but then I realized that at least the prequels were bad in an honest and innocent sort of way.

They could have been much worse, actually. The overarching story is epic, it's just that the characters and the dialogues are such shit and every scene is at least in part designed to appeal to kids. Aesthetically, they're great, they look much more like Star Wars than do the sequels in regards to creature designs, and they even manage to give each planet its own unique visual identity. The broad strokes are wonderful but it's a beautiful, phenomenal, epic world made of individual building blocks of shit. You can tell Lucas thought about the world he was trying to create for a lon, long time - he just didn't know how to make a fucking movie.

>this level of apologism

user, the prequels were shit because George Lucas was a lazy director, over relied on CG, and just didn't know how to tell the stories he was trying to tell. They are unrepentant garbage.

You don't have to like the sequels to admit that. The sequels, at the very least, are competently made movies, regardless of other flaws. Anyone who denies that is a pedant or a memelord.

Kill yourself, rlmdrone, your kind isn't welcome here.

>tfw I loved prequels before I saw plinkett reviews, now I hate them and I can't even watch them

I still can't understand why

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I like everyone of the prequels. I think they are fun and really helped create the Star Wars universe.

>you noticed obvious problems so must be an rlm fan

They weren't the first to notice the prequels sucked, dude. And I must have imagined all the RLM threads we have every week.

"Not welcome here." Funny fucker, get the fuck off this board.

There's nothing bad about the prequels, besides maybe awkward romance scenes. They are pure sci fi kino. No one can replicate the style of Lucas' filmmaking. Everything that's criticized about them, also happens to have stayed memorable and relevant. But of course, you will try.

It was 9/11 that killed the prequels
In a world without 9/11 they would be regarded as masterpieces
Thank God for 9/11

>better than Return of the Jedi, right?
Not saying much. Boring film with shit special effects.

>aim above the fuel cells
>good call my young padawan
There are many, many awkward dialogues.

at least shit happens and you sort of care about the characters.

I watched them as a kid so the bad dialogue didn't bother me, and I was too autistic to care about the acting.

Is the Clone Wars series actually good? I really like the clone army and I think the one thing that the prequels do well are political intrigue and war. Is there any Star Wars niche project that suits my tastes?

It's pretty good but Yidsney cut the show when it was getting even better.
I have no faith in the new season they announced.

Sheev is bearly in AoC.

And yet...

>the prequels were shit because George Lucas was a lazy director, over relied on CG, and just didn't know how to tell the stories he was trying to tell.
I never said anything to the contrary.

> The sequels, at the very least, are competently made movies
And that there is a pretty broad statement. If you're just talking about dialogue and delivery being less awful or the visuals being less "dense" and more coherent, then sure you're right. If you're trying to say the story and characters are better or the overall ramifications to series are less damaging, then no.

Exactly. I'd rather watch something ridiculous that I can laugh at and enjoy because it's so bad it's good than something that's just boring and dull and bad and unenjoyable. People actually get entertainment from the prequels, every line of dialogue from the prequels is basically a meme at this point. Hell, every single frame of Palpatine is a fucking meme at this point. Yeah, people are laughing at the prequels, but at least they're laughing and happy and having a good time. Nobody is having a good time with the sequels. Even people who like the sequels are constantly unhappy talking about them, getting upset that people call Rey a Mary Sue. I'd say the only time people got any enjoyment out of the sequels is the brief time when The Force Awakens just released and some people were riding high on the whole experience of getting a new Star Wars, but the moment someone said "hey wait, this movie isn't that good" it all collapsed.

You're just a faggot with shit taste. The sequels have much more flaws. It's pathetic that you give Ryan Johnson and jj a pass as "competent" but then call lucas "lazy" for creating Star Wars and having complete control of his films

not really no, i guess you could argue it’s a better end of a trilogy since the first two prequels were dogshit and ROTS was just bad, whereas ANH and Empire were amazing and Jedi was merely ok

Iast 2-3 seasons are pure kino

This is the truth. The prequels are a ridiculous, soulful soap opera. Yeah they’re bad, but goddamn if they aren’t amusing and quotable. The sequels are just soulless mouse shit

>dialogue and delivery being less awful
>who talks first?
>Godspeed rebels
>Master Skywalker, we need you to bring the Jedi back because Kylo Ren is strong with the dark side of the Force.
>I wish I could put my fist through this whole lousy, beautiful town.
>You underestimate Skywalker. And Ben Solo. And me.

>I never said anything to the contrary
user, stop being a bitch. If the prequels have bad story telling, then what the fuck do you call this garbage, incoherent mess that jj and Ryan and destroyed Star Wars with?

Over reliant on cgi, is the most common and clueless critique brainlets repeat about the prequels. There isn't even any point in trying to educate all you dumbasses anymore

Damn close to being, but Sheev was more fun in Jedi than Sith

prequels are all soul and no substance (imaginative, expansive, and unironically epic while poorly directed and acted)

sequels are all substance and no soul (slickly produced and directed to sell as many tickets and merchandise as possible)

I'll take neither, the original films stand on their own legs

Mcdiarmid is far better actor than anyone in NuWars.

>no substance
>Literally the blueprint of modern day cinema with its introduction of new visual effects and film techniques

All of the capeshit you faggots are perfectly ok with wouldn't exist without the prequels

>dialogue and delivery being less awful
LMAO no. They sound like sophomore improv night with the prompt "bad Star Wars dialogue."

>Disney shill lying about the prequels to make excuses for the dogshit propaganda Disney’s been churning out

Attack of the Clones specifically is generally considered to be the worst main Star Wars movie
At least before TLJ, I'm not sure where it stands in comparison anymore

The fact that people are ok with Star Wars now, just because they are marketed by Disney as "anti lucas" is fucking pathetic. Sure, turn your brain off when you watch the last Jedi or tfa, but make sure you have a magnifying glass and paper to take notes whenever you watch the prequels

Any Star Wars movie with lots of Sheev screentime is a better Star Wars movie

There is something to this argument, part of why the prequels are as awkward as they are is that they were experiments with technology that people didn't quite understand yet, which ocntributed to the disorientation of the actors and the director.

The propaganga angle is equally as important, but I don't think we should hate the sequels for being politically biased. Instead imagine how awesome Star Wars will be once the day of the rope has come and gone. Perhaps then we will see the heroic clone soldiers and faustian Sith demigods we always wanted the films to focus on.

AotC is way worse than TFA, but TLJ is possibly much worse than AotC.

You are easily bent to someone else's will

>Stylistic masterpiece with neo nior, cyberpunk, and retro 50's sci-fi influences deftly woven together
>Realistically portrays an emotionally stunted monk awkwardly try to express his feelings to padme
>dat sonic_charge.wav
>geonosis is one of the most visually stunning large scale battle scenes ever no Cap

OTboomers really fucked the franchise by eating up the literal remake disney served you like pigs at a trough

Attached: xYHOSvr.jpg (3840x2160, 485K)

>Thinks Star wars is SciFi.

Attached: michael2.jpg (551x410, 59K)

Dude, I'm glad there are some people out there with a brain for film that actually understand. It's embarrassing that dumbasses think tfa is a superior film to this

Personally, I would like to see a hard R IG-88 bountyhuntersploitation film, I wonder if the Mouse will deliver.

I don't agree about geonosis, for the most part it looks terrible. But apart from that AOC is an incredibly stylish film. Could easily be salvaged with a few cuts and by making it a silent film.

>TFA better than AOTC
Retard alert

There was some better compilation of AotC still shots, they look really nice.

TFA honestly has much worse writing even than Jango hiring another bounty hunter to assassinate Padme using some centipedes.

>dat sonic_charge.wav
Geonosian guns?

except it's true

Attack of the Clones is literally a PS2-tier video game.

Attached: 54b0e3fb4ab10_o,size,933x0,q,70,h,fe0226.jpg (933x699, 72K)

>a movie that came out in 2001 looks like a video game from 2001
Nice job, fucking retard.

>that scene on the balcony
quite honestly the worst dialogue and delivery I've ever seen

prequels are like wine, the more they age the finer they get

sequels are like shit, the more time passes, the more rancid they get

I can't even sit through them and I used to be obsessed with star wars

Look it has C L O N E S in it and thats what makes it good

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Look at the number of memes that prequels made compared to the disney ones, doesn't matter that 2/3 of them are from episode3


I don't care enough about Rogue One to see it

almost everyone i knew in 99 was ripping on tpm after they saw it.

>Every piece of dialogue, every gesture - everything is pure cringe!
wrong on all accounts

disney is pure cringe

aotc is pure star wars

Why is this line suposed to be bad again?

Because the funny voice man from the movie reviewing youtube channel said so.

think he means this

Attached: bomb.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

SOLO is okay. R1 is fanservice overload and some people love it some hate it. TFA is a fun movie with garbage characters and plot. TLJ is complete trash.

Overall this is still better than PT since II is utter garbage, I is boring as fuck crap with maybe 10 minutes of good stuff and III is just okay at best.

The real problem is Disney shitting on fans after TLJ fiasco but Lucas did the same after special editions.

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Nothing Disney has made is good. Nothing. AOTC is a masterpiece.

Hot take
The prequels are so good they're great. The sequels are just poorly managed

Attack of the Clones is the worst star wars.

>anime poster
Checks out.

EpIII is like Shakespeare compared to Disney crap

It's kind of on the nose, isn't it? Nobody would say that, the weird delivery doesn't help. Plus it doesn't make a lot of sense. We saw his life on Tattooine, kid had a happy childhood despite being a "slave" (really he was more of a kid with a part-time job). Where would this aversion to sand even come from?

>not liking Detective Kenobi
That's some real shit taste you got there.

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I make a post essentially saying the prequels and sequels are bad for different reasons, offering up only milquetoast defense of the prequels, and get accused of both prequel apologism and prequel hatein'. I feel like I've become a character in a bad comedy sketch.

As a kid I loved The Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith. I remember sitting in the theater when I was 7 and thinking this was one of the most torturous movies I’d ever watched. It’s ungodly horrible. Not even Jango Fett could save it. I’ve tried so hard to like it but it’s impossible. It really is just bad. It’s paced like complete shit and doesn’t end.

Watching ROTS right now, after many years. Kino from the very first second.

>Could easily be salvaged with a few cuts and by making it a silent film.
Score-only option when?

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yep disney is bad. glad you realize.

>trying to discuss television and film
>on Yea Forums
You have nobody to blame but yourself

First you tried defending the sequels, then you bitched out. Quit being a poser faggot

Prequels*, whoops

>The real problem is Disney shitting on fans after TLJ fiasco but Lucas did the same after special editions.
This, prescisely
People forget that shitting on star Wars' fans started AND reached its zenith with Lucas, never to be topped. He's a real grade-a faggot

Is this a porn parody?

RotS has an "unfair advantage" so to speak, in the sense that it had Obi Wan vs. Anakin.

And being fair with Lucas, he pulled it off.

"Star Wars has an unfair advantage because it has characters created by George Lucas".

rogue one was fun but the other ones are just lackluster and 8 is just terrible

Yeah it's so funny when R2D2 zaps the super battle droid's hand and gets kicked over. Almost as funny as when Anakin cuts off Dooku's hands and chops his fucking head off. Truly Shakespearean storytelling and characterization.

Can we talk about the rampant sexism and racism in the prequels? baka

the darth vader and luke screentime is better than 3, but overall 3 is much better

I can think of a bunch of racist shit from TPM like the nemoidians, the gungans, watto, etc.

what did you have in mind?

>Yeah it's so funny when R2D2 zaps the super battle droid's hand and gets kicked over
yes, it's funny.
>Almost as funny as when Anakin cuts off Dooku's hands and chops his fucking head off.
yes, it's great and cinematic. the movements are fluid and the editing is impeccable

Actually, the comedy in ROTS really is so much better than in the other prequels. That bit at the start with R2 trying to hide the communicator and being confronted by the battle droids actually has a setup and a punchline - TPM and AOTC didn't have anything like that. It's a shame that Lucas sold to Disney, he had clearly gotten more comfortable and capable at making movies again.

why do you think lucas chose to make the beginning of this movie so funny and lighthearted, considering how dark it is overall? i find it incredibly jarring personally, and it makes it feel as if the stakes are low

Post an example of Lucas shitting on fans like nulucasfilm does.

>Actually, the comedy in ROTS really is so much better than in the other prequels
This isnt saying much but i agree. We definitely could have used more sassy obi-wan in TPM and AotC

It's not that lighthearted, the only legit funny moment is "do it"
It is also the first time in the prequels we see the main characters as charming, competent and sympathetic. It's more like a good action movie than a comedy or a kids' film, which is an improvement. Probably a good way to hook people before getting all dark and edgy.

i know what you mean, but I think it obviously kind of adds to the drama. Especially when you have that scene somewhere in the middle of the film where anakin apologizes to obi-wan for being arrogant and for not being appreciative enough for his training. (The last time they spoke as friends)


>the only legit funny moment is "do it"
okay, but there are so many other moments in the beginning of the movie that are trying to be funny or charming obi-wan saying "i have a bad feeling about this" and "let's spring the trap LOL". all the shit with R2. anakin "this is where the fun begins". i agree with you that lucas is trying to hook people before getting all dark and edgy. but i disagree that this is a good way to do it. if you're going to make a dark, edgy, tragic movie where the hero transforms into a monster, you need to go all the way. you cant just slap a bunch of halfhearted comedy in at the beginning and go "see? it's a kids movie!!!" very bad storytelling imo.

How was the CG for Grievous so good? He looks better than many of the sequel aliens.

that's not shitting on the fans, that's the fans shitting themselves

try again

>Not watching the prequels or any SW movie with the godtier german dub
You only have yourself to blame.

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I sort of see your point but I think it's a good start. We see that the characters are in control, they're having a bit of fun, joke around. If it started all serious and depressing, there could not be a change of mood later on to accentuate the seriousness of events. Actually, it could probably be done, but would it fit the Star Wars tone? This is still a fairytale movie for kids, not some experiment in transcendental style.


Doesn't it say enough that there isn't a single LGBT protagonista in the whole prequel series? Plus the unquestioned ethno-pluralism, all the races living side by side instead of intermingling, racism against sand people and so on and so on...

Attached: Angry Deer.png (400x441, 141K)


Of all of the romance dialogue between Anakin and Padme, there is not a single line that sound like something actual human beings would say, which makes it awkward as fuck. The prequels actually have a lot of good ideas in them, but George is just not a good writter and it shows, he really needed someone who could take his ideas and turn it into a nice script. People like to hate on Hayden, but there is no way you could make that shit sound good.

But at least it's the funny kind of bad, while Mouse Wars is just boring. Proof of this is that we are still quoting the prequels to this day.

go to be rian

AotC can only legitimately be called stylish in the theatrical IMAX release, which had the cringe romance scenes deleted so it would fit on a single IMAX reel.

no, the blu-ray has the best colors. Celluloid version is pointless and looks like dog shit. Some people pretend it masks the "bad cgi" but really it just crushes the image and makes it look dull.

Those scenes are particularly marvellous to look at though.

He's not talking about sand really. He's really talking about his hatred of the Jedi, how their dogmatic ways forced him away from the only person he ever loved.
Qui-Gon saw in Anakin a great destiny, a destiny that the Jedi Masters were truly afraid of because he was 'to bring balance to the force' but of course the Jedi Council had been the main force based power for many many years, so bringing 'balance' could really only ever mean tipping things towards the dark side.
In the end, his entire rant is about his deep seated hatred of the people who took him in an removed him from his mother. The 'sand' is the Jedi, the way they force you not to have emotional attachment is how they're 'rough and course' they 'get everywhere' because they force you to cut all ties and become your entire life. He's attempting to open up to Padme, something forbidden for a Jedi, to connect emotionally to the only other person he's ever loved save for his mother. But of course he can't just say what he feels, he has to veil it in meaningless nonsense. So he rants about the sand, even though his years on Tatooine were likely the happiest of his life.

I grew up with the OT.
>inb4 fuck off boomer
Lucas shit all over his own canon wth the prequels. "Yoda the jedi master who trained me." Well who the fuck is Qui Gon? Leia-"my mom had long hair and bla bla". ROTS Padme croaked right after she was born. The prequels could've been amazing. Look what Kershner did with ESB. Someone else should've directed and revised the scripts of the prequels.

prequels doesnt have identity politics and hyperdrive ramming.

No they're just bad.

You guys are all wrong. They're both bad. The prequels and the sequels are depressing.

I love how Roger Ebert ripped into the line, but he missheard it. He thought Anakin said "not like you."

No. The prequels are the opposite of depression.

No they are the epitome of depressing.

No. The prequels are the opposite of depression. They make you feel absolutely positive about life. Lucas can do no wrong.

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If you grew up with the OT and engaged with the expanded universe I can empathize, and Episodes I and II really are dogshit, but Episode III is a worthy entry into the Star Wars canon.

He was clearly only just getting back into filmmaking and slowly figuring out the formula during the first two prequels. It shows. He gave us a beautiful colorful universe but it took a while until he could tell a worthwhile story around that.

You're reading way too much into it. It's just a dumb line and Anakin being shit at flirting. Anakin didn't even hate the Jedi at that point, they saved him from being a fucking slave and being knighted was his dream. What made him turn against them was seeing how the Jedi council treated him with distrust.

Also, George doesn't see the force as an ying-yang thing - the Dark side is just a corruption of the force, while the Light is the original state, so bringing balance to it would mean getting rid of the Sith, which he actually did in the end, as contrived as it was. The whole idea of the 'prophecy' was retarded to begin with, it added nothing to the movies.

"competently made" doesn't mean anything if the movie is not entertaining. There is a reason why so many B movies are well-loved, despite being cheap and amateurish. Revenge of the Shit is an entertaining movie, nu-Wars isn't.

compared to the disney sequels this is art cinema though retard.

Wrong, Episode I, II and III are all more than worthy entries in the Star Wars canon (that's comprised of 6 movies) The expanded universe is great fun too. The prequel EU is the best EU there is.

>He was clearly only just getting back into filmmaking and slowly figuring out the formula during the first two prequels.
some people say Attack of the Clones has an unusual structure, yeah, this is because Lucas is free to do what he wants and it's fun to watch. It's enjoyable. The films truly feel like they can go anywhere. Podracing is great. The Phantom Menace is great. We are lucky to have these things. I wouldn't change a thing about the prequels and neither would Lucas.


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In 10 years the prequels will be considered a classic and people will argue whether or not the sequels are as bad as the new trilogy

I didn't realize Frank Oz was a bong

No. Everyone knows the sequels are Disney OC and not based on anything, they'll never be treated with the same amount of respect by critics and historians.

The prequels are unintentional works of art. They are fucking masterpieces.

>almost as bad as the sequels
Lmao look at this mousecuck doing damage control. The sequels are soulless cashgrab dogshit theres nothing worse in the entirety of sw media (yes this includes the solo twins childrens book series and rebels), the prequels are beautifully unique stories with B movie tier dialogue and schlocky action scenes, which makes them amazing.

The only people who hate the prequels are faggot zoomers and reddit letter media fanboys

Attached: prequels.png (500x661, 141K)

in 10 years the sequels will have been completely forgotten for 5 years.
They will go in the star wars trashbin along with the holiday special and EA battlefront.

>le bad thing? Is actually the epic kino sauce?! trolololol
You faggots are insufferable.

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Come on, it's not a matter of structure. It's a matter of not being able to write realistic dialogue, heroic characters and most of all inability to tell an epic story. Think of all the stupid little moments, like Padme opening her cuffs with a hairpin and climbing the pillar, Django Fett getting killed by a weird rhino - those are not the elemtns of an epic story, which is what the OT and Ep III get right. They don't lose themselves in banalities, they tell a story in the appropriate mythic scope.

I do agree that podracing is very cool.

I am the OP and I am not a mousecuck. I actually only watched TFA before storming out of the cinema angrily and deciding that the rest would not be worth my time. And I don't disregard the prequels, I think that Ep III is a masterpiece. I and II and still very bad though.

I think it's great that they made it so I could watch the Mr. Plinkett review

>ANH is so bad because the death star explosion is obviously fake!!!


>I and II and still very bad though.
You have shit taste then.
AOTC is quite literally the best B movie ever made and I is great in its own right, if for nothing else then how incredibly unique and memorable all the visuals were
>brand new shit mind you, not regurgitated garbage like nuwars

>AOTC is quite literally the best B movie
You are the ine with shit taste, this title without a doubt belongs to either Southland Tales or Bloodsucking Freaks. I do agree about the visuals in Ep I though, even more so in Ep II. Aesthetically breathtaking, excellent creature designs, cool ideas like podracers and clone armies - I love the universe those two films introduce, everything about it. That and they were absolutely revolutionary in regards to use of CG, which is one of the reason why I think it's very understandable that the creative team was overwhelmed and the actual films didn't turn out very well. But hey, Lucas was returning from a long break, getting used to all the new technology, trying to return to the past of a universe while in the real world 30 years had passed, he took on an enormous project. I don't think anyone could have done it better but I think it took him to movies full of failed experiments to get the formula just right. And then, just right it was. It's a real shame he sold the franchise just he had achieved greatness again.

>high-budget Hollywood production
>B movie
What the fuck are you talking about

>It's a matter of not being able to write realistic dialogue
it's not meant to be realistic. Lucas knew you were going to hate it. It's """stylistically designed to be that way™""". You've heard this shit before from him as early as 1999-2000 and if you haven't, look it up. The reason kids don't hate it is because they have nothing to compare it to. The middlebrow and lowbrow hate it because the dialogue isn't like in their Tarantino movies. Cinephiles can perhaps dig it because they understand what Lucas was going for. Lucas also knew you were going to hate the fact that Anakin is child in TPM instead of a teenager, but he did it anyway because he's not a hack. He knew certain fans were going to hate the uncool anakin dialogue and romance stuff in AOTC but he did it anyway because he's not a hack. He was totally open about all of this back then (maybe to lessen the inevitable shock, idk) he told journalists what his plan was going to be with the trilogy. He even knew that ROTS will be the most popular of the three because it will have the most edge and Anakin will be quippier. He remained honest to his vision and didn't compromise. 30 years wasn't the problem for Lucas, it was problem for the audience.

>Think of all the stupid little moments, like Padme opening her cuffs with a hairpin and climbing the pillar, Django Fett getting killed by a weird rhino - those are not the elemtns of an epic story
those aren't stupid moments. What's wrong with Padme climbing on top of a pillar and obi-wan quipping "she seems to be on top of things"? that's funny. Jango being beat up by a space rhino? what's wrong with that? Nothing. They're not banalities, that doesn't mean anything. There isn't a single wasted moment in Attack of the Clones. The prequels are all pure "myth"--they are "epic". Jar Jar stepping in shit is more epic than anything the Disney corporation has done in the last 15 years. You don't know what "very bad" means, you haven't seen "very bad". You want "very bad"? try every single 2019 oscar nominated film as a starterpack

>it's bad on purpose
>it's the audience's fault for not liking something that is extremelly shitty
This is some next level delusion, holy shit

Why do people pretended disney hates the prequels? They fucking own them, they make money off the merchandise and movie sales, their video game is pure prequel fan service.
Also the prequels are pure """""""zoomer"""""" material considering you meme faggots consider that to mean anybody born during the 90s through 2018.


Star Wars as a whole is shit.
Main films: 6 out of 8 are shit.
Anthology films: 1 out of 2 are shit, the other meh.
Live action specials made for television: 3 out of 3 are REALLY shitty.
Animated series: 3 out of 5 are shit. One is meh.
Animated shorts series: 1 of 2 is shit.
Of the non shit or meh products half came out before 1981 and the other half are named The Clone Wars.

pic related is zoomer

prequels, peter jackson lotr, raimi spider-man, matrix etc is millenial

>their video game is pure prequel fan service.
no, it's an insult to prequel fans. The clone troopers are voiced by a literally who from the zoomer cartoon instead of based temuerra morrison like in battlefront 2004. The clone troopers are wielding all the wrong weapons, the colors markings on their armor are wrong and doesn't match the movies, all of it is wrong because disney and EA don't give a shit about prequel fans, they just want to save their dying game. The cover art has fucking rey, darth maul and a tie fighter pilot next to each other. It looks like a chinese knock off star wars product.

call me when they make a prequel-exclusive battlefront, then we'll talk. Until then, battlefront classic, movie battles II and republic commando (2005) is all the prequel fanservice I need.

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Lucas = gold
star wars 1-6 = gold

disney = kike trash

simple as that

The best Lucas product wasn't directed by Lucas. 1-3, 6 = shit.


II and III are the best star wars films

there are no lucas products, only lucas art


Just finished rewatching Ep III and it's a masterpiece. Better than the OT.

It's much worse.

So now, after getting their shit pushed in dozens of times, the prequel fags have completely changed their arguments and are claiming the prequels are top tier cinema because "they're so bad they're good"? I can see some things don't change though since everybody disagreeing with them is still called either a mousefag or an RLM fanboy

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You must admit though that Ep III is a masterpiece, right? If not, you should watch it again without preconceptions.

>"they're so bad they're good"?
no, they're so good because they're good. all the so bad they're good kids are just shitposters

II and III are the best in the series

Attached: parade grounds.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Every frame is a paintign

How can you say that about II? I don't get it.

AotC is the worst Star Wars period.
Fucking prove me wrong

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>The clone troopers are voiced by a literally who from the zoomer cartoon instead of based temuerra morrison like in battlefront 2004
They originally cast Morrison as the clones, but replaced him due to fan response, which Morrison agreed with. Morrison is still in the game as Boba Fett. Also, that literal who has over 500 credits to his name.
>The cover art has fucking rey, darth maul and a tie fighter pilot next to each other.
It is not a tie pilot you tard. It is The Lead Character of the single player campaign.

>Fucking prove me wrong
with a 2000 character limit? you'd still remain a pleb

moving paintings

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>they originally cast Morrison as the clones, but replaced him due to fan response
the fans are fucking retarded redditors that should be round up and shot

what a fucking disgrace. Disgusting. fucking revolting.

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DBB is amazing as the clones, and The Clone Wars is an amazing series. When you autistically screech, like you are doing, you are every bit as bad as the people that do the same about the prequels


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DBB is fucking shit at doing the clone voice, but the clone wars is alright as a standalone series (personally im more into the dark horse comics)

morrison > infinite power gaps > dbb

soul vs soulles
honest vs dishonest
based and redpilled vs cringe and bluepilled

I will not defend dbb. I'm sure he's a nice guy but fuck his clonetrooper voice, it is not canon and never will be. If the clone wars cgi show were live action, all the clones would sound like morrison and anakin would sound like hayden--this is the angle i'm approaching it from and I believe its reasonable. I can give dbb a pass in the clone wars cgi show since all the other people sound different too. But in a game with realistic graphics? fuck that. And generally speaking, theatrical actors all the way, preferrably. No matter the context. They're just better.