
Sisko in the Box edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Which Trek has the best theme song?



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I hate STD but the Pepe checklist is pretty funny

where would you put season1 next gen super tights and man skirts?

Thread got deleted before I could see replies

I'm a TOSfag and I fucking loathe the JJ movies and what they did to Kirk and Spock from what clips a friend showed me, is star trek beyond good? Heard it gets the characters right can I watch it without watching the first 2?

A strong, independent black woman who don't need no man saves the day while Kirk was still an ensign. She's also the sister of Spock. Also the doctor is fungus and the section 31 woman is from the mirror universe and so was their captain and their first officer is the first in a new evolution for his species and the science officer is half water bear and Tilly is fat.

Boring bald man is back to revive the franchise. Also Romulus has been destroyed and now there's a fuck ton of refugees.

>Lower Decks
Rick and Morty in space(r).

The former Emperor of the Mirror Universe's Terran Empire, and also the adopted mother of Mirror Burnham and the former lover of Mirror Lorca whose Prime Counterpart was the Captain of Prime Burnham who died due to Burnham's incompetence after being betrayed by Burnham during a mutiny is now working for Section 31 who everyone recognizes. Also Ash Tyler is there, who is like half Klingon meat or something.

Nickelodeon cartoon for children.

>Starfleet Academy
Teen drama set on campus but with aliens and holodecks written by the chick who wrote Gossip Girl.

What are some better ideas, /trek/? These seriously can't be the best they can come up with.

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Like this?

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I don't mind the pitch for Revolution, a Section 31 show on that cool ship and with Michelle Yeoh is fine. Tyler, despite his confusing reveal, could be interesting - a Klingon sleeper agent that fucked up, who probably shouldn't even be working for S31 given he was fanatical about Klingon purity, and now he's advancing Earth interests.

I liked Calypso, desu, the Short Trek. I'd like to see a show set 1000 years in the future with some insanely advanced version of the Federation that has been stretched thin - does it still work, what does the galaxy look like, how far have we gone and how do we change?

i like yeoh

It's the best out of three movies and the characters are a little more like their original versions.. You can watch it without seeing the other two. However, if you hate the NuTrek movies you're probably still not going to enjoy it.

>Star Trek: Orion
After a three-year war with the Federation, Orion is under Starfleet occupation. Follows the lives of the occupiers and the occupied, delves deeper into Orion and neighboring species culture.

>Star Trek: Risa
The adventures and mysteries of a police detective working on Risa who helps investigate all sorts of crimes from both the local population and foreigners who come to Risa to do their wicked dealings.

>Star Trek: Rogue
A stolen vessel of conmen and swashbuckler-ish bandits. Comprises of a reprogrammed robot, a human, a gorn, a nausicaan and an orion. They make first contact with a lot of worlds but primarily to screw them over for some quick Latinum.

>Star Trek: Khazara
A Romulan bird of prey that has been sent to the lower reaches of the Gamma Quadrant to explore strange new worlds and seek out new civilizations. Lots of first contact missions for the Star Empire and diplomacy, intrigue and warfare.

>Star Trek: Phoenix
Voyager but with time. About five large Federation starships get sent back to either the time of the Slavers or the first warp capable civilizations seeded by the protohumanoids. Luckily it's an alternative timeline they've created so the Temporal Prime Directive doesn't count. They're stuck there and have to make the best of it, starting a new Federation in a dangerous land at least until they can figure out how to make contact with the main universe.

>Star Trek: House of Martok
Klingon Game of Thrones set throughout the Empire, allowing people to also see the subject races of the Klingons.

>Star Trek: Pioneer
First Starfleet vessel to the Andromeda galaxy after having been put in stasis for 400 years, letting holograms run the ship until then through empty space.

>Star Trek: Odyssey
"Rag-tag" middle-level starship that is set out to the far reaches of the Alpha Quadrant to explore strange new worlds. Has a Betazoid captain and a Klingon chick doctor who everyone is terrified of. First officer is a Romulan defector that helps balance out the captain's feelings and empathy with good old Romulan intrigue and tactics.

Sounds like Bajor but worse.

Sounds like Baywatch Nights.

This is that shit show Tuvok pitched, "Renegades"

Romulans desperately need to be fleshed out beyond just being assholes, so it could work, but it would need humans.

I liked your first sentence but nothing else. I think a timeship is a good idea for a show though.

>House of Martok
If Discovery S1 proved anything it's that Klingon politics are shit.

That could work, having a few holographic characters post-Doctor. I like it.


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>sisko in chains
sounds racist

Why did mods nuke last thread? Sorry, was sleeping.

lack of content, spam

>star trek
>doctor who
golly gosh, so much to watch!
am I missing any?

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>doctor who

Don't need to tell everyone that you suck cock man, tmi

Reminder that "Prime" is still part of lensflareverse, not canon, and no cheap press releases with as yet no substance to back them up will change that.

Why was there almost no Vulcan presence during DS9? I thought, they would be somewhat interested in their quadrant not going to shit under the dominion.
Or do they come out in S7? I haven't started that one yet.

Is Who good now without Moffat? Shit's been trash since Eccleston(best new doctor) left.

I like the STD uniforms.

i liked it when it was called bridge on the river kwai

It's a fun action movie; the cast has great chemistry with one another, and the characters are mostly faithful to their TOS versions. Give it a try user.

>the characters are mostly faithful to their TOS versions

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>and the characters are mostly faithful to their TOS versions. Give it a try user.

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What's this all about? Didn't Midnight's Edge confirm STD was finished? I was under the impression that they're literally always right.

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CBS has gone mad with power. Only 322 people are watching Discovery and half of those viewers are friends and family of the makers like a high school play. They just have enough money to keep shoveling it out for fun.


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I thought they were. There's obviously more action schlock than TOS, but the characters themselves were pretty faithful in my opinion. What did you find objectionable specifically?

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Skip ?
or watch?

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It's the best TNG episode.

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Do it for him

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Like other anons have said, it's probably the best of the nu-trek movies and pretty enjoyable, But even though I'm not a big fan of the reboot, I think you're a bit harsh on them, considering it's not like the old movies were all timeless masterpieces.
We had 10 movies and the consensus was pretty much "5 are good, 5 are trash".
Was Star Trek 2009 great? eeeh, not really. Was it better than "The Motion Picture" or trash like The Final Frontier? I think you can safely say it was.

You seriously have to be a brainlet to not enjoy Final Frontier, faggot.

I actually like Star Trek '09, for what it is, but there's no way it's better than The Motion Picture.

They're probably equal.

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TMP was absolute fucking kino

Kevin Smith said it right: youtube.com/watch?v=GQODLwRmE-M
TMP had budget for the first time, so they wasted too much time and money just showing pretty shit, but making a boooooring movie.

I MIGHT let that other guy enjoy TMP, but Final Frontier is a fucking garbage fire my dude.

>Star Trek
>Doctor Who
I sincerely hope that you're referring to the OLD content.

If so, you're missing
>Babylon 5
>Blake's 7
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes

It was 30 minutes of plot stretched out into a movie. Decker nor the bald chick got the character development they were SUPPOSED to have had to make this meaningful because Phase II was cancelled. None of the characters felt like themselves. Felt so sterile. Did like the aesthetics though.

Yes, I'd hate to watch old Star Trek with Kirk, Spock, Bones and Scotty.

Give me some Wesley, Troi, Picard, Burnham, Hue and Tilly please. Yum yum.

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Bones and Kirk were fine, it was a plot point with Spock until he penetrated V'Ger before he was back to his old self, and the visuals/effects were fucking amazing it was like an episode of TOS with a huge budget

>Kevin Smith

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You don't need to like the cat, you just need to recognize when he happens to be right.

Bones felt like he had his nuts clipped and Kirk was on a leash.

>Kirk was on a leash

What? And Bones was fine he immediatley got Chapel demoted

>you just need to recognize when he happens to be right.
Post a video where he is then.

>Kevin Smith

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Shitposting is all that we know
Posting OC up as we go
You're living in a fantasy
The tripfags all around arent the ones we used to see
They're so alone
And no it doesnt matter to me..
Take a look around

/trek/'s out of touch
/trek/'s out of time
And all these threads are shit when I'm not around

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Sequel to DS9. That’s literally all they need to do

Last episode of STD was probably the closest to a good episode they’ve gotten, assuming you ignore Saru and Burnham violating direct orders from the captain and the prime directive

Name 1 (one) Star Trek series where they have the Prime Directive but never violate it.

Fuck off stdshill, they constantly violate it this season even when Pike directly tells them not to. Then Pike just ignores it because oh Burnham is such a rascal.

You also like super hero movies and nazi uniforms too you capeshitting racist.

>Putting the lame ass late-DS9/TNG movie uniforms that high


That's every /trek/ thread tho

It's ok. Very lazy plot device.

It is probably my favorite of all the films, especially the uncut 3 hour version that was only on vhs.
That said, there are major issues with it. They tried to respond to Star Wars by doing 2001 and it fails. Not to say it isn't great. I do wonder what it would be like to watch it stoned.

What is that thing? A British jamaican half breed?


Nah just some invasive species of fungus from another dimension pretending to be an annoying Mexican.

Where are all the tripfags? I think we've had too much discussion in this thread; it's about time some tripfags joined in to make it all about themselves.

I'm right here frend!

I'm always here!

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Stop teasing anons, don't you get enough dick from Kevin

I am Bashirfaggot. I speak for the trees.

The trees say that they watch Star Trek mostly for philosophy and Discovery is intellectually bankrupt because the writers are just in it for a paycheck and they don't have anything to actually say.

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Only low IQ retards talk about Star Trek like its a show for intelligent people. No episode of Star Trek has had any philosophical depth or merit.

I'd wager that less than 25% of Star Trek contains philosophical topics. That said, Discovery is vapid.

Which episodes of Star Trek had the spiciest dialectics?

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Look, it's Bash! Yaaaaaay!

>big words, small penis

The Drumhead

wen new episode?

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Is it true you and VF are secretly internet dating?

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You think Bash and Val are gay-gay for reals?

Reminder that the best engineers in Starfleet have been
1. A Florida man
2. A drunk
3. A blind man
4. Another drunk
5. A half breed savage alien woman terrorist

Star Trek: Pathfinder

100 years after Nemesis

Ignores Romulus being destroyed as that was nothing more than cheap motivation for the shitty villain for Trek 09

Instead Romulus is in the midst of a great sociopolitical change due to the gov't all being wiped out a century ago and new members with fresher ideas coming in. Reunification with Vulcan is becoming a reality now with Romulans slowly coming to embracing the more logical aspects of their Vulcan cousins anfter realizing their empire is slowly dying around them due to stagnation.

Cardassia is an ally to the Federation and have moved from being a military power to commercial one due to the strong manufacturing sector they created for their military and now work with the Federation in ship building.

The Pathfinder is one of their latest technological breakthroughs by finally being able to adapt Borg tech to allow ships to enter and begin charting the old subspace corridors the Borg had been using before Janeway crippled them. While the majority of the Delta quadrant access points are hard or impossible to get to, the rest of the galaxy they haven't reached is open to explore

This is great news for the Federation which has recovered from the great Breen War that has left them feeling lost after dealing with such a brutal war the Alpha Quadrant had ever seen. This invigoration of exploration is what the Federation needs to bring itself back to what it once was.

The show would be the typical story of the week, but each season would have an ongoing story including a story that will follow the entire series run.

Chip is from Texas.

I would pay money to watch them fuck


Thoughts on the latest ep of disc?

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>on a trek thread

>doesn't want to read

why come here? go to FB for your trek shit posting

aggressive, adversarial

Karl Urban was a pretty good McCoy. Probably the best one

link or stink, bro-face

I don't watch STD

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Not bad

xe's cheating on xer husband?

I think it would be good to explore themes of decadence and social decay that might occur in a society where all needs are met. Earth might look more like Coruscant by that time (aesthetically/culturally speaking)

You guys are too involved in Bash's personal life. I don't think it's healthy.

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I'm pretty sure people are trying to bait me into off topic conversation just so they can report me for being off topic.

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Why doesn't anyone want to be in a secret internet relationship with me? It's not fair, bros.

The ds9 uniforms are lame. The ENT uniform is underrated.

I'm not, but others might. Just weave it into Star Trek relevant situations, like the time Riker raped that one guy's wife

put a trip on and post pics with timestamp and your days of loneliness will be over!

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In all seriousness I think everyone is writing Star Trek backwards. I would come up with a crew first and then a plot.

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>avoids answering questions
what's it like dating a mod?

that's why you work at mcdonalds


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Computer, remove safety protocols

Just cool it with the antiafrican remarks.

Really good. I'd like to see non-human captain for once. Maybe also a female Andorian chief of security.

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The entire crew is Bynars. The show is called 01011011010101110111111110

So mass effect andromeda?

BF always tells me to fuck off when I dm her and honestly I'm afraid of getting beaten up by her husband.
I'm getting ready for my date with a perfect star trek gf tonight! We're going to watch the JJ movies!


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I want a captain fresh out of the academy who was appointed that position through nepotism and he has to learn what it means to be a captain as the series progresses.

First officer is a older member of Starfleet who is pissed he was passed over and that he has to listen to somebody 20 years his younger, but understands that his personal feelings need to be put aside for the mission.

Dr. is a qt young female who went to the academy with the captain and has a crush on him, but he doesn't know she really exists and her rival in love is the science officer who is a hot alien babe.

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I was thinking a male captain with a Cardassian commander, who both worked on the project and created a friendship through the process. Also thought of bringing in an Andorian female, though not sure on what her role on the ship was. Definitely working on the bridge. The ship itself was gonna be big like a Galaxy or Sovereign class with the engineering being split in two with the main section devoted to the warp engines and the other to the subspace corridor.

Not really as Pathfinder isn't going to another galaxy. It's continued exploration of our galaxy but distance is no longer an issue as the subspace corridors can bring the ship almost anywhere and then warp around the neighbourhood before going back through the spot they originated from. That doesn't there won't be the occasional problem that might arise when using this new technology. It could be possible they get flung somewhere and gotta technobabble their way out of the situation, but that's par for the course when it comes to Trek.

I actually agree, to an extent. Ultimately, I would say that you need to develop both concurrently (like DS9 did) but it's true that Star Trek mostly derives its appeal from the core cast of characters.

I appreciate it when you make posts like this.

Trip is from the panhandle of Florida, that’s why he has the Alabama-esque draw.

We call the panhandle Southern Alabama for good reason Miami and the surrounding area is North Cuba

Captain Riker series when?

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Fuck jannies
Fuck advertisers

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Good idea, but I think you should take the hot alien babe character and make her the older first officer and there should be mad sexual tension between them.

Also, I think I just channeled my inner Berman

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Hell yeah. I also want the security officer to be a stoner because I want the guy in charge of keeping everyone safe to be the opposite of Worf and like chill as fuck but still good at his job.

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Can the replicator make a Publix chicken tender sub?

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I like the concept. He would appear sleepy eyed and laid back at all times, but constantly and surprisingly getting the upperhand on anyone who tries any funny business

It's a banned item for Federation replicators because Publix workers' union secured the rights so that they couldn't be put out of work

Yes but they never get the buffalo version quite right.

Is that Ryan Gosling?

>Publix survives WW3 unlike every other company on Earth

Do you think the Xindi blew up Disney World?

No that was a section 31 inside job

I know it's kind of goofy, but I always thought "Muse" was kino.

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That's not accurate.

noi ts unhealthy

Say accurate thing

>watching doctor who or orville ever
yeah don't
stargate and trek are both great

Smith's run is pretty good actually

>It’s an “every exotic alien world looks like overcast Vancouver” episode

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>I want a captain fresh out of the academy who was appointed that position through nepotism
So JJshit. Kirk was promoted directly from Cadet to Captain because his father was a hero and muh destiny.

How come The Orville explores crazy alien worlds while STD takes place 99% of the time on the ship?

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Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 turns 40 this year!

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bottle and budget

Good writers

Don't forget anytime it's in the city on Earth, it's just down town Vancouver.

Same reason why The Orville is great and STD is shit

STD has a bigger budget.

Watch more mecha

Gundam is the Star Trek of Japan because episode 14 reveals that there's only one single restroom on the White Base.


>crazy alien worlds
>Earth except with reddit upboats
So crazy!

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Is Ezri Dax anime?

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No. You're not my real dad.

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That's what makes STD the most disappointing to me. They could've used their budget to finally show alien worlds that weren't just the matte painting from "Angel One" and perhaps CGI non-humanoid species instead of humans with bumpy foreheads, but instead they squander it on bullshit so almost every episode takes place on the standing USS Discovery sets. They don't even do any exploring; the first season was just Niggonz and now the mysterious being from the second season is probably just Burnham from the future.

Yes, I am. Don't make me give you a correction

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What if Gul Dukat was a woman?

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Uh oh, Bash is gonna get a spankin!

Why are people so obsessed with Bashirfaggot?

She’s the Meg of /trek/ and she likes it.

I'm obsessed with you, too!

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She can't take a hint

You people need to build lives of your own. Seriously.

>watching DS9
>people on /trek/ keep saying Ezri is better
>don't believe them
>get to Ezri
>they're actually right and Ezri is infinitely cuter and doesn't burn Klingon cock (as much)
didn't expect that coming

Would you say that you have a “life?”

Sure, ama.

what's even sadder is that when I ask this outside of /trek/, I get told to shut up because "that's not the story the writers are trying to tell" and "if you want that, you can watch the Orville"

Yeah. Shame they got cause and effect backwards though.

Why are you talking about trek outside of /trek/?

the problem with std is that after 13 years of no series this shit comes along and people are so desperate for muh trek they'll watch anything

she's so kawaiii uguuuuu

What’s the last book you read?

Special ed textbook

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the bible

give trek gf

I don't know, I really should know better.

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You should keep your trek posting here to help generate traffic for the thread.

Aye, sir.
So what's the last episode everyone watched?

after finishing all TOS material just started TNG and jesus the ship is ugly, at least they are using the kino TMP theme though

Because I'm cute!
History of the Russian Revolution by Leon Trotsky

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I love you

perhaps he want's to bring new /trek/frens?

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>it's the sitting above a planet while shit happens on the ship episode

I'd fuck her

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I hate be'lanna but enjoyed muse and barge of the dead.

>Jadzia sucks, Ezri is better post
>waiting for the /pol/ comment
>get to the end of the post
>"Ezri is infinitely cuter and doesn't burn Klingon cock (as much)"
Every time

>I hate be'lanna
How could you be this wrong?

user, are you alright? Why did you bring up /pol/ out of nowhere?

>be Denise
>miss 6 seasons and 4 movies of royalty's

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after that crazy box bitch gets phasered.

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I want to fuck this Khan

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She thought she was making a power move for her career lel papa bing's name will only get you so far

That's not best Khan though

is that seriously khan in the new movies?

He even shouts his name dramatically even though in the JJ universe Kirk would have no idea who he was.

I don't care he has superpowers, he's cute, and I like the way he says "savagery"

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This Khan will rape you

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So close

The dumbest part about VOY is that the showrunners felt they had to set it in a new quadrant, as though the Alpha Quadrant's been spent and there's nothing more to see there. In reality, One quadrant alone would contain far more worlds and species than one single show could ever hope to portray.

Copypasta isn't content.

Well, he's generating traffic, so there's that. This thread needs all the help it can get, if you ask me.

Friendly reminder

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The lowest form of posting is your dumb comments

shut the fuck up, you cunt

fuck u, bromo


Just live and let live, bro-face. yolo dude

lol your thread got deleted

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she's unattractive


reeeee make /trek/ great again

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why was phlox so based?

>unboxing thread
Okay, what is really in the box?

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Your thread? This is not YOUR thread.
It's ours

so true NW

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Based mods deleting tripfaggot posts

Hmm, can you please explain this for non-capeshitters?

Not with that tone.

Because he was a doctor not a rocker surgeon

ENT uniforms are like normal jumpsuits it is pretty great fit the whole aesthetic of the show like the fact that they had to use tow cables


I’ve been /trek/posting since 2016 and people were saying this back then.

What in the world did Bennydick Cuminherpatch meme by this

>the cage is pre-std
>std has autistic uniforms
>tos has normal uniforms again
the fuck

>hull plating at 47%!

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Come on, just please explain!

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>that episode of TNG where they send multiple shuttlecraft and drones into a portal thing that saps EM energy and have to ration their small amount of energy to get back out
Why didn't they just attach a really long rope to the shuttle, then reel it back in from the Ent-D?

get out.

I hate that percentage bullshit. In one of the avengers movies they have a percentage meter for the integrity of a SUV's side window. It's lazy writing but I guess it is a star trek trope so they have to do it

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makes sense tho

Friendly reminder.

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Because grapples are so 2100

>SHIELDS AT 12%! *shaky cam*

in ENT didn't they have to polarize their hull plating or some shit? the percentage could just be the generator on the polarization

Thanks user, you are a true fren

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You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time.

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np, fen

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>4 generators providing the shields
>shields get hit
>generators put under strain since they have to compensate with more power being pulled from the capacitors
shields at 85% capacity


What was the best post in /trek/ ever?

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How fat do you think she'll get by the end of S3?

I don't know, but 110665398 is the worst post so far.

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That guy who talks about content and traffic.

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supposedly he has a right to post here

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they made him wear a disguise that's also missing the tophat

I love u

attention whores have no rights

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We can't afford to be that strict on members.

I love you, too! I found a bunch of turtlenecks on sale today and picked up some materials for a starfleet uniform! Red is my favorite but gold feels more appropriate so I got both.

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Kek look at this gaylord. How can trekfags justify liking something so cheap?

Orville, is the dumping fucking shit, I have, ever, scene.

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so this... is the power... of CBS...

Orville is the greatest and I'm going to enjoy a new episode tonight

hes doing it to troll

Well, a red uniforn isn't that bad of an idea after all...

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alara left, homo

I was on topic this time and everything. ;_;

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Why were you gone for weeks a while back?

I will finally have the ghost powers which I've always wanted

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>it's another interracial b-plot in TNG

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Absolutely nothing makes sense. I could make a review of each episode and find flaws every 3 minutes if even.

Go watch more capeshit CGI garbage

>that image
fucking ruined

Is Q really all powerful?

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>Data’s rank is wrong

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>CAPT'N, have you tried turning it off and back on again?

It's set post tng


Data died as a Lt. Commander


she is a goddess

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fuck off she's cute

Of shitposting.

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how about you go fuck yourself, user? hm? how 'bout that option?


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That's what you think, Jimmy. But your think isn't very good.

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i'm still hoping one day shatner will shit all over std

>whiteashing Bashir
The fuck

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why didn't data throw his hands in the air and run screaming to his quarters to check on spot whenever life support systems failed?

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I have man nipples why would I want to see a trannies? Xir is a tranny, commie, anime fag, those things always seem to go together.

There’s still air in the room, he’s best served working to restore life support.

TNG movies are not canon

fuck that if my cat Spook were in danger I would immediately rescue him and escape with a shuttle pod until the ship figures its shit out
cats in space, not a good idea really

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Then Data ended the series as a Lt. Commander. Either way the shirt is amatuer hour.

Jeez, Raimi.

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Why didn't they go ahead with it?

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>we can't kill the Borg with a computer virus they deserve the right to live!
>4 years later
What happened?

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because it would mean the borg will no longer be overpowered

they were taking over the man's ship,how the fuck would he not be pissed ?

Rene died

so its just a plastic shipping container with another pallet attached to the top

Is there something I'm missing? So far I've seen nothing but family guy-tier consistency minus the comedy, because it isn't funny. There are non rubber "aliens" in the Orville?

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that's one of those plastic, collapsible produce bins. Notice the gaps for the forks of the pallet jack.

Data doesn't actually love Spot he just pretends he does.

There’s the CGI goo man played by Norm.

>Is there something I'm missing?
A brain. Actually watching the show. Not shitposting. Etc.

And Data didn't actually have feelings for Tasha Yar, he just said that his memories of her took surprising precedence over others in his positronic brain and he kept a memorial hologram of her on his desk at all times. Is it possible that Data's brain was a bit more advanced than he realized or even Soong had planned for?

I am? Trying to find a reason to continue. You're quite the defender lmao

>/trek/ is asleep, time to come out

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new thread:

finish this one first

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I am Bashirfaggot. I speak for the trees.

The trees say The Orville seems more sincere and Discovery is CBS beating a dead horse for money before they send it off to the glue factory.

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Dios mio!

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Congrats on the sponsorship.

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