How bad is the last season going to be, Yea Forums?
My expectations are so low I don't even know if I'm going to watch it.
GOT Season 8
Other urls found in this thread:
>how bad
There's nowhere to go but up, surely. At worst it will be the same quality S7 was.
I will be mostly garbage, probably. Currently watching it all for the first time because gf wanted to make a recap and I'm already skipping fillers and stretched scenes in season 3.
Also, how did this show become appealing to women? Sex and tits?
Of course, you are going to watch it. Everybody here who is bitching about it, is going to watch it. And then you are going to complain about a show you don't like.
I don't like The Walking Dead, so I don't watch it. I don't watch a show I don't like, then complain because I thought it was bad. That's like eating something you don't like, and then acting surprised when it makes you gag.
There will be lots of threads about GoT when the last season comes out, and people will bash it despite watching every single second multiple times.
Game of Thrones used to be pretty good (season 1). That's the difference. It TURNED to shit. TWD was always mediocre at best.
We've spent 7 seasons on this show + watching a trainwreck is just as fun as watching something good. You act as if everyone is going to be salty as hell and complaining while watching. Most people in these threads just laugh at the show. This reply is so fucking dumb.
It became popular with women because their boyfriends were watching it
/reddit containment general/
Im going to watch it so i can shitpost about it
didnt enjoy it since season 4
Reddit fucking loves Game of Thrones. Maybe you should go back there.
stronk wahmen
>Most people in these threads just laugh at the show
No they don't, you fucking liar. There is no "it's so bad it's good" rhetoric being used, and saying "We watched the last 67 hours, so we might as well watch the next 6+," is a sunk cost fallacy and a shit argument.
If I don't like something, I don't watch it. People on here have been watching GoT for YEARS despite claiming they don't like it. That's what I do not get.
>That's like eating something you don't like, and then acting surprised when it makes you gag
Oh but it's even worse than that, fellow based user. These freaks are fully aware they're gonna hate whatever they're about to consume and they consume it anyway out of their own volition. Hate-watching is such a fucked-up kink to have and the attempts at claiming it's all about finishing something you started is just hella.f*ckin.cringe
>oh this is going to be so bad
>only going to watch to see how awful it can get
>I wish they followed le books instead
>GRRM pls finish le books btw :)
>*posts bobby meme*
>DAE r/freefolk?
Fucking SNEED threads have more variety and intelligence on display than these tourist containment generals.
>falling for ironic shitposting
dude in truth, everyone here loves GOT
I still watch it because 6 hours Is fucking nothing compared to the time I spend watching other shit. Watching how shit the past seasons were is actually funny unless you're salty twat like you.
>No they don't, you fucking liar. There is no "it's so bad it's good" rhetoric being used
T. Never been in GoT general while it was airing. Just shut the fuck up.
It's not my fault. I loved S1, and for the most part I liked S2 and S3 as well. S4 is where it started to go to shit, but it still had enough redeeming features for me to consider it as overall enjoyable. S5 happened, but I hoped it would be a one off thing. By the time I accepted that the show is shit now, it only had two much shortened seasons left.
Never read the books, just came here to shitpost about how shit this show is, like 90% of the people in GoT general do and have done since season 4. And SNEED is fucking based so shut the fuck up.
I heard all the main characters will get a sudden replacement with POC
>""GoT general""
>doesn't even pretend he's not a tourist
Yeah, we're done here. I hope this thread lasts at least 6 hours so it contains all the Reddit cancer that would otherwise leak into the catalog.
You are going to watch it because you are emotionally invested in it. Stop trying to pretend that you are only tuning in as a good
I would never play a game I don't like or watch a TV show or movie, as a goof. And before you say that it is so bad it's good, don't. You are not watching the last season of Game of Thrones because you think it will be another The Room. You are going to watch it because you are emotionally invested and then claim that it doesn't live up to your impossible expectations.
it's like Naruto, started it now i'm finishing it and enjoying the massive shit show that follows
Why would I watch it for any other reason? I don't give a fuck about the show and since it started to suck I've seen 20 other shows that got me way more invested and were 10 times better. I'm watching the new Game of Thrones because it will either be funny to see how much they fuck up or it will annoy me slightly and both are fun. + this way I can still shitpost irl to my friends who still watch the show.
>How bad is the last season going to be, Yea Forums?
season 6 and 7 were objectively better than season 5
if you think otherwise, you are a contrarian.
Season 7 was fucking garbage. The last two episodes of the season are the worst episodes of the show. Logic thrown out the window.
Why would you watch a show you don't give a fuck about? You sound like a moron.
I don't give a fuck about 99.9% of the shows that are talked about here. I don't watch them and then complain that I didn't like them. That's retarded behavior.
>everyone in GoT general is the same, most people aren't just dropping in and shitposting
Again, you've never experienced it.
Been rewatching this series and holy shit is season 5 horrible. I remember it being shit, but it's far worse than I thought.
>logic thrown out of the window
but you're okay with dragons and other crap...okay then.
It's competently written drama.
Just because a show has dragons doesn't mean it shouldn't be realistic within its own rules.
I'm starting to think now Mel's visions are completely influenced by the Hightower and they've selected Victarion to be their champion rather than Stannis.
Maario Naharis
Because it's a trainwreck, you fucking moron. People enjoy seeing things that suck. Like I said, nearly everyone watches this show, including my friends, so I'll have to watch it to shitpost about it. Apart from that I won't go into the season all grumpy as I don't give a fuck about the quality anymore. I hope it's as terrible as it can be, all the more funny for me.
GOT went to shit the moment the showrunners Bent The Knee to the tumblr crowd who REEEED when Sansa was raped off-camera on her wedding night. They promised to change, and the show became YASS QWEEN SLAY the series. Watch retard Danerys win the throne and John Snow bends the knee to be her bitch.
I'll watch because I've come this far and its just a few more episodes, but I'm glad its over.
Why do you think this board still watches TWD? Because it's shit and that's funny. Not because they've spend hours on it, why would you spend even more hours on it?
It's gonna be shit unless Littlefinger survives or a resurrected Stannis rides into battle wielding an ablaze Lightbringer and screams "R'HLLOR HUNGERS" as he drives the sword through the Night King, Jon Snow, and the other usurpers.
Yeah, keep lying to yourself to explain why you are eagerly tuning in to a show you hate.
You sound like an insufferable faggot
I really hope to watch some niggers burning, but I know that's impossible with the YASSSSS QUEEN SLAYYYYYYY focus right now.
You're fucking pathetic. Just because you can't watch something for fun, even if it's shit, doesn't mean no one else can. Go read something about human behaviour.
>shitpost irl
Kill yourself, you don't even have friends.
How about both? I spend a long time watching Game of Thrones and there are only 6 episodes left. If I really thought the show was boring and stupid, I would've quit. But it is still enjoyable somehow, even when it's shit, because I'm not expecting it to be good. I just laugh at it. I watch it for both your reason and his, but you're a fucking faggot.
More than you I bet. At least I need more than 1 hand to count them.
I can only imagine the fucking hordes or people lining up in order to listen to your "shitposting irl", you pathetic faggot.
Well, half of my friends like the show, the other half dislike it. So yeah, we talk about it pretty often.
At this point if you’ve invested time into the books you have to watch or you risk spoilers.
The show sucks more as it goes on and that’s because DnD deviate from the books more and more. Awful producers.
I have no doubt the last season will be the worst
People disagree with me on this, but I genuinely think that each season was worse than the previous one. Yeah, S5 sucked ass. But it still mostly had plot. S6 and S7 was just people talking in circles until something exploded and/or someone died.
>it’s cool if you hate everything
I think the books are superior, but I enjoy watching Game of Thrones.
I’m reading the books again. The Dothraki old women see the future and say that Dany’s son leads an army with obsidian blades and conquers the world.
>and people will bash it despite watching every single second multiple times.
You must be new around here, shitposting about how shit something has become does not equate to watching the entire show. This is also implying that youtube/webms don't exist the specifically lift out the most retarded scenes for us to laugh at.
I think most people on Yea Forums agree with you there. It's been off the rails since Ramsay's shirtless fight with the ironborn
Rhaego got switches and he is still alive. That will be the big twist in Winds when Daenerys is reunited with the new Khal.
I'm gonna watch the new season with my new girlfriend. Frankly I can't wait.
This is probably true. But he’s only going to be a toddler. Not sure how the timing will work out
Just going to be more epic team-ups and fast traveling.
Saw a news story that Martin turned down a cameo role in the last season. Is that bullshit to throw us off, and he does have one? Why would you say no to appearing in a show that is going to be rewatched for decades?
He probably won't have much of an effect on the story but I guess the only thing to counter is is that people stand by the fact that three deaths were needed to wake the dragons from stone in Daenery's last chapter of AGOT.
i didn't even watch season 7. after the bald guy went to fat dragon bitch i lost all interest.
Can someone give me an example of how season 1 was good compared to the rest of the show? I keep seeing this idea echoed but no one has explained this. Is it just because it no longer follows the books therefore it's garbage?
>5 year gap is replaced with a 15 year gap at the end of Winds, A Dream of Spring follows Rickon becoming King of the North, Sweetrobin becoming the warg-king of the Vale, and Rhaego invading Westeros
Would it be kino?
I definitely think some time skip is going to happen at the end of TWOW. I feel like Martin is going to wrap up the loose ends from Swords, Crows, and Dance in that and Spring will just be one giant epilogue.
Season 1 was the most faithful adaption of any of the books, with only a few names really being changed to make it easier for casual viewers to remember the characters. From season 2 onwards whole characters and story arcs were changed to D&Ds poorly written fanfiction.
UNIRONICALLY will be a PG13 movie. No more tits and ass. One floppy dick scene only because naked women is sexism. Daenerys will single handedly kill everyone without her dragons. All the wh*te men will kneel before her.
sunk cost fallacy doesn't apply outside of /biz/ shit
season 1 had all the warning signs that the show was going to be shit, but no one wanted to see it
they changed all the ages, but didnt change any of the intent of the dialogue or characters so people acted like morons. the pacing was terrible and each episode was a disjointed connection of short scenes because the writers didn't know how to juggle that many plot lines in an hour. it started building the foundation of splitting dramatically from the books like the first pebbles that start the rockslide.
season 1 was shit. the other seasons were shit. game of thrones was never good, except if you were delusional
Didn't he already say that he doesn't watch the show around S6? He doesn't seem to be on great terms with D&D anyway. The way he released his sample chapters is kind of passive aggressive.
>Mercy right before S4E1
>Alayne and Arianne right around Sansa's rape/Dorne debacle
Then there's this gem from his shitty new fake history book.
>A Caution for Young Girls is obscene, it was not like to have been transcribed by either maesters or septons. Given the number of copies known to exist (hundreds, though as many more were burned by Baelor the Blessed), the scribes responsible were most likely septons expelled from the Faith for drunkenness, theft, or fornication, failed students who left the Citadel without a chain, hired quills from the Free Cities, or mummers (the worst of all). Lacking the rigor of maesters, such scribes oft feel free to “improve” on the texts they are copying. (Mummers in particular are prone to this.) In the case of A Caution for Young Girls, such “improvements” largely consisted of adding ever more episodes of depravity and changing the existing episodes to make them even more disturbing and lascivious. As alteration followed alteration over the years, it became ever more difficult to ascertain which was the original text, to the extent that even maesters at the Citadel cannot agree as to the title of the book, as has been noted.
The dig at GoT is a clear as day.
i just watch for the tits
does everyone else watch for the plot? it's HBO guys nothing else matters
Should have quit around S2 desu. The show has been more chaste with each season.
this is why rome was perfect
there are no good tits in it. there is one good penis. i watched it to see bald man and tiny finger manipulate everybody
was everything leaked and spoiled yet?
Nah. Security for S8 has been pretty tight. We know that Winterfell and KL burn, due to large fires in open sets being kind of hard to hide, but nothing beyond that.
yes, on some pajeet site. Daenerys dies and her corpse is put on a show in KL. The peasants throw feces at it
Those are probably fake. There were millions of them after S7.
dunno lol
6 episodes to wrap up dozens of plot-lines with a dozen remaining major characters, but (((HBO))) has already said the females and darks are going to get a larger slice of the screentime.
Should be a teleporting timehopping mess.
if s7 wasent bad enough already
you got sauce on that or do I just google hbo black people screen time?
Even for the shit story they are telling it'll be terrible. They aren't going to be able to finish all the remaining plots in 8 fucking episodes.
6 episodes you mean, lol
Read that in passing a few weeks ago. From the showrunners I think.
>6 episodes at 2 hours each
Many factors:
-Women love anything with British accents. That's probably the biggest reason
-Jon Snow as the ultimate female fantasy: brave, strong, successful but also compassionate and sensitive
-Empowered female characters who can lead armies, execute complicated political maneuvers, kill people when necessary
-Has a good mix of romantic subplots and revenge subplots (women love revenge and the idea of people getting what's coming to them)
The sex and tits aren't really a factor, in fact most women are turned off by that element of the show which is why they toned it down significantly after the first few seasons
I think some might be 1,5 or 2 hours, but certainly not all.
First two are 60 minutes, last four are 80 minutes.