Drives like 40 miles to kill a guy in cold blood

>drives like 40 miles to kill a guy in cold blood
>stabs the guy like 30 times
>serves only 15 years
>prison is practically a spa

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Other urls found in this thread:

how the fuck did that judge think 15 years is enough for taking a life?

Norgay is fucked up. Anders Breivik only got 21 years

>spends all his time bitching about how his massive cell and panoramic window view are harsher than American prison
Varg is honestly such a little bitch it's not even funny, idk how the hell he managed to kill someone.

This. If he was in a USA prison he'd be in a 4x8 cell and his ass would be split open by huge nigs ever night

breivik won't be released after 21 years

Why? He properly severed his time even tho he did nothing wrong

You utter fucking moron.

you're fucking retarded if you think he's ever going to be released. his own lawyer said he's never getting out, stop talking about shit you don't know anything about

21 years is the minimum served before review
he'll never get out


most likely he was on drugs


Norway has no life sentence. Max is 21 years and then they can review your case and either set you free or add some more time if they're not convinced.

>Norgay is fucked up

Norway takes the idea of a rehabilitative penal system extremely seriously. They won't always get it right but the experiment's worth making.

as the other user pointed out, that's only when he'll be evaluated again. in fact, even if breivik spent 21 years trying to project the image he would never commit murder again, he would still be jailed because of a high risk he would simply be lynched on the outside

fine entry-level virtue signaling there user. good for you

Angry norgays.
Don't you have some whaling to do? Despite the entire world telling you to stop? And you just think it's hilarious to keep killing all the whales.

Yes, free five-star accommodations will really stop me from committing more crimes.

here in the Anglosphere I think we reached the limits of what endless state-sponsored male-on-male rape could teach us a long time ago

The dude was gonna kill him first do you really not know shit

Not an argument. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Yeah, user. They just dump your ass at Hilton for a couple of years and then you're free. No active rehabilitation courses or counseling needed.

>you just think it's hilarious to keep killing all the whales

I don't. There's an excellent argument to be made if only people would harness its power ie "you're as pathetic as Japanese".

>say dumb shit
>change topic when btfo

Why are you still on your phone? Get back to whaling.
By the way, posting on Yea Forums is already embarrassing enough, not many ways it could be worse.
Fuck you and fuck norgay.

it statistically will, yeah. explain why norgay has one of the lowest crime rates and recurring offender rates in the whole world if the system isn't effective

>kill 80 people
>21 year sentence
>serve a couple months for each person he killed
lmao yurp

How does it feel to be uninformed at best and retarded at worst?

Not an argument. Brainlet.

wow Norway defense force is going down hard in this thread


Not even America would do that

He never bitched about that. He just said that american prisons are better because youre still allowed to interact with other prisoners and such
He was not allowed to leave his cell as there was no reason allow him to do that. He had toilet there, food was brought to him. He was completely isolated
Maybe at least look up what varg says before seething about it

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>He never bitched about that. He just said that american prisons are better because youre still allowed to interact with other prisoners and such
>He was not allowed to leave his cell as there was no reason allow him to do that. He had toilet there, food was brought to him. He was completely isolated

You're stupid if you believe that. He was allowed to go the prison yard of course. Where do you think his stories about his experiences with other inmates come from? He's been talking about it a lot in his vids.

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This makes me think that if I ever wanted to commit some horrible crime, I'd better migrate to Norway first.

Lmao if he was allowed in general pop in a us prison he'd be shanked in a week

>say dumb shit
>people correct you
>"d-defense force"

>because youre still allowed to interact with other prisoners
lmao hes a fag confirmed. that documentary was 100% true

Americans regularly shoot criminals in front of the cops and people cheer for it.

Something similar should happen to Breivik.

*Tribal music and chants of hail odin in background*

Euronymous was a pussy, he was going to kill Varh so he went to confront him/

*hail odin hail odin*

And Varg didn't stab him, that fag tried to climb out a broken window and the glass stabbed him fourty times.

*hail odin hail odin*

He couldn’t drive so a friend had to drive him

norway is better than your country, mutt

Norway has the most gun murders per capita

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Stop fucking whaling already you evil scandanavian fuckers.
Also how the fuck did varg get only 15 years? Explain to me

21 is max prison sentence and you will get out after serving 2/3 unless you majorly fuck up. Hell, Varg escaped and hijacked a car from a family with children with a gun and still only served 2/3 of his sentence when he was caught.

Have you abolished Barnevernet, yet? You Nordic cunts steal kids.

h-haha oh my, i-i wouldn't w-want to be in his place lol
Imagine getting mating pressed by big black inmates lol haha


probably because norway has roughly the population of berlin, and the breivik thing happened.

>rehabilitation course and counseling
Yeah they do that meme shit here in Muttland too. Jews have all sorts of ways of getting criminals and psychopaths back on our streets.

How is having an arbitrary prison sentences where the rule of law doesn't matter any better. They can pat their selves on their back for not having life sentences while still having defacto life sentences arbitrarily based on judges ruling. Everyone says China, Japan, and Sauds are inhumane but if you commit at capital crime at least you'll know what you'll get.

>lone norwegian easily btfos the entire us at their own sport

>Where do you think his stories about his experiences with other inmates come from?
Those were from another prison, he was transfered to ila detention and security prison

No lube, you desperate faggot. You'd be hemorrhaging within a week and prolapsed within two.

That's deaths in mass shootings. If you throw in all the gun deaths from gang violence and so forth, USA will be back on top.

>explain why norgay has one of the lowest crime rates
Because its majority white. Not for long though.

I'm not in support of whaling, but that isn't the topic here. And our system isn't flawless, I never claimed it was. Maybe he should've gotten more, I don't know.

Maybe for social retard incel like you its not a big deal. People enjoy each others company

The middle section of the film was bretty good. Rest was cringe.

Attenuating circumstances. The other guy was plotting to kill him. This isn't the US where some homeless dude who stole 100 Dollars and got 15 years while the Meryl Lynch banker gets a suspended sentence for embezzling millions.

Most people on the planet have never even heard of Norway, let alone could point them out on a map.

Euronymous was a major cunt and totally deserved it tho

Leftists aren't people. He was convicted of 77 counts of killing animals. 21 years is just fine.

Norway system is designed to make the inmates kill themselves due to isolation. It looks comfy from the outside tho.

Because most stuff doesn't go reported. If you're raped by a refugee it is illegal to report it

>The other guy was plotting to kill him.
And he was so scared for his safety that he drove 50 miles to meet him.

Nothing wrong with whaling faggots. Well-known, whales are nature's most evil creatures. Every whale killed reduces the overall suffering in the world, no matter how unnecessarily painful its death is.

should have gotten nothing honestly

Itt discord trannies seething because Varg killed some ugly manlet commie

>explain why norgay has one of the lowest crime rates and recurring offender rates in the whole world if the system isn't effective
You're putting the car before the horse. They're only able to implement something like that because they have such a peaceful society in the first place. You think fucking Brazil could implement that successfully?

The thing is that in Norway they actually mean it and it seems to work. It's not just some feel-good bullshit.

It's nor arbitrary. There's just a maximum limit before your case must be reviewed. If you only killed your wife, served your time and actually reformed, you can go free. Breivik will have a tougher time proving he's changed and doesn't want to murder more teenagers after getting out and he will probably get another sentence.

>guy plots to kill you
>you just sit there and do nothing
The best defence is a good offense.

Offense is the best defense, this is explicitly stated in the viking sagas that could be yours for fourty euros.


Did Varg really make choco milk shake in the middle of killing him

Trying this hard to fit in.

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viking hivemind

He deserves punishment for failing to hit his original target.

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>Attenuating circumstances.
>The other guy was plotting to kill him.

No, that had nothing to do with it. Varg could not produce a single witness that would attest to his self defense claim of the victim ever threatening him in any way, and he stopped claiming that himself in court after he claimed on the stand that he stabbed him only twice and then the court physician identified over 20 stab potenially lethal stab wounds and Varg and his lawyer did not try to mount a self defense motive at all after that. Varg was literally so stupid he thought you couldn't differentiate glass cuts from stab wounds and thought dumping the body in glass would hide it.

He got out after 2/3 of his sentence because that is the law, he served a bit longer because he escaped and hijacked a car at gun point from a family with children.

You can either go into hiding or get the drop on him before he does the same to you. It's not like he went to some random dude's house and started hacking at him for no reason. He supposedly was fearing for his life when he acted that way. Flimsy excuse but some might buy it.

>People enjoy each others company
this is what fags say to each other? lmao no thanks vargfag go collect welfare checks and larp as a neo pagan.

Varg is so based lol

I recall they once found him in a stolen car along with an AR and some petrol after he escaped. He wanted to visit a church.

>he served a bit longer because he escaped and hijacked a car at gun point from a family with children.
Absolutely based. Everything Varg does is kino.

>Americans are unironically defending their shitty law enforcement system ITT

He is a psychopathic narcissist who will come up with any excuse for his behavior.

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>Trying to fit in

I find it amusing that all you idiots have started spouting this meme as a way to show you're really "one of us". Most of the time it will be said at completely unrelated posts where nobody tried at all.

As I said based

>Acts like a nigger
so this is your average neo pagan larper

lol try again buddy

This buggeed me a lot during Lords of Chaos. All facts show that euronyous was mentally unstable piece of shit yet in the movie they tried to portray him as some sort of lost soul
He's shown feeling empathy towards Dead in the movie and over all as mentally stable, reasonable guy. When he finds dead with his brains out he's freaking out at first and then just casually puts shotgun next to him, takes a photo, takes skull fragments of his "dear" friends and passes it to other band members. Shit just doesnt add up

I've lived in isolation for years and it's easy, I'd much prefer it to an American prison

in Lords of Chaos they said he didnt drink

he was just driving to get his ged. he dindu nuffin

Lol at these ytoid defence force replies being mad that you stated a fact.

They had to keep up the edgy kvlt persona.

see incel

happened in Iraq when he was a kid. some muslim teens held him at knife point and gangraped him

Not a fact tho. After 21 years you can have your case reviewed every fifth year or so. He's not getting out, maybe as a 80 year old senile

Why are you guys so gay? Why is american so fucking weird all the time?
I swear to god, 3rd world country make more sense to me

Euronymous wasn't going to do shit. He was 4channer before Yea Forums ever was a thing

>euronymous fags are still salty after all these years

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America unironically leads the world in cuckold fantasies. They are obsessed with being dominated by other men.

He has 1(one) good album and that's about it. Quorthon was way better than hack.

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it's absolutely astonishing that any scandinavians could commit any act of violence, even just raising their voices seems to scare them.

I'm pointing the finger towards WW1 and the whole modernist debacle that came from it.

No, what happened was that they tried to show Euronymous as the good guy in the movie to gain sympathy for him from the viewer and make Varg look even more bad for killing him but at the same time they also showed these events involving euronymous that actually happened and they just don't fit with the image of Euronymous they were trying to sell, it's quite funny

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I hate how normalfags think they are edgy because they listen to black metal. I can see you, you fucking poser. Honestly if you are under the age of 30 and listen to black metal you are a fucking poser and will never be kvlt.

but the movie shows Varg sitting in the driver seat outside the record shop. His man servant wasnt there

I don't think anyone ever said Varg is better than Quorthon with a straight face.

If every whale in the ocean died or was killed off it would have absolutely no impact on your life whatsoever.

Cuz he cute as fuck.

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Why didn’t he include the famed cornflakes scene?

>be homeless in Norway
>what to do
>I know
>brutally murder some random person
>get put in 5 star hotel with tv, internet, exercise, hot meals, etc

Also irrelevant, culturally bankrupt, and Americanized. Same with Sweden, you know your culture is lame when even at you museums you have achitectural styles from other cultures and a statue of goddamn Poseidon infront of it, not even your own shit. I gurantee you the Italians don't have a statue of Odin infront of their museum kek

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Does Varg still employee that man servant of his to help him work on the farm?

The US penal system produces a lot of repeat offenders specifically because they mistreat prisoners and treat them like garbage.

EEEEEEHHHHHH prison was okay but I was particularly bothered that no one thought of tunneling out with a spoon. I mean, seriously? You have the time and the resources to do it. You would think a movie about a prison escape would have a lot more escaping in it. Overall I give it a seven outta ten, maybe an eight when I go back and see it again, but for now it's a seven. Bye. [Lackadaisical whistling set at an ominously slow speed]

Italians got so cucked out of their own culture they now have an entire city dedicated to a dead kike on a stick.

I've heard homeless people used to just throw a rock through a store window then wait to get arrested when winter comes around.

They literally didn’t though. They showed it like this.

Euro - edgy arsehole who knew it was bants and just trolling
Varg - edgy areshole who took it seriously and made some really dumb mistakes

It made them both look bad

>the viking sagas that could be yours for fourty euros

Varg's a funny fellow and quite clever in his way. REMEMBER JUNE 6TH, AVENGE HEATHEN GRAVES!

hopefully it is just a deleted scene and we one day get to see it

if only the teacher had hit him just once instead of making all the other kids hate him

Probably. But that's like showing a movie with two nazis/terrorists/bad dudes where one is a bit better than the other. In the end, they're both still assholes no matter how you frame it.


varg was no different than from the people he criticizes nowadays
and now his daughter (who grew up without a father) fucks blacks.

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Poseidon is Greek.

>Euro - edgy arsehole who knew it was bants and just trolling
repeating your friend to kill himself until he finally does, then taking picture of his dead body and wearing his skull fragments - just bants and trolling?
It made Euronymous look good overall because in the end he's shown distancing himself from the "evil black metal scene" and cutting his hair(never actually happened)

That definitely happens in the US and Canada and probably in a good many other countries.

>found the pagan

Ahh yes the mythologies where gods like Loki took it up the butt from a goddamn horse, and popped out another horse. Such fabulous and enlightening tales.

>full of latin and classical architecture and art
>cucked out of their own culture

>this meme again
not his daughter. Literally show me any proof of her being his daughter

Did you guys know that Germany doesn't consider breaking out of jail a punishable offense? If you escape and get caught, no extra time is given. Except if you commit more crimes while you're on the loose, of course.

Same damn shit, Romans/Greeks used the same gods just renamed.

and he's an immigrant to France who collects welfare and contributes virtually nothing to the economy.

I've heard it also happens in the Nordic countries because the conditions are so much better than what some homeless dude can scrounge up.

Butthurt Christard lmao. Enjoy being le epic redpilled and against (((them))) whilst simultaneously worshipping a brown manlet jew.

You mean the Romans took it from the Greeks.

Wasn't Varg preaching this in his youth? Abuse of the welfare/tax systems to accelerate societal collapse?

Damn this album is amazing:

Honestly Varg was on another level

The Vatican is not Italy you ignorant mutt

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Same.damn.people. Romans themselves were probably closely related to Greeks since today the same nations all have the highest neolithic admixture in Europe. Not to mention Greeks were all over the Empire. Same.damn.people.

Listening to death metal doesn't make you woke paganbro

the other guy was a bigger fag

that's not what the romans would have said

It's also worthy to point out how Romans never described Greeks as phenotypically or physically different from themselves as they did the barbarian groups.

They wouldnt consider themselves the same as the Greeks but they also didnt "steal" the greek pantheon. Romans and Greeks had a similar pantheon because they're both descended from PIE religion

he doesn't, it's without alcohol he states


>How is having an arbitrary prison sentences where the rule of law doesn't matter any better
The opposite is completely retarded

For a board that spends 99% of its time posting about the glory of the white man and how all non whites are shit, you people have an irrational amount of hatred towards white countries.

Pagan here

>favorite band is Amon Amarth
>watch pewdpie fight the system daily, my hero
>watch vikings on repeat
>follow varg religiously
>heil odin!
>cant stand them damn refugees
>and i hate them damn wamans
>joos did it all, everything
>hate them damn liberals too

Nothing wrong with killing some fat ugly communist

Based Varg

thats because people who hate varg are not actually white. /pol/ is filled with mutts who think they're white and varg triggers them because he does not consider them white

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How do you go from this to this

Dios mios

>be me
>keep seeing Varg posted
>get interested
>watch some of his videos
>he is just an autist with a faggy voice

I don't know why I'm surprised

Fun fact: this is skewed heavily by Breivik's attack

Maybe for very rich or influential people

What makes you say that?


Most people have a conscience.

go home, polack

It's just what I've heard about the statistics on gun violence in Norway. My memory might be faulty though.

Not sure if meming or serious. I don't know anyone who would consider most of these people white

>tfw you'll never be able to butcher down pagan fucking shits with your crusader bros

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>wanting to deus vult pagans while there are still muslims around

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you could slay pagans before muslims were a thing

>He just said that american prisons are better because youre still allowed to interact with other prisoners and such

Solitary confinement exist in america too, but you have to be a schoolshooter or terrorist to land there

Fair point, but i still think we should prioritize

just read the chart, it shows no other attacks whatsoever

because men don't exist in europe

>Pagan here

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>40 miles

Oslo to Bergen is more like 300 miles.

>Breivik had asked for permission by the prison officials to attend his mother's funeral service; the request was rejected.

What a bunch of heartless bastards

He got 21 years which is the maximum norwegian prison sentence, they just paroled him after 15 years for "good behaviour". Which is hilarious because he escaped from prison once

the man murdered dozens of children and blew up innocent people. he should be happy he's allowed to study from prison and play ps2.

still preaching it, starve the beast

IIRC, vargs entire claim of Euronomyous plotting to kill him was based on overhearing a phone call between him and someone else. He didnt even hear what was said but decided he was trying to kill him. Lol

Kek. Amon Amarth was the first band I listened to. Mostly moved on from Metal now. If anything listening to some Black Metal (The Great Old Ones, Behemoth, Mgla. Batushka) but can't take that shit serious anymore. Not one bit.

Norway doesn't have a life sentence, so his official sentence was 21 years "forvaring" which pretty much means life for someone like him. He's never getting out.

>Ahh yes the mythologies where gods like Loki took it up the butt from a goddamn horse

In general the Norse people didn't like the Aesir. Feared and to some extent unwillingly respected 'em, but didn't regard 'em with affection.
(Thor was popular though, probably because his cult didn't demand human sacrifice and the god himself wasn't constantly betraying his worshippers.)

IT would be hilarious if someone give pic related to Varg as a gift

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Better than America. A guy just got released from prison after the girl who claimed he raped her recanted the whole story after inconsistencies from recent lies came up. Too bad it was 35years too late, meanwhile his mother died without knowing the truth when he was in prison, he can't be removed from the registered sex offenders list, get his old job back or nee job for the matter, and the girl doesn't have to repay the hundreds of thousands of dollars she got paid because the courts ordered it.

>faggy voice
THAT is your problem of choice?

I literally work with whale killing
best gig there is

>probably because his cult didn't demand human sacrifice
uh, exactly like his equivalent Zeus, afaik..

>user states they only got sentenced for 21 years and that’s fucked up
>it’s not a fact even though it’s true that he was sentenced for 21 years

According to some confident-sounding Germans on Yea Forums there's no anal rape in their prisons and if it occurred there'd be an immediate vortex of punishment from the prison staff right up to the ministerial level. I've always wondered about that.

That's the average in first world countries. Thirdies wouldn't understand.

Germans are known LARPers and liars

well shit. that chunky kid in the black and white hoodie looks even more indio than me, which is saying something

German here. Don't know about that but since we have a considerable influx in Arabs, I would be surprised if prison didn't get at least marginally worse.

just because they both deal with thunder doesnt mean they're equal

>homeless in norway

You have to be beyond mentally ill for that to happen

Amon Amarth is unironically great and I don't think many people take the viking/pagan/whatever images too seriously.

With all his ridiculous lechery and fear of his wife (not to mention his position of leadership) I'd say Zeus is much more an analogue of Odin.

You honestly think people going to jail for falsifying rape accusations is uniquely American?

>and play ps2

He's got a ps3 now. How is he expected to properly game on such an outdated console?

>tfw no Varg gf

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Holy shit, source please

>since we have a considerable influx in Arabs, I would be surprised if prison didn't get at least marginally worse

Let's hope cinema hasn't lied to us and they'll limit themselves to shanking each other in the ass over pointless internecine feuds.

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I've fuck the carly rae jespen clone.

The homeless population in the USA is 0.17% and in Norway it is 0.11% not that big a difference

Griefie Grishnack

Wait is this the same Varg I see posted all the time telling me to stop doing things?

This is pure speculation on my point, but since there's a lot of potential for converting infidels, same as in the UK, anally terrorizing non-converts doesn't seem too far off.

Yes, King Louis himself.

Why do you mention how far he drove? that isnt very far and it's not relevant regardless

The US has a lot of instances of false imprisonment and faulty executions.

it was about 350miles actually, from Bergen to Oslo. That is considered very far in Europe.

Being at least allowed to watch the funeral somehow is common decency though

Except that norway has 1% of america's population. Scandinavian wellfare system means you basically have to choose to starve

As soon as they made varg a vegetarian, i knew they just didnt give a fuck about the truth.

>you have to be a schoolshooter or terrorist to land there
Actually solitary confinement is pretty common in the US

Not just that but there are many people sitting in prison on false accusations for several crimes and some where even exonerated after their own deaths. Pretty sad tobh and I say that as an American who just wants things to get better

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Didn't one of his band members stick up for Varg and said Euronymous probably was going to kill him. Dudes were LARP'ing too hard and took it too far.

So do Norway, except the executions part

Italy wasn’t shaped after catholicism, catholicism was shaped after Italy. Huge cathedrals fournished with golden statues was never christian, it’s roman aesthetics incorporated.

Good points, but I read somewhere that there were archetypal indo-european deity "templates" disregarding the role in the pantheon.
So a "thunderdude" is Thor, or Zeus, or Indra.
The Romans used to say, IIRC, that the Germanii considered very important Mercury/Ermes, that was Odin in their eyes.

No, but only in america you can land in prison for 300 years since they have to constantly overdo it

Yes. Hellhammer knew euronymous was going to attempt to kill varg. He admits it in an interview. A lot of this movie is bullshit and you can get the real story from the actual members of the bands if you watch until the light takes us.

Obviously we're only counting human deaths.

have you been to Sweden?

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Boy, they really botched dead in this movie.

It’s considered a normal human instinct to want to get out, a lot of other countries fonction the same like Mexico, Austria, Ukraine and more. If you do harm people or property on your way out you do get extra time btw. Basically prisons are supposed to be hermetic, and if there is a way to get out peacefully the law basically says it was the states fault for having shitty prisons and that you can’t blame a trapped human for taking the opportunity and get out, which is quite based honestly.

Yikes, the amount of mutts coping in this thread is something else.

Were Vargs manservant and Euronymouses man servant retarded?



and also, yes. most probably.

From Varg's wiki...

>"The self-defense story is doubted by Emperor drummer Faust, while Necrobutcher confirmed that Vikernes killed Euronymous in self-defense due to the death threats he received from him."

This got a kek out of me...

>"He said Vikernes planned to murder Euronymous and pressured him into coming along. Blackthorn said of the murder, "I was neither for nor against it. I didn't give a shit about Oystein"

This part here is pretty incriminating though...

>"Vikernes said he met Euronymous at the door and handed him the contract, but when he stepped forward and confronted Euronymous, Euronymous "panicked" and kicked him in the chest.[32] The two got into a struggle, and Vikernes stabbed Euronymous to death."

Sounds like Euronymous was intimidated by Vargs arrival and immediately went into self defence mode. Then Varg stabbed him a million times. Both those dudes were crazy, but Varg probably moreso.


How dare you question the deeds of Saint Breivik?

Not really. Greeks themselves took a lot of deities like Apollon from illyrians or Dionysos from thracians. Romans were at least partly illyrian or thracian depending on what troyans, related to illyro thracians, were given Eneas was the troyan founder of Rome and cousin of Dardan who was either illyrian or thracian. Every white med was related back then, including gauls and celts. There is a myth that Polyphemus was the father of the three siblings, Gallas, Keltas and Illirias. Myths hold some historical truth, so greeks, romans, illyrians, celts and gauls were all related and had similar gods. The romans just standardized everything, it doesn’t mean they stole anything.

you guys are forgetting this is what prison in Europe is like for Criminals such as Breivik.

Attached: breiviktortureprison.png (474x880, 95K)


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how much can you get in gibs per month?

This is some Varg level bullshit right here

What games does he have? He had rayman 2 on the ps2.

the most gibs in europe are available in germany. 402€ per month + rent + federal child support 180€ per child under 25. i don't know about norway, but it's not more than that. every EU citizen is eligible for that.

I get 1200€ per month in gibs
t. finland

what? how? for what? what i posted is for unemployed people who never had a job, if you had a job before it's 60% of your income in that job.

if you never had a job and are under 25, including the rent it's a little above 1k.

the police crime scene photos showed him with his hair short, and nobody knew about this, not even Akerlund, I think Varg is not remembering things right

Fenriz was literally only a background character, pissed me off so much

406€ for rent and around 760€ for not having any income. Oh and those are after taxes, so every December I get around 600€ in tax returns.

No one ever accused Europeans of being smart.

man that's sick. is it like germany, available for every eu citizen? i can only imagine it's because shit is more expensive in finland, but i'm not sure

Maybe with white people it might work. If norway were full of chinks, niggers, spics, and poojets they'd have supermax just like the states.

he used to listen to electronic music, like Euronymous, so he most likely got influences from that. He was also a huge Tolkien fag and he also spent all day playing RPGs

Varg Vikernes did nothing wrong.

Varg himself said it was very far away, that's why they arrived late at night

I don't know if it's available but I sure hope not.

why you want him to be all like Hellhammer and the rest of them being cool dude losers?

Fenriz is a cool dude

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Whales are food

well what did he think would happen if he poses with a cat?

Because it is (but not for long) full of pussy white people who barely commit crimes in the first place. Once muhammed has a foot hold their society will turn into a police state or collapse.

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Read more of the source material. Everybody seems to think antiquity was at least 90% greek nowadays because the french and english romantics pushed hard for greeks because of the Republic, democracy and whatnot. In reality greek hegemony lasted less than a century alltogether and there were lots of other worthy cultures going around like etruscans, illyrians or celts, and everyone was related, if not directly, because of prolongued cultural and commercial contact. Celts were very developpef for instance, they had good ships, metallurgy and a writing system and they were doing trade with greeks and romans for a long time before Rome became huge. Greeks had the best philosophy and that’s why they get memed so hard because it outlivef everything, but back in the day there were more influential people around. If anything romans stole more from etruscans (architecture and deities), celts (ships and weaponry) and illyrians (military tactics and close combat tactics with Spada and Sica) than greeks.

The military teaches you to attack into an ambush

>This thread
Why does the mere mention of any Scandinavian country always result in so much hate?
Sweden i get, those fucks are doing weird shit, but neither Denmark nor Norway attract attention internationally.
surely success cant breed THIS much jealousy?

He made joke campaign posters with a picture of him and his cat that said DONT VOTE FOR ME
they did and he won

It’s propaganda. They even got a Jew to play Vargas.

>people are pussies if they don't crimes!
>omg look at all these nigger criminals, its proof they're subhuman!
which is it?

burzum and mayhem are great. mayhem still brings pig heads on tour with them to this day

Rayman fags btfo

I wish they showed more than 30 seconds of the band playing in this movie.


Don't worry those heathen gods will be replaced with minarets soon brother

kek so gay

Avenyn in Gothenburg is boring anyway

Thing is pretty clear, Oystein was a dumbass that was so used to intimidate other people in the scene that was openly talking aboput killing people, that happens all the time when you believe you are untouchable, the problem is when you end up encountering someone who not only will believe your treats are TRUE, but is actually willing to kill.I unironically think Euro has Spurdo's face when he opened the door and saw fucking varg

Because scandanavians had a paradise full of pretty white people with a good economy and almost untouched by war since the 1700s and they're throwing it away for shit skins and bankers while lecturing the rest of the world on morals. We were born into our hell, scandis are screaming for it

Burzum will always be the quintessential black metal. Even Fenriz said Varg captured the idea of it perfectly.

fug xDDD

They asked him first for a laugh and he was like «yeah sure whatever»

Are you fucking retarded? Do you even understand statistics?


>Live in USA
>Rob guy on street of $30
>30 years
>Embezzle billions
>6 months

Problem, eurocucks?

lmao look at this baby-faced faggot
clearly he was jus overcompensating for his sissy looks

t. internet tough guy

The 10th crusade is coming for you

>I will now erase half the population. Randomly of course
>Vargos looks at the camera and winks
>*erases Christians, gays, whites with brown hair and brown eyes, alt-rights, jews, Italians*
>Hail Oden

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reminds me of when I got elected class president for the lulz by a one vote margin (multiple times)

Who'd pay for his shit then?


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Does Varg have a big jewish fanbase?

He didn't drive. He had his manservant drive for him

Yes. Thats why the jews made a movie about him. This was all done to get Varg more youtube hits

Who do you think pays his welfare?

Nice scorpions patch, faggot

Attached: True Norwegian Black Metal.png (720x384, 306K)

((( ok J- )))

>still complains about his country
he's one of the biggest cunts alive.

Was Vargas just roleplaying like his silly games and thats why he was such a loser until he met Euronymos?

> only

>how the hell he managed to kill someone.
Stabbing unarmed guy in the back is easy and does not require talent

fenriz is a dyel faggot nerd manchild

even varg said so