Threw a table at a wall in film school and got expelled, then re-did the scene in Bronson

>threw a table at a wall in film school and got expelled, then re-did the scene in Bronson
>directed Drive even though he failed his driver's license exam like 7 times
>directed OGF only so he could visit toy shops in Thailand then got upset because his wife put his toys in the attic
>can't shoot his movies in non-chronological order
>color blind
>lost virginity at 24
>proposed to his first girlfriend (now wife), she initially said no but kept the ring
>daughter doesn't call him Dad or Papa, calls him "Jang" the same nickname used by his adult friends and family
>believes in Thai ghosts because his daughter sees them and Jodo told him some spooky shit reading tarot cards
>tried to kill his stepmom but the gun didn't go off
>literally wears a towel when he's shooting a movie to keep his energy inside him or something
>can't pick his own clothes, wife does it for him
>Mads says he can't talk to him outside of movie sets because he can literally only talk about cinema
>kissed Goose on the red carpet at Cannes
>kissed Elle on the red carpet at Cannes
>cried on live Danish TV
>talked about fucking on live British TV
>has deluded himself into thinking he's close friend with David Lynch, randomly brings up "David" in conversations, while other people have no idea who he's talking about
>calls himself the new Friedkin, claims OGF is a masterpiece, to Friedkin's face
>despite his wife trying her best to dress him correctly, he still attends event dressed like a teenager while everyone else is dressed properly
>almost got to his now wife to run away on their second date because he told her he was going to show her a beautiful, emotional film and then forced her to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>described The Neon Demon as being about him picturing himself as a 16-year-old girl
>constantly kept mentioning that Elle Fanning had "just turned eighteen" at Cannes until there was little more than awkward silence in response to that notion
>has no chin

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Other urls found in this thread:

is he /ourguy/?


>makes shit movies that retards pretend are masterpieces

absolutely based, literally /ourking/

>almost got to his now wife to run away on their second date because he told her he was going to show her a beautiful, emotional film and then forced her to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

based as fuck


>calls himself the new Friedkin, claims OGF is a masterpiece, to Friedkin's face
I like that part too

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>and Jodo told him some spooky shit reading tarot cards
kek. based Jodo still mindfucking fools

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who's jodo supposed to be, jodorowsky?

tbf tcm is a cracking film

Boomer Friedkin destroying Zoomer Refn
holy based

I wouldn't know because I'm from Yea Forums but aren't horror films considered good date films?

>has no chin
I don't either, I refused to wear the rubber bands with my braces as a child because it hurted too much, my dentist should have slapped my face and showed my pictures of recessed chins
Even with surgery you have to wear braces fuck this world and fuck Chads with prominent sculpted jaws

Nicolas "Gassing the kikes under neon lights" Refn

Never take a girl to a movie on the first dates. You never get to talk and its just a bad idea

Half of that is a literal meme that he tried to sell as a joke, but because of his autism it appears as if it really happened.
The stepmom shooting is a prime example, that literally never happened, he only tried to be funny in that Unscripted interview

some horror films are, sexy ones like Nightmare on Elm and Scream, but TCM is one of the most bleak and despondent films I've ever seen, I wouldn't even watch it with friends

yep. it fits too. look at refn films and look at the films of lynch, jodo and friedkin, the influence is easy to draw.

Now I get why I like his movies.

Does anyone have that pic, gif or webm of him saying he fucked up and doesn't know what the movies about anymore when he was trying to make OGF? I really relate to what he was saying in that image

he directed a movie where mads plays his self-insert that tries to date his future irl wife (pic related)
that self-insert is mads working in rental store, constantly talking movies and be a complete sperg around women

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You do realise its all an act right? Fuck me some of you guys are dumb.


>has deluded himself into thinking he's close friend with David Lynch, randomly brings up "David" in conversations, while other people have no idea who he's talking about

you also forgot about the part where he says that he "jewish" in interviews even though there's no evidence of his jewish ancestry. he literally says he's jewish so that jews at hollywood can recognize him as "one of his own"

friedkin twitter is boomerkino
one time some woman tried to metoo him and he not only said it wasn't true he retweeted it.

There should be a doc of how he and Mads found each other, like that erotica piece with Goose. Mads was his original pygmalion.

you go on a movie date when you are already somewhat comfortable with each other and can focus on it.

a good first date is something goal-oriented that you can both keep doing in the lulls in conversation, like a bike through the park or something. some kind of proper activity.

just watch the documentary, my life directed by nicolas winding refn. it's from that. the whole documentary is interesting, and it's autismkino

this is the webm by the way

Attached: 1433603582714.webm (540x304, 2.87M)

Thanks. I've seen this once before and thought nothing of it until this... artist's hackery period I'm going through. I don't want to call it block, because I can still do it, but I'm not doing it well anymore.

>toy shops in Thailand

his wife clearly hates him. why would she stay with such an annoying weirdo as him

So you made this thread after we made fun of how pleb Drive is in the Thief thread?

jodorowsky told her to divorce refn if she wants to be happy.

she seems like a worthless bitch, what has she ever done that's of value to the world? bitch cant make art, she cant do anything but lay on her back and take dick and pop out babies.

>visit toy shops in Thailand

What did he buy?

Friedkin is a fucking hack. Made 2 films that are half decent and 38 that are straight trash. Meanwhile /ourguy/ is one of the most important filmmakers of the decade.

>lost virginity at 24

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I don't know too much about the guy but I can attest that he is a very mean person. I think he is only (somewhat) acclaimed because he's a weird white guy from some low population European country. European filmmakers in general are about nothing but exploitation of other nations insecurities and insecurities regarding class and race domestically. Italians were probably the last Euros to have any amount of originality. Also Refn is more interested in aping his emotionally dead impressions of American cinema than continuing Nordic film culture anyway. In short he's a huge fucking hack and a retard to boot

Idk how to ride a bike. What about mini golf?

Valhalla rising is a prime example of what you're saying. its a terrible, embarrassing movie

so being autistic around women is based?

Post the one where his kids love Goose and he is standing alone watching them play.


this has to be a joke


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What if they aren't pretending? i mean drive was ok.

>>lost virginity at 24
Haha what a weirdo!!

This interviewer is fantastic, he is edgy, aggressive, elitist and an asshole overall.
I disagree with him but i love him.

Why doesn't he just make black and white films?

user that's friedkin himself

have dinner afterwards? it's a good idea because it gives you something to discuss.

the neon demon was pee pee poo poo tier

I honestly had to google his name coz i did not knew who that was... so yeah he made the exorcist once, cool.

>comments are disabled
but why? shouldn't we be talking about this?

cringe and soi

He also wrote Mads a lot cooler than he was and Mads had to tell him that he's not so cool and played it how he saw Refn.

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

Who else, faggot? Jodospielberg?

That's a great one. You can really see it's not just that Goose is a beautiful person, he also has a natural ease and charisma that Refn's kids and wife love

He's basically Bobby Lee if he was a director

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I would like to see a documentary with Goose, Refn, Mads and Kojima hanging out. Going bowling and shit.

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why did you group up "color blind" "dyslexic" and "lost virginity at 24" like it's some kind of disease or defect

It's kind of fucked up I understand, but this is how most girls masturbate.

>a bike through the park
It would still be awkward to have a concern like that, and no one wants to be hot and sweaty infront of someone they don't really know. Just go for a beer or coffee, no need to reinvent the wheel

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A conversation*

lay off my guy, i have artist friends and they get down on themselves like this from time to time. it's your job to cheer them up, then they reciprocate by pulling hot boho chicks and inviting you to fun events.

And it sounds like those "friends" are doing a fine job cheering you up. Kill your friends, the art hoes, then yourself.

the unbridled bitterness in this post lul

>has no chin
>wife is literally gigachad

the kids should come out alright

Friedkin is a loser that's been coasting on one movie all his life

Lel nice try mong

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Stating that OGF is a masterpiece was clearly a joke. He actually said : «OGF is a masterpiece, I just did not make it good». Friedkin interrupted him so you barely hear the punchline.
Also, Mads actually said that NWR only talks about cinema and he only talks about sports.

>Friedkin interrupted him
In typical autistic boomer fashion.

If you think Friedkin is being funnier than Refn you need to go back.

>muh citizen kane
why do dusty old farts love this movie so much?

>or maybe I did unconsciously
Based Refn hating kikes

Literally me

>almost got to his now wife to run away on their second date because he told her he was going to show her a beautiful, emotional film and then forced her to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Hey Refn, stop stealing my moves!

Bleeder was kino

>mads only talks about sports
that's disappointing to learn

>Norm-posts on Yea Forums to induce hearty keks among his fellow posters

Hey user, stop stealing my moves!


that's the detail that still makes me laugh most.

it was fucking weird. like I know what refn was going for...but it was still fucking werid. all of a sudden the guy literally gets aids needle like he's eazy-e. it's still not as autistic as fear x

>can't shoot his movies in non-chronological order
sign of a true kinographer

I watched Pusher 1 a few years ago, are the next in the series worth watching?


Yes. They're usually bundled together, it's rarer to watch only a single installment instead of viewing the trilogy in full. The second is a direct sequel, the third is more of a tangent.

sports are probably the only subject he can go on about with any sort of passion for hours like refn does with film.

>hey're usually bundled together, it's rarer to watch only a single installment instead of viewing the trilogy in full.
I watched it on netflix UK via VPN and they only had that one.

>Be Danish
>have to listen to 16-22 year old potheads and stimfags gush over it
>finally watch them
>its just a crime/drug drama, but with the quintessential glacial boredom of Scandinavian cinema
oh joy, for a moment i was afraid my country had made an interesting film.
At least Mads is good
Refn directed one good movie, and he didnt even fucking write that one

now watch 2 to learn Mads' fate

Danetits nigger
Good Refn kinos:
Pusher 1,2,3
Only God Forgives
The Neon Demon

don't forget when he got BTFO by Kenneth Anger


Drive was good.
Neon Demon was alright.
Bronson and Bleeder are S H I T

I forget where but Refn starts talking about his own films as masterpieces

Unironically /ourguy/.

thanks. will watch when i get home

Bronson is hilarious.

Redditor detected.

people with no chins cannot be trusted yo

t. someone with no chin

>Nordic film culture
Funny joke. Nords don't have culture. Period.

Friedkins reaction to him calling himself a genius was p funny

That works.

Dinner always before the movie. It's dinner and a movie, not movie and a dinner.

OGF is a masterpiece if you're not a pleb


>I don't know too much about the guy but let me tell you all about him
based retard

Uhhh... user

you're 100% correct, apart from the part about Italians

>>daughter doesn't call him Dad or Papa, calls him "Jang" the same nickname used by his adult friends and family

Drive was a 6/10

>>described The Neon Demon as being about him picturing himself as a 16-year-old girl
Based and transpilled.

yes we know he's an aspie, if this was 2013 your post would blow my effin mind dude

She probably just likes being married to a famous guy and the money.

Think about it, logically

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2 is great, as good or better than 1. mads is the main character is that one, and he's a total fuckup like you would expect. you can skip 3.

>skip 3

>Victim played by Palestinian actor.
Oscar Isaac isn't Palestinian.

>>literally wears a towel when he's shooting a movie to keep his energy inside him or something
he does that to hide a small dick buldge, im almost certain of it

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>artist's hackery period I'm going through. I don't want to call it block, because I can still do it, but I'm not doing it well anymore.
literally no one cares