Kingdom of Heaven

imagine the backlash and controversy if this movie actually got made today

Attached: kingdomofheaven.png (1920x4840, 2.63M)

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sounds pretty tolerant to me

I don't even know what the hell he is saying here.

What is Jerusalem worth?

>our ancestors fought and won this land so now it's ours, suck my dick

A bunch of revisionist garbage that is supposed to make Muslim claim to the land look legitimate when it wasn't.


Pls explain for sub 80 IQ bros /his/

Thanks for explaining and not bullying me for being stupid

He's telling the idiot defenders that because their city was stolen a while ago that it doesn't matter.

>Which is more holy
The Christian ones obviously

imagine if the muslim world and the christian world were bros.during the middle ages
there would be no need for crusades or slaving
all the inbreeding and superstition could have been avoided, and the glory of Rome might have lived on

What is Jerusalem worth to you, Yea Forums?

You mean in a world where islam was totally different?
Cuz the sad thing is even with the crusades Christianity is probably still the faith that has most gotten along with Muslims through out all ages.

this movie portrays the muslims as the most gracious and enlightened people in the world and the Europeans and greedy warmongers

It would be incredibly popular today, and equally as inaccurate.

if the arab world was more like north africa
where sufis and franciscans used to peacefully compete in charity, and conflicts of old like Carthage vs. Rome were sources of banter and national pride not hostility and bitterness

>and the glory of Rome might have lived on
That's entirely the fault of the Muslims as they are the ones that destroyed it in the 1400s.

Heraclius was apparently very welcoming to Muhammad and the Muslims themselves claim he secretly wanted to convert to Islam. However after Muhammed died all the Byzantines saw was a horde of bloodthirsty tribesmen come pouring out of the Rub' Al-Khali



Who’s the cute sickly looking woman?

What if Js and Ms were to go to war

Attached: christians.png (611x457, 511K)

I don't know.

It was hardly glorious by then. And while it was a continuation of the Roman Empire, it was hardly Roman.

>it was hardly Roman
The capital was moved to New Rome (Constantinople) by Constantine in 330. It is Rome.

Eva Green

>be me, mid 2000s
>see trailers for a crusades movie
>ohshitnigger, this is gonna be lit
>go to see it
>entire thing is about how medieval crusaders are actually all secular humanists with 21st-century ideas who wax philosophical and tip their fedoras for 3 hours about how fighting for skydaddy is dumb

Attached: mcgregor come on.jpg (744x752, 42K)

>Greek Romaboos are Roman


Not really, movie is pretty revisionist garbage that portrays Mudslimes as good guys

Except romans were greekaboos in the first place anyway. Latin was the language of commoners and the elites all learned, spoke, and wrote in Greek.

>medieval catholic knights sounds like a secularist 21st century liberal
>woah islam and christianity are like...totally the same guys, never mind the competing claims
It'd be fine

That doesn't make Byzanshits any less Greek.

It's propaganda, Saladin put the men to the sword and enslaved the women and children after every successful seige except one and they act like it's the norm when it's the opposite.
The middle east and north africa were bastions of white culture until the mudslime nation attacked.

Nor any less roman. The point is greek and roman tradition had been mixing together into a hodgepodge mess by that point anyway.

They're not fucking Romans, they just kept Roman traditions. That's like saying Mexicans are American because hundreds of years after America fell, they still had the Constitution.

>"I will give every last Christian man and woman safe passage from the city."
>"And the Jews?"
>*both men start laughing*

JFC Raimi

Attached: Kingdom of Heaven Raimi Cut.jpg (400x539, 45K)

Saladin was well-respected in his time and to this day is seen as an "honourable Muslim" character in the West. Dante in the 14th century even places him in Limbo rather than suffering in hell like Muhammad, there's nothing wrong with that. The issue (other than mischaracterizations of historical figures like the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem and Balian himself) was that the movie was clearly trying to make a boring post-9/11 "why can't Christians and Muslims just get along" that ended up just promoting religious indifferentism

>Saladin lost 90% of his army to a leper


That's my biggest issue with the movie. I just wanted some kino about the crusades. I didn't want an eye-rollingly hamfisted aesop about current events.

The Roman Emperor moved the capital of Rome to New Rome. That was the capital of the Roman Empire for over 1100 years. Old "Rome" was only capital for around 400 years. """Byzantium""" is more Rome than your Italian """Rome"""

>Le atheist preaches tolerance

Ruined a good setting with that shit

"Roman" "Empire"

The point of the movie is absolutly anti christian to the core
It's soft on muslim because even back then the film would have been considered racist.

How have you come to the conclusion that Constantine was not a legitimate Roman Emperor, oh wise one?

muslims started their conversion of the world to Islam violently first.

byzantinefags should be permabanned

Attached: FVCK OUTTA HERE.jpg (685x842, 69K)

>Queen gets to literally set the stage for a war to start that causes hundreds of deaths and the loss of the Holy Land
>She's forgiven instantly because she spent a few hours cleaning wounds

>Main characters are all basically sceptical of religion and spout heresy in nearly every scene

>A Bastard is granted an audience with the King and this isn't only okay but they become best buds

>Templar's are just mindless cartoon bad guys

>Patriarch Heraclius is portrayed as a snivelling coward

>Raynald of Chatillon wasn't a Templar. Dude was a Mercenary that gained insane wealth and power by raiding Muslim caravans. Was famous because he was the only Christian to run offensive operations against Muslims. When he was captured he refused to convert and was beheaded.

>Saladins Sister was never killed, she died of natural causes much later

So much shit in that film.

Costuming in this movie was great. Was unsurprised to hear part of it was WETA Workshop. There are still movies set in the Medieval period to this day that have noticeable anachronisms in the outfits

>muh Eastern provinces

What a hack.

Are you all retarded? He's clearly trying to make a point on how the war is meaningless since neither side has anything to with the conflict that took place several generations ago, and that all faiths have equally strong claims to the religious sites (meaning they ought to learn to live and worship together in peace).

it's a difficult movie for capeshitters

What claim do muslims have to jerusalem?

they conquered it

big mo ascended to heaven at jerusalem


Except no one would take that opinion at the time. It's just clearly Ridley Scott using his characters as avatars to stand on his soapbox.

wow I just read the muslims used to pray towards jerusalem before they switched to mecca

who would be going to hell in this situation

The city fell during the first crusade and this takes place a hundred years later so nobody alive actually could be offended by the first crusade.

But the idea that a European in 1195 was enlightened by his own intelligence is a joke.

>fight and die for years to conquer jerusalem
>centuries later your descendants hand it over for free to russian jews
christians lol

>and this takes place a hundred years later so nobody alive actually could be offended by the first crusade.
I wish. If that were the case then kikes would stop kvetching about muh nazis and muh holocaust



Yeah except the crusades were a personal spiritual pilgrimage of atonement as much as revanche for mistreatment of christians. There is a spiritual motivation the movie ignores because the director didn’t bother to research the crusades.

Retaking Jerusalem forgives you of all misdeeds and defending it is the key to heaven. It’s not about living in peace with Jews. The third Crusade was botched because Richard III understood how to beat hé Muslims but his army didn’t care to beat Muslims they wanted Jerusalem and over ruled him.

Crusaders were based but this movies depiction of them is Jewish bullshit meant to throw shade at the Iraq war and make Muslims look good.

Even the European shots are dark and gloomy and dirty and the Muslim shots are bright and golden. Pathetic treatment of an amazing story. Butchering thé heroes in order to take a stab at Christianity

They're all fighting over Eva Green

Oh I’m raging about it trust me

idk when I read it obviously the answer is the shit that got bulldozed. Muslims are literally still on the same level of fucking ancient Sumeria where you conquer a tribe and you capture their god and build a temple to your god ontop of theirs

Tree fiddy

You mean imagine if Islam had never happened

Dont talk shit about king baldwin, i will fuck your ass you bitch

literally just muhammed dreaming his spirit flew hundreds of miles away and circled it.

When is land ownership ever really legitimate? You stabbed a bunch of people so now it's "legitimate" that you own it? Just say the truth. You fucked people over so fuck them and now it's ours. Do what the fuck you have to do but stop pretending it's somehow official just because some dude said so.

it was a different time

end of world survival.

Rules of conquest muh nibba. What's yours is yours for only as long as you can keep it within your grasp.