Name a more soul-crushing scene / movie
Name a more soul-crushing scene / movie
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are there any english movies with this feel?
>Spends entire movie slowly winning over his dreamgirl
>You think it's gonna be a happy, romantic ending
>This happens
Honestly seems kinda cringe
The black pill is for PUSSIES
Fuck being a defeatist
Michel Houellebecq is a genius, it's unbelievable that he wrote this in 1994.
Redpilled af
The ending of "Pelíšky" Is pretty blackpilled.
the black pill is that shit don't matter in the long run.
clownworld guys ... amirite
this. all the big pua's went insane besides roosh. tyler turned his shit into a cult. mystery transitioned and now is an sjw
The difference being you can lose weight, work out, improve and take care of yourself in a mere fraction of the effort it takes to get rich.
Just stop fucking eating like a pig, ease on the sugary crap, balance out your diet a bit, bathe at least every second day, shave, get a good haircut, stop letting your mother dress you
and change shocks/underwear daily. You'll get at least a moderate boost in "muh sexual economics" even if the women aren't as amazing as you'd hoped. Getting rich is a whole other
unobtainable story; you're better off getting your shit straight and at least live a comfortable life. You don't need a ferrari, go get yourself a cruiser bike and thank me later.
Reading Houellebecq is depressing enough, I don't think I'd survive watching this.
another incel general
None of which will improve your shit tier facial aesthetics, cure your rosacea, increase your height, et cetera. Some people are just unloveable.
Do women prefer skinny guys or fat guys
I'm a chinlet and a jawlet so it doesn't matter what I do to my body or hair.
Tall slightly bigger men even if he is chubby but preferably muscled but not bodybuilder just “tone”
I could have fugged a total QT with a THICC ass and double D tits.
I did not and I fucked it up
It litteraly broke my psyche
Based Michel Houellebecq
why do you guys want blackpills? its a horrible way to live your life
>accepting the truth means being a defeatist
That's the most crushing part
She has so little respect for him, she doesn't even acknowledge his pain, she's just like "lol, weird guy is staring at me again, tee-hee"
>Read wikipedia outline.
>She takes back the guy who dumped her after knocking her up.
>Leaves the guy who spent every dollar he had helping her get an abortion and telling her he loved her.
Fuck I didn't need that today.
>I did my best
>But I guess my best wasn't good enough
>Seems nothing never changes
Fuck I didn't need that
I should probably watch instead of asking, but how does it get the point of he's thinking of proposing if she clearly isn't interested? Or is it foreshadowed that she's a heartless harlot?
The protagonist is literally "captain save a hoe" and he learns a hard lesson for it
It was a locket not a ring, it was her birthday party and he wanted to give her something really nice.
Instead he finds her kissing the guy who dumped her after knocking her up and then left her a wreck.
So he leaves and now probably has a gold locket he'll never be able to return and never give to anyone, a haunting reminder of his failures.
I'm fumin, I'll put it on my watchlist
you gzy are reading it all wrong
he probably wore the locket fimself as a reminder to never be weak again and become true alpha pussy slayer
source: the way his weepy gaze slowly turns steely on the drive home
>become true alpha pussy slayer
he doesn't have the genetics for that
How can the movie be based on a book if the movie came out first???
these things work if you have a genetic base that isn't unattractive to people or to the opposite sex
people with okay genetics who don't take care of themselves but suddenly decided to fix their body issues and realized that they can look good when they take care of themselves, they will tell you 'just take care of yourself and you'll get confident and etc' while they don't realize they're basically pic related
what about the people who already have good hygiene, improve their appearance as much as possible and are still unattractive because their facial aesthetics or body shape just aren't attractive in any form? one of my best friends has this problem, he's a really nice person, takes care of himself, works out, his face is clear and his hair is never a hair out of place, but the truth is that his facial structure and hair genetics are shit, his proportions are weird, taking care of himself does not change it
You don't need a pretense of an economic system for any of this, it's faux thinking that makes you think some socialist system could be made that would stop this from happening, when the reality is that this would bubble to the surface no matter what economics you apply to it because economic theories are defunct and never actually change the way things are.
is Tom Cruise in Magnolia Black Pill?
this is really funny out of context
doesnt the same actor play scullys brother on xfiles?
fucking hate his face
It's not all about looks user. I have Chad level attractiveness, but neurosis, self doubt, depth of thought, skepticism, and even empathy control options with women.
no you don't, you don't have any of that. girls are easy, you just say shit and they're dumb enough to want to fuck you. i'm 5'4 and get with plenty of chicks. you move in quick and finish with them and move on.
no youtube link
lol just bee yourself bros
sóyboys aren't incels
This is like a very handsome version of patrice o'neal
This is true, but the last part is straight up denial.
>that pic
that's bullshit. I'm not in a relationship because a NEED someone to tell me she loves me, I'm in a relationship because I WANT to tell that special someone I love her.
Does the kid want his dick or something?
This guy is literally the John Locke of Incel life, damn this hit me hard being an incel myself.
Tarkovsky said something along the lines of "people have to learn how to be okay with being lonely or they'll spend their entire life living for others"
Want real blackpills? Read Houellebecq's other books, Atomised and Possibility of an Island specifically.
at least they've got something resembling a strategy
I'm one of the former party; I am 100% certain that if I started taking better care of myself, my sex life would improve drastically; and I have even slept with one girl I was completely certain was out of my league when I was at my physical peak that convinces me that's not just me fooling myself. But the concept that I would be making a conscious change in my behavior with no other objective but to please people who I don't have any respect for is a huge hurdle to overcome; how do I accept the "no pain, no gain" lifestyle knowing that whatever pain I experience is in service of getting somebody else to like me?
and then he killed an entire film crew, himself included, with radiation poisoning
Yes he was a genius
>t. yorkshire terrier
>all that and more
>completely socially inept with women
The greatest barriers are mental, not physical
>Tarkovsky said something along the lines of "people have to learn how to be okay with being irradiated or they'll spend their entire life living"
That steely gaze is the outward expression of hatred, anger and rage building in his soul. He will probably get laid someday, but he will never feel joy from it and will be crippled by insecurity his entire life.
Not actually true. People in relationships can have self respect before they get into it but the relationship itself is like a drug they get dependent on and when it ends they go without the drug. That's why they suffer because it's like trying to kick a minor to major addiction.
now where's that Tab I ordered?
what movie is this
H, duh
just kidding, bruh, it's Happiness, bruh
Holy shit, I thought that was a parody dub. Not going to be watching that anytime soon. Fuck nihilism.
Unless you're literally atavistic, your face is not going to matter all that much.
Because the actual fact of the matter is, all this "blackpill" frustration is coming from the idea that men, due to subversion of sex/gender roles, expect women to come to them. Which is the exact opposite of how sex functions in nature. Women are the attracters, men are the attracted, and it really is as basic as "if you don't make a move, you don't exist."
The actual point of the OP speech is the guy is broken because he keeps expecting women to initiate, and keeps getting upset when they don't, and that is what his cycle of depression is actually built around. He's doing it wrong and keeps getting upset when it doesn't work.
i'd say you need to confirm for yourself whether the effort is actually worth it, are you a social creature that feels empty inside if they're left to their own devices and your attitude and mental state deteriorates over time if you do not have enough social interaction? then i'd say it's worth the effort since it will truly make you happier to have true friends/a relationship/etc and aren't on your own.
if you're a person that doesn't care about these things and if you're comfortable on your own, then it's probably not worth the effort. i'm in the second camp, my job and hobbies are things people do on their own, i'm not a sucker for romantic love and from experience i think it's overrated, and having a relationship right now would just be a stupid complication, i actually agree with quite a bit, but that's just from my point of view. if you're like me, just have a few friends that you have things in common with and that's enough to make you happy or at least prevent you from being unhappy
if you do not respect people around you, changing yourself and ignoring your own principles and values to accommodate their standards will not make you happy. i believe you can find people that you don't have to change for, though, there's all kinds of people in the world and i'm confident that if you have something to offer, you could find a life partner that you don't need to stereotypically 'please'
>paying for a woman's abortion
>professing your love for a woman after she's had the abortion
the guy deserved to get shafted
>your face is not going to matter all that much
have you tried dating in this millenium?
Stop trying to find girls on tinder, instagram, or the internet in general.
I have a hard time not laughing at how schmaltzy this is with that musical accompaniment.
don't you have a thread on /pol/ to shill?
pipe down, goy.
fuck, made me physically cringe
wtf is wrong with conservatives lol
They're upset because they aren't desirable.
>Women are the attracters, men are the attracted
Objectively wrong
Men compete for dominance, women choose the winner
If there is anything sexual freedom has proven, it's that women would rather share one high value men than own a low value one
As a man, your job is to climb the social ladder, and the higher you reach the more / hotter girls you will attract
Kek, reminds me of one of those RSD seminars.
If you look closely, you'll notice nothing you said contradicted . It, in fact, reinforced it.
as your "counter examples" are two attracted fighting over an attracter, and attracters sharing the attracted, and ignoring substandard attracted.
but also if you're a complete fuck up drugdealer high school drop out meth-cook bad boy
>female logic
Yeah that sounds like a comforting lie to defend the status quo.
>sucks either way lol
drug dealers will have tons of disposable income. and drugs. and social connections.
its basically hacking the social ladder.
men have to approach but women signal hot guys to approach them. they do not even see ugly guys
oh piss off you know what i mean
grills will randomly decide kevin federline is the hottest shit ever and it has nothing to do with social standing or dominance
what an ugly troll
t. brainlet
The assumption there is, if he is sufficiently arrogant, there may be a good reason for it. It took a while for people to realize he was a huge joke.
so you're saying attracters attempt to avoid attracting substandard attracted? and go so far as to get upset when they attract substandard attracted?
I think the easiest explanation there is, and therefore the most likely, is that people like us have existed all across time.
It's daunting. You look back and see billions of years of unbroken evolution, and among your tens of thousands of ancestors, you alone are the weakest link, the one who couldn't keep it going, something almost all people do by accident.
I guess there are winners and there are losers, and no loser is worth remembering.
Its almost as if populations are self-regulating to an extent.
to expand:
When populations are low, sexual dynamics are geared to favor literally any mating pair. The same sexual dynamics are geared to favor more ideal pairs in high populations.
The error here is the internet, which gives the false impression of a much higher population than actually exists.
Where can I download it?
>you alone are the weakest link, the one who couldn't keep it going, something almost all people do by accident.
now i feel even worse man
I used to be like this but then I started actually going outside and meeting women. Now I've fucked at least 30 women in the last year. Just be yourself bro
>LARPing this hard on an anonymous thai basketweaving image board
>Not watching everything directed by Todd Solonodz
Just leave, faggot
makes me feel like killing myself
In the long run you have better priorities than getting with chicks. You only have one life, so why waste it feeling depressed about this. If this was easy for everyone, then you’d all feel sad about something else
(I know because I’ve been there on both ends. Trust me; it’s all literally just depression. dating can either be good or toxic, like any best friend could be. Improve yourself and be happy with your results)
DRIVE origin story?
That's what the final level of blackpill does to you, user. He looked salvageable just 5 years ago