What did he mean by this?


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>James Bond directed by David Lynch

just recast him as bond.

damn i wish i were as smooth as pierce. he probably looks super cool while taking a shit

Too old, but rather him than someone black.

He's admiring his latest work

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>alright honey now put down the camera and start your morning feed

>Too old
turn it into a full blown spy movie rather than the action movies it has evolved with Daniel Craig.

he wants you to eat more cream

When's his next project bois?

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I think the November Man proved he can still do it.

What's Brosnan's best work?

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I'm still fucking mad we didn't get Skyfall with Brosnan as Silva.

Contemplation on who next to bless with his gifts.

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What did he mean by this.

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Leafs of suicide watch lmaoooo

>ywn be this handsome and charming

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>that smug face
>that happy laugh
>that sexy ass suit

Goddamn, how does this man attain so much style?

Your mom

no sugar for me
extra cream for her

No, recast him as M.

femanons would you let pierce brosnan fat you up?

An old James bond, real spy thriller with Pierce would be amazing.

>Too old
lol no

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Savile row user.


Would actually work. Grizzled, older, angier, but still more suave than you will ever be 007 comes out of retirement for a special assignment

a buffet?

Attached: NC had it.jpg (248x318, 79K)

Can you imagine... a world without whales?

That’s getting a BRAAAAAP from me



Your days are over, Architect!

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Formerly afternoon seed

Can someone post the image that shows him and his wife over the years? I know I have it saved, but I can't find that shit.