Why did the Watchman movie leave out the trans-dimensional octopus?
Why did the Watchman movie leave out the trans-dimensional octopus?
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a trans villain would be problematic
>there are people on this board right now who think this joke was funny
How does it look like?
Found the tranny
it was
the ending of watchmen never made any sense to begin with, so it doesnt matter whether its manhattan or a squid
WHAT does it look like, not HOW does it look like. Fucking foreigners cant even speak English
Manhattan ultimately works better as an enemy for mankind to unify against, the squid plot is just too easy to unravel.
What I hated was Snyder was such a fag about copying the comic verbatim but still changing the ending. I know a lot of people didn't care for seeing blue man hanging dong. I think the film would have been received better (more box office cash) if they had put pants on that fucker.
Shuma-Gorath is Marvel
They’re unironically keeping it in the HBO series. That’s what sold me on it.
Give me a break, I'm drunk, you fucking grammar nazi faggot redditor.
Because Hack Snyder is an unironical brainlet who didn't understand the source material
it's 10:58 am
>it's 10:58 am
It was unnecessarily convoluted. Dr. Manhattan fits the bill and leaves the universe at the end of the story anyway. If you include the Octopus, then you're already establishing at Ozymandias can prevent Dr. Manhattan from seeing the future. So if you have that power already, why not use him in place of the needlessly convoluted cloned-monster that was built dead.
What? In what world would America not immediately be blamed for Dr. Manhattan? Even attacking America, he's still explicitly a representative of the American government. They would at minimum be blamed for not controlling their attack dog
Besides that, it's infinitely more interesting and aesthetically interesting. It absolutely needed to be something beyond humanity, and a cosmic horror fits the bill. Being able to block Manhattan's future site doesn't logically lead to just using Manhattan. The creature was for the perception of the world.
I think the octopus probably was way more expensive to make
Trannies are a living joke.
>Trannies are a living joke.
only 55% of the time
>In what world would America not immediately be blamed for Dr. Manhattan?
The one where he destroys American cities, as he did in the movie. I agree that the movie revision makes much more sense than the fake alien attack from the comics.
fuck off
*blushes* Nothing... just saying, y'know
I literally explained why that wouldn't work in the next sentence of my post. You're objectively wrong. The entire plan hinges on the attack being entirely alien and entirely removed from the Cold War, as it was meant to be a sudden, horrific reality shattering shock that dwarfed human conflict. Dr Manhattan was an American man who was transformed in an American experiment, worked for the American government in it's international conflicts and was a major figure in the cold war tensions. Nothing about his attack on American cities would make the other nations of the world unite with American cities, they would all blame America for harboring such an unstable weapon.
Because 9/11. As point out, Manhattan work for America so the movie ending reaffirm American supremacy while the comic is a what if the bomb was dropped in New York for world peace? would America be OK with that like they're with Hiroshima and Nagasaki? I seriously doubt Moore watched Godzilla 84 but both part from the same premise. Also the same reason why the attack is global instead of only focused in New York.
Never heard of perception management? It started with the Reagan administration and one of the reasons Moore so bitter in the 80s was Reagan/Thatcher
Jump to 1:10:12
And my first sentence dismantled your dumb objection, your stupid assumptions notwithstanding.
Moron, if some rogue submarine captain nuked his own country in addition to others, it wouldn't start a war against hi own country. People understand what a rogue actor is.
So you think the entire geopolitical world, one that in this comic universe was particularly machiavellian, would all come in solidarity with America after one of their agents destroyed their most major city? I'll tell you they would not, as they were already close to war to begin with. Manhattan attacking American cities would mean nothing, as they still are the ones that shaped this miracle of science into a weapon for Vietnam and other geopolitical conflicts. If anything, the disappearance of Manhattan after the attack would make America seem vulnerable to revenge attacks.
The plan literally cannot work if the attack is in any way linked to a human faction in world conflict, it needs to be alien and it needs to be decidedly inhuman
based alcoholic
It most certainly would not unite all of the nations of the world and all of humanity in solidarity though, which is the entire purpose of the plot. It was supposed to unite humans as a singular collective identity against a horrific unknown. Manhattan is not an unknown.
A rogue agent attacking multiple countries would absolutely just direct blame at whatever nation he hails from, as they are that nations responsibility
based and squidpilled
Amerimutt brianlet audience
Also CIA doesn’t allow mainstream media to be centred around alien related false flags since they don’t want the public to be conscious about stuff like Project Blue Beam.
>It most certainly would not unite all of the nations of the world and all of humanity in solidarity though
It would if he was literally an omnipowerful superman, capable of immense destruction on a whim.
But it still wouldn’t. We have nukes now that act as the same thing and we are still not at peace. And you’d be a brainlet to think places like Russia or China would allow their cities to be destroyed by a US rogue asset without taking retaliation on US without care for consequences.
what other languages can you speak?
I speak 5 languages, 6 counting my mother tongue.
Name one (1) foreign language you’re able to speak you fat burger faggot.
Absolutely fucking based.
based schizo retard
>We have nukes now that act as the same thing and we are still not at peace
Manhattan is an external threat who has attacked all parties equally. Nuclear weapons are state controlled arsenals that serve primarily as attack deterrents. They are not comparable in any sense whatsoever. Are you retarded?
Sorry, I don’t listen to amerimutt opinions
Tranny here, it was funny
They would blame America for fostering such a being and giving it a taste for war and destruction in Vietnam and the other conflicts he fought in. It's inconceivable that the Soviet Union would unite with America in a shared conflict with a being named after Americas own nuclear research project that was a central part of the Cold War to begin with.
America on the world stage would be accused of making a Faustian deal with a superhuman devil and paying the consequences for it, and inflicting those consequences on everyone else
Manhattan isn’t an external threat. He is/was a US asset. That changes the political landscape of the situation and your brainlet mind can’t comprehend the consequences clearly. You truly believe what Snyder fed you. You poor poor boy.
>What I hated was Snyder was such a fag about copying the comic verbatim
>hating the only thing snyder is good at
It's an alliance of necessity. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything else. It literally doesn't matter if manhattan is a product of American warmongering or not. If they don't unite, they die.
It also wouldn't make people join up with that country, if anything it would just weaken that country's position on the world stage. If anything Manhattan going rogue would further isolate the US and just put the USSR in a better position. At least the giant fucking space squid has a "what the fuck is that? can that really fucking happen?" factor but it is also honestly unlikely to unify the world but might relieve tensions.
I actually thought the Dr.Manhattan angle was more coherent
pusy pics?
>amerimutt still believes the world wouldn’t immediately act at the thought of vengeance upon US
Amerimutts are this brainwashed.
Jethus Cwithe
>That changes the political landscape
It isn't politics, dipshit, it's survival. That's the whole fucking point. Survival trumps the petty politics that have been driving the world's superpowers toward war.
What doesn't make sense
>we are being invaded by fucking aliens that can wipe entire cities, probably shouldn't go to nuclear war right now
>The American created freak has gone crazy and is blowing up cities WTF lets unite with AMERICA instead of being pissed at it
You must be retarded if you think a US rogue asset destroying international cities suddenly makes everyone forget the politics of who they were and where they came from and everyone will suddenly sing kumbaya with each other. You live in a brainlet capeshit logic world.
the point of the ending of the comic was something along the lines of "if what it takes is an alien invasion to stop us from destroying ourselves in nuclear war, we're well and truly fucked". trying to make the ending more realistic and veidt's plan more justified actually fucks with the ending's main point. veidt isn't supposed to be justified. we should be able to avert nuclear war without the insane plans of a machiavellian megalomaniac. the world should be able to get along without superheroes saving the day
still the movie is one of the better live adaptions of a comic
Remember how irrationally angry and confused people were after 9/11? Imagine that 50 times worse and across the entire planet. Not a single government would look at America and their relationship to Dr. Manhattan and reach the conclusion that they have to blame for what happened. American literally in the story, very directly and unambiguously was using Manhattan in the exact attack deterrent way that you described, America presented Manhattan to the world as theirs and a part of their government
It'll be easy to unravel that Manhatten isn't an enemy since Ozymandias can't repeat the attack since he needs Manhattens energy to do it in the first place. No more attacks means no more enemy means no more peace.
I seriously cannot believe that people actually still defend Moore's brainlet squid plot. Here's how the squid plot works for anyone with a brain:
>Squids blow up various cities.
>NATO and USSR freak out about alien invaders.
>Ozymandias tries set up a one world government to fight the squids.
>USSR and NATO collectively laugh and tell him to fuck off because he is some fucking guy and neither the USSR, US or EU is about to accept a giving any degree of power to some unelected American Industrialist.
>USSR and NATO form a barely functional alliance that achieves absolutely nothing.
>Both factions develop even more powerful Doomsday weapons to fight the squids with.
>Eventually both sides get bored of waiting for the squids to show up and go back to the cold war.
>At this point Ozymandias either fakes another attack to buy more time or gives up.
Ozymandias's plan is so stupid and ignorant that even a child could eventually tease out why it would never, ever work and what would actually happen. But apparently to Moore the fact that humanity would eventually blow itself up anyway is an an absolutely astonishing insight that Ozymandias needs explained to him by Dr Manhattan.
Watchmen is basically the 'Emporer's new clothes' of graphic novels - it's some of the most insipid, crass political commentary of all time, but plebs will swear that its an enlightening intellectual masterwork purely because everyone else pretends it is.
You must be retarded if you think an alien octopus destroying international cities suddenly makes everyone forget the politics of who they were and where they came from and everyone will suddenly sing kumbaya with each other.
It's the same fucking situation. Either you accept that an extreme enough threat can join the world or you don't. Manhattan is absolutely as much of a threat as the alien. So either both work, or both don't work.
I think it's much more likely that tensions would actually increase and each nation would cloister even harder and develop methods to defend their own people.
In either case, the cosmic horror angle works infinitely better as a reason to create a world human alliance
Damn bro, you should be in charge of running things. Everyone else is so stupid except you.
>we’re not at world peace
Except we are. Tribal genocides in Africa or proxy wars in middle east, vietnam, korea or balkans are not really wars. I’m a kosovo albanian myself and our “war” against serbia wasn’t that big a deal. It’s a regional conflict allowed or at most ignored by the real powers with significant populations. The last real war was WWII, the Japan nuking effectively ended destructive great scale wars. Regional conflicts are dissapearing as well, the balkans are pacified now, the ukraine thing is most certainly the last war to take place in Europe in our era. The rest of the world will slowly follow. Except if global paradigm drastically changes Commie/Fascist style there will be no more wars. You can still push goal posts and call the favela problem in Brazil “war” in the future for instance, it doesn’t change the fact that total war like it existef from roman times to WWII has ceased to exist.
The squid plan would achieve piece for longer than Manhattan. What you described about no attack happening later is still true for Manhattan as the poster above you described here The difference with the squid monster is that this illusion of peace will last longer because it is coupled with the fear of the unknown whereas Dr. Manhattan is a known.
I love how you brainlets are desperate to approve the brainlet version Snyder gave you. It’s like an affirmation that you are indeed brainlets and you want to stay that way. Kek.
No it’s not. Because an alien changes the frame of reference from countries to planets. The alien is of unknown origin, whereas Dr Manhattan is of US origin. Get it through your head brainlet. The squid monster makes more sense on a Machiavellian level than Dr. Manhattan. You got fed the shittier, brainlet, MSM version of the story, and you LOVED it. Hahahaha.
This. The giant cosmic squid was a stupid fucking ending and felt tonally out of place. Only fanboy cucks defend the ending.
America has funded terrorist organizations all the fuck over the place and it's meant fucking nothing. You think if there was a Russian 9/11 instead, Russia would attack the US because we funded their shit back in the 80s?
You think there wouldn't be coordinated offensives if Al Qaeda attacked every country on earth?
>except we are but please ignore these other wars we are having currently
It wasn't, and the squid wasn't at all confusing
>and it’s meant nothing
9/11, Benghazi, Iranian tensions, various terrorist attacks have all been retaliation for the Great Satan’s actions
It has nothing to do with any frame of reference. Again, it is literally a requirement of survival. You either oppose together or you die. Nothing else fucking matters.
This is the pettiest criticism of the movie imaginable because comicfags always pretend there's some super meaningful difference when none fucking exists. War is prevented because it's necessary, not because the nations of the world suddenly develop some new found respect for human life. It forces the world's population to adopt a pragmatic stance over the irrational and ideological positions that have brought the planet to the brink of Armageddon.
Again, you can't say one works while the other doesn't. I could just as easily be arguing that the comic shit would never work because an alien attacking a handful of cities would never make an appreciable impact on world politics after the immediate initial shock.
You're still talking about the rogue actors. We're talking about how that has impacted our relations with the actually important countries on the national stage. And it's meant jack shit. Obviously we already know the rogue actors are a problem. That's pretty clearly implied by them being rogue actors.
But they didnt
Napoleon vs Prussia was a war. 2 french villages going at each others throats because of protestant vs catholic thingy in the meantime wasn’t. That was my point.
If “wars” happen today it’s because they happen in irrelevant regions not incorporated into the world order yet. Now that both Kosovo and Serbia are on line for EU membership they’re no longer irrelevant but fall into franco-german larger influence sphere so a new war is impossible. Either way it’s wars that can always be stopped once they get out of hand and it’s what actually happened, the USA took a week bombing serbia and they cucked out. If the US or even fucking Italy decided to end it sooner they could have. A war to me is a total conflict that nobody can avoid or stop until one side fucks over the other. If a third power can decide to stop the two opposing sides from fighting in a week or so there are no real stakes, therefore it’s not a war, just political unrest of sorts.
t. sub-25 year olds out of college who post breitbart articles on facebook
Stop writing about shit no one cares about. None of that says why are Manhattan is a better option than an alien squid monster. Your semantics to shuffle away the lack of peace today in a post nuclear world doesn’t change the fact that Dr Manhattan is a human asset vs an alien asset. If you do not see the implications of the mentality shift between the two, I can’t help you. Keep gobbling up capeshit for the rest of your life you poor poor soul.
Nah, you're extremely wrong not only because of everything I already explained, but even on an inner character level. Ozymandias is an extremely eccentric maniac genius modeled after a God King with a taste for theatrics. His insane vision was to bring the world into a new era of peace and brotherhood in their shared sense of humanity through orchestrating an attack by a Lovecraftian horror. He wanted a biblical shift in human consciousness, he was in no way trying to unite the world in base survival. He wanted to see the birth of a new world.
Everything about the squid works better on all levels
Grammar Jew
You're leaving out the squid actually telepathically mind fucking everyone on entry though
Dr. Manhattan isn't like the American funded terrorist groups you described. There is no layer of proxy. Manhattan is an American asset America failed to control
I am not the guy you were talking to from the start. I just happen to agree with Camus that the ultimate savagery step of humanity was achieved with nuclear weapons and that it nulled out wars because it equated war with total annihilation therefore leading to the self preservation instinct to take over.
I don’t care about the political message of Watchmen, to me it’s just a clever deconstruction of the capeshit genre I absoluty despise and discussing about the political messages in it goes against the whole point of the comic that is “you shouldn’t take political teachings from a fucking comic”.
Another movie that could have been amazing if Snyders dirty christian dick beaters would have been kept out if it.
Manhattan disappears for many days and this is big news that brings the superpowers closer to war than ever since America feels vulnerable and the Soviets know their defender is no longer present. When a few cities are destroyed by Manhattan and clearly not by nuclear weapons, and America's biggest city is included, it's easy to see that America did not use Manhattan to attack the world.
The fuck...
I like how you talk about the whole point of the comic while defending the movie which destroyed the point the comic was making.
I don't give a shit about whatever you think better fits the character. We're talking about what properly functions as a strategy for uniting the world. Both approaches yield the same result. Either the world takes the rational position and unites against the new threat, or it fails to and continues to succumb to petty politics and fight among itself.
Given the movie is already way too fucking long, we can see that making Manhattan into Ozy's manufactured villain is an elegant solution that avoids the need to introduce an entirely new b-plot explaining the intricacies of a conspiracy involving weird genetic engineering and the generation of psychic squid monster to play the part of alien attacker.
I mean yeah, the futility of the plan and Ozymandias facing that futility was the ultimate dramatic irony in the end. It's literally why Ozy is a great character, he sees himself as a savior to humanity because of his genius, and genuinely does want to save and better society but the only way his sociopathic mind can conceive to end all human conflict, which is am insane ploy to begin with, is by creating an atrocity that touches everyone.
The squid fits infinitely better
>yes the whole world would simply believe America has no idea where their killer rogue asset went. Oh well that’s ok America! I know you had good intentions we won’t bomb you!
God where do all these brainlets even muster the confidence to laud such stupid shit? /pol/ has emboldened the biggest of retards these days
But he isn't. They have to watch him like a hawk. He stuffs retard level garbage where it doesn't belong and changes shit every chance he gets. If you have to babysit a director why the fuck use him to begin with?
>I don’t give a shit about the character of this story
>we are talking about uniting the world even though that wasn’t the full purpose of Ozymandias’ plans as the poster you replied to just described
Jeez maybe you should start caring about the character since you look pretty stupid right now
user, please read the entire posts before replying. I explained in that very post that Manhattan would still fall under Americas responsibility on the world stage
No one is talking about characters. Your complaint is that Manhattan as the villain doesn't work. That's what's being discussed. If you want to concede on that front and move on to talk about what is a more appropriate approach for Ozymandias to take given what we know of his character, we can do that. But you don't get to pretend that the latter has anything to do with the former.
I never said the movie was a good adaptation.
I think the change in plot made the story more plausible but it shouldn’t have, it was supposed to be ridiculous and over the top comic bullshit, by taking itself too seriously the movie actually went against what Moore was trying to say, which is why he despises the adaptation.
It’s still a good and fun flick unlike most capeshit because of a great casting and imagery.
It was supposed to be a comedy though.
>The squid plan would achieve piece for longer than Manhattan.
I'm guessing you didn't understand the film, because in the film, Ozymandia's plan is to trick the USSR and US into thinking that Manhattan is sick of humans fighting and is threatening total destruction of both sides if they butt heads again, or in other words Snyder was trying to make an analogy for M.A.D. The only fault in the plan is that russia would probably launch the nukes immediately if one of their cities suddenly blew up, but other than that it's functionally perfect, since like M.A.D. nobody wants to actually push the envelope and find out if it was all a bluff.
The only actual problem with the ending is that it doesn't address the comic's argument that human nature ensures destruction, however missing out on some of babby's first political commentary isn't much of a loss compared to a plot that doesn't make Ozymandias look like the dumbest person ever born.
In the end, Moore is a pretentious retard and the sole reason that Watchmen is well regarded is because the writing quality of comics is so unbelievably trashy that people will mindlessly praise any dreck that comes out of them medium if it has political or philosophical themes.
If moore had written watchmen as a book, he would have been laughed at.
Not relevant to how the political aftermath would play out.
>It's literally why Ozy is a great character, he sees himself as a savior to humanity because of his genius, and genuinely does want to save and better society but the only way his sociopathic mind can conceive to end all human conflict, which is am insane ploy to begin with, is by creating an atrocity that touches everyone.
Yeah, except that his plan is utterly braindead and ridiculous and no amount of sociopathy or hubris would make it seem reasonable to anyone, let alone someone resourceful enough to do everything that Ozymandias was able to do. The plot is garbage and moore is a hack, fin.
It's already been explained to you many times why Manhattan is objectively worse as a scapegoat in this plan. Manhattan objectively would frame America as responsible, an alien attack would unite humanity.
Most importantly of all, you're failing to look at it from the internal machinations of the characters minds. Ozymandias doesn't think in the reductionist terms that you do. See
Its not as thematically relevant as the people's distrust of Dr Manhattan, or if it is it's in some way that I don't understand/ would detract from the movie instead of add to it
We are entirely talking about the characters, and plot, and why in terms of the characters and internal logic of the story the squid is objectively better
Unironically the only change that's actually better than the original
The point is that America did not launch their attack as they intended to, and seeing the destruction of entire cities and millions of people dying was sobering to the point that everybody on earth realised they don't really want nuclear war. A similar thing happened with the Cuban missile crisis. The closest the world powers ever got to nuclear war, before anyone had the balls to go through with it they realised just how totally destructive it would be and there would be no victory.
Convincing the world to arm and prepare itself for a massive war against some squid space alien would just escalate the potential for mankind to destroy itself. Manhattan turning against the world and destroying its largest cities would show people a small taste of the destrcution they were heading towards, convincing them that it's not worth it.
It's definitely your own lack of understanding
As a transexual I found it pretty funny.
trannies are walking talking jokes, so yeah it is funny to think about them. LOL!
Completely wrong, the attack on the world by a rogue American superweapon would in no way make the world disarm itself, they would increase tensions and withdraw further from peace. Nobody would forgive America for losing control of the weapon it used to impose it's geopolitical will on Vietnam, costing the world millions of lives.
You're also forgetting that Ozymandias was trying for a total shift in human consciousness, hence the psychic attack. You aren't seeing the full scale of what the characters plan and mentality was, which is entirely key.
Ozymandias was delusional with his own grandeur and genius. There's a reason Moore gave him the name Ozymandias, as his grand vision for an enlightened new age of humanity was always doomee to crumble
And im a fan of the story, so if I dont understand it, its reasonable and self evident that most people dont, which is all the more reason to not include it and confuse the viewers or convolute the story.
No, we are talking about whether Manhattan is capable of uniting the earth against him or not. We are not talking about characters at all. We are talking about how nations would respond to an attack by Manhattan, and whether that would differ as compared to an attack by an alien. You're the one who suddenly dropped that in lieu of talking about Ozy and whether he would personally prefer one approach over another.
>we are not talking about the characters we are talking about whether a character could accomplish something
Holy shit brainlets begone already.
Are you retarded? The question has absolutely nothing to do with Ozy as a character. You could imagine the same scenario without Ozy at all. Assume Manhattan actually attacks both countries of his own volition. There is no conspiracy. It happens for real. The question stays the same. You harping on about Ozy is a complete distraction from this question and is an obvious example of moving the goalposts as you've decided not to argue the point that was actually being discussed.
Lol why would I remove the context of thinking in terms of the character who orchestrated the event?
Besides that, we've already clearly established that an attack by Manhattan would be extremely ineffective at uniting anything, in great detail.
>Dr. manhattan and the reprocussions of his actions have nothing to do with the story or the characters, in fact, Dr. manhattan isn’t even a character! Everything about Watchmen should happen according to me, the Zack Snyder dick sucker.
the real reason for the end of "wars" is the crazy push for anti-nationalistic propaganda after WWII. But the push has not been as effective in the West as elsewhere. Some countries that hold intense nationalist ethos are perfectly capable of doing effective warfare (China, Russia, etc), at an scale similar to WWII.
In the west, the sort of symmetric warfare of WWII is essentially prohibited because of our current ethos, and the huge debt accrued by our economies.
Lol with or without Ozy every single nation would blame America and there would be no peace. This is objective. An American superhuman attacking the Soviet Union, literally named after a location of central importance to American culture and the name of their atomic bomb project would immediately bring about furious retaliation on America, regardless if he attacked New York or not
Lol I don't get what you possibly fail to understand
What are the chances that the new Watchmen series doesn't turn out as utter dogshit?
Their main demographic is brainlet Amerimutts so 0% chance
People blame races and countries for shit that happened hundreds of years ago and these dumbass morons genuinely think an American superman nuking the world would elicit mass sympathy and understanding for the US
about 14.88%
Holy shit. Now you're moving the goalposts again. You were literally just talking about Ozy, and when confronted on that fact, you suddenly switch gears and start talking about Manhattan. Are you seriously this fucking retarded?
This was already addressed above. Manhattan attacks everyone. The decision is that either the world is forced to unite in the face of mutually assured destruction, or they don't, and everyone dies. This is the same choice presented by the alien. Join or die.
The choice doesn't change just because at one time Manhattan had some allegiance to America. Clearly now, he does not. And if the nations of the world don't join together, they all lose. The attack elevates a pragmatic and necessary alliance over petty factionalism and politics.
That's how you can tell it was made by an american. Only an american would assume they'd get sympathy for the equivalent of being blown up by their own nukes
I thought it was 40%? Did they try to outdo themselves?
>he needs Manhattens energy to do it in the first place.
He doesnt tho did you watch the movie? Bluenigger literally build a machine that can replicate the blast
The movie had a better plot in that regard.
>There's a reason Moore gave him the name Ozymandias
He gave him the name Ozymandias because he's a pretentious hack and needed to simultaneously slap everyone in the face with the character's archetype and his basic bitch knowledge of literature.
Once again, the plan is utterly stupid and a character who walks around waxing poetic about the lives of Alexander and King Rammes would probably have had a little thinkle the historical sustainability of empires based on the will of one man and possibly even how politics actually works in the real world.
More so, he spends half of the second last volume making babby's big brain speech about how arms races and geopolitics work, but somehow never stopped to consider forcing humans to respond to an outside threat capable of mass destruction was supposed to create permanent demilitarization? Are we supposed to believe that his hubris made him think that humans wouldn't create bigger weapons to fight the aliens or that he actually, genuinely thought that humans wouldn't eventually fight amoung themselves?
If you actually think this shit is reasonable, then you're even dumber than moore.
>You're also forgetting that Ozymandias was trying for a total shift in human consciousness, hence the psychic attack.
Not that guy, but what is this even supposed to mean?
>Also CIA doesn’t allow mainstream media to be centred around alien related false flags since they don’t want the public to be conscious about stuff like Project Blue Beam.
How do you possibly expect me to believe one fucking man can do all that?
Lol he was mocking you for being so obtuse and reductionist in this conversation. It has been funny
In any case, you're still missing a lot of things. A key part of the plan was to unite the world in it's shared humanity. This can only be done by an entirely unheard of alien. Manhattan is ultimately a part of the old world and the old national conflicts, and Ozy was attempting to create a new, post alien world. Nothing about this plot would advance humanity passed the war, it would only remind them of it
Ozymandias viewed himself as a God King with an ascended consciousness. His plan was to not only end the war, but uplift humanity into a new age of conscious understanding, born out of a horrific psychic attack by a cosmic entity. You're still ultimately thinking in terms of the war, not in terms of the vision Ozy had for the world with his plan. He was blinded by his own insane genius.
From how you talk, you would call all great men fools, and say that their visions and plans are not possible. You're a reductionist and a mechanistic minded person who doesn't have the capacity for grand visions
>The choice doesn't change just because at one time Manhattan had some allegiance to America. Clearly now, he does not.
Sure but how russia know as soon as they get hit they would strike back amid confusion amerimutts would also shoot their nukes the end
because it sucked and the marketing was garbage
had a nice laugh, thanks lads
It needed to be dumbed down for audiences.
Wasn't it Nixon who was ready to blow everything up preemptively? I thought he wanted to launch the second Manhattan disappeared.
>i am so smart
but you forgot the part WITH THE FREE ENERGY FOR EVERYONE
it wasnt a foreign or new idea at all
an outside enemy (aliums) attacks earth so earth becomes a planet instead of bickering countries
aka world peaceishness
it makes perfect sense you babby brainlets
>Ozymandias viewed himself as a God King with an ascended consciousness. His plan was to not only end the war, but uplift humanity into a new age of conscious understanding, born out of a horrific psychic attack by a cosmic entity. You're still ultimately thinking in terms of the war, not in terms of the vision Ozy had for the world with his plan. He was blinded by his own insane genius.
I don't know why you think repeating the same vague character assessment over and over is going to sway anyone or address the actual arguments being made about specific plot issues.
Either way, I'll say it for again and for the very last time, no amount of hubris could have clouded the fact that basic human nature dictates that people respond to imminent assault by outside threats with preparations of violence against the threat; ergo if you aim is to bring an end to arms races and wars, then creating the specter of a massively powerful outside threat will achieve the EXACT OPPOSITE reaction to what you want.
So for the story to work, Ozymandias has to have a almost supernatural ability to manipulate people, organizations and global public opinion, but also not understand basic human psychology. Furthermore, he also has to believe an outside threat will create a permanent unity of humanity, even though the character is well versed in history and specifically name drops historical figures whose empires collapsed or were catastrophically weakened by internal power struggles following their deaths.
If you still don't get why this is terrible writing and ultimately a stupid character and story, there's no hope you.
Didn't they end up bombing each other any damn way a couple years later?
>I don’t know why you keep bringing up characters in a character based narrative with actions that affect characters
>the world needs an external threat to unite against it and that’s why a domestic agent gone rogue is better than an extra-planetary unknown being!
The brainletisms are too much man.
The movie misunderstood the comic big-time such as giving the characters legit super-strength and replacing the squid with Manhattan. There's too many problems to bother listing with that change.
wow, someone who gets it.
You seriously have an incredibly hard time grasping characters. Yes, Ozymandias's hubris was so great, and he thought his plan was so genius that it in fact could bring about all the changes to the human condition he envisioned. Your notion that it's impossible for someone to be that arrogant is hilarious. Ozymandias was going to try to achieve his ambitions no matter what, like the great men and God Kings he modeled himself after. What you're suggesting is that Ozymandias can only be considered a genius if he gave up on his plan and succumbed to futility. This character isn't going to work within your simple lines of what you think is logical, he's a megalomaniac visionary like Alexander the Great.
It is in fact suggested that he's nearly superhuman in terms of his physicality and ability to manipulate the world around him, and it's also a plot point that he identifies with Dr Manhattan in that he sees himself and psychologically above the rest of humanity, meaning he does in fact have a very different understanding of human psychology than you do
The squid ending was a generic comic book ending, which was the point. The Manhattan ending is a generic movie ending, which is the point. It's the perfectly adapted ending for the movie that makes a great deal of sense.
I think this was hinted at in the movie during his speech with the businessmen. Zack Snyder did not leave this character trait unnoticed.
He totally did by turning him into a brainlet that thought using Dr Manhattan as a patsy for world peace was a good idea.
The movie could have only been an effective deconstructionist take on superhero movies now, after so many have come out
t. Knows nothing about books, comics, movies or drama in general
And also if it followed the comic book’s ending rather than dumbing it down for Amerimutt audiences.
Maybe, but not having him dress in gold and purple is a huge blow to the character
I haven't read the comic, how does veidt keep the fake war going?
t. self-proclaimed patrician
Look, everybody here has read Watchmen and watched the movie. It's a different take with the same outcome, both work very well on each medium.
Stop trying to elevate comic book movies to something they are not.
Yeah Ozy's costume was horrible.
The comic and story is about people like Ozy with superhero complexes who do evil and terrible things in order to reach an end which they deemed beneficial to the world. The after effects of it are another matter. Nowhere in the comic does it imply the alien attack was successful at achieving world peace indefinitely, but it sure as hell makes more sense at a short term resolution than D. Manhattan.
Wrong. It was a lazy rewrite in order to allow Snyder to make more music video tableaus that are minutes long but would go great in the trailer instead of using the full runtime to tell the actual story of the comic book properly, which even that he knew the target demographic (amerimutts) wouldn’t be able to get. Hell Snyder is a mutt himself he probably didn’t even get it.
It's literally suposed to be a brainlet plot in-universe. It has a really small chance of working out. And if it does, it's still probably ruined by Rorschach's journal.
There is no fake war. People are left clueless as to what the hell the alien's intentions were, which is part of the point.
CGI is still trash or prohibitively expensive.
Fucking hell you are unbelievably stupid.
In the film Ozymandia's plot isn't to make the world unite against Dr Manhattan, it's to make the world fear that Dr Manhattan is out there watching them and will blow them up again if they don't behave. Like seriously, how braindead do you have to be not to understand Snyder's hamfisted M.A.D. allegory? Even cape shit symbolism is too much for some people, I guess.
So basically your argument is once again is that an incredibly clever and successful manipulator whose downfall came about when he overlooked the fact that humans respond to threats by becoming warlike, which created the fatal flaw in his plan. But this is ok, and definitely not bad writing, because he's a megalomaniacal ubermensch and misunderstanding basic human psychology while spending decades planning and executing a plot to trick the entire world is completely plausible for someone with that sort of mind set....
...Why did you even bother posting at all?
>What you're suggesting is that Ozymandias can only be considered a genius if he gave up on his plan and succumbed to futility.
What hell you even talking about, retard?
The point is that his plot is fucking braindead on a conceptual level because Moore wasn't smart enough to come up with a plausible way to have a character go
>He killed millions to save billions!
>But alas, it was all for nothing because humans are the real monsters! Shocking!
without having the character conveniently ignore the plainly obvious realities of human nature and geo-politics in his master plan.
Like I said, Moore is a brainlet hack who would have been laughed out of the room if he had written watchmen as a novel instead of a comic, but he got a pass because comics were usually about men in tights punching each other for great justice at the time. Don't bother replying if you're just going to make the same brainlet excuse about Ozymadias being like all crazy and shit dood.
anons have already answered, but the whole point is to have the world scared of an external threat instead of internal
>In the film Ozymandia's plot isn't to make the world unite against Dr Manhattan, it's to make the world fear that Dr Manhattan is out there watching them and will blow them up again if they don't behave.
would not work, people would just hate manhattan for killing innocents, and america would receive harsh punishment for creating him, even if accidentally. nations would still build and stockpile more nukes, they would just be even more secretive about it. this would mean there's no end to the cold war in snyder's version at all
MAD doesn't apply here because there is nothing mutual about the setup. if both sides had their own dr. manhattan, it would be MAD
the film is far too focused on the USA
dr m being the end catastrophe is completely US based, and ignores the rest of the world and its opinions
that would be a platform for most countries to start a war against the US military/ research and its practises
an unknown, unreasonable, motiveless, faceless, voiceless enemy from another world, is the only thing that makes sense if the end goal is to unite the planet as a whole
Imagine being so far up Snyder's ass you start slamming the source material Snyder himself liked enough to adapt.
Tell that to the Saudis
It would have looked pretty terrible and silly, for the most part.
The film looked quite good overall and that, certainly, would have tarnished it.
>american made superweapon goes berserk
reminder, without the squid there is nothing to break the comedian, thus the entire movie is a giant plot hole.
That's Jazz's Teratoma
More like, two superpowers realize the threat of a literal God is more important than nuking eachother over petty geopolitical shit.
In the squid version, according to your logic that humans necessarily have to become warlike in the face of a psychic alien squid, wouldn't humanity become warlike together against the alien and thus achieve unity?
It was a weapon made by one of the powers that was being used against communists
Because Alan Moore is a fucking idiot.
i read the comic first, and then watched the movie
i think the movie ending is more fitting
there are always things that get cut when adapting it, and there are always the same morons crawling out of their libraries complaining about something getting cut
the real reason the squid wouldnt work in a movie is because it and the whole artist island is a criticism of the movie industry.
moore believes hollywood to be a psyops created by rich people to control the masses
if i remember correctly the artists all think theyre making a movie but really it ends up political
theres a scene early in the comic where a psychically sensitive mother kills her children and the detectives remark that the kids have names like movie stars
Sorry, but that just doesn't work. Even in the movie the west is paranoid about the idea that manhattan might defect, and they're ready to think his going to mars is an actual defection. Then manhattan going to mars would read like a first-strike baiting to the east. So if "manhattan" starts blowing up cities, the west interprets it as a russian first strike from a defected manhattan and the east interprets it as first strike from the US. Both sides launch everything in retaliation, and then the (now crippled by "manhattan's" first strike) leadership of both sides have minutes to figure out that neither side launched the attack and both sides were hit equally and trust each other enough to disarm their flying ICBMs in a classic prisoner's dilemma scenario where, even in the best case, both side's nuclear arsenals are dramatically diminished and also not ready for a retaliatory strike if the other side launches again.
basically the only way you can say the movie's ending makes any sense is if you know nothing about the cold war or game theory.
This. I like Watchmen in general and love a lot of Alan Moore's work, but I've always thought this was one of his weaker decisions as a storyteller. Why introduce psychics and telepathy if your story centers around the impact of *one* truly superhuman being in a world that has none? I didn't feel like he did a particularly good job of establishing their existence in the story, either.
As an evil liberal I did too.
Jesus Christ brainlets please stop being vocal. You unironically make the world a worse place with your stupidity. Deep down inside you KNOW you’re stupid and haven’t thought out anything you’ve said. So why say it? Listen to Wittgenstein’s wise words: What can’t be said must be left unsaid.
Please and thank you.
That's the only thing that I never understood about the movie adaptation. Manhattan glassing Moscow would be interpreted as a declaration of war by the United States.
>muh racism
I don’t care. You’re not even relatively the best race.
I smiled, but that's it.
Then I read And the joke was enhanced to a hearty chuckle
"manhattan" glasses DC too, which would be interpreted as a declaration of war by russia, by way of a defected manhattan.
What are you talking about? Asians are objectively the best race.
Movie ending would basically guarantee a full scale war against the US.
I do now.
That was the fucking point.
>The protagonists have run in terror from the vampires for the whole story
>lol, turns out all the protagonists were made of wood the entire time
>It couldn't be said, so it had to remain unsaid!
See how that can be both a good thing *or* a bad thing depending on execution? I contend that Moore's employment of psychic ability in a world absent from all other hint of the superhuman was an eleventh hour ass-pull, and you're too emotionally invested in his reputation as a writer to be objective about it.
oh bless our indigo tyrant
the entire gist of this rag
but thats not true at all. the psychic latency of certain people was established from the beginning of the comic, which originally was a serial
Yeah, in the twelve-issue, meticulously-crafted *comic*, it was. If you want to argue the feasibility of condensing that entire story down into a movie's run-time, feel free. I'm still going to argue that it would have merely been yet another hurdle you're asking your audience to clear with insufficient time to devote to developing it.
Because it was stupid and Alan Moore is a hack.
Doesn't matter, as you've proven yourself, English is the only important one.
I surely hope you're not trying to imply most people do not believe in some level of psychic phenomena.
got damn
I don’t even know why you’re hung up on the psychic qualities of the squid. It’s not even central to the idea that it’s a foreign and totally alien threat. The fact that people know nothing about it and are totally unprepared for it and it comes totally out of left field is the essential point of the scheme itself.
No, I'm implying that in a story devoted to exploring the societal impact of the truly superhuman, showing that the supernatural was always within us runs counter to the theme.
Because the fake alien invasion is exactly the plan the NWO has in store for the planet.
I'm hung up on it because it's what's presented to us as the reason the entire rest of the planet believes it to be truly alien.
No it doesn’t.
That really doesn't follow at all I'm not sure why you'd think otherwise. In the real world the supernatural is mostly the realm of parlor tricks and con artistry. But the existence of the supernatural makes people think they're ready for literal gods.
When are you going to join the 40%, faggot?
If telepathy was real and Veidt had known that for years, why didn't he devote all his resources to developing a network of "pacifiers," telepaths devoted to emanating peace and goodwill vibes to all the people of the world? Is the world's smartest man really so short-sighted that he can only motivate through a hoax, the unifying xenophobia of which will evaporate the veritable instant it's exposed?
Except that an attack by Manhattan is obviously not a nuclear strike, and it's easily identifiable as such. The only way you think this doesn't make sense is if you know nothing of how nukes work.
... that has absolutely nothing to do with ... its kinda sad you even think it's relevant.
The reason it’s an alien is because it s a squid monster with psychic powers. Psychic powers exist in our real world and yet nobody goes “I can handle a psychic squid monster attack”
Yes, it does. There exists no way either the US or Russia would have mistaken the Manhattan attack for a nuclear attack by an enemy power. As such, they would not be launching their nuclear arsenal in retaliation because retaliation requires a credible belief that there's something to retaliate against. Sudden, unexplainable destruction that bears no resemblance to a nuclear attack does not fit.
Any reading of real life near misses would understand this. The nuclear arsenal hair trigger was designed to respond to specific, detectable things. Not just any random attack that could possibly happen.
Negro, doctor manhattan is literally named after the manhattan project and is considered by the US to be a walking nuclear deterrent and MAD guarantee.
It's absolutely a key and necessary part of Ozymandias plan, if not the most essential part of it. When I'm talking about the shift in human consciousness at the center of Adrians vision for the new world created by his ploy, I'm talking about a shift away from the old world of industrial nation states into a post scarcity world of man gods who have psychic powers and higher level understanding. The kind of universal cosmopolitan utopia ruled by a God King envisioned in the creation of Alexandria. His plot was to instigate this by exposing humanity to the existence of a horrific alien other which had such psychic capabilities, urging humanity together in that direction.
Ozymandias is based on the character Peter Cannon, who is based on new age psychic ideas like that
so what did the Comedian see that forced him to get killed? in the comic he sees the island where theyre making the fake alien
It's more that he's a sociopath and is motivated first by a nihilistic realization that his plans to save the city in a conventional way are ultimately futile, then responding to the existential terror he felt in his faith in what he was doing being destroyed, he creates a horrific cosmic entity as an expression of that and uses it to try and achieve the utopia he onced dreamed of making in the world just through crime fighting.
Wrong. The events of the story don't depict people fearing the "alien" because it's psychic. They show people believing the veracity of the attack based off the shared visions they all receive - all of them, the more sensitive suffering from the effects more acutely.
In this "grounded, sober exploration" of his, Moore introduced a man smart enough to not only engineer a telepathic brain so powerful as to touch every corner of the world, but also sufficiently intelligent as to have developed it all in absolute secrecy.
And everyone's demonstrably psychic.
One of the main points of the character is he had tried (and failed) to save the world in conventional and moderately-unconventional ways for most of his life. The final solution being the most unconventional possible.
For think of the backlash that would occur when people found out there were a bunch of psychics running around trying to quell anti-russian sentiment in the US and anti-US sentiment in the USSR.
The entire point of the solution is the utter necessity of it to be a completely alien threat.
THATS MAM!!!!!!!
And for everyone to be psychic.
The comedian seeing the fake alien is very important in the regard that it's his nihilism that gets to Adrian and inspires his monster. The comedian seeing that is like him seeing the ultimate end of his nihilism and it breaks him. The comedian burning Adrians plans at the Crimebusters meeting was the end of his conventional crime fighting methodology
people who believe in psychic phenomena believe everyone is at least a latent psychic. Because the entire concept is seated in a mystification of empathy.
Brainlets love the movie ending because they can think about zeitgeists
Because it was retarded.
bluepills will tell you they changed it because it's silly
redpills will tell you they changed it because it's too close to the truth
this, and don't forget squiddley deadly is the ultimate in practical jokes which breaks the Comedians mind in its lethal audacity
Combining the movie ending and the comic ending would be for the best. It doesnt make sense for the Soviets to give a shit what happenes to Manhattan if anything it will just strengthen there desire to expand, but if cities all over the world including moscow are hit by this threat it makes sense for them to band together for this enemy.
You're describing the movie ending.
the casting for Ozy was terrible. he should look like Robert Redford, jacked, charismatic and cool, not a scrawny creep
Because it would be weird and unrealistic
Why did Ozzy just tell Mr. Manhatten to disable all nukes and if he bitched and said I don't want to, Ozzy should punch him in the balls and say "do it!".
Except without the whole alien squid part you're missing out on them collecting negative thoughts to channel into its creation, and the Comedian stumbling on it which is what causes him to murder in the first place
You fucking millennials make me sick with your participation trophies and your twitter slang and your tumblr sensibilities. Whatsa matta? Baby gonna cry? Baby wanna safe space from da big meanie on da inta-net? Well I've got news for you, cuck. Real life's knocking on your door. In real life there are no safe spaces you stupid little bitch. So look up from your phone, pull your head out of the PC clouds, and get ready. Because we're taking back this country. And you can lead, follow, or get your fairy ass out of the way. Choice is yours, kiddo.
because Manhattan doesn't care to do it and doesn't think there's any reason to save humanity from itself. Even if he is supposedly America's guardian, it's only because he's pretending to still care about humanity.
Go dilate elsewhere
>Why did the Watchman movie leave out the trans-dimensional octopus?
Because if you wanted to keep it, you'd need to include all the minor subplots that tie into it, and the movie is long enough as it is.
I never liked manhattan being a patsy, but I understand why they did it, it's just a matter of practicality.
A tv show with say 12 hour long episodes would have been better. There's too much to get into a 3 hr movie
reminder hes 16 years old in this pic
I don't get it
The bigger problem is that the comic uses the medium flawlessly to tell the story.
Adapting it into another medium without making appropriate changes for that medium are always going to make it a meaningless endeavor.
comedian still stumbled on ozymandias plan in the movie. The only thing that didn't made sense was the genetic modified tiger in the movie.
45% of trannies kill themselves after they realise that mutilating their genitals didn’t solve any of their mental disorders.
>comedian still stumbled on ozymandias plan in the movie.
Except his plan in the movie is just a false flag attack which wouldn't drive the comedian insane because he fucking shot kennedy.
What pushes him over the edge in the comic is that he uncovers a massive conspiracy to create an ayy lmao terror squid to psychically attack everyone on the planet. It was the absurdity of the thing that he couldn't handle.
nice one
what's with the hateboner this site has for trannies? sure they're unnerving but I don't wish evil upon them
Furthermore, from literally every outward appearence, all ozy is doing is trying to make manhattan themed power generators for the entire world. There would not have been anything to discover that would indicate otherwise, except if viedt directly told blake he was going to destroy a bunch of cities and blame manhattan.
don't you know? Yea Forums is where reddit, facebook, twitter, and instagram users come to post the things they're afraid to post on their reddit, facebook, twitter, and instagram accounts.
Good post. Any Snyderfags care to comment on this plot hole?
Obviously Ozy would have had to test whether any such generator was capable of producing the destructive yield required to level a major city. There would be records or data from these tests.
now it is
... we know the capacity for destruction of literally every nuclear power plant. That doesn't mean there are plans to cause meltdowns.
Manhattan power isn't nuclear power. Ozy was doing something unique. It would require it's own tests to prove itself feasible.
Yes, the guy who made his bones punching dockyard thugs is capable of sifting thru highly technical datasets and putting it all together
Arachnophobic, huh? You must want to fuck spiders.
back to tourist
Which is even dumber since in the comic's Manhattan had already invented clean energy and electric cars for the world.
The whole subplot with the original night owl was that he was a car mechanic for old cars and engines they don't make anymore.
As opposed to sifting through the highly technical details of a psychic squid?
you're the same dumb nigger who posted and , aren't you.
stress tests to determine the risks of any new form of power generation would be utterly boilerplate, as well as tests to determine the effects of catastrophic failure and/or overload.
Because setting up the giant squidmonster takes an entire subpot with collecting the world's artists and biologists and psychics and shit (which exist btw) on an island in an already three hour movie.
>stress tests to determine the risks of any new form of power generation would be utterly boilerplate
We aren't talking about the risks of a power plant, we're talking about the necessity of a single specific outcome. You're dealing with an entirely new energy system, and you're designing it in such a way as to destroy cities on command without error. That demands real testing.
>We aren't talking about the risks of a power plant,
That is exactly what we are talking about you dumb nigger.
No, we aren't. You're arguing that knowing fire has the potential to cause damage is all the information necessary to construct a viable bomb. There is clearly a massive amount of work that needs to be done to get from the former to the latter. This is trivial.
I am arguing that knowing fire is hot is literally the extent of the type of information the comedian would be able to discover about viedt's plans to manhattan a bunch of cities.
He infiltrated the island and saw the giant squid they were making.
You haven't done so. You've instead been arguing that no testing would be required to predictably generate the sort of destruction witnessed in the movie.
And so he does the same thing, but sees the tests to destroy shit using Manhattan powers.
>whats all this freaky art and music for?
> hey, this is the body of the big deal psychic who disappeared. wheres his brain gone tho?
>wtf is this brain squid thing?
>records say they shipped it to Antarctica. why?
>Antarctica. Ozy lives there. Oh fuck
seems more up his alley than particle physics to me user
>You've instead been arguing that no testing would be required to predictably generate the sort of destruction witnessed in the movie.
So you literally cannot read. That's wonderful.
A Reminder that "Black Panther" won some Oscars..the plot to that movie was stupid AF. The WM movie was to smart for most folks and did not do as well...
If you aren't arguing that tests aren't necessary, then you aren't disagreeing, so I don't understand what you'd even be disagreeing with. That's the only argument I've made. What exactly are you having trouble with?
>he still can't read
As another faggot pointed out, it would require an extensive background in the field in order to determine the generators could be weaponized. Testing the risks of overload and failure would be standard.
Thus, to uncover, on his own, viedt's plan, blake would have to make a leap on the level of "they're making nuclear power plants, WHICH MEANS THEY'RE GOING TO NUKE CITIES!!! OMG!!!!"
>the superman exists... and he's american!
>god exists... and he's american!
it's said in the comic, can't remember if it's mentioned in the movie. the importance of dr manhattan is so understated.
even if the Rorschach diary didnt make it to press, every scientific facility and military in the world would be desperately trying to create their own dr m, or find the original. the dude can shit gold.
They aren't testing the risk of overload and failure. That's the point. They are designing bombs. Detonation means success, and that means testing will be driving toward a single, particular outcome. That being, an outcome capable of leveling a city. You aren't talking about the thing that Ozy is actually attempting to achieve.
>band together for this enemy.
Manhattan was an American Weapon.
Him blowing up moscow would be the same as if Washington nuked them.
I hate everything that forcibly inserts itself into my affairs, then cries 'bigotry' when I tell it nothing it does make sense.
I hate them because they gaslit their very existence.
you will never pass. every time you look in the mirror for the rest of your life, you will see a dude
yea, they kept that line and the dude delivered it utterly perfectly.
In the comic they even establish they'd evaporated a number of people trying to make a new manhattan, but only osterman was able to reassemble himself, which seems a little obvious if you imagine the type of people the government would deem fit for evaporation. read: non-scientists with no family.
Consider the possibility you're an idiot. The champagne scene itself contradicts your theory they were making bombs from the onset. The idea they were specifically making bombs exists nowhere in the movie. It is your moronic headcanon you came up with to explain why the plot makes sense.
The director is a fucking hack.
How the comedian finds out is immaterial. He does. You were the one whining about how he can't fathom how he'd find out. A reason was provided, and now you're bitching because the movie didn't dedicate screen time to unnecessarily explain precisely how he found out. It's not a plot hole, it's an unneeded scene in a movie that's already 3 hours long. Use your fucking imagination if your autism is so impacted by such a minor omission.
the comic does have a plothole in that it would be LBJ getting the Doc to crush Vietnam rather than Nixon. Moore just went 'Nixon man bad!' because he's a hate figure for boomer faggots like him
>How the comedian finds out is immaterial
Because it literally can't be there the way the movie is written.
This comes up in watchmen threads because the comedian discovering viedt's plan and going bonkers as a result is what necessitates his murder. Without the squid, there is literally nothing for him to discover that would indicate viedt's plan or anything that would cause him to go all funny in the head. Thus, the movie is a 3 hour long plot hole. it doesn't matter what excuses you make for this gaping, movie spanning plothole, it remains a plothole.
>Because it literally can't be there the way the movie is written.
Yes, it can. You've simply decided that no way exists, nothing in the movie tells you this. You're instead making this leap based on an absence of detail.
Any well made movie understands that there will exist certain conceits. This conceit, that we don't need to know the precise explanation for how the Comedian sussed out Ozy's plan, is far, far less obtrusive than other conceits found in far, far better movies.
Epic. Simply epic.
Where were you when Veidt was BTFO by lex luthor?
I want to masturbate to this post