Christian Bale sounds like THAT?!?

Christian Bale sounds like THAT?!?

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He's not Norf OP.

Imagine thinking that was a North English accent lamo

He sounds like a Southern nancy!
You got to well 'ard to be from The North!

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t. Yank who can't tell the difference between North and Southern accents

>t. Yank who can't tell the difference between North and Southern accents
One of them is the smart people accent, and one of them is the dumb people accent, right?

we don't know or care about your Pedoph Isle bog kingdom

Norf = soul
souf and midul = soulless

it is hard to tell somebody has a bong "redneck" accent unless it's ultra thick like john oliver or something, I wish all english would spontaneously combust into fucking flames

how do you stop him?

Then stop stealing jokes from our shows, love.

>john oliver
John Oliver has a mongrel accent though, doesn't sound like he's from anywhere specific as I think he was an army brat.

John Oliver has barely any accent (regionally speaking), he's 's just a faggot

you literally can't

John Oliver is an amerimutt faking an accent

i don't think there is such a thing as a bong redneck accent, doesn't redneck imply stupid, I can't think of a steretypical 'stupid' accent from the UK

You don't know shit

Literally most of the accents North of Watford and South of Edinburgh.

seething germacuck

fuck you I'm from Barnsley and people love our accent

You mean our shows, that you remake without the soul or humour? Yeah that's right, humour with a U. You couldn't create comedy if Russian bots LARPed it on your behalf.

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Fuck the British and fuck the Queen

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Scouse and Brummie come to mind.

Nope. More complicated than that but to yanks everyone with a bong accent sounds smart.

>that southern nancy boy trying to trip him
Da Norf cannot be stopped

Anyone got the webm of the guy knocking another bloke over with his belly?


That would imply there's anything to steal from,
56% faced Shart-tard.

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South west accent is the inbred retard accent, they don't do the white supremacist firing guns wildly into the air thing though

Bale has been method acting so long, I don't think he knows what his own accent is. He's supposed to be Welsh.

He was born in Wales but never considered himself Welsh


John Oliver has the opposite of a common accent. If anything, he's an upper class snob.

user delviers!

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>Fuck the British
That is indeed the attitude of most of the Irish birds I've encountered to be fair.

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they pronounce bush like cunt

and cunt like bush

fucking savages

There is no stopping him.

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