Captain Marvel China

Captain Marvel could open as high as $100 million in China. Domestically it's the third biggest MCU preseller behind Black Panther and Infinity War. In South Korea presales are exceeding Civil war

Not only is this hitting a billion but it might even outgross Aquaman, Civil War and Iron Man 3 worldwide. Even bigger if they drop an Endgame trailer with Carol featuring in it within two weeks

This is turning out to be a monster. Smaller than Black Panther domestically but as big worldwide due to the Endgame connections

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Other urls found in this thread: poop pants brie/image/7U7rKdXsqawfCvMnYsbwpg/ captain tranny/image/numWh1GNWukypq0tvna8Vg/ fleurs/image/Ftwsexua4D67tJtxnhGxYg/ first female/ Ultra Brie/ dudes/ the mouse&src=typd wars the mouse&src=typd mouse&src=typed_query

>Captain Marvel could open as high as $100 million in China.

Chinks don't like ugly man-faced women.

Dick dock DCucks and incels

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Capeshills please go, we don't need another thread every 10 minutes.

That's more than Aquaman and Venom both of which were marketed by Tencent

After Yea Forums was absolutely decimated last year, this will be the final nail in the coffin and there is no recovery from that.

t.coping DCuck/incel

The only way this could happen is if they're saying to chinks that this is Endgame Part 1
Which I would not put past them

As people say, the higher they climb, the harder they fall.

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It will not even make 700 million


1 in 10 Yea Forums users was killed?

Infinity War is the second biggest Hollywood movie in China ever. The Endgame trailer practically broke Weibo. Captain Marvel was voted the second most anticipated movie of 2019 in China behind Endgame recently.

>Not only is this hitting a billion but it might even outgross Aquaman
she already outgrossed me so I wouldnt be surprised

It's a known fact that Asian men have the hots for blondes.


It is tracking to make 700 million from North America and China alone


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When is Yea Forums ever right? This board is full of /pol/tards, incels and DCucks who were ostracized from social media for saying DC movies are good.

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I thought the chinks didn't care about white leftist shit.
Even TLJ flopped there because of that.

sup discord tranny

>Herro ferrow Chinese peopre!

>Ret's arr go see Disneys new bracks on brondes movie! Nothing us Chinese rike more den brack peopre and ugry middre-aged radies!

>I am definitery not shirr!

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Chinese market is all about pre sales. They even have a site that tracks the pre sales live.

This is pretty sad tbqh.
The capeshit cancer is not only not going away, it's getting stronger and stronger
The average capeshit flick is grossing a billion nowadays.
Fuck whoever watches this crap.

100 million remimbi

TLJ flopped in China because nobody gives a shit about Star Wars there. MCU however is pretty big in China

I'm with HER

It flopped because they don't like Star Wars. Even Rogue One made only $70 million total even though it had Donnie Yen.


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then it will make 0 dollars everywhere else, because it's not going to make over 700 million

They've carefully crafted the narrative such that only positive things can be said about this movie. So how are they going to spin this when it under performs? Reminds me so much of the 2016 election where the media was constantly telling all of us that Hillary was going to win, except at least when she lost, they could at least blame Russia.


This image is outdated now that we know it's the same people behind both set of spam.
Reminder we have found the group behind ALL the capeshit(marvel, dc and fox) and nu star wars spam. The links below are just a few of the "main" ones. Currently they're spamming captain marvel threads(like OP) and then they will move onto shazam poop pants brie/image/7U7rKdXsqawfCvMnYsbwpg/ captain tranny/image/numWh1GNWukypq0tvna8Vg/ fleurs/image/Ftwsexua4D67tJtxnhGxYg/ first female/ Ultra Brie/ dudes/

Well, South Korea seemed to love Black Panther, so who knows? I ain't watching it, but I don't think they care about us at all any more.

South Korea is in Black Panther

>Now let me go make a new Alita thread saying 64 million in China saved it

>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was INCELS!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was ZOOMERS!
>"It emphasizes muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It makes some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"It is expected to not make much money anyway!"
>"It is gonna do very well, just you wait and see Yea Forums!"
>"These RT scores are terrorism!"
This is the most damage controlled Marvel movie I've seen since Black Panther. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It is a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's MCU was made to pander to SJWs, and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.

No, there's just one source behind the capeshit threads. Nice deflecting.

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All of them are DCucks. Why is this not a surprise?

t.DCuck incel

because it's a disney shill playing "detective"

She's too plain for the chinese market. Will flop.

Literally nobody says ‘decimated’ to mean 1 in 10 you fucking autistic cunt.

Wtf is with this new meme that dc fans are nazi larping alt right incel bigots? I've even seen it start cropping up outside of Yea Forums recently. I dont read/ follow dc.

dont be a smartass

>the easiest box office to fraud is tracking for a 100 million opening which is larger than almost every other movie ever
really made me think

You'll need to change up your posting style if you don't want to be caught, tourist. the mouse&src=typd wars the mouse&src=typd mouse&src=typed_query
Quite a lot of them are fans of Marvel too


Cool story, reddit spacer. But guess what? I still won't be seeing it in theaters.

Face it VIRGINS this movie WILL do well

>It will beat Aquaman!
I'm sure Disney is aware this is a must or else it would be embarassing

Come back when it actually makes these estimations

I shit on the head of marvelfags

Aquaman is literally the highest grossing DCEU film

it's also Aquaman

Black Panther did as well as most the Marvel movies do in South Korea. It made practically the same money as Ant-Man and the Wasp and Doctor Strange there. Spider-Man Homecoming beat it out. This is despite the fact that they filmed a portion of Black Panther in Busan (which coincided with the Marvel Experience thing they put up in Busan). It's kind of hard to say Korea particularly loved Black Panther when they just like Marvel movies in general.
I mean, I guess a Kpop idol from Thailand named after a Flintstones character liked it a lot until he was told he was a racist for liking it.

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its shills ruining this board alright

Aquaman is literally the highest grossing DCEU film

Seething DCuck. Your life must be pathetic

stop repeating your posts shill

are kshitters are the most """woke""" fangroup?


Where's the lie?

I'll repeat it knowing how this triggers you DCucks

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>implying Captain Marvel won't make a killing in China

sorry incels, but china doesn't have any nazis in it so...

Bree is ugly and will compete with local movies that have pretty actresses

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Read the actual article you faggot. They're talking about first 24 hours. Captain Marvel is MCU's 3rd biggest preseller till date everyday.

If it happens, it's because of the name
If someone could name a completely unrelated movie "Marvel" without being sued it would make big bucks in China

In the China the pre sales are the best way to determine the opening. Works way differently than in the US.

Yea Forums attacked this movie too early. It gave MSM, RT etc the time regroup and retaliate since they already have experience with TLJ. Ideally the attack should have happened only right after the release like TLJ. Now, general audience are convinced that there are trolls behind ratings. All the publicity around that may have actually given the movie more visibility even. Yea Forums dun goofed with this movie. Should've taken the TLJ approach

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this is like when DCucks were sure Wonder Woman would make 200 million in Japan or Aquaman would do unusual numbers there too because of social media stupid estimatives

>Yea Forums attacked this movie

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>implying it wasn't provoked by them for that very purpose

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All of that absolutely gave the movie a lot more visibility and will undoubtedly help it.

Fandango is ran by an ex Disney guy. I doubt those numbers.

Captain Marvel won't beat Doctor Strange.

Doesn't matter if it's chicken or egg, the movie actually benefited from the outrage. There's nothing Yea Forums can do about it now. The movie will make bank and even if the movie is bad, Marvel will release the trailer and marketing for Endgame with Captain Marvel in it which will mitigate any fallout. It's over

Studios don't even use pre sales as the main way to determine the opening weekend. Pic related is the most important thing when it comes to tracking

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I'll believe it when I see it

Sure of course it will

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Kpop fans are almost always fat overweight white girls from tumblr so yeah they're "woke." The funniest is they go over to Korea to teach ESL and actually get a wake up call when no Korean man wants to touch their disgusting fat asses and everyone treats them like shit and expects women to act like fucking women, and they get told in the office to make coffee for the men and to sweep the floor and shit. I've always wanted to make a big tryhard post shitting on them, but I realize I can't shit on them any more than real life already does.

I don't see literally any positive attention for it outside of journalists and feminists. Even r*ddit doesn't give a fuck about it.

Want to bet it doesn't?

The majority of Chinese movie goers do not like movies with agendas.

I can relate. I've been to Seoul numerous times (girlfriend). Even the drunkest, angriest old man, the most arrogant, smarmy 911 driving Chaebol son looked at me nicer than the average white women i walked past. they were all very rude and refused to learn a word of Korean too.

They poll people on the street usually near theaters, and CM is posting pretty good numbers in that regard.


What the fuck is this zoomer shit? I have never once seen a full kinoplex for anything. Not starwars not harry potter and certainly not capeshit. What kind of a retard pre-orders cinema tickets?


What the fuck are you talking about?

>90% drop after the first day when they realize it's not Endgame related and shit

it was mostly youtube
there are several videos with 500k views on this and some even reach a million
we were irrelevant this time

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Captain Marvel won't break 1 billion. Here's how confident I am: if Captain Marvel breaks 1 billion, I will take a dump on janny's hot pockets


>asking randos on the street
>being near a theater is relevant

fuck that's dumb

Interesting. So in theory a movie could get 200% four quadrant score, and be a dead cert?

This also explains SJW marketing: they are trying to boost Unaided and Total Awareness in the Females 25+ quadrant, which is presumably the lowest response area traditionally, with singleton cat ladies not interested in going to the cinema?

I guess they just haven't worked out that it massively impacts the Male half, 'cos Solo bombing like a muthafucker took them completely by surprise. I'd question why they thought boyfriendless women would think Lando being pansexual was a draw, but who knows how perverted women get when they are miserable and alone?

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dcucks are real tho

>Yea Forums logic
>failed movie broke pre sale records in china
>all movies that break pre sales in china will fail
how the fuck you people can live in a world doing this kind of shitty reasoning?

Said the inbred braindead marvel shill

Sorry dkek, take the short bus to school now

I think the poster was drawing attention to the outright lie in the article title? The one and only good thing about STD was that CBS got caught with their pants down paying for a Strong Woymen of Star Trek shill artilce in the NYC, drawing attention to the idea that most if not all MSM articles about corporate products are 100% textbook shilling, with no restrictions on content accuracy. By claiming Solo was killing it "like Black Panther" in pre-sales with a picture of Lando, they were presumably trying to improve the PoC Female Singleton Who Don't Need No Man quadrant in ? The whole article was fantasy, yet there are seemingly no legal restrictions in shill journalism at all.

Doesn't say fuck all about CM

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Solo didn't break anything in China. All it did is beat Black Panther's pre sales in the first 24 hours domestically, which is irrelevant not only because Star Wars movies are more pre sale heavy than Marvel and the fact that Black Panther exploded in the last 2 weeks before release.
Of course once Yea Forums latches onto something it absolutely doesn't let go no matter what you say.

Those damn Asians are the only sane people left on earth when it comes to crap like feminism. Yes, they love popcorn movies, but this isn't a real popcorn movie - this movie is a subversion of popcorn movies with a dull and lifeless main actor, directed by some bitch and her lapdog based on the feminist reissue of the comic, with extremely strong SJW shilling and marketing all over the place.
I mean, maybe they'll disappoint me, I'm used to being disappointed. But if I'm willing to put any hope into any people left on this planet regarding movie taste, it may be the ramen eaters.

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Main character walks around with a 24/7 fart face, every single "joke" in the trailer is not funny, characters powers are generic. Energy blasts and can fly! Character is yet another overpowered Mary Sue who is more powerful and perfect than anybody ever, effortlessly better than everyone. No actual antagonist that poses any threat just boring "skrulls" and Ronan (and already we know what ultimately happens to him). Actress isn't exactly ugly but not particularly good looking either. Seems like more feminist crap being shoved into our face. Boring soundtrack. All this being said, it will probably do well I imagine. Black Panther was an astoundingly shitty movie and it made an assload of money which surprised me.

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Somebody help me understand how this works. How much money is enough for Captain Marvel to be considered a successful movie? The number keeps fluctuating. I thought that a movie had to make at least 4 times its budget to be considered a success. According to google, Captain Marvel had a $152 million budget, therefore it must make at least $608 million to be considered a success. Or is that not correct?

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Yea Forums never tried to do anything about it. The whole "Yea Forums attacked their Rotten Tomatoes" is bullshit. Here's why: Yea Forums hates lots of movies, yet their RTs are all fine. Fuck, Yea Forums hated the shit out of Black Panther, way more than Captain Marvel, but they never had to protect Black Panther's RT. Why? Because Chadwick Boseman never went around telling white guys to fuck off and eat shit.
Brie Larson pissed off a lot of people (and is still pissing them off) and she's going to be in for a rude wake up call when she finds out they can't censor the box office. This shit is going to under perform. It'll never reach Black Panther's numbers.

Movies need around 2.5x their budget to break even. 3x if the movie is overseas heavy since studios get less money.

I don't think a movie studio would consider "breaking even" to be a success. They need to make a profit in addition to that.

Didnt Solo do really well in presales?

Imagine if she gets the same reaction as TLJ and they say they don't like the movie because they don't find her attractive kek

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Wonder what's in the mind of those who tried to sabotage this movie, they legit think they had something to do with TLJ underperforming? that they're fighting an evil gay reptilian corporation? It even goes beyond consolefagging cause they started to shit on the shazam dude.
SW flicks always had bigger presales, and Solo came from a divisive film, and to top it all they had production issues, It's a nightmare scenario, makes no sense to bring it up all the time.

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we can't predict chink taste
but she is uglier than Rey so...

It wont hit about 700 million. Beginning of March is unironically not a great release date and it has competition after a couple weeks

>in the China
where do these faggot disney shills come from? nice english

It has no competition until Dumbo on March 29th. Jordan Peele's Us is R rated horror, so hardly any audience overlap.
Also Beaty and the Beast made 1.263 billion worldwide releasing just a week later than CM does.

Remember when Solo broke every record for ticket pre-sales?

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The only record Solo broke is beating Black Panther's pre sales in the first 24 hours when the tickets went on sale. That's what happens when you only read the title and no the actual articles.

The capemovies consolewars here are between pajeets and spics, and probably that insane dceu warrior or whatever from youtube .

>It has no competition until Dumbo on March 29th
But when it comes to Shazam, 3 weeks is not enough and it's doomed

I'm torn.

>On one hand, I don't want Brie having a billion dollar film under her belt.

>On the other, DCfags will be soooo butthurt if the film breaks a billion.

So I guess it comes down to, hubba hubba, money money money, who do ya trust?!... well, Brie sucks. But it IS the DCfags hate for her that is causing them irrationally to spam and ruin Yea Forums.

>Verdict: if DCfags didn't act like such fuckimg crybabies, we would ALL be on the same side, but now... you forced everyone to cheer for Brie in order to save Yea Forums.

Way to go, DCfags.

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I mean Shazam has Endgame in 3 weeks, quite possibly the biggest movie worldwide this year.
I still think Shazam will be fine, especially since it has low budget.

reddit spacening

>i-it's those DC meanies hating muh cuptain toenail ;_;
MCUcks trash their own movies just fine. DC had a Wonder Woman movie. Disney was so pathetic enough to ask Chadzam to stop bullying your fungus woman.

I think you need a break from this board user

I live in South Korea, near Hondae in Seoul.

There is next to no hype for the movie and the CGVs (theater chain) aren't marketing this movie. Don't believe the media, Americans.

Coping DCPajeet

Attached: DCPajeets.jpg (2576x1720, 658K)

Oh no! My one weakness: Image collages! I'm melting! MEEEEELTIIIIIIIIING~

Seething "white" Marvel Mutt

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>dc pajeets
Like Alinsky said, always accuse your enemy of what you are doing.

Yeah nah, the chinks are wise to social justice faggotry in their entertainment. It'll perform poorly there.

meh, not even Marvelfags think it hits a billion. Aquaman for comparison had long as fuck legs to reach plus billion, this wont have the legs due to how close a ton of stuff comes after in like a month. Also black people went out to see BP like 20 times each, I dont think CM has any base like that. It will probably hit around 700 million.

>always accuse your enemy of what you are doing
so true
they end up being spics
they end up being poos
>disney moms
picture related
>attempt at discord tranny
they end up being trannies
they end up being redditors

again like the others have said it's just handful of people behind it all though.

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No, its just that you dont know shit about anything, alt incel.



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