Can someone give me a lowdown as to what is so good about this movie? Should I watch it?

Can someone give me a lowdown as to what is so good about this movie? Should I watch it?

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who said this movie was good ever?


It's just about asians really enjoying an all asian cast. Asians are ridiculously self absorbed. They always suggest going to an asiany restaurant whenever they go out. It's ridiculous. So a mostly asian cast naturally appealed to them.

But to be fair whites are kind of the same.

Is there a porn version, like a Crazy Bitch Asians?

>They always suggest going to an asiany restaurant whenever they go out. It's ridiculous.
to be fair if you live in a city with a large asian diaspora, an 'asiany restaurant' is probably the best cheapest food you can get.

>first east asian centric film in the west for god knows how long
>has to be about wealth
interesting, interesting

But it's weirdly never about the money. Some of the places they suggest are even hawaiian and it's not that cheap.

I mean I would pay $$ for asian food too
You can for sure just waste your money but thats true for european food too, and the pinaccle of it with really high quality ingredients is fucking incredible

'asian food' is hardly some wierd niche thing its actually just fucking good

If asian people have wierd picky taste and like asian food only and you're the same then they're more right than you are.

Western whites have very little in-group preference.

So you're asian? Don't lie to avoid the obvious. We're just having a conversation.

But the point is there are plenty of other ethnic restaurants with high quality ingredients that are inexpensive. They pick the asiany ones everytime. I don't really give a shit. But let's just call it like it is.

When is the last time you ate with a white family that wanted a nice place to eat and didn't pick a steak restaurant?

this is true
most asians will consume mostly asian media, eat asian food, only speak to other asians and thats in a western country. then the 'woke' ones have the cheek to cry about white expats in japan

Nah man, i'm white.
Lots of white dudes fetishize and obsess about asian culture, don't act like I have to be asian to defend it

But yeah, 'asian' food is absurdly broad and incredible.

>high quality ingredients that are inexpensive.
lol, those are mutually exclusive. And that's not even what I was suggesting.

>plenty of other ethnic restaurants
what the fuck do you even mean by 'ethnic' you fucking retard lmao

they tried to recreate black panther success
they don't realize that nobody cares about chinks in US, and especially chinks don't want to see chinks in american movies. they have their own fucking movies with their own people for fucks sake, why do they need us for that?
murricans also think all east asians are the same and like each other, even though every single country hates the other one due to history. mixing all these fucking slant eyes together....bad idea.

>non-mutts prefer their own culture
what a revelation

Yup. I dated a filipina that had korean dramas on the tv with subtitles just because it was asiany.

You literally described it as "high quality ingredients" and the pinnacle's of it while mentioning it was inexpensive. If I didn't interpret your words correctly then fine but don't act like you weren't hyping it to the fucking sky.

dude it made 230 mil on a 30 mil budget
what the fuck are you talking about? \
some chink jews are rolling in money right now

I said it was cheap and good
and you said it wasn't cheap
and so i said even when it isn't cheap it can still be worth it

Literally never and I'm also sure white people go to steakhouses.

Say ''lets go a white-european restaurant'' to your white friends (Normal) and see how they react.

meanwhile black panther is one of the highest grossing movies of all time, this shit is smalltime compared to this.


It's a classic "a perfect rich guy wants to marry a poor girl but there are complications". But with asians.

>...bad idea.
except it made 200 mill
and black panther is established intellectual property already part of the largest franchise in the world. Hardly comparable.

>white people restaurants

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>white people go to steakhouses

That's what I said dumbass. Read slower next time since that seems to be your speed.

lol are you fucking serious? nobody cared about black panther before the movie. the fucking book was more established (as you can see it's a fucking best seller on the poster)

fucking dumb chink.

Then you're not white clearly or are poor.

Until it comes to living in a society built by whites, then it’s a human rights abuse to make them stay with their own kind

>only brits are white
this guy gets it.

You eat cock

It's part of the largest film franchise in history.

Attached: ingroup bias.jpg (576x288, 36K)

The utter irony of this post

>a society built by whites
slant eyed chinky gook nips built the railroads you bigot

They also were aboard most ships as deckhands and sail monkeys.

I cook non-specific 'asian food' pretty often, but if someone suggested we go to an 'asian' restaurant i'd think they were retarded.

'Asian' food is FAR more broad than 'european' food. Even Chinese food is possibly more broad than European food.
Like nigga are we getting Palak Paneer or Sushi?

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>no onions protein
>no msg
>no gutter oil
>no child blood

tofu, msg, child blood and to a lesser extent, child blood, are all pretty good user

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Bong here. Whenever I’m in a mixed race group, I insist that we eat faggots, mash and peas so they can experience real British food.

Watch Shoplifters instead.

There's a moment when the girl is taking a bath and she finds out the girl they adopted has the same scar in the same place. It sounds like such in inauspicious event, but it's little human moments like that which show genuine kinship that are completely missing from American films.

I'm a brainlet, mind summarizing this graph for me?

>white have the least ingroup preference between all races
>white liberals have a negative ingroup preference

>most asians will consume mostly asian media, eat asian food, only speak to other asians and thats in a western country.
This is normal with any minority because it's easier to talk in their own language with people who share their same culture.

my point is that whenever anglos emigrate to another country they're shamed for this fact


Who says it's a human rights abuse to not accept immigrants from Japan into Europe? Source?

Are they? There are tons of expat communities filled with whites

No that’s more prominent with eastern cultures.
That’s not true, you’re just trying to play the victim you fucking faggot

Aside from North Korea, Japan is literally the most racially homogenous country in the entire world. They are racist as shit.