>be me
>don’t watch movies
>read plot summary on Wikipedia
>watch one of Varg’s videos
>shitpost endlessly on Yea Forums pretending to be both a Vagfag and a hater of black metal (shit does suck though)
Anyone else did this?
Be me
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we all do it. you might not have noticed, but vag and lords of chaos are the hottest topic on Yea Forums for over a week now. king louis is the king for a reason.
also, a few days ago, someone posted atmospheric black metal recommendations, like this track.
This track and the whole album are the best black metal since i got hooked with filosofem a year ago. If said user is around, pls post more examples of your excellent taste in black metal.
He’s been a meme for the last few years. When movies come out about memes they’re always a hot topic, as opposed to memes coming from movies which die down quickly (for the most part).
Blut aus nord Is pretty good
>for the last few years
Imagine being this new
why was chocolate milk so important in this movie?
I bought some chocolate milk yesterday because its the drink of non posers
So which parts were truth and which part were lies?
Not sure what chocolate milk has something to do with the scene but Varg talk a lot about cornflakes. The director is poser can't even get the small details right youtu.be
No chocolate milk
Varg no vegan
Euronymous gay
>looking for truth in movies of all things
>burns down an 800 year old church
Wtf was his problem? Kinda rude.
You don't know?
>Let's find out!
i've been doing a lot of re4search about this vark kid. found out he was in a band burzurm. i think i got all the members of the band - Kristian on drums, Vag on bass, Count Grishnacht on guitar, and Louis as the vocalist. can anyone confirm?
that is correct.
as much as hate that fucking moron, he's got humor. and he's a creative genius. overall an interesting person.
i've read that they were heavily influenced by techno beats as well as the rock and roll sensation the scorpions.
Any update on the Yea Forumsanon who went to france 2 days ago and wanted to onevsone Vak? I hope he's allright, ain't no fuckin arount with the count
this guy?
no, some fag posted two days or something ago that he's about to embark to france and wants to challenge vag to a duel. but that dude sounds promising, too. i wonder if varg's ever actually been to a fight, or if he just backstabs his friends.
>user has Aarseth goblin blood
l m a o