Goebbels stays in the room

>Goebbels stays in the room
>Later on Goebbels states he has never disobeyed an order from the Fuhrer
Terrible inconsistencies in this film

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Bormann and Goebbels get to stay because they were Hitler's cocksleeves

>*Goebbels pulls out mask*
fuck off hackson

>Big bad is Hitler
>right hand man is named Himmler

who the fuck wrote this shit?

>ending scene wasn't a shot of adolf and eva sunbathing at the beach in argentina like that shot of ray winstone in sexy beast

wasted potential

>main character kills himself despite having a gf
fuck this stupid movie

>famous actor dies
>no sticky on /tv
time for a janny-genocide

>Steiner is ordered to launch an attack
>he doesn't do it


Why DID Steiner disobey?

Goebbels especially. Bormann was only there for the shekels.

Attached: _6e66f4_5429671.jpg (497x627, 38K)

What was his fucking problem?

Attached: Fegelein_Portrait.png (1280x720, 679K)

>couldn't launch a counter-attack on the soviets because he didn't have enough men
>meth addict hitler thinks that he's been betrayed

Actually Hitlers right hand man was called Hitlerman

He was a jewish spy sent to destroy the reich from within

Why were SS Units allowing those SA thugs to go around hanging civilians when everyone knew the allies were about to take over? Did the SA members suddenly become cleared of their murder crimes the moment the partition governments took charge?

you mean traitors

it's a shitty reddit movie anyway who cares

Traitors to what? They were hiding in their homes while the high command were hiding in a bunker. But you have those Ernst Rohm mutherfuckers walking around with a hangman's noose to kill because they got nothing else to do.

Steiner unironically is a jewish name

did he get the sticky?

Because he was outnumbered ten to one and his men were basically armed with plastic knives

No, Hitler was.

>starts the war before Germany has fully rearmed and is self sufficient
>has two most useless allies ever, the incompetent Mussolini and Japs, who play their own game
>puts Goering in charge, who switches tactics to nighttime air raids where the Brits have the advantage thanks to radar
>sends Rommel to Africa with just 20 good men to take on the entire British forces there, refuses to send reinforcements
>instead of delaying the attack until the next year, sends his armies mid summer to Russia, expecting them to win in a matter of weeks
>tells 80 000 men in Stalingrad to die because it'll make for a good story
>allegedly kills 6 infinitillion Jews but after the war they get their own country and take over the world's finance and media in mere 50 years

Nazism is a Jewish conspiracy, prove me wrong.

to help civilians escape into america to maybe get raped by americans instead of definitively get raped by russians
there's even a sabaton song about it

>mah generals did nothing wrong but germans lost because of hitler

The SS and the Oberkommando des Heeres were a jewish ploy. That's why [[they]] got rid of the SA.