3 days later, I am already forgotten

>3 days later, I am already forgotten

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why is pizza so bad at endings?

oh, S3 already happened?
they really lost me with S2. lost a lot of interest.
was it any good/as good as S1?

no, it wasn't. you did good. i wish i had forgotten this show four years ago when it ended.

Criticism's aside, most people seemed to expect a plot driven ending. Every season has ended the last couple of episodes being character driven nd resolving their arc's. I don't mind that.

it was pretty boring throughout, 5/10 at best

foxchan was best thing of this

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where is the pasta about high IQ to understand this SHIT season?

I would recommend it. There's a lot to appreciate like in S2. Uneven in many areas, but overall enjoyable.

Were the action scenes this season as kino as the others? I'll give it a shot if they're at least on par.

One good shoot out scene. It's worth a watch

nice...I'm also trying to bait people into wasting 8h of their life just like I did

there was one (1) action scene, but yeah it was good

there is almost no action involved.
one short shootout and thats it.
it has the least action of all 3 seasons

It's good, but lasts literally 30 seconds. Don't even bother

Season 2 is pure kino. S1=S2>S3

Quick, someone say the word janny and advertisers fear to defeat these shill threads

is it up on youtube yet?

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>it's shit
>it's keeno
Do people start thinking only in these two modes because they don't know how to actually discuss something?

why didn't the hoyt guy report the murder of his employee? it made it seem like he was hiding something but if he declared his daughter as mentally ill and dissolved the pink room he would have been fine. is this a plot hole or am i being retarded?

Yeah because u nuked all interesting threads for this show, in favour of subverting the audiences expectations for a shitty "commentary" on aging, completely misinterpreting what your audience wants

youtube.com/watch?v=k_AyMkoyiFM Season 2 was far from great, but seeing the gay warrior god was pretty good action

you expect to discuss something on Yea Forums? rofl

newfag detected

go to reddit bro

unironically, yes they do.
furthermore, nowadays it's encouraged to identify yourself with your hobbies. thus people take very extreme positions when faced with an opinion they disagree with.

Unlike you edgy autists, I thought season 1 ending was perfect, and season 2 ending was cringe. Season 3 had the kino Vietnam shot and I liked the zoom in on Hayes face on the porch but it was the worst ending out of all three. I felt like all that time watching for no pay off


I don't see why people thought the ending was so bad? What sort of "pay off" are people looking for? These are character pieces and I thought they ended that quite nicely.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand season 3.

As a lonely wizard with no family, this show was terrifying for me. My memory is already shit, if I end up like Hays no one will take care of me...

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The entire season was red herrings.

90% of the scenes were misleading as fuck.

Also, the finale has the worse writing of recent televison.
>Drops the book on the exact page.

>Fucking one eyed man explains everything in 5 min on a kitchen table.

etc etc etc

You may have enjoyed the season, but if you can't see why the finale has such a bad writing you're literally retarded.

The problem is there was so little character stuff.
Hays is just a frustrated guy, Amelia is a social climber, Roland is a tough guy with a gold heart. That's it.
Saulnier tried to ground the start of the season around Hays and Roland relationship but Pizzolato wasted it all away

>it's good
No it isnt

This, or plot holes.

Most scenes of the season lead to nothing, or were extremely misleading.
The pacing is terrible, and there's so much unecessary filler that the season could be cut down to 2~3 episodes max and tell the same story.

But hey, at least we get to see Wayne and Amelia argue 10000 times over the same shit "obsessed with the case vs obsessed with the book" ....cHaRaCtEr dEveLopMenT BRAH!!!

That was kinda the point with the old man, it didn't exactly give closure for either of our characters. This plays back as hays sits with his family and reflects, this is the real conclusion. The mystery or 'plot' was mostly over after episode 6 and you sound as if you expected something other than a character driven story.

True Detective 3: The Red Herring

>2 years later, I am fondly remembered

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Brainlet detected.

It doesnt matter if there's a mystery or not, if there's closure or not.

The point is that this season has extremely poor writing and wastes the audience time more than anything.

Oops wrong pic

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There is no problem in the history being about characters....as long as it has good writing and development, which this season has not.

Did you seriously come to Yea Forums expecting legitimate discussion? I wouldn't dare to believe anyone would be that stupid.


That's always been the case you fetus.

This season was one 42 minute Law & Order episode stretched over almost 8 hours. If it was supposed to be about the characters, why did we get barely any glimpse into Roland's personal life?

The 2015 portion served no purpose at all, and it baited a connection to season one with no payoff.

I'm not even disagreeing really, but it's pretty obvious a lot of people out there couldn't recognize the shows intentions.

Yea Forums is meta-post-ironic-discussion for true patricians. If you want to literally just 'discuss' something that you watched on tv go to plebbit.

Just someone hoping to return to better days here.

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Fargo has no room to talk; it is just as bad at ending a season. The main character of season 3 did NOTHING, and they killed off Ewan's character for no reason narratively. Fargo has fucked up over and over again.

Wasn't ironically pretending to be retards what brought all the actual retards here though?

True Detective 2 was shit, but so was Fargo 2
The only redeeming quality of Fargo 2 was the indian former marine or whatever he was

Fargo 3 will forever be tainted by that whore Mary Elizabeth Winsted

Dropped it after 3 episodes. Seems I didn't miss much. Started watching The Terror instead. HBO really lost their lead.

> tfw Rolan I dont membuh

This show was so fucking boring. Muh Alzheimer’s muh annoying wife muh tv camera woman muh muh Arkansas. So fucking boring

Say it with me, the only good thing about S3 was R.West

You could literally fit the entire plot into one episode. What a waste of my precious fucking time

that's always been retard-cope, the same way retards call people contrarians

I was a bit miffed about them not going into Roland's life also. TD1 they did both the detectives lives, Roland was more of a supporting character in this.

wtf i love sneed now

it really wasn't. unlike your redditor self I've been browsing message boards for over 30 years, from newsgroups to mailing groups to IRC be to forums to imageboards and so on. it didn't use to be like this. social networks were a mistake.

sneed is a patrician anti-meme, the joke is that it's boring as fuck and not funny at all

>was the best thing of this

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So it's like the equivalent of a reddit poster making an intentionally unfunny pun for karma?

That doesn't explain how Yea Forums has completely changed over the years.