How do we save Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

better jannys
less blacked
less tranny discord takeovers

You can't, pic related has an iron grip on the board and the moderation encourages them.

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More Cunny.

More sneed.

Sneed posting formerly allowed

this, but more trannys, and mandatory stickied tranny porn star general

Pick one.
People who wanted an actual imageboard moved out years ago.

we need paid jannies who ban politics, poltards, bbc baiting, celebrity tweets and liberal bait articles and most importantly capeshit

By deporting the /pol/tards back to /pol/.

imagine thinking this stale joke is funny

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unironically less moderation. The top row of the catalog should all be blacked porn for several weeks until people get tired of spamming it and grow up. That's the only way this site solves its shitposting issues - by oversaturating them and making them unfunny, not by doing literally the opposite and making them scarce and funny by 404ing them and giving them attention


It's simple we uhhh... kill the black man.

t. chuck

Could you BE any more of a Chuck?

Automatic ban for posting twitter of blog screencaps

Ban redditors

>hasnt been on this site for 10 years
moderation is necessary, you absolute clown

More cunny
Less trannies and capeshit

>posts friends meme

12 actually

more cunny

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So, you're wondering how best to fix Yea Forums? That one's simple.

Have Interpol track down the autistic, Indian pedophile living in Vancouver, that created the bot, that spams pictures of young child models relentlessly on Yea Forums. Believe it or not, he probably has one or more such threads active right now. Then, murder him. I'm not just talking any "murder", either. I'm talking about horrendous, brutal, gruesome, inexplicably-torturous murder. Make that fat, greasy fuck suffer until his very last breath.

Then, we get a mod to make a sticky for precisely one year. That sticky will feature high-resolution photographs of the fat, greasy, autistic, Indian-Canadian pedophile's mutilated corpse. Other people will find themselves drawn to the sticky, see the photographs in lurid detail and think, "oh shit. If I don't get my head out of my ass and stop shitposting here, I could be next." For bonus points and a little humor to ease the mood, have the very-first picture feature a plank of wood with blood stains on it next to the corpse, and the words (USER WAS BANGED WITH THIS POST).

THAT is how you fix Yea Forums.

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but cunny threrads are the only saving grace of this hellhole

We ban all trannies and all /pol/tards

You underestimate the autism of some people.

Let Yea Forums die. Kill it, if you have to.

why is she crying

more trannies, less alt dingers

i thought zoomers liked irony

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Call out discord trannies and discord leftist faggots who spam AOC, tranieshit, blacked, etc. and make other people aware of it

>more moderation
lmao you're all retarded look at how they call for more jannies ever other month, those cucks have the life expectancy of ww1 british officers


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Kill yourself, you fucking pedo cunt. Kill yourself.

cuz my dick is so big

Phoneposting only allowed with a pass.

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hiro stops “hiring” mongoloid jannys and mods who leave racebaiting, yellow worship, bbc porn, cuck, tranny, and all other baits up for 2 hours before moving them to Yea Forums

Actually ban all sneedposters
Ban all blacked threads
Way less capeshit

So you want reddit?

what a sweet redditor

wew lad

delete /pol/

Kill yourself. Please.

>if someone disagrees with my views I call them reddit

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>delete /pol/

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By getting rid of the redditors.

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Nigger wat

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I would pay real money to see this happen.

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other way around



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You can't post here for a week if you've posted on /pol/ Yea Forums Yea Forums /r9k/ or Yea Forums

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this is unironically a really good idea

>good discussion
oh im lauffin


>Muh /pol/ is based meme
I want tourist gone and I want them gone right this second.

I don't get it, what's the appeal of Yea Forums if it's not for shitposting and being able to meanpost without getting banned? If I wanted a kc-tier discussion about movies I'd just fuck off to reddit

concession accepted


Leave and take your shitty generals with you.

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>and grow up
There's a board for manlets who like a cartoon meant for little girls. Nice one user.

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The public execution of one discord tranny each week for the free viewing of Yea Forums.

yeah it's called Yea Forums

i was implying the redditor was obsessed don’t fucking (you) me ever again

>Formerly seethe

Literally all that needs to be done is to hardcoreban sneedposters

No other board would ever allow people to spam one word and a few references to it in similar fashion. It's a mystery how it's still allowed.

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More generals

All off topic stuff to get deleted instantly

More bans

janny you reading this?
you a bitch

Make the janitors and moderators be far more transparent with the community in regards to their hours, perms, and names so we can understand what they go through and why they're sometimes not here when the worst of it happens.

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we need a sneed general, brie larson general and cunny general


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As if breitbart and stormfront are any better

They are


nothing drives redditors as crazy like a little cunny

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it's the price we all pay for anonimity
and i gladly pay it
imagine an upvote or reputation system

Post ids, it pains me to say it, but it's gotten so bad that they are needed.

This is just going to tell the shitposters the right time to shitpost retard.

Yeah, I'd love some transparency in their wages

>wholesome and innocent cunny posting
is this a new reddit "meme"?

You so smart Janny

They cry and bitch just as much as lefties do when they see things they dont like. Yea Forums should have never gotten into an alliance with them. As soon as they get what they want they will turn on this site

redirect anyone who creates threads about cartoons back to or


Anything superhero related should only be on Yea Forums too
I came here to discuss film and cinematography, not "my superhero is sooo strong he's like way stronger than the superhero you like"

biggest irony being that's the guy that spams CP to get cunny threads deleted, kekek

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At least then we'll understand why it's happening instead of just wondering "Where the hell are the jannies/mods?"

I've just always hated how admins, moderators, etc. become a clique in almost every community that uses them.
There really is an air of superiority about them when we can't interact with them or know how they work.

>until people get tired of spamming it and grow up.
This never happens.

Wtf kind of point is that, this board is constantly being raided by pic related.

if you mean the stormfront invasion back in the days it was bad but still nothing compared to this. if by stormfront you mean the_donald then yeah i agree

I know why it's happening, it's because the mods aren't there or are lazy sacks of shit.

If moot just deleted /pol/ then none of this crap would have ever happened to the degree that it's at right now.
But whatever because it got the most site traffic i.e. pass buyers.

Those are just Goonie/GNAA legacy. They're still sore losers because every platform they touch turns to a cesspool. Nothing really changed.


the word cuck in caps is still filtered
remember who really fucked the site out of sheer butthurt

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Sneedspammers have had multiple simpsons threads to spam sneed in up simultaneously 24/7 for ages now and it doesn't seem to stop at all.
So I don't think this works.
They just need to flat out ban any and all sneed posters over and over.

create a /capeshit/ board or move all the capeshit to

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YOU are the fucking fags crying and bitching the most right now.
The ones who say "/pol/ and SJWs are they same because they constantly bitch and moan" bitch and moan more than both of them combined, but they have zero fucking self awareness and exist in an echo chamber so anyone who criticizes them for this gets shut down.

any half decent sneedposter and cunnyposter already knows how to evade bans

It'd be best if this entire site would be closed down, i think.

FUCKING BAN CAPESHIT ALREADY. The fans of it are fucking retarded, their idea of contrarianism is liking another popular thing. And all their generals are for is to jerk off about what the current movie is making and blunderpost about what they hate. Capeshit fans are obvious Yea Forumsedditors by their fanboy wars, just make a whole board for it already.

Oh yeah, I still remember the "Karen's 8 Steps of Cuckolding."
Christ... What the fuck was moot thinking?

how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... how about we uhh...hear me out uh.... what if uhh... WE KILL ALL NIGGERS

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They'd get tired of it after ban #7264

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I have never seen an acutal thread made by an actual "discord tranmy". /pol/tards however...

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4plebs knows what's up

hiro should step down and hire 4plebsbro

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Filter Chuck and Sneed like they did with Onions and Onions

Of course you don't you fucking victim.


You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. The individual spammer might get tired but the 50 new other spammers who'll get inspired after seeing how much attention the janny and everyone else is giving them, will not. This is the reason why the fuck niggers spam that's right above your post spread so fast to the point it became unbannable - banning creates scarcity and makes the shitpost funnier

word filter sneed or better, automatically permaban everyone who tries to post it

How about.. I uh, hear me out, uh fuck your tight, green ass

I do hope that if he meets a grisly fate we are notified.

I never got why there isn't a /cel/ board for all discussion celebrities including ecelebs from youtube twitch etc.

You know theyd find a way round it.Just ignore it and hide any simpsons related thread. Kids get bored quickly.

They are all fucking reditors

Remove /pol/
Remove /r9k/
Remove /lgbt/

>itt: virgins on imaginary power trips about banning people they don't like
Now you're thinking like Janny


I wish. If I was a janny I'd obliterate all sneedposters and cut down on the capeshit spam.

Incel board? Based, get rid of them. Watch how many (You) me now and call me a roastie/trannie. Sexually frusted bitch niggers

I don't want the idea that discussing ecelebs on Yea Forums on welcome, even on its own board.

t. triggered sneedposter

Just remove /pol/ moot didn't have the balls to do it. hiroyuki would

That's what all of them think when they sign up

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Sure thing bud

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Boards like /mlp/, /fa/, /hm/ and /soc/ exist too

do that

Triggered about your powerlessness?

its happening anyways, we literally had threads about lady gaga rumors

Unironcally the only thing that can stop bots is having required accounts to post. But if that were to happen then it wouldn't be Yea Forums anymore. Is there any other way to combat pedobots without sacrificing anonymous posting?

/pol/ will continue to exist as long as there are redditors like you here to get triggered by them.

merge Yea Forums and Yea Forums : capeshit and cartoons (and (e)celebs)
create /film/ board

Who cares. The real issue is sneedheads and capeshitters.

But a whole board dedicated to mlp is somehow better.

no. they are false flagging none whites.

if you seriously think sneed is the biggest problem then you are part of the problem
and the problem is cross-board contamination ie /r9k/ can’t stay seem to stay in their containment area

If you think the pedobot is a problem you should just stick to reddit.

Bad idea. I've noticed majority don't like Yea Forums for SU/tumblr shit so they'd just shit up the new movie board.

>problem is cross-board contamination
I believe you call it "crossposting" on your homesite of reddit.

/r9k/ is a containment board - for faggots
No wonder people are fleeing from there

at least the cunnposters shoo away the redditors

I don't understand what you're trying to imply here.

I just want a board to discuss film on without having 90% of all threads be some garbage low effort capeshit trash.
I hate capeshit and the people watching it so much.

the core issue is people who use this as a secondary board to reddit, pol or r9k, they dont know any movies other than the latest capeshit, lotr and dark knight, and they are more interested in political drama or celebrity tweets than in actual discussion about movies or tv series

Just make every big board nsfw and dial the fun posting to ten.

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Jesus Christ, you are one delicate fucking snowflake, you know that?

fuck off schizo i said cross-board which has been a term since forever or at least as long as i’ve been posting, which is 10 years

make a containment board for the containment board

Or think about it this way.
How come video games get to have FOUR whole boards (v, vg, vr, vp) yet movies and television with all of what that includes only gets 1?

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based anarchy poster

it was, until it was taken over by lbgtq tipes, or at least thats what the refugees say

The problem isn't that there are bad threads but that there are no good threads.
No one will address this problem because it involves actually make an effort to be better rather than just banning people you disagree with.

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>make board dedicated to capeshit
>Yea Forums traffic stops completely

Because this is an anime imageboard

kek, the cuckjew came once to ask about it, and basically everyone trolled him into not doing it for different reasons


hey, is not pedo

however, if you guys get me a cute lgf, I'll turn it off until she turns 13 :^)

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/film/ did exist for a short time but was closed because autism.

Stale joke, formerly fresh

My position doesn't waver, despite the pathetic bullshit you post. Fucking KILL yourself.


Because Yea Forums is the biggest board meanwhile Yea Forums has less posters than Yea Forums

based since 2012, all pedos must hang

hmmm, it's a pretty straightforward post, familia

redditors come in all shapes and sizes, but the one thing they cannot ever cope with, is cunny

lmao, just look

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Incredible that some people are begging the mods to neuter Yea Forums as they did with Yea Forums.

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This is a fallacy. People tried to talk about retro games on Yea Forums for example in good threads with proper discussion.

But then the thread gets spammed off to page 10 by the many dozens of shitpost threads people make every few minutes.
So /vr/ was made and now those kind of discussions can actually thrive and survive since they got their own, obviously slower moving, board.

>Make a board dedicated to capeshit
>Yea Forums traffic completely evaporates

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Make a capeshit/Eceleb hybrid board that all capeshit and E-celebs must be discussed at

Should scare off mode of Reddit

its still one of the biggest boards tho, even Yea Forums has quite a bit

is this the horny and lonely replacement webm?

>some people
you know whom

What's the problem with Sneed? You might see MAYBE one Simpsons thread while refreshing, and Sneedposting is harmless.

>but it ruined muh comfy seem sons threads
There's nothing to ruin, because there's nothing to discuss. Every Simpsons thread is just quotes and caps from S4-S12. Sneedposting is just that except it's only the one joke.
There are variants anyway like Dudposting


You're a straight up pedophile lmaooo

>I can't help but shitpost so it's a fallacy
There you go.

Because underage children have latched onto Yea Forums as the new Yea Forums (instead of going to Yea Forums or /bant/ or Yea Forums or some other place made specifically for their retardation). I guess because of baneposting, these failed abortions think it's a place for posting facebook images.

Hé goes out of his way to ruin other people’s fun, pathetic

Make threads require janitor/mod approval to be posted or they get sent directly to /trash/ after 5 minutes. There goes %90 of the boards problems.

Now obviously the spammer/shitposter isn't defeated and will spam the threads that get in, but the thread maker is way more likely to report that shitpost since he would be more protective of his own thread than the entire catalog. People who post in the thread are also more likely to report shitposts within the thread they care about as opposed to threads they don't care about.

Ban mobile/phones.

Hard mode: link the number of reports/deleted spam posts to the cooldown period between posts by the same IP and/or posts within the same thread. If this process is made automatic the board will moderate itself.

Traffic is a bad thing

>You might see MAYBE one Simpsons thread while refreshing
Try 5-10 at peak hours, fag.
And they spam that shit in non-Simpsons threads all the time. So the “they just ruin Simpsons threads” is a fucking outdated narrative.

Yeah man, threads with 5 replies maximum should be the Yea Forums gold standard.

wow, nice projecting, mr sicko

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hahahaha you fucking loser pedo, the laws will NEVER change to allow you to indulge your sick fetish, why do you hang on? Kill yourself hahaha you poor deluded sick faggot

They only spam threads about cartoons, which don't belong here anyway.

Bring back waifu posting... and anyone saying more moderation needs to be killed on the spot.

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God I hope so.

Also not true. They spam it in literally any thread.
Yesterday I saw a sneedpost about Gary Oldman.

You're right, 200 replies of either "based", "cringe" or "sneed" are much more constructive.

Not him, but so are you, you little slut.
Fucking commie scumm and their double standards I swear to me mom.

Unironically good

>How do we save Yea Forums?

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>He actually has these pictures saved on his hard drive.
You are the real cancer of this board.

Yea Forums is fine the way it is.

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yeah i'd rather have 5 people discussing kino than 50 people discussing capeshit or politics

>hey guys lets spam weeb jailbait to scare of redditors aha

Yea Forums =/= Yea Forums if you find the idea of people telling you to kill yourself for being a pedophile sex offender for posting drawing of childporn reddit then maybe you should just kill yourself, have no real value to others anyway all you are doing is just annoying others which pathetically you take as a badge of honor because again you have no real value or anything meaningful to add to any conversation that isint surface level.

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Says the Italian.

>remove /pol/, /r9k/ and any other form of crossposting
>remove bane, sneed and any other meme
>remove political discussion/debate
>remove c*nny
>remove racism
I'm so glad none of you are in charge here.

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Not him, but you are a scum sucking triple faggot.

Bring back Snacks.

Fpbp also sneed filter

You're an enormous idiot. It's normal NOW for threads that aren't
- racebait
- twitter screencaps
- Marvel and/or Star Wars
- blatant spam
to get less than 15 replies, because the board is so fucking fast that's the only thing that ever gets responses. Most sincere threads get buried in the avalanche of shit that people like you constantly post. A slow board doesn't mean threads will die at 5 posts, it means that people will put more effort into the posts they do make and the conversation will be all the better over the days that thread is alive. Not that shitposters like you would know; for you, it's a race to the bottom and for (You)s.

keep projecting, mr pedo

I'm totally cool with AoC laws and all that, desu

cunnys are for huggs
thots are for fuggs

that's my motto :3

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>Make this place more like reddit, but we're no redditors we swear!

>All these people wanting more moderation
Remember these are the same people who have been completely complicit in the state of Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general, not a fucking peep in the endless shit posted here.
Either out of hate for here or personal interest ($$$) you can only assume. I find it hard to believe they're this passive just out of uncertainty that they wouldn't make things worse with interference.

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>5-8 replies at MOST

Are you completely braindead?

Are you?

I'm a mod on another site. I come here to relax, occasionally participate constructively but mostly to laugh at fatfu threads, which I think are hilarious. You don't really want the excessive moderation some folks are advocating here. It'll ruin the place worse than the shitposting. You want excessive moderation, go to that fucking anonsquak site that keeps bot-bombing Yea Forums. Enjoy being an aspie pedo. Yeah, a few things could be cleaned up, like too many redundant threads on the same shit. But excessive moderation here would kill the place. There are plenty of carefully moderated sites on the web already. If you really wanted a better place to yack about TV and movies you'd go there. But you can't because you're a misfit and can't adapt to a civil forum. So you're here. Enjoy the cozy bed you made for yourself.

>Instant permabans for anyone with reddit cookies in their browser
>Mandatory /cunny/ general
There you go, fixed the board

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>The top row of the catalog should all be blacked porn
Now this is the Yea Forums I've come to know and love

Kill yourself from orbit. Only way to be sure.

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based logicposter

You would know about reddit.

important poll

You're braindead. Without your shitposting burying it the thread could actually reach more than 5 replies.

>remove cunnyposting

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Are you?
5 people =/= 5 posts


>5-8 replies per thread

thats the worst idea ive ever heard

Godspeed you beautiful bastard

back to the redditerino with you, mamma mia!

>he actually typed all that

holy keks

>for being a pedophile sex offender for posting drawing of childporn

wow, why do redditors project so hard, bros?

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HAHAHAHAHAH fucking retard. Hang yourself.

its so sick how normies project their vile urges on wholesome cunnyposters desu

I dunno at least he keeps redditors out and what I usually see at a glance when looking at the catalogue is pretty tame

This for the c*nny general. Makes it all the more easy to be filtered

Is it just coincidence that shitposters write everything in lower case making them even easier to identify?

see, this guy knows what's up


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t. newfag

>cunnys are for huggs
>thots are for fuggs
I would respect you if you at least were honest but I can't tolerate hypocrites

very good, very based

>little girls are more cancerous than sneed, capeshit, trannies retardation, sneed generals, twitter bait, star wars, brap threads, etc.
Fucking get a grip you fucking tard, you probably post in all of those, kys

>shitposting newfag who has no idea how slow boards work is also reddit spacing
Makes you wonder...

shut the fuck up commie scum.
you'll never have a good argument in favor of leftists shitting up this site, kys.

this. 100% this.

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absolutely seething

She shouldn't mention her age, she's risking a ban there

Kill yourself.

>calls everyone that disagrees with him reddit

meh, only a shitposting newfag would defend the idea of having 5-8 replies a thread

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tfw vazquez was a discord tranny, and so are you, lmao

you're welcome, sempai :3

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This but unironically
Fuck all those underage retards who think this trash board where non capeshit threads stay alive for less than 10 minutes actually needs capeshit to be lively.

Yea Forums is fine if you use filters
>48 threads filtered rn
>roughly half the replies auto-hidden ITT

Redditpost harder

Fucking this

You're actually a retard if you think that's what slow traffic means.

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kys nigger

who's vazquez

Can we at least up it to seven to eight replies max?

Perfect post and I agree 100%
Good discussion can't prosper in a sea filled with all this capetrash, polshit and twittercrap.

fucking based

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ForBased af bro

Is it really that hard to perma ban the shit thread spammers?

yup, it's pretty disturbing, desu, they post CP, and talk about rape and black dicks all day

thank god they're way too fat to leave their rooms

filtering the /cny/ general should be also an auto-ban, tho

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More Sneed

Remember when that guy in this thread said sneedposters only shitpost in cartoon threads?
That post didn’t age well.

Dude literally said both sides were retarded, but I guess you can't trust a /pol/fag to have good reading comprehension.

What's even the point of this obvious underage samefagging retard? What do you defend retard?

How do you remember to breathe?

>both sides are retarded so leftists are completely justified in being retarded and raiding this trash board
Stop strawmanning your own original argument shithead.
Again, fucking commie scum and their double standards.

Wrong and right, the trend that killed old school Yea Forums is people complaining about too many threads on X subject leading to the advent of general threads and in extreme case creation of containment boards, what we need is banning general threads on sight, the return of worldfiters and random bans and auto bans, réduction of numbers of replies per thread before bump limit back to 150 and reduction of pages per board back to 10 a'd the removal of the catalog, also blocking the Yea Forums API to destroy third party extensions and the death of the in-line.
Yea Forums needs to go back to archaic browsing to kill all net 2.0 newfags.
Also we need mods to engage with the community even if it's just to say fuck of to retards and ban them for being retards.

Yea Forums is basically too convenient to browse now and it drew in a lot of regards from reddit and Facebook boomers.

Let's be honest. No one believes you if you try to claim you're not sexually interested in those.
There is no man in this world who would have thousands of such pics saved and only like them "for hugs".

Also send any retard that says “tranny discord” back to /pol/

>Samefagging and shitposting THIS hard to fit in
How do I achieve this sort of energy?

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>I am obsessed with fucking anything I see so everyone should be too

Why? They obviously are there you tranny scum

>iltering the /cny/ general should be also an auto-ban

Not one person believes you.
At least be honest. I don't even care. Just stop pretending.

>calling the cunnybot god a "newfag"

kek, the redditor's mind, ladies and gentlemen

oh, I love triggering both pedos and redditors at the same time

that's why my cunny meme is so BASED :^)

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This is just wrong though. I regulary frogpost about "FUCK JANNIES, FUCK NIGGERS, AND FUCK TRANNIES" across multiple boards and I still haven't gotten bored after ban number 120 (lost count around then).

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>hey guys look guys, he disagrees with my views

you come across as desperate for approval

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i bet you have pictures of black cocks and mutilated trans genitals saved on your computer lmao. no self awareness


don't worry, I teach all my cuncuns how to ban evade :3


Attached: zhezhe funposting.webm (854x480, 1.36M)

You come across as a deflective nonsensical faggot unable to properly articulate a point, again, what are you even defending with this 'without capeshit there would be 5 posts a thread' bullshit ?

What's there to fix? Yea Forums has always been a shitposting board and you newfags will never change that.

Friendly reminder that posters obsessed about reddit and how everyone who disagrees with them should go back are just over compensating for the fact they migrated here after using reddit, most likely during the election.

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I don't, but nice projecting.

based and redpilled if i may say so. honestly an user who never got banned is not trustworthy

this is exactly how Yea Forums died

Wanna fix Yea Forums? Ban people like me, I haven't sat down and watched a modern movie in like 5 years, I'm just here for the memes

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goddammit, this board

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>doesn't realize he agrees with the argument
how dumb are you

>you come across as desperate for approval
C'mon you're blatantly replying to yourself, you gotta be having a joke.

my apologies user I just reread the oc and I originally saw it as "you should limit threads to have 5-8 replies"

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There's good shitposting that makes a creative and fun environment, and there's the stupidly retarded unfunny shit in which this trash board has turned.
Why would you even pretend to be a jaded oldfag enjoying eating shit when you're obviously a reddit migrant?

reddit is so pozzed now its unusable. if you post anything remotely pro-family formation or pro-business you will be downvoted into hell

i dont know.. sneed?

i wasent

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>No you are a pedo
>proceeds to post pictures of little girl in lewd clothing
don't project so hard mr pedo

Alright, gonna solve literally all of Yea Forumss problems:
First, filter the words/terms:
>Rent free
Also an instant permaban for anyone who:
>“What are some movies” posts
There, board is now usable again.

lol retard

>you should limit threads to have 5-8 replies
based. this would keep the capeshitters away and kino threads wouldn't change much