>on his daughter's computer
> hasn't discovered her porn folder
On his daughter's computer
Other urls found in this thread:
>some pics
we found it
FUCK he looks old
Mr Sulu get back here
Actually having worked on people's computers for 6 years Untitled folder is the far more likely option.
I hide mine inside stuff for Warhammer RPG sessions
>women had porn folders
they do?
yeah they fucking suck, they have pleb taste in everything, even porn
your mom has one saved right now
>porn folders in current year
surely even the roasties can't be this dumb
harold aging like shit
Whats wrong with it? I have a porn folder filled with 3D lolis right on my desktop.
>on his daughter's computer
> hasn't discovered her porn selfies folder
Fixed that for you.
>go to a pc store to get them to find out what’s wrong with my shit
>they ask for my password
>give it to them without really thinking, realise later they wouldn’t even need it to fix the problem
>remember my Yea Forums image folders filled with retarded garbage and Nazi aesthetics and towns
>combined with my interet history with about bunch of Loli doujins in recent history
Kinda glad they wasn’t able to fix it desu
Damn I wish I could get on my daughters computer so I can steal her login details to blackedraw
it's probably a bunch of fapfics, he was looking for visual representation in hollywood
This, my last gf used to fingerbang and dildo to porn all the time, but it was all fem friendly porn. Bullshit.
Still I used to get her to fingerblast herself in front of me, was so fucking hot
Mine was in with the warcraft 3 clan icons.
>implying anyone cares about what you have saved
My girlfriend masturbates to loli rape doujins, casting couch and other porn where the girl gets dominated.
I was afraid that she was a pedophile for a while but after confronting her about it she said that she could more easily identify with loli in hentai compared to unrealistic bimbo women usually portrayed in hentai.
She mostly masturbates to erotic stories on literotica though.
The main difference between male and female porn is that women focus on the scenario while men focus on the bodytype and the actual act of sex. Maybe Yea Forums is more skewed towards female porn since we tend to masturbate more to storyporn such as JAVs or hentai which is more scenario based than bodytype based.
lol you got me
how ugly is she?
Once repaired a computer full of CP, animal sex and other degenerate shit. I didn't even flinch and just fixed the problem and returned it.
I also once hosted an image sharing database in the early 2000s and the amount of insane shit I've seen is enough to numb even the most emotional person to a stoic husk.
>she said that she could more easily identify with loli in hentai
why didn't you report?
that's a lotta porn buddy
Amateur hour!
On the scale of Richter I bet
Mine is hidden in a settings folder for some star wars game on my second hard drive. It's like ten folders down.
Trannies don't count as girlfriends
coz it was his pc
that desktop triggers me
>not 2 terabytes of VR porn
That’s a nice start
Not the other guy but about a 7 probably more if you like redheads
Nah in fact I wish she kinda was as I'm into THICC but she is a stick, should've mentioned I live in Europe, not the US.
Biological of course. I'd rather stay single forever rather than fuck a disgusting tranny.
girls don't watch porn
my hot cousin once left her laptop open and she went out, I scanned every single little kb. and there was zero porn, or naked pics of her.
He thought the BBC folder was all filled with english documentaries and scrolled right past
I stopped storing porn because I became addicted to hoarding it. There was a period of my life a few years ago where I'd say I spent about four months doing nothing with my life but working and then coming home to torrent/download porn. I filled up about 9-10TB worth before something in me snapped and I deleted it all in a moment of catharsis. I'm scared of that happening again.
girls don't into computers. she probably just used the browser in incognito mode or something to look up blacked or rape porn
Marie kondo should do a show about porn hoarder's
she's hot so she gets d. the uglier you go, the higher chance there is a porn stash. butterfaces usually have lots of selfies too.
>I was afraid...
What do you mean?
>A-and here's, uh, Celebs/Asian/Marie Kondo
Most people don't want to have children with a pedophile.
>butterfaces usually have lots of selfies too.
What the fuck is up with this? Very true.
frickin weirdos
>tfw wipe folders every year
Jesus christ
craves attention like most everybody else and parlays their body shots onto online compliments and flirting, attention they typically won't be able to sustain face2face kek
Anyone else leave a note in a soecific folder instructing that it be deleted upon their death?
I have one in my SFM folder. There's some horse stuff in there I'm not proud to jerk off to.
That's why I encrypt everything
When I go my family will just be left wondering why there's a 500GB txt file on my main computer and multiple 2-4TB external drives that they can't access
>Find moms porn folder almost a decade ago
>All 90's bi and lesbo porn
Shameful fap.
They'll 100% assume the worst anyway. What could it be if not porn?
When I made this folder 10 years ago I thought I was so sneaky, now it just makes me laugh and I've not deleted it for novelty's sake (I've remade the folder several times since then after reformats etc).
>Not just having a folder called "porn" on your desktop
Everyone here is underaged.
>She mostly masturbates to erotic stories on literotica though.
Woman of culture.
what did you see?
If I had a gf into loli I'd make her cosplay a lot of anime girls for me in bed
Sounds based
I never really stored porn desu. I always have access to the interwebs, and I can make do without it as well.
There is some shit I wish I saved though, since it's basically been wiped from the internet.
They won't know what kind of porn though
Millennials all live at home and most boomers have wives or children to hide their tranny porn collection from.
That was one of the compulsions that drove me, the fear of losing a rare vid/pic set forever. But you just tell yourself: if you were able to get into possession of it, someone else has.
millenials are 25-38 years old I doubt they live at home.
Great job possibly getting children raped dude, you're a real hero.
Literally the first google result of millenials and at home
>Kumar... I don't feel so good...
Imprisoning some degenerate for possession won't stop production of it
Tell her to go to ASSTR if she wants text stories relevant to her other interests
>Amateur hour!
Only 2tb not 40tb plus of jav
How do you think they stop the production of it without first knowing it's being produced, idiot?
Was it legit CP? Like grown men inside of prepubescent children kind of CP?
Why would you save porn movies when you can just stream them?
They have agents who monitor deep web communities for knowledge of production. Catching someone for possession amounts to nothing unless they're known to be willingly distributing it among networks.
Kek. What tool do you use for encryption?
Veracrypt ever since Truecrypt was discontinued
It makes it easier to find your favorite videos if you have them all stored in a folder on your computer. Also, quite a lot of porn streaming is subject to copyright takedowns and so forth so it means there's no chance of you losing them.
Why would you save porn on your computer? Just go to a website, watch it, jerk off, then the end.
>girls don't watch porn
Girls actually watch a ton of porn.
possession hurts pornographers, just like piracy hurts the movie industry silly
I had a friend who loved porn with old guys, she would watch chicks get banged by grandpas etc.
Should probably start encrypting my shit too. Don't even have that much shit on any device (probably around 30-40 GB altogether) but it would definitely be embarassing if it were to be discovered.
What said and also because 95% of porn is never uploaded to streaming sites, if you can get off by searching Anal on pornhub and watching the first vid that comes up then streaming is fine. If you have more specific fetishes then nothing beats torrenting siterips/megapacks of performers/studios that you like.
>spend 2 hours finding the right porn
>find something
>cum in 3 mins
>close 10 tabs and cancel 3 downloads
Literally me
Literally me 5 years ago.
Well that makes sense. You sound like an expert.
I find a rather unusual thing arousing but can find almost no material for it. Don't laugh.
girls inserting onaholes/fleshlights into their pussies... so that it's like a fake pussy in a pussy. And then getting fucked.
I remember downloading those 30 second promo clips from porn sites and jerking off to them, then having to delete all this shit after I was done
xzibit? yo bring back pimp my ride
same. had a huge catalog all organized and everything. would but hard drives to keep it going
Yeah, that was me at 12. Brazzers and Kink promo clips, mostly.
yeah I remember that shit back in 2007, got my first virus from one of those fuckers, I think I clicked a video and downloaded some shit without knowing
back then I looked mainly for picture galleries though, I remember prettyhotbabes was like an aggregator for niche sites
maybe they deserved it
Of course they do.
I knew a girl who collected videos of girls fucking dogs.
got her email?
Yeah, I record videos of myself fucking my GF for her. She also has an obsession with nice pussies and they're the only other porn she has
>I knew a girl who collected videos of girls fucking dogs.
No need to bring your mother into this.
Girls don't need porn folders. lol. Their whole lives are porn folders.
Kek, gotta love dat Yea Forums roleplay. Never change.
>tfw found out my gf watches lesbian porn
Is this normal for women or is she actually a dyke?
Just get her a qt latino maid that'll her out while you fuck her.
> that unorganized mass of folders and files scattered all over the desktop
Also; do girls keep porn on their computers?
I remember back then when I used to play Cartoon Networks games from the webpage on my sister computer
She used to have a video of a couple fucking in a Internet café and some other dick pics
Damn, he aged poorly. I thought that Asians don't crack.
Female sexuality is just weird
and disgusting
How big are your porn folders, bros? Mine is 19 186 files and 238 folders
Karl was right, you never see a Chink who's about 30. They're either 21 or 50.
My porn folder is called Twin Peaks.
>hiding your porn
I can understand keeping it organized, but why the fuck would you bother hiding it?
she might have been molested as a kid.
>being a porn addict (also likely a virgin)
Real sex is nothing like the majority of porn so I'm not sure how it even turns you on much. Girls are hardly ever even wet
Going into it blind, I was surprised how solid this movie was.
Overall plot might be a bit trite, but the screen gimmick is done well, the acting is decent, and the script has some good turns which integrate well with how information is presented.
I'd give it a single watch.
you absolute madlad!
imagine how fucked your dopamine receptors are
>liking 3DPD
shit tastes desu
I used to check out retired computers from universities and schools. Essentially make sure that they're in working condition and can be refurbished. like 75% of the time if the hard drive was still there, and the user account was a female name, there was a folder of their nude pics on the fucking desktop or documents folder
My experience is that it doesn't work like that. Being a NEET allows for a largely consistent level of happiness as long as you don't get to attached to any particular desire and are willing to mix things up and put work into satisfying long term goals.
The few women I've talked to about the subject all watched lesbian porn but they were all straight, with little to no like deviation from men
Not sure what up with that
>not storing your porn on an external hdd in a plastic bag, in a box, in another box, below that loose floorboard, in the base of the built in cupboard, below a rug.
>not cloning the disk
Wageslaves will honestly never understand, don't even bother trying to explain it to them.
>she is a stick, should've mentioned I live in Europe, not the US
Is there some kind of program that will nuke your PC (even if it's turned off at the moment) if you die suddenly or go missing? Like not just delete everything, but some kind of program that will shatter the HDD platters or overvolt an SSD? surely something like this exists. Something that makes any data recovery impossible.
If you have friends, they'll do it for you.
you hold onto that one, user. she's a keeper
>If you have friends
Straight women can easily gain access to the real thing, so their erotic escape is what they typically wouldn't do for real. Their porn doesn't go beyond anything extreme because they don't develop any sort of dependency on it. Once a guy becomes addicted, the more vanilla stuff begins to get boring, so he looks for more extreme material.
How will it know when to do it?
micro chip
My friend's ex was a legit pedo. She masturbated to the most degenerate gay shota incest rape doujins shit you could imagine and she all shared that shit with him casually. She was fucking crazy.
She talked about cute little boys and soft bodies and shit and he thought she was just joking but eventually he got too creeped out.
We still joke about her today because she's unironically hot so it's okay
filmé name desu?
Presumably some kind of battery backup system that requires a phone home signal every X days or it wipes everything. I imagine such a device would be fairly easy to create as a SATA pass-through device with a SIM card in it, although it might not work when the computer is on. All it has to do is zero the entire drive.
>that armchair psychology
I like milfs and I wasn't molested by one, stop being retarded.
nah. he's the one planting BBC porn on his daughter's computer so she can "accidentally" find and watch them.
What did your friend look like?
Nah it needs to be a destructive process, surely there is a way to spin up the platter to a super high RPM and then crash the read head into it, right?
Harold looks super old
>hiding a porn folder
>still living with mom and dad
truecrypt that shit, nigga.
A male pedophile, a female pedophile is a blessing.