Why are older virgins in films depicted as naive/creepy?
Why are older virgins in films depicted as naive/creepy?
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Because they are?
>not saving himself up for marriage
Look at this heathen
Because ten year olds now are sending pics of them nude and by 15 people are having hardcore sex if you missed it in teenage years you are never going to get the full reality of sex and intimacy
Why did nobody warn me?
No idea, naivety really doesn't exclude sex, no matter how much people insist on it.
If you get to 40 without having ever had sex, there's probably something wrong with you that's scaring people away. Even the ugliest motherfuckers get pussy at least once betwwen 15 and 25 simply because everyone at that age is so horny, drunk and/or stoned to actually mind who they're fucking. Literally all you need is to socialize a bit and you'll get it at some point.
So yeah, you must be one creepy motherfucker if not even a half-unconscious teenage girl wanted to hump you at least once.
Because they are.
t. older virgin
since when did Yea Forums get raided by degenerates?
Porn is enough to satisfy many people's sexual urges which leads to less looking to get laid.
All I have now are regrets
>Porn is enough to satisfy many people's sexual urges
No, it's not. Young people will fuck like rabbits nevertheless. In fact, on average, zoomers lose their virginity earlier than any older generation that we have asked.
because they expect some of us in the wreckage brother
I never said all. For many people, jacking off to porn satisfy them enough to not feel the need to actively seeking out people to have sex with.
People are fucking as much if not more than ever. So no, whatever porn is doing, it's not keeping anybody from seeking out sex.
What's more pathetic, the fact this character is a 40yo virgin, or that he doesn't own a home or car?
>Even the ugliest motherfuckers get pussy at least once betwwen 15 and 25 simply because everyone at that age is so horny, drunk and/or stoned to actually mind who they're fucking
h-haha you are so right
t. 27 year old kissless virgin
So you just ran away from every girl that approached you or something?
I wish girls actually approached me
You creepy motherfucker.
Women never approached me, at least not with the intention of wanting to get it on with me.
If you are so ugly no women ever approached you, you deserve to stay virgin.
I'm pretty average, no physical deformities of any kind. I lift for 6 years, not dress like a manchild and take care of my hygiene.
Granted I have not been into a whole lot of social situations since college but it is what it is.
Fuck off
Lel stay mad incel.
the scum who generate these kinds of movies, and also post here, want you to believe that participating in their satanic compromise and filth is the only way to be normal
there is no more normal, just a world of whores and fools
believe in your true self, and don't look around for input from lesser people
>virgin coping this hard
one more thing, the endless 'incel' and 'haha virgin' and so forth is all chronologically consistent
the people who lost the last election, and are currently being investigated for child trafficking and (much) worse are visibly upset at the role that this website played in their lives
this is their way of processing the difficult emotions they're experiencing as they prepare for imprisonment or execution, to say mean and hurtful things to the people who defeated them
real talk,dont demonize sex
It was always filled with degenerates it's just been recently raided by incels
sex is not the same thing as whoredom
snap out of it
This site was founded by incels. Go back to Facebook.
>Yea Forums
You lost?
moot and all the OG fags grew up and got gf's and wives by now
moot knew how to talk to girls
That's about it.
17 more years for me bros, I've accepted it
Can you make it to 40 and not get laid without being kind of naive? And I don't mean people with physical/medical problems
>Judd Apatow
>His family is Jewish, "but nonreligious."
I’m 5’5”
34 year wizard here, I'm keeping my powers.
The last girl that wanted to sleep with me had already screwed a couple other guys and was still screwing another guy, why would I lose it to her ? Fuck that I'll stay a wizard if that's the case.
Because that's how syphilitic normies view people who don't conform to their hedonist crusade.
incel cope
syphilis cope
I'm 29 and live in a meth town, I could get laid any day of the week, but I'm lazy as fuck, and a germaphobe about herpies, which there is a lot around here.
Good on you. I lost mine when I was 21 to a girl I knew had screwed two other guys the day before but I was drunk as fuck and went through it anyway.
If it wasn't for that I'd be a 33 year old wizard cause I haven't been with one since.
Because they are. Sex and relationships is as fundamental to living life as having a job. Someone who hasn't had sex lacks some of the most basic of all life experiences
Again, because they are. Getting laid isn't hard. It's one thing to be a little awkward and maybe a late bloomer (talking about guys who lose it around 18-22), but being a 24+ incel is a sign of a severe defect.
Your parents had sex. Most of your peers had sex. All of your ancestors had sex. Fucking frogs and rodents manage to get laid. The fact that you didn't means that something is wrong with you.
>Sex and relationships is as fundamental to living life as having a job.
>as having a job
nice try my dear goy
Lenny from The Young Pope is a virgin and he's pretty great.
an older girl in high school offered to fuck me in a classroom and i turned her down
still lost it at 16 but i really was an autistic turd in my early teens
>Porn is enough to satisfy many people's sexual urges
You have got to be fucking kidding. Don't delude yourself like this, dude. Porn is no way comparable to the full-body intimacy of sex. What in the fuck are you smoking.
He's not saying that it's comparable, but that it's enough to satisfy the sexual urges of the majority. Which is true
Definitely not most. Only the low test and those who have absolutely no choice.
>I'm a completely normal person with an unhealthy preoccupation with the sex lives of other people
Definitely most. You can pretend like you have sex every single day even when you're single without jerking it, but that's not the case.
Even the biggest turboChads jacked off more times than they had sex
Why are you so upset
Cringe, yikes, oof.
What is this wizard meme based on? I know what the meme is but is it referring to enlightenment or something? Like a view of celibacy? Did you notice new powers when you turned 30 kek?
i've only met one virgin over 25 in my life. dude was one of those rare manly freaks who could pull off a moustache. great guy but wanted to wait.
never met anyone else though
>when nobody will have sex with you so you LARP as a devout Christian on anonymous imageboards
If you haven’t had sex by 30 you absolutely are weird as fuck lmao
there is NOTHING wrong in waiting for marriage. it's roasties who insult virgins to COPE with the fact that they will NEVER be pure again and have a non degenerate life
Ted Bundy lost his virginity at 22. He got blackout drunk at a political party (he was the driver for a gubernatorial candidate) and the "woman of the house" found him on a bed and took his virginity. He didn't do anything except lie there.
have to get a date first
There was a chart made in ms paint that showed the various ages you'd lose your virginity and what they meant. The age 30 description has the description for a level 30 wizard from dungeons and dragons (A wizard with unmatched power something something, mortals can't comprehend, etc.).
False. Less young people are having sex now than the previous generations.
>tfw most of Yea Forums doesn't have access to a basic human need
No they aren't. Men are becoming increasingly tech addicted, depressed, testosterone deficient, lonely and obese. There is an overwhelming amount of data to support all of these points.
You didn't ask
>What is this wizard meme based on? I know what the meme is but is it referring to enlightenment or something?
Japanese mothers in the 1980s and 1990s used to tell their sons that if they avoided premarital sex, they would gain magic powers at age 30. Obviously the parents were counting on their children being able to eventually realize this was bullshit.
>In fact, on average, zoomers lose their virginity earlier than any older generation that we have asked.
And women are bigger whores than ever, we are entering a harem age
>In fact, on average, zoomers lose their virginity earlier than any older generation that we have asked.
You're a retard
>In 2017, there was another decline in the percentage of high school students who report that they have ever had sex and those who have had four or more sexual partners – the lowest levels since CDC began conducting the survey in 1991.
>The self-reported data show that students who:
>Ever had sex: Declined from 47.8% in 2007 to 39.5% in 2017.
>Had four or more sexual partners: Declined from 14.9% in 2007 to 9.7% in 2017.
>Getting laid isn't hard
As an underage thats true but as an adult thats another story only if you are male.
if you havent found a way to have sex by the time you hit 25, there is something wrong with you. i mean pay for it if nothing else. similarly, if you want to be married but you arent married by age 40 , there is something twisted about you.
stop spouting shit if you have no idea what youre talking about
>if you havent found a way to have sex by the time you hit 25, there is something wrong with you.
It means you have no friends, friends are the easiest way to get laid.
>saving himself up for marriage
This only makes sense if you intend to marry relatively young (i.e. before 25). After that, it's just shameful.
>saving himself up for marriage
This only works in the middle east anymore
Alright boys lets here your reasons for being a virgin past 16
A.Small penis inferiority complex
B.No friends due to A since dudes dont want no virgin ruining their collective social image
Dick is 6 inchs and was like only 4 inchs back in highschool so yh no way could I let that information leak out back then btw.
no thanks mr. data miner
AIDS ruined sex for everyone born in 1980+. Imagine what it was like in a world where all you had to do to make sure you don't get an STD is look at their genitals for warts or rashes or whatever. Then AIDS happened and now we get taught that every time you have sex with a new person you risk dying a horrible death from a degenerative immunodeficiency. The sexual freedom of the 60s was 100% about consequence-free sex.
A.Small penis inferiority complex
B.No friends due to A since dudes dont want no virgin ruining their collective social image
Dick is 6 inchs and was like only 4 inchs back in highschool so yh no way could I let that information leak out back then btw.
>tfw you are tall, hung and got called handsome but you suffer from aspergers
4" phimosis penis.
I will never have sex and I've learned to live with this fact.
A. Too based
B. Too redpilled
Ìncels come here to escape this shit, not be reminded of it. Of course they're going to lash out.
The thing is that they shouldn't be allowed to escape it. Incels are the one group of people who actually do deserve to ridiculed.
Sex is the one truly universal thing in humanity. Incels are literally broken subhumans.
>"owning" houses
That didn't work the first time
You sure are not helping
Another school shooter is in the making
Women are kinda difficult to read. You can never truly be sure when they want something or are just being nice. I've had the latter quite often but burned my hand when assuming the former
Spoken like a true NPC
Small sick, don't want anyone to get too close to me, like being alone, nothing to give anyone on any level, boring.
im 30yo virgin and everybody treats me like a retard because apparently not having the secks means you are mentally retarded and can't do anything on your own.
This movie was made by a different generation.
Millenials are having less sex because they've been socially destroyed by the modern world. Back in the day is was definitely abnormal to be a virgin beyond your 20s, unless you were highly religious or something.
1) Two birth defects (eye and dick) which are going to be a serious hurdle for anyone when it comes to selling yourself to girls. The eye's fixed, the dick isn't.
2) Autism lite during teens
3) Being moved to the middle of fucking nowhere, with no contact of anyone my own age outside of school, between the age of 14-17, which are some important years. By the time I came back to civilisation, people my age had morphed into confident sex people and I never caught up.
Sup phimosisbro
You have it a bit worse than me though, I'm a decent 7 inches. Thought about surgery many times but I'm worried about them cutting too much off.
Wait do you actually tell it to people? I'm 99% sure everyone I know is aware I'm a wizard but I wouldn't chat about it
They're right to treat you that way
Why are there so many normalfags on Yea Forums now?
This is why you never, ever tell anyone you know IRL you're a virgin, even if people around you suspect it. You become a subhuman social leper because that's what sexually active people think virgins are.
>Sup phimosisbro
>You have it a bit worse than me though, I'm a decent 7 inches. Thought about surgery many times but I'm worried about them cutting too much off.
There's plenty of ways to fix it through stretching on your own, google that shit.
Just stretch every day and your phimosis will be gone in a couple months you retard
Jesus Christ you people are fucking stupid
of course my relatives know it because they know i've never had a girlfriend.
The doc gave me cream when I was a kid and showed me how to do the stretching, didn't work. It's really tight.
because getting laid is incredibly easy unless youre an autistic shut in
>since when did a japanese cartoon fandom site turned degenerate ?
why do some anons see this site as a stronghold of virtue and morals ?
>Porn is enough to satisfy many people's sexual urges
This feels false
You are strange.
Most women in their 30s have already cracked, might as well just watch porn instead
How would they know that?
>because getting laid is incredibly easy if you are over 8/10
Reality in film
Women in their 30s are fine. Its like you want to die a virgin. To each his own. Maybe you're just gay and in deep denial.
Naive and creepy, up.
yall shitting on this guy but the only real coping is coming from the heathens who think you can only either be 100% into meaningless sex or 100% abstinent until marriage/incel bullshit.
Sex is a gift and a test from god to keep marriages together but also to learn not to abuse it.
You've failed if you don't see that point.
>Women in their 30s are fine
t. roastie
>coping this hard about not having prime pussy
because parents usually talk about their kids to people
>don't look around for input from lesser people
Right, that's why I'll ignore you.
>did you know my son is still a virgin?
My parents are cruel but even they didn't pull that shit
How do your parents know? Have you never moved out?
>You become a subhuman social leper because that's what sexually active people know virgins are.
>implying because something is easy, you should therefore do it
It's real fucking easy to find crack too, you fucking idiot.
As a wizard myself, they are.
Though I haven't stuck it in I've been a giver and receiver of oral sex and lots of kisses. And I was and am a 425 pound monster who fingered a skinny 5' 4" strawberry blonde with D cup tits.
You MAKE your life and your opportunity. You CHOOSE your social situations. You're only still a virgin because you won't go outside. You cannot decry your position from the bunker you've built around yourself.
It comes out more like "I've never seen Tommy with a girl. Does he have a girlfriend?"
"Has he ever had a girlfriend"
No response
From there you can come to the conclusion that they're probably talking about a virgin.
Good advice
this is exactly how it goes
Why is virgin shaming acceptable butt slut shaming bad?
because women run the world now and they make the rules of society.
Might be something to consider. Not saying you should cut them out of your life, but living in their shadow well into adulthood can't be preferable to being too lazy to achieve financial independence.
Nope, we can socialise, entertain, crack jokes and have a good time with normies so long as we keep our dark dirty shameful secret to ourselves.
The moment we go public though, it's all over. So we either avoid the subject or lie.
i might be 30yo virgin living with mommy and daddy but i'm not like a actual retard, i can drive a car, fix lawnmowers, chainsaws, cut down trees without dying and be all around handy man. i just have some issues, i may have mental issues, but i'm not drooling from my mouth saying gagagugu. I guess i'm a manchild but it doesn't give anybody the right to treat me like a actual retard.
I was surprised to see how fair and balanced this movie actually was.
Slut shaming is not bad on Yea Forums, so the virgin shaming here is to level the playing field.
In the real world both virgin shaming and slut shaming is frowned upon.
All that and you still failed at the one thing you were meant to do. You are worth less than shit.
>like a actual retard.
How ironic
At least it's not their fault for being retarded, you're just lazy.
>gift from God
Do you also still believe that if you're a good boy all year Santa will bring you presents?
Some people have debilitating social anxiety so it's not laziness unless they've also refused to seek help with their disorder
You don't know a thing about spirituality, keep yourself stuck in a constant cycle of chasing the material.
well you don't sound like a great person either, you probably aren't virgin since you talk so bold, but all your hookups probably were some nasty junkies.
That's nice, sweetie.
Now take go play with your imaginary friend somewhere else. The adults are trying to have a conversation.
A frat = free pussy if you aren’t socially retarded but plenty of guys I know never get laid
>I was and am a 425 pound monster who fingered a skinny 5' 4" strawberry blonde with D cup tits.
If you don't want your relatives treating you like a retard then move into your own place like you believe you're capable of. This isn't earth shattering advice.
i only have breathing food and water
and also why is sex on here twice
Have sex with your friends?
>godless heathen talks like a twitter thot
Color me fucking surprised.
You can try that. Or you can network for sex. The more people you know the more options you'll come across.
I WISH I knew. I'm that nice guy you hear about in friend zones all the time. Just be genuine I guess. She was also flexing her muscles as a mature adult woman (at 16) so it could have been a fluke of poor judgement.
>I-I could get laid I just choose not to
by that chart, that would actually mean most of the so called "incels" are beyond the need of base primal sex and are more focused on morality, creativity, and problem solving like at the top of the pyramid.
NPCs obsessed with sex and social acceptance are at the bottom of the pyramid.
What? Prostitution is the oldest job in the world. If you're not getting laid get yourself a hooker once a month or so
Yo why you bein an asshole
Truf hertz
>just b urself
Yeah keep shaming them and wonder why they get mad
I've never been able to relate to a woman or have had a woman as a friend
I 100% wish I was gay or bi, but I'm cursed with being attracted to those idiots
Stottlemeyer: She moved to North Beach, rented a basement apartment and started working off the books.
Monk: Doing what?
Stottlemeyer: She became a member of the world's oldest profession.
Monk: Stone mason, huh?
Man you're just a faggot. I'm not a virgin but there's no need to shame others for not being social butterflies.
He sounds like a better person that you validate in a person is DICK IN MEATHOLE DURRRR
This tbH
That's not how the chart works. You don't move up until you've secured all the needs at that level.
Bad self-esteem and fear of intimacy and rejection from being bullied for a decade. It's only in the past couple of years that I realized where the problem was, after I started seeing a therapist, and I've been working on getting better.
Prostitution is illegal in America and they will throw you in jail for trying to lose your virginity to one.
post you age and the farthest youve gotten with a girl
>gave each other oral, gave me a blow job and she swallowed
>couldnt get it up cause I was so nervous so no sex for me
Ugly and terrified of women
No it's not, you fucking degenerate. I've been jacking it since the awakening of penis, and its been atleast 30 years. The moments I have an intimacy with a woman far beats the the thousands of masturbations i've done.
Is it acceptable to ask a girl you work with out on a date? We both work in HR. I'm actually the only man in the entire department so the women are all really nice to me. One of them brings me chocolate and sweets sometimes but shes like a 40 year old married woman. Anyways the girl I like is a 22 year old German girl. Give advice please.
i say 'hi' to them sometimes
don't do it. just go home and jerk off
Its not about the sex. Its about the companionship
Fucking normie
based and redpilled
disgusting and incelpilled
go die in a pit, virgin
so what ? just jerk off. she will refuse you.
since always, fucking retard
But we get along well at work and she laughs at my jokes.
>Made out with a girl once at 18
>haven't talked to a woman since
>Am now 20 and still a virgin but have honestly stopped caring at this point
It wouldn't be funny if they were well-adjusted
Fuck virgins I have one friend that is one still hes 22 and I bully him all the time for it hes just to retarded to pick up social queues fucking idiot should get castrated so he doesn't go full incel COPE and shoot up a place
give examples of these so called social queues
>be khv for 28 years
>finally find a girlfriend
>she's asexual
Ah well. The intimacy is still very much worth it, especially since I had already made peace with permavirginity. Love and wizardry is the life for me.
what's a social queues, pls someone explain I don't want to be a virgin anymore
You sound like a shitty friend desu
The pure amount of cope in this thread
>i-im saving it for m-m-m-m-marriage!!
Fucking hilarious
she sees you as a friend not as a lover. Why the fuck should a 22 year old german girl go out with you?
The funny thing was that he was perfectly happy with his life and the self-absorbed woman ruined it.
A-sexuality isn't a thing retard she just finds you unattractive
I could never love someone as much as I love myself.
If you're both mature enough to move past a possible rejection and maintain your current healthy relationship, then go for it. Odds are you'll never know if she wants to date you unless you make the first move.
>Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder with a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.
>Why the fuck should a 22 year old german girl go out with you?
Why not?
Because women have never been more slutty. They're also much less picky, despite the lies incels tell themselves. You can fuck a 6.5/10+ as long as you're not hideous. Let me repeat, women have NEVER been sluttier. They'll fuck you or blow you as a courtesy.
Go outside, losers.
You sound more upset than the guy you're arguing with desu
well if you believe that she has enough reasons to go out with you why are you asking for advice?
>>she's asexual
what are the reasons she gave you?
>They'll fuck you or blow you as a courtesy.
I read a funny post here a month or two back that went something like
>These days it's easier to get a woman to swallow your cum than to get her to go ice-skating with you
Oh I'm well aware of my condition. I can pretend to like other people quite easily, is second nature to me. But in reality nobody matters more than me.
>thinking i want to get with a woman who has been with another man
>wanting stds and indirectly touching mens dicks since no woman shoves a bar soap insider her cunt
disgusting desu
A. Autistic
B. Nigger
C. No friends
i have PPPs (pearly Penile pauples) which made me terrified of a girl seeing my dick as a teenager
Was a social retard for most of my adolescence
came from a single mother home, never learned how to initiate with women, never learned how to be intimate with women, was actively taught all of the wrong things by my mother
Have had a massive complex of winning validation from my mother from childhood, literally said to her when i was like 8 "am i ugly?" and she replied "well you're not terrible looking". This complex of trying made me a 'pleaser' to women who is scared of dominating and confronting them because they might laugh at me and point out my flaws or shame me for being a piece of shit.
Was chubby until around 20 so felt i wasnt good enough for women.
I was poor as dirt growing up and couldnt really take anybody back to my shitheel house.
Desperately scared of intimacy even to this day, im scared that i will eventually bore women and don't feel like i can be myself around them.
She's probably banging some douche on the side who treats her like a cumdumpster and using you for the emotional security. Just being straight up with you user, the world is a fucked up place
how did you lose weight?
I'm an asshole.
a vagina wont hurt you user i promise
Reminder that there are scientific studies that show that SINGLE normie men get laid once per week on average.
not that hard to end up virgin at 30
>in the high school you were that neutral-cool with everyone guy. everyone was neutral-nice to you, you'd go to a party or two but not anything past that
>in college your course was 99% male. once again, you'd go to a couple of parties, drink some beer, check some girls' ass but no more than that
>in the workplace the environment is once again 70 or 80% male. you probably drink a beer with your colleagues friday afternoon, if you really want to spend any more time with them
>years go by and your libido/willingness to do anything decreases
>you learned to live and embrace loneliness
and that's it
(((scientific studies)))
Is that mean average or median?
By eating less food and exercising.
Yeah, they go to the club every weekend. Also, there are top tier single men who fuck a different girl every day who skew the results.
At best she'll decline outright at worst she'll play with you like a cat does with a rat and you will end up as a laughing stock for all those hens.
Of course she'll laugh at your jokes. You think that she's just going to stare at you? It's an act of politeness so you won't feel embarrassed.
>tfw i go to the club i get laid maybe 1/15 times
Am i not trying hard enough or some shit?
Don't listen to these assholes and do it but if you end up fucking her, take note of all the weird things she does, it might come handy later.
Clubs are not good if you're not top tier. You have the top tier of both sexes along with hordes of lower tiers who are aiming at the top tier.
Just aim lower. Check out a nerd bar on Saturday night and cuck someone who's an extreme loser. It's not hard. They like feeling wanted and attractive.
What other reason should there be but not being physically attracted to anyone? She's beautiful but has never had a serious relationship before because she didn't care. Has tried sex but didn't care for it. The only reason I got anywhere with her is because we were good friends for years before slowly slipping into a relationship. We just like eachothers company, and cuddles are still pretty goddamn great. Call it coping all you want, but since I had practically given up on love altogether, I can deal with missing just the sex part now.
>it's not hard to remain a virgin if you've literally never made an effort to get laid
Don't let bitter incels try to make themselves feel better by tearing down something you're happy with.
If you're happy with it, that's all that matters.
Its ok when women do it
Don't do it.
I repeat don't do it.
All it will lead to is heartache and rejection having to see the girl you like treat you like a piece of shit afterwards and laugh behind your back every day if you get rejected. She will use you for attention and string you along whenever she pleases
If you're successful it will lead to a tonne of workplace drama and will be followed by her still stringing you along and using you for attention. If you break up she will use personal stuff against you at work and may even
Do not shit where you eat. Keep your personal life and work life seperate.
Women know that guys who go for work colleagues probably don't have much going on outside of work. They don;t have any access to women outside of work and women can kind of instinctively latch on to this, especially if the guy is acting beta around them.
But also you should try to fuck her once in a while. Just say you want to try it. Make it a special occasion thing. She can take it if it's not painful. If she doesn't, then she's a selfish person.
There's an entire trope around the crazy old maid or the aging spinster. It's definitely still seen as weird for women to remain single and virgins for that long.
>i-im happy b-b-bros
You cannot have a functioning relationship without sex
You don't feel it now but you're going to be driven insane one day
It might work, but most likely the other women will be jealous, treat your new gf like shit, and in turn she will treat you like shit until you break up, at which point THE ENTIRE office will turn on you.
But if you truly believe in it, go for it.
most women get hit on multiple times a day starting with classmates in middle school all the way to when they give up staying thin, so it takes effort for them to keep it
This. It's totally fine to be in a relationship with an asexual person, but there's a reason why sex is on the foundation of maslow's hierarchy of needs. Jerk off most of the time, but physical intimacy is something that you shouldn't be denied. Like user said, make it a special occasion thing (unless it's painful for her). If she loves you, she'll be alright with what is for her some boring moderate exercise.
because i never had the urge to do it and i don't like to be a burden in other people's lives
on an unrelated topic,how do some of you guys find the willpower to stay in university ?I'm studying shitty English Literature and i'm just studying because my parents want me so. what the hell am i supposed to do ? i'm not in USA by the way
my gf is an alcoholic and she hates herself and her life and probably me and I'm only here because I have sex with her nearly passed out self regularly and I need someone to be with
see a doctor about your test levels already
I should clarify shes on a student placement and will be gone in 3 months.
But all the other women in the office are women in their 40s and they are all married. They are all very nice to me because I am the only man. I stay late at work some evenings and the manager comes put and talks to me about her personal problems.
she can still make it 3 months of hell.
Maybe ask her on her last couple of days, make a bit of an event of it for her so she might get excited and get that romantic alice in wonderland, im being whisked off to somewhere after our special night thing going. You might get more chance of fucking her if you're balsy.
Good. Even if you had a relationship it wouldn't last anyway. Just forget about her. Better than being the office idiot.
>when you realize casual sex is only moderately above masturbating, unless the girl is extremely skilled which they usually aren't
>women in their 40s and they are all married.
They be EXTREMELY JEALOUS and toxic to your girl. There's a small chance they'll treat like "the jim and pam of the office so cute omg" but that chance is very low.
Go for it, just don't be surprised when everyone turns on you.
If you get her on a date and you hit it off, maybe she's down for having someone to see for 3 months.
Yea Forums, the best dating advice on the internet.
I lost my virginity because of social pressure and because of that I'm the biggest Virgin of all
Why would I pay for it? I don't give that much of a shit, I mean I would certainly not mind having sex with some girl I find cute and relatable but if that can't happen then so be it
Why would married women in their 40s be jealous of two kids in their early 20s?
>tfw you are an ugly, autistic 24 yo kissless virgin and a total loser
>seemingly no chance of this changing anytime soon
>now even Yea Forums of all places is full of normalfags trying to make you feel bad for even existing
Maybe I should just an hero at this point
>balding since age 16
>friends are unpopular
>live in a small city
>not low standards
and I wouldn't give a shit about being a virgin if people didn't hate for just existing as a virgin
Seriously if you cant get over the hump. just pick a nice brothel and fuck some good looking hoe, that shit aint rocket sience
since you are probably scared of fucking up
i think my test levels are ok, the problem/condition is inside my head - i've schizoid personality disorder
Why wouldn't they be? They're jealous of what they never had/can't have anymore. Jealousy has nothing to do with attainability. None of them actually want to date/fuck you, they'll be jealous of you experiencing young love again.
I doubt I have any, always been stronger than average and I put on muscles easily, plus quite hairy and decent beard
>Have had sex several times
>Literally never kissed a girl though
>Now 28
>Terrified of kissing a girl for the first time, but not fucking
This is weird. I know I'll suck at it and it will be extremely awkward.
>mfw lost it at 25
>mfw I'm now a 27-year-old non-NEET normie with a job and gf
>utterly hate everyone i meet
>will die alone
Honestly could be worse
>Have had sex several times
>Literally never kissed a girl though
How the fuck does this happen?
>Not low standards
Well that's the issue. Not that your standards should be low, but that you conceptualize yourself as being worthy of a certain "quality" of person. That's a toxic way of thinking. People are just people. Some of them you'll enjoy hanging out with, some of them you won't. Some of them you'll want to fuck, some of them you won't. If you don't want to fuck anyone, that's fine, but that's your problem - not something to complain about (not saying you do, but the incel-type is hated more because they go "Wahhhhh there's no perfect waifu hot enough and smart enough and nerdy enough to suck my dick" without realizing that attitude is the problem in the first place).
Generally speaking people don't hate virgins. They do think that after a certain age its weird, though, because most well adjusted people desire human companionship and are empathetic enough of others to acquire it. Which means most - not all - incels either don't want human intimacy, or want it but are unable to attain it because they lack basic social skills. Neither of those qualities are things people typically want in friends.
brothel i guess
or cemetery
possibly autistic
most definitely a misanthrope
I don't know man, I just avoided it and the girls were interested in casual sex, not romanticism so they obliged. Now I want an actual gf and I'm scared.
Prostitutes user, prostitutes.
Probably still look like an incel though
I don't call myself an incel and I don't identify as such. I just never had sex before it's not a big deal for me.
If you're not married by your mid twenties if you're "saving yourself", you failed, and you're just naive and/or creepy after that.
If you can't find a woman who wants to marry you by 25, you have nothing worth saving.
No prostitutes, just really slutty chicks.
>He fell for the celibacy meme
Eh, slightly - glasses and balding. I don't have to give a shit anymore. If the relationship falls apart, I at least know the tricks to get another gf.
dude the first thing a slutty chick does it ram her toung down your throat
And the first thing I did was turn her around and bend her over. I avoided it because I always thought that it would turn her off and I would lose the sex. Now I regret that.
if that's your self-diagnosis, then all that prior greentext isn't necessary, you're just mentally ill
I dont say this ofter(or at all) but
Noope (((newfag)))
What do you mean? 4chin is being raided by 0iq polcels right now
personality disorders are just doctors' way of saying you're an asshole
>tfw I had sex at 16 and never had again for 12 years and counting because the girl laughed at my small and weird looking dick and now has confidence issues
The other posters are quite mean but you should def move out fren. You can always fall back and you might find your own happiness if you find independence
lmao at this incel cringe cope
is 5.4'' big enough for females? pls respond you non males
>tfw I had sex at 16 and never had again for 10 years
Same but not the dick thing.
You'd have to mentally ill to not think there are incels here coping heavily with anger and that it's extremely cringy.
Because women and men throw their purity away and all they have left is the lie they share that it never meant anything.
That cope thing is an incel thing, false fagger
it's not a need.
>if you missed it in teenage years you are never going to get the full reality of sex and intimacy
nothing could be more wrong.
your teenage encounters are insignificant compared to later relationships
Never met a girl I enjoyed being around long enough to smash
he got paid
>Sexual purity
Turning twenty in a week but I feel like I'm a lost cause already.
Anyone else?
it wasn't self-diagnosis. never seek treatment though, learned to live this way
Never a lost cause until you hit 40.
controlling parents, short leash, no real friends. i don't like or trust people to be more than colleagues.
being a virgin doesn't bother me. im not a neet and have all the money and free time i want with 0 responsibilities.
missing out? who cares. you wont miss the taste of chocolate if you never had it.
unironically based
Based and redpilled
You probably just need the right kind of help
Im over 25 and over half the people I know are virgins (obviously male)
probably about half of those deserve it / its obvious, the other half just unlucky / not in a position to be dating (bad area / too high standards, living with parents, temporarily unemployed / shit job)
>describing a meme as some kind of arthurian legend instead of just posting the fucking thing
god newfags were a mistake
aww not again!
cmon man dont take the bait, its pretty obvious its one actual incel insulting all the r9k posters for (You)s
Why do people keep referencing maslow's hierarchy of needs like it's in some psychologically infallible piece of wisdom? , it's just a popular leadership model , they are a shit load more like it, about as annoying as people taking marketing terms like boomers and millennial and attempting to apply them culturally.
>6'5", ripped/athletic (thanks /fit/), wide frame, 7/10 PSL face, 8"x6" dick (thanks pegym), fashionable
>KHV at 23
I mog normalfags, looksmaxxed so hard they are intimidated now. Got scouted as a model too, feels supreme. Ignoring all used up roasties now and will settle for an 18yo after I get my STEM PhD
This. Kinda just bad luck / statistics.
Now if you live in a large city, there is 0 excuse. I know people whove had action or sex in the past in college, but once they get to adulthood they realize dating is in uncharted territory with how much cellphones have poisoned our culture. Even otherwise normal outstanding nonvirgins have a hard time coming to terms that its hard as fuck to date
women have too many choices and get choice paralysis
most men obviously get 0 responses
this is compounded if you live in a very shitty rural area or in suburbs 40 minutes away from the nearest city
There was a girl who would hug and hold hands with me. She was the only one who didn't treat me like a subhuman piece of shit, and I have never liked or connected as much with anyone as I did with her. She rejected me and started dating some handsome Chad instead though.
Years later I am still obessessed with her. 24 yo btw.
Men being incels is much more common than women.
The reasoning behind this is obvious. Women are much more likely to share partners than men are. That's where all the cat fights come from in college. This behavior is pushed further by the economic incentive for women to "marry the government" thanks to the welfare state that will subsidize single mothers for their lack of responsibility.
What's even crazier is the high causal relationship between single parent household and crime, poverty, lower education.
Women are essentially ruining society by sleeping with whomever they deem worthy, having the occasional oopsie baby, whilst being completely free of any consequences.
Well, people who do believe that (religious people) also get married before getting old, around the age of 22
If you are 40 years old and a virgin you are naive and creepy. Yes, that includes priests
it's soft science, mostly just bullshit everyone's comfortable with.
Just sit back, relax and watch the genetic lineage of these hypergamous sluts dwindle into the lower class (Most likely mutted up too)
Meanwhile focus on your career and then later find the rare uncorrupted girl to put some kids in
This. You risk creating an uncomfortable work environment that you can't get away from if things go south.
Basically because im ugly, and not the type you can fix with lifting, good hygiene, or even surgery. Ive got a genetic condition that makes me like that, theres nothing I can do about it.
This never affected my confidence though, and up until my college years I tried my best to hookup with girls to no avail. Even if they liked me, my ugliness is something they could never get past.
After I graduated I started fucking hookers regularly, just to get it done with, fucked hundreds probably, but even the best hooker will not give you the feeling of someone whos fucking you not for your money.
So yea like many anons pointed above, the problem with virginity is not the lack of sex, but the lack of intimacy, which leads to broken men who are missing a core part of being human.
What people need to understand is that some people were fucked in the genetic lottery and no amount of "being yourself" will help them.
Now I just stopped trying altogether, I have a career, friends, loving family etc, but eventually my family will die and my friends will move on to their own families, at this point ill be alone. Its a perspective that scares me, but ive learned to accept it.
Try 25...
You can remove PPP using Iodine Treatment. Google it and fix your wiener
Hardcore religion really fucks up your sexuality. I don't think that I'll ever be okay with having sex outside of doing it exclusively for reproductive purposes (after marriage of course)
>Even if they liked me, my ugliness is something they could never get past
I know this feel very well. I don't have a genetic condition like you, I'm just 'normal' ugly. I've been able to make friends with girls many times, so I guess my personality is not the problem, but nobody ever wanted to date me. I asked a couple of them if I was ugly and they looked fucking depressed, and they told me that "it's what's inside that matters", and that I "will find someone who isn't superficial one day". I don't feel human anymore, I feel like an alien thing wearing a human suit.
Well fuck that, normal people don't have to *hope* they can find someone (who probably isn't someone that they actually) who will accept them one day. And even if I find a woman who will accept me, it most likely won't be someone I actually want to be with, they would only accept me because they can't get anyone better either, and a relationship based on that could only be the source of endless ressentment and suffering.
At this point I am so broken that I don't even know what to do, I can't relate to other people anymore. I am bitter and I feel dead inside. I went to psychiatrists and therapists and they could do nothing for me. The idea that there's still decades of living as a lonely, bitter old man waiting for me is terrifying.
Why would you do this to me, Yea Forums? I just wanted to talk about some kinos.
Take revenge in some way
Post pic
Unless you're hideous, you can do fine with confidence, dressing well and money. You can land a 6/10. Just be worthwhile in ways that aren't looks, and don't wallow in your self-pity.
If you're less than 5/10, you're fucked though and will have to settle for someone just as ugly or fat.
Just find someone ugly you retard. If you won't accept someone ugly then you're the problem.
Obviously wont, but you can easily visualize how I look like. Imagine that meme ugly dude with the call of duty shirt. Now give him a hunchback tier scoliosis, thick glasses, make him 6.7 feet tall with a skeleton king frame. Yes, I have Marfans syndrome.
Become an SJW and find a landwhale who thinks attractiveness is a bigoted concept, like Ben Pack did.
Are you Ben Pack?