I think most of people here don't realize Disney is scared shitless not just because one Captain Marvel movie is hated...

I think most of people here don't realize Disney is scared shitless not just because one Captain Marvel movie is hated before it's even out. They shit their pants because she take semi important part in Endgame and if people won't go to watch that shit which suppose to be their biggest profit for single flick yet things will be really bad. I bet they will put trailers hiding her from eyes until you will buy ticket and see it for yourself.

Attached: xr5dE4w8_400x400.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i too enjoy shitting up this board. kudos for making yet another thread about capeshit.

Lucky for me, Infinity War was a fitting ending for the series.

Seething DCfags are truly ruining Yea Forums. You shoulda seen the day Rotten Tomatoes proved their thoughts and opinions were absolutely meaningless after they spent months spamming... they literally shit themselves and smeared it all over their faces in rage.

It actually was kinda hilarious.

Imagine actually believing Endgame won't make even more than IW. Even if Captain Marvel flops, normies will go see the end to it all. Capeshit always wins

Nobody fucking cares about Captain Marvel. It's based on a shitty comic book created by a shitty comic book company. Weather anyone likes it or not, the nerds and mainstream normies will probably enjoy it and want more, and Armin the cuck from ComicBookCast2 will make a bunch of shitty videos dissecting every little reference it makes to the dogshit picture books the film is based on. Can we stop talking about these shitty Marvel films, leave our basements and go for some tendies instead please?

When does this fucking movie even come out, I'm looking forward to it being forgotten about

Next Friday. Guarantee you no one will be talking about it two weeks after it releases.

Attached: giphy.gif (337x263, 3.96M)

The fight scene on the bus looks great. I'm hyped!

Attached: Captain Manvel.jpg (617x782, 74K)

>Lucky for me, Infinity War was a fitting ending for the series.

>Thanos wins.
>So many useless shit characters snapped away or killed.

I'm thinking the same thing. Infinity War is the best way to end my MCU time.

Normally yes but because it ties into Endgame they will.

lmao what on earth were they thinking?

that's why I understand that a squel is needed.
Everybody is dead and thanos isn't a threat anymore since he retired to be a farmer.
Why prolong a conflict just have even more people killed.
I know the real reason, so they can have a woman beat up the big bad guy but as a film plot it makes no sense.

Well, it was the Avengers who fucked it all up in the first place, so they got what they deserved.
I also believe that they missed great opportunity with the ending, because it would be peak kino if Thanos would also turn into dust as he was sitting in his garden.
I don't have much interest in the Endgame, because time travel fuckery is the the deathknoll of any fictional universe, because it is a cheap copout of creatively empty mind that immediately takes away all the stakes in any situation.

>this is your mind on /pol/

I guess when you’re insignificant in the real world this is only natural to think you’re at the crux of everything on the internet

At this point it is impossible to Endgame to flops. Even if there was 20 fungus-covered angry nurgle cultist in this movie, people will go to watch how it ends

You can trash the mcu all you want but they've done a great job with the characters and the screen time they all get. I don't understand how they could be solid for 10 years and then for the ending of all these phases mess it up by having a newly introduced character just save everyone. The only reason people are watching is for the phase 1 guys. How could they make such a huge mistake this suddenly?

Well, I will be shitting up the board with threads about it and posting webms of white males getting BTFO in that movie for at least two months.

If Disney really cared about this flick's perfomance so much they'd simply order Brie to keep her mouth shut or apologize.

Yes, but have you considered that this was a brilliant ploy to cast Rogue as an actually attractive woman and have her mindrape Danvers into a coma?

Disney is just as bad. Go away adshill. You're kind ain't welcome round these parts.

thats a retarded statement. people who didnt see Infinity War won't be seeing Endgame, there is no way it could make more

Yeah actually would have been almost redeemable for the series.

You speak of Captain Marvel as if it could ruin something potentialy good. Let me put your fears at ease then. Larson can not ruin something that´s already trash. The source material of Captain Marvel was NEVER good, the character herself is annoying as fuck (so technically Larson is doing it justice) and as for Endgame there is no chance that on itself is good. If Marvel was ever decent they dropped the ball around Age of Ultron and Civil War...

In the comics events work because the tie-ins explore the individual repercusions on the lives of the characters involved. It humanizes them and adress dramatic aspects and whatnot, however in the MCU this is not the case. Plain simply the capeshit movies avoid dealing with the important stuff and with consequences (except maybe Watchmen) so the individual movies where reduced to build up for the "event" which ends up basically being a big CGI fight. It was entertaining maybe the first time (at least as much as any glorified high budget TV show) but repetition really took the eventfulness from it.

The point is that right now Marvel is not able to make a "good" movie. It´s only able to repeat itself over and over and over and provide mindless forgettable entertainment which is what most of the people that watches capeshit want. (no wonder they didn´t like watchmen). The movie will be as mediocre as every other Marvel movie after Winter Soldier, no better no worse and it will do just as well on the box office.

Attached: 1550275066037.png (390x480, 119K)

It's going to make a billion and usher in an era of insufferable female-led superhero movies.
Why, you ask? Because the pseudo-woke crowd who watch drag shows & flocked to see Black Panther have been socialized to believe that they have a moral responsibility to support large corporations when they pander to progressive politics. Part of this is feeling a powerful vicarious thrill when their beliefs are validated on the big screen - typically signaled by shouting YAAS QUEEN.
It won't last though. Hollywood is a bastion of corporate greed, not the savior of the left. They'll pump and dump the church of white guilt, extracting maximal short term profit before burning them out and moving on.

Attached: 1546713051735.jpg (1200x1196, 329K)

is there anything more repulsive than an incel?

is there anything more repulsive than a discord tranny?

>It's going to make a billion

not a chance, black panther and aquaman managed it because they had fuck all competition, and blacks and china loved them respectively, and wonder woman already got the "first female lead" title

captain marvel's got three weeks until dumbo releases, a week later shazam releases, three weeks later it's endgame. 800m is reasonable for it

Most buses only go about 40 mph, and even slower in the cities, that like staging a fight on the back of a turtle.

Error in logic, Thanos will continue his space conquest and now has the ultimate nuclear deterrent. The team is also literally called Avengers, people who Avenge, dumb ass. Also explain this to me, big thinker
>Spider-man shows up and doesnt resolve the plot
>Black Panther shows up and doesnt resolve the plot
>Vision shows up and doesnt resolve the plot
>But Captain Marvel will resolve everything

You're fucking stupid, here is the Infinity Gauntlet arc from Doctor Strange's perspective
>ladeeda just got done adventuring, boy sure is nice
>lets all go fight Thanos
>everyone dies
>unrelated characters resolve plot
>Doctor Strange: "Boy that was a trip, aint it crazy no one is going to remember that? ladeeeda....
So for you to flat out lie or spread misinformation that comics handle event tie ins BETTER when all it has done for decades is randomly interrupt a story in progress, is fucking stupid. Again, Infinity Gauntlet only existed to sell Adam Warlock's new ongoing series, you fucking idiot. So im sure youll ignore this and just talk about how much you hate the movies, but my point is the source material isn't any better on a consistent basis. Enough to the point that the movies have more consistent continuity and character. So you blaming the adaptation is so inane, and if you would then say the source material isn't even good then one questions why you're watching movies you get no kind of value out of. Its literally western shonen and you're saying "gosh, but where's the meaning!?"

>Lucky for me, Infinity War was a fitting ending for the series.
Honestly this. Infinity War is as close to Kino that the MCU will ever achieve.

>Captain Marvel movie is hated before it's even out
the only ones that hate it are you deluded crybaby DCucks
everyone else will decide if they like it or not after watching it, like a normal person does

K keep me posted

This is the most try hard marketing campaign in history.

>that like staging a fight on the back of a turtle.
Y'know man, some people like to think the whole world is riding on the back of a turtle. But then ya gotta ask; what's the turtle riding on? So like, now i'm thinking maby the turtle is iding on some kind of cosmic metro bus.

It's really metro buses all the way down . . .

Attached: expanding my already activated brain.jpg (400x400, 25K)

DC fans were fine with Wonder Woman. Marvel has their own set of incels to be more concerned about.

Posters can exist in a quantum superposition of being neither a mousetard nor DCuck. I understand this is a complex idea but you really need to integrate this into your paradigm.

>You shoulda seen the day Rotten Tomatoes proved their thoughts and opinions were absolutely meaningless after they spent months spamming..

Rotten Tomatoes, which is owned by Fandango, which is run by a former Disney executive.

Wonder how that happened?

Uh, no sweaty. Rotten Tomatoes proved them right.

Why would Disney be scared? Because 70 autists on Yea Forums won't want to see Captain Marvel?


Attached: 7-59.jpg (800x1200, 101K)

Anyone who isn't a while male:
Incels and /pol expats
Imagine being this fucking fragile


Brie is hot as fuck, too.

Attached: xdEWLCdwGgcFyaU1qTCWlNK86ydCREF5oCzbvBHQ6ek.jpg (960x720, 101K)

>disney is spending tens of millions of dollars on marketing because 70 autists don't want to see the movie

>100 lbs of makeup, lingerie, and hair dye to make Brie Larson look like a reject Maxim cover girl.

That's just sad. Also this blows her faux feminism out of the water. If she was attractive enough to live off her beauty she totally would.

There are always millions in marketing. It isn't done because you and 69 incels are whining on a Chinese second-hand shoes forum.

Brie isn't hot as fuck, she is simply normal looking. I don't agree with people calling her ugly either.

You don't seem aware of how retarded you sound right now.

You must be autistic.

Attached: brie-larson-elle-zoom-03-2fdacd19-8218-4d83-a1ae-cd2479544ad7.jpg (1490x1800, 1.88M)

The actual story (in Thanos Quest and the books that followed it) is even worse. Certainly a lot more cringeworthy.

Why this cunt chooses to wear open toe shoes at every opportunity is so beyond me. Her feet are a cataclysmic disaster and I'm not even a footfag

Yea Forums here, She's Captain Affimative Action: A Powerful Wamen. They are gonna take storylines from better comic characters and give it to her. In the MCU She was an earth hero long before Iron Man, so they'll steal Quasar's story arc of being stuck travelling through space for years and blend it with Silver Surfer's role in the Infinity Gauntlet saga where he tries to steal Thanos's glove at the last second. Except it'll actually work or it'll distract Thanos long enough for the whole Tony Stark/Ant Man suit time travel thing to work.

>projected opening 180
>projected opening 100
>projected opening 80
>RT want to see 57
>RT want to see 40
>RT want to see 27
>RT disables want to see function

Attached: kek hahaaaa.jpg (856x960, 97K)

You chimps are taking the projection to whole new levels. Liberalism really is a mental illness.

>be me
>be incel
>be unable to get laid
>hate women for my own shortcomings and refusal to do what it takes to be with a woman
>decide to shift blame
>accuse women of my own shortcomings
>since I must save face, I must convince myself that all women are whores, otherwise my hatred would be unfair (which it actually is but I must repress that)
>confirmation bias helps me see women as solely evil, stupid, slutty, whore-like
>that's how I save face
>it doesn't get me any love, though
>I condemn myself to eternal hell by raping logic, truth, beauty, and good
>I get exactly what I deserve
>I am a piece of shit and I should burn

Attached: ankle-strap-wedding-shoes-beautiful-brie-larson-wears-trendy-sandals-at-the-glass-castle-of-ankle-st (683x1024, 133K)

Sure thing, sweaty.
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account

Neither of these look like her because of all the make up. The first photo doesn't even resemble her. Also they had to photoshop the fungus out of both pics

Her feet are hot as fuck.

Attached: 2713245.main_image.jpg (1000x1500, 214K)

Have you learned nothing from Trump?

Attached: Brie-Larson-Too-Hot.jpg (638x961, 67K)

>everyone shits on first bland trailer
>second trailer released to explain and clarify the first one
one of the shittiest signs of quality

You're projecting right now. Try convincing anyone that Brie isn't a fucking obsession to you now. Try.

The only reason I even know of this movie and woman is because of you incels turbo-sperging out about her.

I take the best from life and leave you the rest. Now I fap to her because she grew on me; also, I enjoy countering you morons as it is supremely easy.

Loads and winning arguments on the Internet. Meanwhile, you just seethe.

Attached: Brie-Larson-Legs-Sexy-Celebrity-Picture-Zeman-Celebrity-Legs-00014.jpg (540x700, 461K)

im not american but im glad trump won
noone cares for brian the fungus

muh conspiracy theory

Attached: xj53v85bxryz.jpg (761x1140, 306K)

Replace women with men and you described most women perfectly. They blame the "patriarchy" for their short comings because there are no real life examples to confirm their bias.

Mental illness is a beautiful thing.

It IS her, you moron. You're so used to bad pics only that you don't recognise her when she looks like herself, you stupid incel.

It wasn't fungus, you idiot, it was glue. The nail is obviously fake. You'd know if you'd spent some time with a woman who had fake nails. You utter, utter buffoon.

You don't deserve any love, you're too stupid. Die with your shitty genes, incel.

Attached: brie-larson-film-culture-critique.jpg (1080x720, 127K)

Why would I be obsessed with Brie Larson? She's a garbage human being in a bad movie.

I just find this shilling her and her movie hilarious. That and Disney's ability to take money making franchises and sink them.

That's every trailer. The first one is always elusive, the second one is longer and exposes more. You realise this for the first time because you're a neurotic piece of shit and you need confirmation bias to tell you Captain Marvel will be bad, as your psyche won't handle a good movie.

You literally couldn't like it even if it was the best movie of all time.

Seek therapy.

Attached: brie-larson-s1080x1080-452702-10200715.png (1020x1020, 1.73M)

Seriously, though. You guys aren't even capable of sounding like English speaking humans. It's the most half assed shill marketing ever.

>Disney shills damage controlling her foot fungus

fucking gross ahahahaha

>Why would I be obsessed with Brie Larson? She's a garbage human being in a bad movie.
You tell me. You keep posting in Brie threads.

Garbage human being because she disagrees with you?

You say the movie is bad, you haven't seen it. You're hysterical, user.

Attached: large.jpg (500x741, 67K)

>i-i-it's not fungus guys
>she's a beautiful human being

I honestly hope you got paid for that post. Doing it for free might be the saddest thing I've seen on the internet.

>It's the most half assed shill marketing ever.
Wait, you actually believe in shills...


Attached: dc79f51731756938f170f9cea370589a--brie-larson-style-inspiration.jpg (500x702, 67K)

They also wanted the big hero of the Marvel movies to be Captain 'Marvel'

Trying to make you see the light. You are mentally ill and you haven't noticed yet.

Good luck.

Attached: brie-larson-s1667x2500-452704.jpg (1667x2500, 628K)

No actual human being needs to be told that Captain Marvel is going to be bad.

I am paid in incel tears and asshurtin'. It's better than money.

Keep raging, incel.

Attached: brie-larson-dark-green-satin-ankle-length-evening-prom-dress-2.jpg (680x1020, 93K)

we're giving you the benefit of the doubt you aren't doing it for free

Garbage human being because she's a terrible person who subscribes to a toxic ideology.

I post in these threads to help you make a living. It's a public service. I'd hate to see you on welfare.

>No actual human being needs to be told that Captain Marvel is going to be bad.
It's going to be just fine. The trailer seems pretty cool. It will make 500 milions or more, mark my words. I will be there to enjoy seeing you seething.

I think it'll make a billion as it'll be the Black Panther of women.

Expect us.

Attached: brie-larson-elle-women-in-hollywood-cover.jpg (267x375, 32K)

literally nobody brought up politics. Holy fuck rent free is no joke

If only the left could meme. All these recycled and repeated insults, over and over and over again. I almost feel bad for you "people."

>Garbage human being because she's a terrible person who subscribes to a toxic ideology.

Like... you?

Attached: brie-larson_4305023-500x625.jpg (500x625, 232K)

You don't have to bring it up. It seethes out of your every pore. It's what makes leftists so obnoxious to actual people in every thing they infest.

Problem for you is that I am no leftist. What are you gonna do now, incel? I'm not even American, you moron.

Attached: brie-larson-05-17-ss02.jpg (1055x1440, 390K)

My ideology is fine. It would even allow people like you to exist within its framework.

>Someone makes comment not related to politics
Rent free

Who do you honestly think you're fooling? Do you think this endless shilling is actually convincing people to see this movie?


>looks like a libtard
>sounds like a libtard
>acts like a libtard
>nah probably not a libtard

>Disney is scared of 1000 incels
This doesn't sound like the hyperbolic self-importance incels are known for

>My ideology is fine. It would even allow people like you to exist within its framework.
Too bad you know nothing of me, faggot. Your ideology is incelism, a toxic piece of shared mental illness, loaded with projections, confirmation biases out the ass, paranoia, and whatnot.

You have a demented response to everything.

>people like Brie
muh shills, Disney pays people to say good things about Brie!

>Brie is hot
no she's not! here are my shoop da whoops that prove she is gross, has no ass, and has foot fungus!

>it's actually glue and a fake nail
no you is lyin'!

>no really, it's glue and a fake nail, look at it
no u!

Attached: 8af1ddd5cf314ae98c1d4910c4084fb7.jpg (770x1055, 82K)

I didnt think anyone outside of 70 y/o boomers living on welfare said that. Thanks for the news! Goodluck with your mom's basement

The answer is in your post. I'm not trying to convince anyone to do anything, you moron, which is why I am no shill, you deluded freak. You really think grown men get paid to shitpost here? Downsize that ego, narcissus, nobody gives a shit about your opinion.

Attached: Brie-Larson-Feet-2556142.jpg (1140x1500, 681K)

Do you think being called incels really offends anyone?

For the love of God. Invent your own fucking insults.

No wonder you chimps lost your shit over the NPC meme. It's literally true.

Attached: NPC.jpg (960x940, 115K)

I was thinking more on the lines of Spiderman in Civil War. In the comics him unmasking and revealing his secret identity is part of the event but the consequences of doing so are in his tie in stories. May dying and Peter going full monty to kill the King Ping was something no short of amazing and game changing. It was so radical that they had to take it back. Not even the comic dared to explore that route further.

Meanwhile in the movies there where no repercusions after civil war. They just show them divided for like 15 minutes before they all decide to put their differences apart and fight Thanos.

I am not saying the comics are always consistent either. They´ve reseted that shit tons of times because they don´t know how to deal with the aftermaths either but the individual comics at least add some of the drama the main event leaves out. This just doesn´t happen with the movies and most of the interesting aspects of an event are lost.
For example in civil war the movie itself does not delve on how divided society is about super hero issues and honestly the Captain doesn´t even adress how if heroes where to be under the orbit of a government they would be weaponized. The core discussion is never adressed and at the time it came out there wheren´t even enough heroes to make that arc.

Not every tie in is good or interesting either i agree but those that do are what make an event important because those things are usually what change the status quo. In the MCU however the status quo almost seems to reset making the events themselve inconsequential.

I'm not an incel, sweaty.

You're trying way too fucking hard here.

>Do you think being called incels really offends anyone?

>For the love of God. Invent your own fucking insults.
Shut up incel.

>No wonder you chimps lost your shit over the NPC meme. It's literally true.

Attached: 35-14.jpg (2046x1536, 334K)

It's written "sweetie", you moron.

Attached: 5431747-brie+larson.gif (499x277, 1020K)

>n-n-no one cares about your opinion
>defends brie larson with hundreds of posts a day

I know it annoys you to see how hot she actually is. That turns me on.

Attached: 1-2-1000x574.jpg (1000x574, 48K)

>one guy posts one thing about not being an autistic loser.
>proceeds to post 800 threads screeching about women and minorities in films because nobody wants to date them.

>she'll be the one to say AVENGERS ASSEMBLE

Attached: 1527118883293.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

>defends brie larson with hundreds of posts a day

You think one guy does all of it? AHAHAHAHAHA

You incels are fucking unbelievable. Your mind will twist like a motherfucker to accommodate the most ridiculous version of reality. Top kuck.

Seems like all of the former JLaw white knights moved over to Brie.

This, so much this.

Attached: KongLarson.jpg (620x400, 19K)

Why do you mind that I like her?

Attached: xY5oNfp.jpg (1280x1310, 259K)

>the Black Panther of women.

Women go to the movies to see chads like Aquaman. They actually hate each other.

Cringe thread, cm wont flop, has Black Panther teached you nothing?

Jesus Christ, how many threads do we need about this movie? It's just another run of the mill capeshit, but you guys are completely OBSESSED. Giving it so much attention is exactly what they want.

Attached: 1484252155513.jpg (400x384, 48K)

>They actually hate each other.
In incelism. In reality, they're just like men. Some they like, some they hate. Try telling me you have a solid network of male friends you love and who love you. Try.

Attached: 29-20.jpg (1470x2204, 157K)

Back to your irregular verbs, faggot.

Attached: brie-larson-05-17-ss04.jpg (1058x1440, 491K)

Uh oh. He's caught in an infinite loop. Someone should have learned to code. Quick, reboot him!

I've never posted a thread about women or minorities. Sounds like you're projecting.

t. incel

Attached: brie-larson-05-17-ss05.jpg (1057x1440, 492K)

Where did I say one guy does all of it? Clearly you have a staff. Some of them should probably brush up on their ESL skills.

what is this abomination of the english language even trying to say? for fucks sake

>I've never posted a thread about women or minorities.
>posts in a thread about a woman

I feel like this is just a glimpse of what's to come once the movie is out next week

>Where did I say one guy does all of it?

Right here
>n-n-no one cares about your opinion
>defends brie larson with hundreds of posts a day

See that S? It's used in third personal singular, meaning one. You fucking moron.

I'm looking forward to the hourly OH NO NO NO threads every time the RT scores change 1%.

Attached: npc_gray_lives.jpg (640x640, 35K)

It's sad that you aren't capable of seeing the difference. Words mean things little NPC.

>posts thots
>calls anyone incel
Okay, delta.

>using NPC unironically

NPC who has more sex than you

Attached: brie-larson-05-17-ss03.jpg (1068x1440, 477K)

>When does this fucking movie even come out
>Next Friday.

May I suggest that 4channel's Yea Forums discussion board implement a strict "general thread" policy for "Captain Marvel" movie?

Nobody wants dozens and dozens of threads all repeating the same bullshit and recycle the same memes inundating Yea Forums, a continual general thread will contain the shit in on place and not bump valid threads off the page.

Attached: General Thread Schwarzkopf.jpg (1200x1516, 438K)

Only if it bombs, which it won't, or breaks records, which it probably won't either. I'm thinking (hoping) post release will be anti-climactic.

Attached: 29 years old.jpg (905x1222, 248K)

May I suggest that you go back to r/faggot

Attached: 29yrs old.jpg (958x1274, 175K)

It's the only outlet for right-wingers to unleash their hate. They're generally too cowardly and weak to do it on public social media sites, so they cling to an anonymous forum. Can't leave the incel hugbox now can we?!

She's never going to fuck you, sweaty.

They actually believe that spamming captain fungus all day is going to make people want to see the movie.

Imagine actually saving these so you can repost and convince yourself and other incels that Brie Larson isn't hot as fuck.

Attached: KurtIswarienko-BrieLarson-KONG-ISS-BLUESKY-BL-002P-0060RTFr.jpg (1708x1140, 281K)

And, unlike you, I am OK with that. What's more, if I could meet her, there would actually be a chance. You can't say as much, but I sure fucking can.

So hot.

Attached: larson.jpg (887x594, 89K)

her face turns me on

>if I could meet her, there would actually be a chance

Attached: 00intro.1.jpg (400x300, 14K)

You seriously believe rotten tomatoes reviews aren't bought?

I'm serious. I'm handsome, I'm hot, I have a killer body and I make 15k a month. I know you'll think I'm lying, but it's all true. I would have a chance with Brie, clearly. I've had sex with celebs before.

Nobody mentioned that. I'm talking about the alleged "shills" on Yea Forums.

Attached: main-qimg-b0753908e2860d6446980690b62a0882.jpg (800x529, 100K)

Attached: lego_brie.jpg (720x720, 42K)

Attached: 29 yrs old.jpg (802x1132, 128K)


Just when you thought the thread couldn't be more sad...

she was so incredibly hot in this


Attached: pooed.jpg (1280x720, 344K)

Why is social politics now a advertising tactic, and why are you all being fooled into playing along with it?

I thought you were movie fans, not outrage machines.

Just don't go see it if you don't want to see it, why do you care?

Not the originally poster, but the reason Marvel releases all its movies onto Netflix is specifically to acquire viewership from people who didn’t see the previous enstallments. Going by your logic no sequel could ever make more than its predecessor. It would bring a smile to my face if it flops though.


Captain America 1
Thor 1, 2, 3 (had to watch the rifftrax version to get through 2)
Guardians of the Galaxy 1
Iron Man 1
Dr. Strange

Ask me stuff.

Attached: 1546821193615.jpg (1080x1350, 104K)

I'm sorry you find the comparison between you and me unflattering. It's OK, though. It's not like you can fuck anyway.

Hahahahah, glue?!! Faggot shill.

>god she's so fucking hot I just wanna nibble her toes and eat her fungus
this is your mind on Marvel

Attached: brie cheese.jpg (2000x2533, 1.43M)

I’m serious. There is no reason to allow Yea Forums to get flooded by a bazillion Captain Marvel threads when the flick comes out, all of which will consist of the same tired memes and the same comments. Keep that shit in a general thread and everybody will be happy.

It worked well for /got/ and Star Trek maintains generals on their own and I honestly don’t know why generals aren't mandated for other movies and tv shows that are shitting up Yea Forums?

Attached: General Thread Patton.jpg (1712x2500, 359K)

We were movie fans. And video game fans. And comic book fans. And fans of everything else the left has infested and destroyed.

Fortunately they'll never take schadenfreude.


>the pseudo-woke crowd who watch drag shows & flocked to see Black Panther
Black people made Black Panther a hit, they saw it in droves and watched it multiple times. The film performed pretty much like an average Marvel film overseas.

Attached: 1551384449434.jpg (1310x754, 239K)

Attached: womyn1541173767311.jpg (1440x760, 188K)

Endgame won't flop, but every subsequent movie that isn't Spiderman, Thor or Black Panther absolutely will.

Here's art made by a woman.

Attached: 71879_poster_l.jpg (400x500, 80K)

Bries toe fungus, your dilation wound.

Imagine thinking that Captain Marvel will be more shitty than the already shitty series. Every single movie is the same exact thing, but with different color magic coming off things.


You must be blind

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The only person obsessed with brie is brie.

Doesn't count.

>her feet are fine guys, its just GLUE.
>why does she need to glue on tiny fake nails? uuuuh dont worry guys,she's FIIINE

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shes not a feminist

You're actually asking why women get fake nails. I will tell you: fake nails are easier to take care of because you don't have to use polish on them. It saves you a lot of time and lasts much longer than polish.

How do you know your "artist" is a feminist?

Attached: 99insight.png (326x877, 590K)

so fucken hot

>Brie is hot as fuck
She has that same weird jaw and forehead thing going on that Ellen Page does. Why do all these ugly dikes look the same?

no,I'm asking why she would get tiny fake nails that could only cover nonexistant/rotting toenails beneath, and why even her fake toenails are chipped and uneven

Attached: the fungal valley.png (830x733, 1.59M)


Post your feet, let's compare.

why the fuck didnt they just make a NOVA movie instead of a carol the cunt movie?

no one likes carol outside of maybe wolverine, because shes the biggest sack of miserable pity party boo hoo faggotry outside of him in the marvel universe.

Richie Rider would have been badass with his homeboy Quill like the comics.

Has to be

The only pictures of her that look halfway attractive don’t even look like her at all.

Attached: big feminist movie.jpg (813x834, 97K)

>I'm not an incel
t. incel

Projection, shaming and gaslighting are the only tactics used by the left. It’s embarassing at this point.

Runs contrary to his assertion.

Larson's preparation for the stunt-heavy role included an intensive, four-hour daily gym routine with trainer Jason Walsh that eventually saw the 5-foot-7 actress dead-lifting 225 pounds, hip-thrusting 400 pounds and pushing Walsh's Jeep up a hill. There were days when the intensity of the training reduced her to tears and days when she got irritated by men at Walsh's West Hollywood gym who doubted her strength. "This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "

It's the time that I was starting to be able to lift a lot more and I was learning how to punch and kick and do judo throws," she says. "It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.' And learning to not feel guilty about taking up space like that."

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rotten tomatoes is owned by warner you gigantic sperg

so why are incels so obsessed with trannies?

Ma’am, please take your meds. This level of histrionics is unbecoming for such a strong, powerful woman.


Attached: brie toe.jpg (580x438, 41K)

>post your (male) feet on a taiwanese windchime weaving forum to prove your point that a female celebrity has fucked up fungal-infested toes
yeah no thanks I'm good

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The CEO is a former Disney executive.

They're disgusting and need to be stopped

>It wasn't fungus, you idiot, it was glue

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>The only pictures of her that look halfway attractive don’t even look like her at all.
Just think about it a little more...

>have two normie mexican roommates who are obsessed with Marvel movies
>went to see Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, Infinity War all on opening night
>they havent said anything about Captain Marvel
Feels good

You don't have to use polish on real nails.

Attached: 1551385889435.jpg (813x834, 98K)

It's what incels specialise in.

No it's not. WB (owned by AT&T) have minority stake. It's owned by Comcast.

It actually looks like glue.

>I'm not even American, you moron.
then who cares what you have to say then, KEK?

Does it bother you that your kind has run every insult they've ever used so far into the ground that it has essentially desensitized just about everyone to your nonsense? Probably not self-aware enough for that. Sad.

Here's what toe fungus looks like. It's nothing alike.

Attached: princ_rm_photo_of_toenail_fungus.jpg (493x335, 46K)

It's extremely unlikely that a untested character with no emotional investment from the audiences would be a central figure in the climatic end of the culminating 15 years long journey in a movie specifically about these old characters

marvel movies are formulaic factory shit, but it's relatively ok in the sense that a mass produced car is well made

making captain marvel the ultimate bad ass out of nowhere would be retarded

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What was it?

thats a yikes from me incel

If you want color, yes, you fucking moron.

>beep boop
>beep beep

Her nails aren't people of colored.

Again, all you can do is project. Its sad. People hate faggots and are physically repulsed by tranny's btw; you'll never be fully accepted by society.

>those horrific toes

Attached: 551947_10151001519676583_1415658157_n.jpg (180x242, 9K)

she shoots up under her toenails. its the only spot she had left that could be covered and she thinks no one will recognize it for what it is.

Incels actually use confirmation bias, paranoia, projection. It's a fact.

A junkie would go between the toes first

You're describing the entirety of the left. It's a fact.

nice fake tits they added there lol

Holy shit the desperation from the shilling is pure comedy. This is incredible.

same, im a dirty ape from south america, but i really wanted trump to win so they could stop illegal immigration

>i make 15k a month and im super hot i-i swear!
>stop laughing!

she probably was shooting between the toes, till she was told you cant do that and wear those ugly ass open toed shoes.

I used to be a driver for a guy that was a drug dealer to the stars. I have seen models shoot up under toesnails, between pussy lips, between toes, bottom of the feet, but they all burn those spots out pretty quick.

Yes, but they don't have the monopoly on it. And for all I know, here, it's just you and me, so incels and me. No one here is a leftist.

It's the original picture.

I am, though.

Oh I don't doubt it, I knew junkies too
I just think in her case it's a mix of bad glue-on nails and fungus

I mean maybe she shoots dope into her foot I dunno I'm not a scientist

that look it has with the separation of the nail looks like this girl i knew that OD'd and then lost her leg and died during the amputation. she glued the toenail back on all the time. she wasnt even a real model, just a junkie that was really hot and would do anything to get high.

that's hot
that's a hot way to live

Already told me bro he has to see Thanos 2 first and tell me if Rotten To Muh Toes just fucking swoops in and saves the universe. If so I'll pass.

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Lol u smug faggot. Nobody likes people that talk like you

Her fucking pants dont even fit lmao

no its gross. you rot from the inside out from it. god alone knows what its cut with, and if it will eat you up faster. she was a broken ass girl, that was so wrapped up in feeling like she was worthless, she wouldnt care if she did meet her prince. I felt bad she was so mentally ill and nothing short of being locked in a rehab ward with really good doctors that actually cared, nothing would change.


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nice makeup

I know it's actually very gross
The worst thing about a hot junkie is that you can't even fuck her
it's too risky

Thank you.

yeah, that was my boss's opening speech on the first day.

he said find a nice plump thing and have babies with her, and leave these diseased hoes to the coroner, free clinics and these degenerate rich perverts. the saddest thing is that they arent even good in bed, they are just fancy hood ornaments. they're all so fucking hung up on themselves and their OHHH IM SOOOOOOO SAAAAAAAAAD!!! I'M A SAAAAAAAAAAAD WIDDDLE GURRRRRRLL!!!! BOO HOO!!!! and oh god I hope this erectile dysfunction old jew doesnt wise up and expect more than a blowjob or im on the street!! to be able to let loose.

>Negative ass
Jesus christ

>Shitpost: The Post

It would actually be less sad if it was just one turbo sperg, the fact there is a group of weirdos spamming pics of a 5/10 actress to convince or anger a bunch of autistic virgins to go see a kids movie is fucking depressing

Boss of what?
Jesus christ man

Lmfaooooooo oh my god what a retard

maed me laff

but you're deluded, her ass is awesome

we are legion, we do not forget, we do not remembner, expict uss


he sold drugs, and was a walking red pill. he hated the junkies and the rich perverts but was unscrupulous enough to take their money.

So you worked for a drug dealer?

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yeah, but I was just the driver, and no it wasnt some fancy niggerrich car either, it was a new Chrysler town and country limited awd. it was a very under the radar car. and it was such a lame job 99% of the time.everyone was such a fucking pussy ass crybaby. its like i was their therapist or something.

>it was a very under the radar car
as they all are
the legendary black honda civic

Thanos loses the gauntlet because of his own ego. Adam Warlock confronts him about this and makes him realize he self-sabotaged because he knew he didn't deserve the power of the gauntlet. At the end Adam Warlock takes the gauntlet for safekeeping and restores everything

they use time travel (oh my bad it's "the quantum realm" in the script) to go back and systematically undo Thanos' plan from the beginning

Ant-Man saves the day by hiding in the gauntlet

screencap it

this, I don't want to go beyond that

i don't think it can beat IW numbers
we'll see soon enough

>the nerds
the nerds h8 Captain Marvel, the book has been relaunched 5 times since Carol Danvers get the mantle in 2012 and the book, other than the nº1 or the crossovers, sell arround 20k/ month at best and these are cancellation numbers

I dont think Disney is worried about anything. They're sitting pretty after having posted record profits last year.

Nobody will miss the endgame. Disney is not worried about it.

Attached: thefuck.webm (720x406, 845K)

>the only ones that hate it
are the people that hate Larson and all the SJW crap that this movie is about.

This. What is even the point of Endgame? Infinity War was MCU's big conclusion.

It was legitimately a good ending, win or "lose". The rest of this feels tacked on, and the tack holding it all up is a universally disliked person that can't keep her controversial borderline insane opinions to herself.

Attached: 1533166748351.jpg (475x363, 40K)

This. Fucking Aquaman made 1.2 billion. There is nothing Disney could do to stop A:E from earning less than 2 billion.

None of this is believable. She has no lower body muscle. And If you watch the "400" pound hip thrust you can also tell the plates are fake.

If I were Disney I would be more worried about Dumbo and Aladdin flopping.
Captain Marvel will probably do respectable numbers and Avengers is gonna break the bank.

Yet another abloo bloo bloi thread, because Brie said mean things on her twitter!

People will see Endgame regardless. There's no way it'll make IW numbers, but it'll still be highly successful, regardless of Captain Marvel's involvement.

The only thing Marvel needs to worry about if Captain Marvel doesn't catch on with audiences (not just financially, but the character itself) is that it would lead to some delays as they try and fix the script for her next movie to adjust her personality, or start minimizing her role in the Avengers.

Absolute worst-case (for Marvel/Disney), she's so badly received after 3 films that they just opt to not feature her in films anymore, and she's just relegated to cameos for the rest of her... I think 7 film contract?

I don't really get why spend 5 million burger bucks getting a boring and not even hot actress to play Carol. Audience will stick if she's charismatic enough.

There's nothing borderline about Brie Larson's insanity. Fifty years ago she'd have been shipped off to a convent, or a rubber room.

Looks like a broken fake nail and glue. You ever seen foot fungus?

Here is a solution. Since we got X-Men now just have Rouge put CM into a coma. Since Larson has a 7 or 8(cant remember) movie deal you can just make rouge visit comatose CM for a few movies then make CM a side character.

The state of disney shills

Attached: Forty_keks.jpg (600x528, 49K)

those are just ironic shitposters
they do it for free

Good luck with that, the whole "I was just pretending to be retarded" meme?

Attached: pretending retarded.png (244x226, 2K)

hey kohai I'm just telling you how it is

Is this Brie? Everyone was telling me her tits were fake

You’re right I take it back. After seeing that photo I’d say it’s no-assed

The last good capeshit movie was The Dark Knight

I am having more fun watching DC and Marvel race to the bottom than I ever did watching their movies.

Still, DC had aquaman and will have shazam, so it looks like they're recovering, while Marvel is going full speed down the fucking drain

You're too smart for this board.

Usually an ass would hug a suit like that too bad Brie literally has a pancake ass

It will be their own stupid fault for having the culmination of an 11+ year long story hinge on a brand new character who was dropped in a couple of months before the ending.

>Last shot of Infinity War is Thanos smiling in contentment as he is reduced to dust by his own snap
How kino would it have been?

>It will be their own stupid fault for having the culmination of an 11+ year long story hinge on a brand new character who was dropped in a couple of months before the ending.



You do not understand how the marketing works. Each movie is a setup for the future ones.


You clearly didn’t.

>she got irritated by men at Walsh's West Hollywood gym who doubted her strength. "This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "

Maybe the dude was just honestly surprised at his pupil being able to strengthen up so much so quickly, regardless of gender

>"It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.'
kek, so lady has a bit less estrogen pumping through her veins and now thinks it's 'progressive' to act like a little boy in kindergarten who doesn't get his way

>hip-thrusting 400 pounds
Why does she have 0 ass then?
For the dyelr's, hip thrusts (barbell or otherwise) are an isolation exercise, specifically the glutes (ass)

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this. no way it flops.....but it would be amazing if it did!

When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

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>The last good capeshit movie was The Dark Knight
>dark knight

With Ant Man and the Wasp as a post-script.

For such a strong, independent woman she sure does spend a lot of time slutting herself up for the enjoyment of men.

cap. marvel will retroactively ruin the rest of the movies, i don't know what they were thinking, nobody gives a flying fuck about her, not even in the comics, you spent 10 years setting everything for this movie, and you fuck it up by discarding your beloved characters for some literal thot, its kinda impressive, this feels like fallout 76

It's gonna get a half dozen Oscar nods. Jada Pinkett Smith will bitch halfheartedly because something something white Hollywood. It'll make less than Black Panther, 'cause no black churches will be busing people out to see it. I will never watch it, just as I will never watch Black Panther because I'm almost 40 years old and the privilege of not having to ever watch shit you don't want to watch is the fucking best part of getting old ever. Marvel will continue to cuck, and WB studios will continue to be a sad shadow of their former selves. Same as it ever was.

This is literally the only multiple reply poster I haven't immediately wished death upon. You actually make a good point by amassing all these images in one place.

Everything is explained by daddy issues.

just like how they wer eshit scared when thor 1 and 2 were awful

yes but everyone likes thor, women and men alike, nobody likes muh strong female womyn kicking some ass

only a set of brie larson leaks could convince guys to buy a ticket to see this film on opening weekend

most people i've talked to are going to wait for a bootleg or see it a couple of weeks before endgame

By that token, all incels can be explained by mommy issues?

Mommy issues are more of a liberal thing.

I can't wait for this shit to end, I'm sick of all this cuntery with slinging insults, "mysoginy", "incels", "watch my Ghostbusters 2016 shit movie".

All I can think of when I see Brie Larson is the image of her feet. And when I think of these toenails, I just imagine the smell of them, especially in socks and sneakers. I imagine this sorta hot, swampy, slightly cheesy, slightly fermented tea, vinegar smell, all combined into a sort of potent brew of despair. The kind of feet whose smell permeates a room when the shoes are taken off. The kind of feet whose socks are moist after being in sneakers all day. And when those socks are taken off and strewn on a floor or something left to dry, they get this sort of crunchy consistency after they dry.

I'm the kind of person who demands shoes be taken off when entering the house. I think I'd make an exception for Brie.


It's such a damn shame that the masterpiece Disney achieved with Infinity wars is going to be utterly undone by them pushing a Feminist agenda. Just think about it, a decade of work went into all of this, establishing arguably one of the best written villains in any comic movie outside of Joker. Thanos is going to be defeated by a Feminist, and it's going to be every bit as terrible as you can imagine. This is the reality we live in thanks to Leftists refusing to put SJWs in their place. If Trump loses in 2020 then things are only going to get that much worse, because these people are going to be emboldened. SJWs absolutely need to be rebuked by society as a whole and lose this culture war.

So incels are just self hating liberals with mommy issues because they gave up sooner on sucking up to women than did male feminists?
Take care of those mommy issues, incels

Ahh retarded liberals, I always enjoy reading the arguments they think I make.

>girl is the most powerfulestest ever
I bet it was written by this guy.

>he doesn't know

Attached: yeee-boi.png (213x206, 114K)

>When a Lego figure has more ass than you do

Attached: Homer smiles.png (304x296, 145K)

This thread is ridiculous, this whole discussion is pathetic, all of you are a bunch of fucking idiots. The guy calling everyone "incel" and the ones replying to it. All of you should just take a step back and stop wasting your time on this wormhole of a website.

>unironically using the term incel
>I am no leftist

The movie would've had more hype if they found a different actor for Captain Marvel. Brie Larson is just not a good choice for an action role. She can't even handle going to the gym without crying.

god lol you people are so fucking obvious with your samefagging and reddit responses. you so very truly have no self awareness

Brah I hate to break it to you but there's a lot more than just 2 retards in this thread. Im betting that at least 80 of the 130 posters are retarded. 81 now that I'm here

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Your average 4 will be a 9 with a professional photographer and make up artist, but it still wont make you a woman.

>disagreements mean they are a retarded liberal
Classic alt-cel counterargument

Thanos is literally retired. he is shown living a simple life as a farmer in a cottage by a lake somewhere. He accomplished his goal and now he's done.