Be me

>be me
>don’t watch movies
>read plot summary on Wikipedia
>watch one of Varg’s videos
>shitpost endlessly on Yea Forums pretending to be both a Vagfag and a hater of black metal (shit does suck though)
Anyone else did this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

we all do it. you might not have noticed, but vag and lords of chaos are the hottest topic on Yea Forums for over a week now. king louis is the king for a reason.

also, a few days ago, someone posted atmospheric black metal recommendations, like this track.


This track and the whole album are the best black metal since i got hooked with filosofem a year ago. If said user is around, pls post more examples of your excellent taste in black metal.

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He’s been a meme for the last few years. When movies come out about memes they’re always a hot topic, as opposed to memes coming from movies which die down quickly (for the most part).

Blut aus nord Is pretty good

>for the last few years
Imagine being this new

why was chocolate milk so important in this movie?

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I bought some chocolate milk yesterday because its the drink of non posers


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So which parts were truth and which part were lies?

Not sure what chocolate milk has something to do with the scene but Varg talk a lot about cornflakes. The director is poser can't even get the small details right

No chocolate milk
Varg no vegan
Euronymous gay

>looking for truth in movies of all things

>burns down an 800 year old church
Wtf was his problem? Kinda rude.

You don't know?
>Let's find out!

i've been doing a lot of re4search about this vark kid. found out he was in a band burzurm. i think i got all the members of the band - Kristian on drums, Vag on bass, Count Grishnacht on guitar, and Louis as the vocalist. can anyone confirm?

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that is correct.

as much as hate that fucking moron, he's got humor. and he's a creative genius. overall an interesting person.

i've read that they were heavily influenced by techno beats as well as the rock and roll sensation the scorpions.

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Any update on the Yea Forumsanon who went to france 2 days ago and wanted to onevsone Vak? I hope he's allright, ain't no fuckin arount with the count

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this guy?

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no, some fag posted two days or something ago that he's about to embark to france and wants to challenge vag to a duel. but that dude sounds promising, too. i wonder if varg's ever actually been to a fight, or if he just backstabs his friends.

>user has Aarseth goblin blood
l m a o

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