Holy fuck what a horrible creature I'm glad she got her head bashed off while suffocating

Holy fuck what a horrible creature I'm glad she got her head bashed off while suffocating.

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was expecting a generic horror flick, then that lampost scene happened, and it all went in a new direction after that. It was pretty fucking good horror, one of the best in a long while.

but it became a generic muh posession horror after the accident.

*clicks at your soi features*
[raving intensifies]

Trolling outside of Yea Forums? Trolling outside of Yea Forums.

I dunno, I liked how the mystery of how they were being played by the cult in a round about way pretty cool. When she went to her friends house and you saw through the letter box and there was all that goat shit and the way it revealed the symbols to oyu was pretty interesting, I thought. Real showw dont tell stuff that I liked.

absolute fucking state f this soiboi


Why is the west so against casting CUTE lolis in film?

Is it implied that she's a product of inbreeding?
Is the actor an actual retard?
Is hereditary a good movie worth a watch?
Better than babadook?

This film is what the horror genre SHOULD be
Redditors need not comment

>liking the babadook

What movie is this?

don't offend the average American, user

heh, I n-never said I like it, pal!

You find out why she's ugly by the end of the movie. Hereditary is a bit overpraised by people. It's a decent horror movie with good acting but there are some very flimsy things that drag it down. 3 days after the accident they act as nothing happened. The parents don't seem to blame the boy at all.

>You find out why she's ugly by the end of the movie

Can you spoil it for me with black meme spoil bars?
I have this thing where I like getting spoiled before watching the movie?

She's possessed by a demon that prefers/requires a male host. The cult didn't take this into account and that's why she supposedly looks strange.

She's still extremely ugly IRL though. Must've been an awkward casting process.

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ah I was wondering when the low-iq NPC would arrive

>We want "unique" looking child actors.

Nice. thanks for catering to my wishes. People usually don't want to spoil the movie for me even when I explicitly say I like it that way.
You're a good man.

"Ok now we're going to add some prosthetic to make you 'ugly'".

>They add a tiny piece of clay to her nose

Alright, transformation complete!

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