How do you fuck up a movie about magical animals SO BAD

how do you fuck up a movie about magical animals SO BAD

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What exactly was the crimes of Grandelwort?

He created feminism. Women's suffrage was his spell

The Harry Potter prequel movies are at Star Wars prequels levels of missing the point of what made the originals good

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Also Hobbit trilogy. But yeah, I really don't understand Fantastic Beasts. Didn't watch the second one because somehow every single scene in the first one was very unpleasant in one way or another

Eddie Redmayne is spastic and hard to watch

the originals are also trash, fantastic beasts 1 is decente, unlike most of the harry potter movies

"good" was the wrong word
the beasts movies miss the point of what made HP popular and successful

I disagree, i've always found harry potter overcomplicated trash, which fantastic beasts 1 wasn't
too bad they became overcomplicated trash again

You now remember the dinner scene at the witch sisters' place

>tfw tip of wands has to be glowing so americans understand who the main characters are or so americans understand that the movie contains magic

>hey what if we made a story about a young magician who travels the world in search of mythical animals?
>sounds good, but how about we ignore that part and turn it into another shitty action flick
I get sad about what we missed out on. Dragonology was my favorite book as a kid

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Trying to prevent the Holocaust.
JK Rowling is so retarded she loops back to bases.

>harry potter overcomplicated

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Ngl I got pretty hyped when Flash got his wand and btfo that mountain at the end

By not making it about magical animals anymore and decide to make it about Dumbledore and a whole lot of other cameos so that people would give a shit.

it is, it is a dumb story about wizard kids, it shouldn't strive to be an epic saga with a billion of side characters and families.

it was unironically better than the first fantastic beasts

if you like eating shit, sure

Oh fuck off, you contrarian dimwit. The movie was easily better than the first one and actually expanded on the beast part. The story was a hundred times more interesting than the one in the first although for some reason, retards seriously didn't understand the ending. Depp and Redmayne were great in their parts, Miller and Law were okay

>Oh fuck off, you contrarian dimwit. The movie was easily better than the first one
you're the contrarian here, the consensus is that the movie is shit.

Harry Potter is as simple as a eight movie saga can be

>eight movie
there's your problem

So what actually happened in this movie?
I made three threads asking this question and not a single post.
That’s not a good sign.

The great sin of the Harry Potter saga is that it's handles by an idiot.
The basic idea(wizards run their own hidden society, with it's own institutions, nature, history...) is great, but JK Rowling is too stupid to do anything interesting or deep with it.
It's a shame, it has so much potential but it will always be a shitshow of plot holes, retarded characters and absurd worldbuilding.
The latter is one of the biggest telling signs, since it shows that the author didn't even bother thinking about it, she just pulls it out of her ass as she's asked. For Rowling, worldbuilding is an afterthought.
Just look at the fucking map of magical schools.
ONE school for the entirety of Africa and presumably Israel. A single school for South and Central America, where everyone but Brazilians speak Spanish, is located in Brazil, and the name is literally Wizard Castle(Castelobruxo). I could go on forever.

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0 point for this character to exist in the movie

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nothing happened
it was a big mush of boring shit

Teenage drama?

>brainlet thinks complicated is intelligent

I bet the last Fantastic Beast scene will be that autistic ginger in Harry's room while Ralph Fiend is killing his mother.

And a black Hermione.

Force in a ton of backstory then try to do a bunch of shitty twists based on shit that was just introduced to us that we don't care about. What they should have done was introduce a bunch of stuff in the first film and then done a twist in the second one. Overall, the second one was just overly complicated. I watched it with a group of friends and we kept asking each other who all these new characters were and what was going on. But the one good thing about it was Grindelwald. They actually took his character and made him interesting, a vast improvement from the first one where it was "why is Johnny Depp in this and why does he look like shit" (with the answer being because drugs for both those questions).

Faggot protag + worst franchise in history + j/k rowling

By abandoning the comfiness of the first movie (which was already a soulless cashgrab but at least pretended to be light about it) and turning to yet another epic grim-dark fight against the forces of evil.
LIterally what ruined the Harry Potter series to after book 4 or 5 though, so this should not come as a surprise to you.

actually yes
it started as light kid drama with likable characters and an interesting hook, then over time it slowly became a fight against evil
the beast movies skipped right to the fight against evil part without establishing the characters and giving the audience a reason to like them and root for them

>This was a tagline for a movie that will has no relevance to the main series outside of pointless retcons

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mmm, yes, quite pungent if i may say so

>without establishing the characters and giving the audience a reason to like them and root for them
I liked the fat jew from the first movie, but of course they had to retcon his ending in a stupid way.
>ww1 veteran
>grindelwald wants to prevent ww2 and legalise muggle-wizard relationships
>blonde gf likes that
>"wtf no my love, this isn't good for us"
The ministry is always so fucking retarded in the HP universe.

>people hates eddie retardmaine and the alien covenant retard zero-chemistry and boring ass characters
>but loves based fat human and her magic waifu
>producers+Rowling absolutely BTFO by the public response
>decide to undermine that relationship, they are not allowed to steal the show
>retard flash and dumbledore have matrix reloaded-tier plot twist
>johnny depp is okay but ultimately people liked collin farrel better
its kinda hilarious how little control producers have over this new franchise desired results

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Why the fuck is it called Fantastic Beasts? I know Newt ends up writing a book about fantastic beasts, but what relevance do beasts have to this story? Why not just create a new character and call it something else? Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald sounds fucking ridiculous

being a gaylord

That's a telltale sign that they are making it up as they go.
There's no clear direction in the story, which means all entries will be stacking it's absurdity of plot twists and pointless side characters.

I honestly don't see how they're going to make another 3 moderately satisfying movies after this. The story would have worked better as a trilogy, not a 5 movie plan.

Why was Nicolas Flamel even in the movie?

>baltics are into nordic
based rowling

>entire movie is ad for the next one
i fucking hate this