any kino about better times
Any kino about better times
Other urls found in this thread:
>that was considered fat
I legitimately had to double-take the pic before I understood what was going on. Holy fuck, and I thought watching Married with Children was hilarious due to what they considered "obese" back then.
haha fat bitches get dabbed on
>back when it was ok to have standards
I wonder how Shirley's buss smells.
lmao what kind of faggot prefers STICC
Shirley is obviosuly a patrician choice.
one on the left has a nice ass give me her
I love those dresses today's whore clothes just don't make me nearly as horny
sally hayes is a flat-assed whore
thought this was one of those old ads for amphetamines at first
>*still* only 5 cents
Do they cost $2 now?
Shirley is made for breeding
White men tend to have smaller penises so they prefer slim women as it makes penetrative intercourse easier.
Thiccfags and brapcels were undesired in the 50's. Keep this in mind, Yea Forums.
Gone with the wind
For me it really depends on the face. I'm someone that has a huge thing for thick women but a tiny and skinny girl with a cute face outclasses them every time. It might not be as notable in pictures you're looking at online but in real life those girls are show stoppers.
11,22,63 is kińó set in 50s/60s.
They're like a dollar now.
I would fuck the shit out of Shirley and marry her to have as many aryan kids as possible until her menopause knocks up
Thiccfags are worse then footfags. At least footfags know they are strange, thiccfags are just one step away from fat chasers
as a footfag i completely agree
also i prefer shirley, because socks
What's it like being black?
Sally is wearing pantyhose though
Pretty good, actually. White women throw themselves at me and whiteboys are too timid to even make eye contact with me.
This is very true.
It still is, fat women just refuse to admit they're hideous.
What do you get out of larping as a black guy? Do you jerk off over it?
People with standards.
>why yes I have a BBW fetish, how did you guess?
>an ad telling women they should try to appeal to men
>this is bad now
All going according to plan
me @ bottom right
>possessing of tattoos
Who talks like this?
Well except Gyms aren't closing down and are as popular as ever.
One step at a time friend. A plan such as this takes time.
Oh look, it's another "Reposting shit from /pol/" thread
Fucking a convincing trap is less disgusting than fucking a fat
Change my mind
>when you reply to yourself
>living at thome
where else would he live?
Only a homosexual would argue for choosing one over the other.
streets, squats, starbucks...
>jew larps as hapa girl larping as tyrone
but why
White hands typed this.
People in the middle are disappearing though. It's turning into you're either at the gym every day of the week for hours and constantly eating health food and making your life about fitness or you're fat with no physical exercise, completely sedentary, and eating the worst foods imaginable for you. I haven't seen an actual average person that isn't either of those things in a long time.
Only a homosexual would choose to fuck a fatty.
in this post "white man" = americans, brits and irish
there is no "thiccfags", liking thick woman is the default for any normal, straight non-anglo man without low testosterone problems
Well its hard to see those average people from your mom's basement.
Well done repeating what I just said.
>liking thick woman is the default for any normal, straight non-anglo man without low testosterone problems
Spotted the nigger.
>liking woman with a nice body makes you a nigger
begone dysgenic anglo.
"Thicc" is fat. IE not a nice body.
Tell me what gay country you come from so I can mock it.
Good god, this one isn't even funny. It's the the truth now.
>convincing trap
thicc is a woman with large hips, big ass and big tits, not necessarily fat.
think about the worst country in the american continent that's not USA or canada, yes that one.
Yeah keep telling yourself that you chubby chaser. Soon enough you'll be writing blog posts about how people can be healthy at any weight.
That's because our lives are awful so we fall into the rhythm of compulsive behaviors to take our minds off it. The compulsive behaviors can both be over-eating and spending hours in the gym.
>large hips, big ass and big tits
That's fat buddy. You are in denial.
>he never saw a woman non-fat woman with big ass and big tits
thiccfags btfo
women do know theyre just obsoleting themselves right?
men are now better at being women and being men, how will femlings recover?
Were these girls drawn by Rockwell?
That'll teach him for giving a real response.
in sorry for you user, may you next reencarnation be in a country with better woman.
the other communist shithole (not venezuela), actually not so commie now.
>the cunnyseur in the background.
His wasn't a real response since its not true.
i unironically think every country should tax the obese, like japan does.
The vast majority of big cities (natural) woman are also overweight. Additionally we both know damn well this thicc shit is not just woman with big tits and asses.
>not liking a healthy bit of chub on your women
Faggots. THICC is built to last.
kek I don’t care if we actually do it but I’d love to see the fatties scream if some politician actually suggested this
Tax how? I hate fat people as much as the next person but what do they do exactly?
>but what do they do exactly?
Disgust everyone.
And smell.
sigh anyone else here born in the wrong generation?
t.dicklet. it’s really too bad that attractive, fertile women have asses too big for you to squeeze through
Lol no, I'm sorry I meant what does Japan do, not fatties.
Me. I was supposed to be born in the generation where we have space travel and can freely move our spirits into whatever body/vessel we wish.
Oh cause I forgot shit like medical costs for fat people.
>he cute
I know you're making fun of that unit but he unironically looks cool.
Also, 1900's burger cities make my pee pee hard.
We are born in possibly the most interesting time there is. Humanity is either going to collapse go back to the stone age, or ascend to a new level. We should live long enough to see which it is.
Imagine believing this.
>but he unironically looks cool.
He really doesn't who the fuck buttons a blazer all the way up?
No you just think he looks cool cause the photo is black and white.
Imagine that same scene but in color.
He'd look like a retard.
faties make good beards, telling for a friend
slim sally looks and dresses exactly like my mom.
Beautiful. Fat people, truly fat, deserve the hate and disgust they receive. It isn't hard to just not be a disgusting piece of shit.
>The vast majority of big cities (natural) woman are also overweight
My country has a pretty high obesity rate (especially among middle/old aged people) but most woman have normal weight here.
>we both know damn well this thicc shit is not just woman with big tits and asses.
It literally is, at least that's how i and most people use the term, in fact the big tits part is not even necessary to be thicc, just a combination of big ass + nice thighs and hips.
I got really confused there. Thought it was anti fat. Size 8 is thin? In what reality?
Shirely still cute tho
>He really doesn't who the fuck buttons a blazer all the way up?
most models and hipsters.
You are the minority if your definition is just a nice ass and big tits. I will say though that big tits tend to come with fat woman. Same really with finding a girl with thick hips and thighs, that comes with thick waist, and arms.
keep walkin' Sally I'm trynna watch dat fat ass bounce
The modern world is so unaesthetic, we have to go back
Based Sally, how can Shirley even compete
Based on what? Your point was that gyms are popular, therefore people must not be getting fatter, which seems evidentially untrue and has been documented thoroughly. You only need to look at photos of people from the 1940's and compare them to how people look today and the differences are quite stark.
>You are the minority
Most people use the term this way, especialy normalfags.
>I will say though that big tits tend to come with fat woman
>a girl with thick hips and thighs, that comes with thick waist, and arms.
user where the fuck do you live? I'm concerned.
>not wanting shirley simkins fat ass on your dick
>wanting a skinny lanklet gf
lmao people really were low test back in the day
>Your point was that gyms are popular
No, I said gyms are popular as they ever were.
Literally can't help but imagine the stench.
I live in reality. What you are asking for is a woman with certain areas of her body to be big, I am telling you that those woman who have big tits tend to be fat. Another way to put it, fat chicks have big boobs.
>The modern world is so unaesthetic
>we have to go back
Fuck that, we have to go FORWARD, we are almost hitting that cyberpunk dystopia aesthethic, just look at tokyo for exemple.
Yeah? And therefore what? People aren't getting fatter?
The testosterone levels have dropped steadily with each generation. Just admit you have a fat fetish and walk away.
>looking at an advert of all things to judge how good times were
Christ user, you're a marketer's wet dream
Are you ESL?
Gym membership isn't going up its not going down.
They are as popular as they ever were.
in what fucking world
shitty bait
Muh capitalism.
I want to pulverize her pusy with my five inch penis
I feel like this came and went though, like the concept of 'fat acceptance' was introduced and kicked around before swiftly going into the territory of "Things only leftists on Twitter care about"
no such thing. every healthy male desires fat women. only the low test weak manlets want a skinny little woman so they dont get mogged
Will you actually answer my fucking point? I'm not disagreeing about gym memberships, gym popularity doesn't mean your average person isn't getting fatter.
We need to go back.
Miss me with that gay shit.
cyberpunk isn't comfy.
That literally doesn't matter as to what the original guy said which was there are no people in the middle of the scale between obese and super/fit/.
feel sorry for my granddad he never knew the pleasure of fat asses and shaved pussy
all he got was skinny bitches and crazy hair bushes and you had to pay at a brothel to get some oral
>Miss me with that gay shit.
when did Yea Forums have an influx of black ""people""?
Can you not use your ape babble on my board?
oh shit, thanks for posting that user. I love that photo but lost it with my hard drive and couldn't find it again
this is a kino photograph
>I am telling you that those woman who have big tits tend to be fat
Yes but it's easy to find a non fat woman with these characteristics and if your country youth doesn't consist of mostly obese people they can even be at a higher number.
>fat chicks have big boobs
This is comparable to a extremely dark skinned nigger with a beauty mark on his face, it's there but no one cares.
>The Candy with the hole
>None of the girls are named Candy
>cyberpunk isn't comfy
is "miss me with that gay shit" niggerspeak? the more you know.
He's right, though. The middle, as we might've thought of it seventy years ago, has shrunk. People are now more obese on average, in fact there was a study recently that said women in America today weigh about as much on average as men in the 1950's.
What is your standard for "average", exactly? Men 160lbs, women 110lbs? Because I don't see much of either, nowadays.
Now you see the thiccfag in a rare moment of honesty. No longer does he shield his disgusting fetish for fat woman being a veil of "muh thicc". He lusts over disgusting creatures with no self control, people who can't even bother to keep themselves in decent shape. This user is something to pity, lower then the worst footfag.
fat did not become trendy. the internet just gave every dipshit a voice.
I think there are two types of thiccfags. Actual high test men who like wide hip bones for breeding, and fags who like slightly chubby women.
Except we're in the biggest fitness fad in recorded history, at least among young people.
Detroit used to look like that?
Annnnd I think I'm done debating with you, dude.
I never said it hasn't shrunk.
That guy said its gone altogether.
Dude I know tons of lumpy chubby chicls who constantly go on about being at the gym. Something doesn't add up.
Annnnnd back to r-ddit, champ.
Fuck off nigger
>He lusts over disgusting creatures with no self control, people who can't even bother to keep themselves in decent shape.
muh dik
begone low test goblin
Thank you for putting my nebulous thoughts into some words that make sense. You're absolutely right.
Sometimes I think all the thicc posting is a concentrated campaign by tumblr whales and other similar interest groups to make it seem like it's normal and trendy to like fat chicks. It's ridiculous how it increased by pretty much 1000% in a couple of years around 2013 or so
Do you know where you are?
Goddamn, women are so nice to each other. Sisterhood all the way.
That's not the point, the point is having more workers.
It's also why this recent push for immigration happened, because they need even more labor, and cheaper, if possible.
it's a retard falseflagging, no one calls landwhales thick.
Cringe. Stop spamming this thread with your ugly fapbait, fucking disgusting cunt.
Drown yourself in your söy you pathetic excuse for a man.
Women should only be big in certain places.
>I can't handle racism on Yea Forums
what a little bitch. try reddit haha
discord tranny.
>1. go back in time
>2. hit on thicc girls that nobody else wants
The face and the gut
butthurt pedos
Nah there's a point where tits can be too big.
Like you're ever gonna breed.
Imagine looking like that and trying to wear trendy underwear. Look at the elastic bands straining and folding over on themselves, lol.
Get the fuck out, O'Hara.
>dies of influenza
shitty bait2
he's right tho.
I honestly don't care if a woman is a little chubby, I just want someone to hug me from time to time
Depressing that you're the only person to point this out. I fucking hate these little bottom-feeding parasite crossposters that are so desperate for (You)s that they post off-topic shit on slower boards just in the hopes they can repeat the exact same thread they just saw with little distinction.
They already did. Remember the extra large soda tax? Fatties DID lose their shit. And it didn’t pass, lol.
How will sandniggers ever recover from this?
and here we see the thiccfags last line of defense
At least I'm not a chubby chaser.
>I need to use le n-word xD to make my point
Literal children. Maybe /pol/ is more your style, kiddos.
Kys yourself, fatfag.
retard here, what happened exactly?
Shitty bait3
when did the soiboy wojack became the "things/people i don't like" meme?
>not finding that hot
gtfo anorexic roastie
How do you hug a girl like that?
based. fat acceptance landwhales BTFO by jon stewart
here we find the pedos continued screeching
Shut up racist.
shitty baits4 & 5
>I must be from reddit if I dislike crossposting
extremely shitty bait
What is wrong with cross posting? It is like cross dressing, fun thing to do.
>if it btfo me its bait
You don't like slim girls with big tits?
>no ass
>no tiddies
>no hips
>no thighs
does she even have a pusy
does it even fcking matter ???
Imagine how bad the smell would be standing on that street though.
i didn't even get quoted, i'm just doing my white mans burden of calling out retards.
Modern society btfo
me on the left
ay but she thicc tho
This is objectively the best female shape. Fuck everyone else for settling with whatever they have to take. Slim girls with big tits are a rare breed and is the ultimate goal for any man.
Chicago is the best aesthetic US city. Fuck NY and LA
Imagine being a city and being able to freely walk through the streets without being hit by a black guy in car blaring rap music.
Exactly this.
too bad Chicago's density drops off outside of the loop so dramatically, but yea it is a cool looking city
Those are zoomers
lmao no ones "settling" m8
fat girls are the most coveted and chased after irl. they know their value
Well yeah, you need to add the value of the girl, and the tons of food stored in the belly.
Big tits only look great with clothes on, though. They lose the nice teardrop shape when they don't have anything to support them.
As a train nut, i always fucking loved pictures of the L
t. fatty
more like t. unsuccessful chubby chaser
an actual fatty would know that simply isn't true
Why would anyone chase people who don't care about their bodies?
>19 eclairs
People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can't trust people, Jeremy.
shared interests in not caring about their bodies, the implication that fatties are more easy-going and less likely to bust your balls over pointless shit, and that they are more hedonistic and can be into some kinky shit
not all attraction is visual
>imagine the smell
I want Shirley to shit in my mouth.
>nothing but white people
>clean street
>hardly any crime
I imagine it would smell wonderful.
me behind the counter
I doubt it'd be that bad desu, and even if it was it'd be worth it for
>shared interests in not caring about their bodies
>the implication that fatties are more easy-going
>not all attraction is visual
>clean street
Imagine how much horse shit accumulated in the cities. I'd rather take mcdonalds bags over the street being literally clogged with shit and dead animals.
Are you dumb? Can't you understand what the ad implies about the beauty standarts of the time or you just see an advert and your damaged lefty brain goes numb?
I was agreeing with you until you posted this fucking beached whale, that isn't thicc retard
nigger detected
There were people who were hired for the express purpose of cleaning that shit up.
Like there are people hired to clean today's streets?
Jesus, this damage control
Except back then people actually took their jobs seriously.
How can you compare the work ethic of 19th century america to now?
>That Trump tower in the background
Big yikes, that is not it chieftain.
Horseshit was only a crippling problem in cities for a brief period between industrialization and automobiles, dedicated street cleaners and the sudden spread of cars solved that issue pretty quickly
>hardly any crime
hate to be the one telling you user, but crime was epidemic in large cities around this era.
Good luck getting stabbed by a mick during a robbery or shot because you didn't pay for mafia protection.
That shit was rare compared to today where you can get shot or stabbed just walking down any street in DC.
The Architect at work
Since we are dumping aesthetic photos, here's one from my country, serious cyberpunk vibes from it.
I'm +70 lbs. underweight for my height according to my doctor, and I still knew the Large Soda Tax was Socialist bullshit.
As a skinny person that easily down a large soda if I want to every once in a while with no objective cost to my health, why should I be forced to pay artificially inflated prices for the things I like so the State can scam me out of more money?
There are reasons to shit on policies like that OTHER than being a fatass.
Holy shit, I remember back in college at a party there was a big discussion about tits, and i voiced my opinion that they looked way better with clothes on and people acted like i was insane. It feel good to know at least one other user knows what's good.
it really wasn't, plus most people including white people were poor and lived in violent areas full of immigrants, the true golden age of america was the 50s.
damn, we really do live in a society
>Being brainwashed by the media
cringe and bluepilled
>the true golden age of america was the 50s
Well I agree with you there.
shirly is thick
Girl on the left is literally the perfect body type though
>LITERALLY having torches and pikes out because the "wrong" person won the election
Liberals are such a fucking joke.
>fat culture
>19 eclairs
Those buildings look waaaaaaay out of scale compared to the people.
I think this one was Photoshopped.
what can I say, fat people are unappealing, beyond appearance, they exhibit bad habits and ways of life with their body
I would wife that woman
>torches and pikes
He would actually unironically fit right in during the 1920's.
On second viewing those may be heavily-blurred streetlights in the background rather than torches in the foreground.
The point still stands though: While not in this photo there were literally "protesters" there with literal torches alongside the "Rape Melina" signs.
The tower was ironically much better before he put his name on it. He did it literally only to spite the local paper's architecture columnist who wrote that one of the reasons the tower looked so good was that it avoided signage.
China already has cities that unironiclally look like stills from a new Bladerunner movie.
just imagine living in california in the 50s, in a nice suburb, your veteran father give you your first car and you take your girlfriend to a drive in cinema.
Feelings i will never know.
why is an obvious fact considered controversial nowadays?
This image was part of a propaganda campaign to change standards of beauty so they could sell weight loss cures to women. Men find the girl on the left more attractive and have for thousands of years.
Thanks for reminding me to go to the gym today.
Well I would rather not be in Cali.
Maybe Chicago in the 50s.
>t. landwhale
>cyberpunk isn't comfy.
Fucking what?
>your veteran father letting you borrow the family car
Fixed your post
Because for all of Yea Forums's ranting about agenda's being pushed, we openly let a real one in with all the "thicc" memeing.
advertiser guy is one of us.
So does Russia.
>so they could sell weight loss cures to women
Have you tried just not eating so fucking much? It's hilarious how people keep falling for the concept of going on a temporary diet
Venezuela and Cuba aren’t shitholes, you’re probably brazilian
Holy shit, if I had my chance with this woman it'd be a good thing she's that THICC. Because if she wasn't she wouldn't physically survive the impact of how hard I would repeatedly slam it.
other than the hover cars that's literally what life is like in any big city right now.
Literally because of /fit/ and r/fatpeoplehate. If these people didn't have these platforms to voice their disgust for fat people, with how fast they blew up and got popular, HAES would be more mainstream than it is and zoomers would be exposed to it. it died at just the right time
How can anyone be this retarded? Have you never left your farm you flyover subhuman?
And then imagine everything deteriorating as the years went by until you died of old age by 2008
>not wanting real women
what a lowtest pedo faggot
You're right, i'm from the land of big butts and retarded mutts but cuba and venezuela are shitholes (especialy the last one).
>fat culture
I don't see her in this picture. Is she hiding behind the Goodyear blimp?
this isn't considered thicc anywhere, this is jabba the hutt tier.
And to thicken the plot, the building in the picture is owned by a big corporation that literally runs the country.
>Venezuela and Cuba aren’t shitholes
sup /leftypol/!
imagine being a shitskin like you
This is partly true, but we notice the further we get into civilization, the standards for female beauty tends to streamline. The venus of Willendorf might've been a fantastical state of attractiveness to a hunter-gatherer culture where almost no woman looks like that, but in a world which is post agriculture, female figures get slimmer (such as the Venus de Milo).
I think the thing to take away from this is that you never want women to be too big, and a society that can actually give its people food and shelter shouldn't stress excess.
t. retarded tankie
dangerously redpilled post
It's true.
based jon stewart
>tfw only 6.3x6 so I can't please THICC girls
>the futher we get into civilization, the standards for female beauty tends to streamline.
Did you miss the entirety of the feudal era or something?
Is that fucking Dani Carr from Critical Role?
I have to alt-tab every time she does the fucking recap before each episode.
how do i get a qt healthy gf Yea Forums?
He says you Brade Runna
this is fake
>that tanline
>that skindentation
by being healthy too
This, men should be /fit/, woman should be skinny and thicc
more of this true art?
it's only cool to look in pictures. try living everyday in a bleak megalopolis like that.
Better times
It's both hilarious and sad how tame their definition of "fat" and "slutty" was by today's standards.
leyendecker and Rockwell art are godtier
done. will she arrive in the mail?
God, what I wouldn't do to marry her.
tell him I'm eating
One thing millennials did right was start killing lots of shitty processed food industries. The average age of a soda consumer is now 50+.
just b urself like goose and you won't be horny and lonely anymore.
Captain Bryant toka. Meni-o mae-yo.
Bros I just want a brown gf to bleach...
>Millie Bobby Brown in a perfect world
dont diss those fucking baby-jackets
they are insanely useful
>the doll in downward facing dog taking it up the ass from the mirror frame
post more
i take back what i said
footfags are scum
Source, please.
Russia has a lot of places that could be used to film blade runner.
The truth is that we are already living in a dystopian cyberpunk era, we just didn't notice.
This legit looks like a still from Valerian or something.
nonexistent lips and bad tooth to gum ratio. pass
Moscow during winter, it's quite comfy
The cityscapes ITT make feel like booting up Cities: Skylines.
only because of the digit
who the fuck is "we?" I've been saying for years that we got a cyberpunk future too boring for anyone to want to imagine. Hell, we aren't even going to get nanotech.